Hermione perched on the window seat, her eyes scanning the ancient, dusty book in front of her. Loud noises could be heard in the distance, thumping and the sound of heavy footfalls. The chamber door burst opened, then slammed shut by a blond boy. He waved his hand and the door was quickly covered in shimmering blue lights before they faded. Loud knocking and kicking could be heard on the other side of the mahogany door.

"Hurry up, Hermione," the boy twittered, nervously. "We haven't got much time left."

"Hush, Draco," Hermione said as she flipped to the next chapter in her book. Draco sighed and started to pace the small room. His blond hair was messy and unmanageable, pieces straying in all directions. He ran a hand through it to try and flatten it. Draco's pale complexion accentuated his eyes, a bright silver, but they looked tired. Tired and weary and ready to give up.

A loud banging noise pierced the air and echoed throughout the room.

"Hermione," Draco pleaded.

Said girl ignored him.

Hermione slammed the book shut with a loud thud and let out a victorious cry. "Found it!" Hermione paused, staring at Draco.

"What is it?" Draco asked, wringing his hands.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Hermione asked, her voice shaking. "The results could be catastrophic. We could end up in a whole other dimension, just floating."

"I'm sure," Draco nodded. "Are you?"

"No," Hermione said. She let out a small laugh. "Hell no. But what choice do we have?"

"Uh, none?" Draco said with a quirk of his lips. "Ready?"

"No," Hermione repeated. "But let's do it."

"All right," Draco said, he ran a hand through his hair again. "Give it a go. Have your wand?"

Hermione patted her sleeve.

"Right here, but this spell doesn't require a wand."

"All right, what are we waiting for then?" Draco said.

Hermione laughed. "A reason not to do this." Draco chuckled.

"Come on, Granger, use that Gryffindor bravery."

"You mean stupidity?" Hermione flashed him a smile and then held out her hands, palms up. Draco placed his hands under on top of hers, palms up.

And so the ritual began.

Moving her hands in large circles, Hermione brought out her magic. It was swirling around her; gold and silver, black and blue, green and red. Draco stared at Hermione as she closed her eyes and tilted her head up to the ceiling. The banging from the other side of the door got louder and louder, almost like a drum.

"Hear me, Goddess of Time, allow us to go back. Keep us safe from these men. Allow us to go back. When this is succeed a sacrifice will be made in your honor. We thank you." Hermione said, her eyes became glowing golden orbs, unseeing.

"Audi Deae tempus redire liceat. Tutelae istis. Nos sinat retro. Hoc est sacrificium fieri succedere in honore tuo. Benedicimus te." She said, repeating the words in Latin.

"So mote it be," Hermione muttered.

Those four words sealed their fate. A glow emitted from her body, it wrapped her and Draco in a cocoon and just as the door slammed open, revealing five or six Death Eaters, they vanished.