Hey guys! So this is the last chapter, and I'll start the sequel after this. I just want to quickly say that ik this story is kinda ruhshed, I mean with their relationship and all, and I'm aware that there's no specific plot. Its basically their life as roommates and university students, and it's all about the little things and hardships that threaten their relationship, and how they get through coming out even stronger than before. So the sequel is basically their final year as seniors , and these are non - magical stories btw. The other one I was talking about (where the winx and specialist have a mission on earth) is magic, and its gonna take ALOT longer for their relationships to build.( I don't want any spoilers yet!) And on more thing, nothing major will happen in this chapter because I'm crap at endings and its kinda boring (sorry bout that), but there might be some jealousy (if you remember Austin XD). I'll stop babbling so you can read. As always, thanks a bunch for the reviews!

Stella's P.O.V

"Stella wake up! You've been since we came back last night, and its 3 pm." Brandon said, trying to wake me up.
"i'm tired.." I yawned.
"Just so you know, you missed breakfast and lunch" he said.
"WHAT?" I said, jumping up. No wonder I was starving! I got up out of bed and had some leftover pizza that was from lunch. Later, I went back to my room and unpacked everything (which was a lot, knowing how much I take abroad, not to mention how much I bought there!). I took a shower and changed, and Bloom called.
"Hey Bloomy, what you up to?" I asked, laying on my bed after all that hard work.
"I'm just trying to convince Sky to buy me a puppy, you?" She said.
"Sitting in bed talking to my best friend" I said.
"Right. So you booked for tonight?" she asked.
"Yep! I got a date tonight!" I laughed.
"Awe, so where are you and Brandon going?" she asked.
"Brandon? Not him! I'm talking about my date with my bed, pizza and netflix!" I joked.
"Hey? Are you cheating on me with food, inanimate objects and a TV?" Brandon yelled form his room, overhearing our convo.
"No, they're just friends I promise!" I said, playing along.
"Okay, in all seriousness though, you're free?" Bloom asked.
"I guess, why?" I said.
"Because, my dear Stellie, Austin's throwing a huge party at his house tonight, and he specifically said you should be there!" She said.
"Party? Count me in! Tell the girls to get ready I'm coming by at 5!" I said, ending the call. Incase you didn't know, Austin was my best friend during high school.(You guys probably know him from the jealousy chapter, I thought I'd bring him back :P)

"Ugh, why Austin?" he whined, coming into my room. You see, Brandon doesn't exactly like Austin that much, god knows why. We're just really good friends, but I think Brandon might misunderstand it a bit.
"Oh come on don't be such a downer! We are going to that party!" I said.
"Fine" he shrugged, giving up.
"Now go get changed, you can't turn up to a party in a just a pair of sweatpants!" I laughed. He left and I went to get ready. It was like a night pool party, so nothing too fancy, incase I fall into the pool being the klutz I am. I put on a floral halter romper, white converse, put my hair into a messy bun and put on some waterproof makeup. I went by to get the girls and we got into my car and drove to his house, with the guys behind us. I could recognise the his house from a mile away, he went all out for the whole glow in the dark theme. His house was covered in fairy lights, his garden was decorated and glowsticks were floating around in the pool.
"Austin!" I shouted, running up to him to give him a hug.
"Hey Stel, so sorry I couldn't call you on your birthday, but will this make up for it?" He smiled, giving me and gift wrapped in a pink bow.
"You got me the Balmain Paris limited addition black and white pumps?!" I squealed, staring at the shoes.
"Yup, got the last pair!" he said.
"Thank you thank you thank you! Um, I'm just wondering, is there any - you know - alcohol" I winked.
"Oh no Stella, you ain't gonna have none!" He teased. Austin never really lets me drink, he's like the brother I never had. Wait, no, I already have to deal with one brother, and I can barely control him, let alone 2!
We partied for hours, and once it was fully dark, the lights looked beautiful. I got dared to jump into the pool, and I did! It was so refreshing and I eventually dragged Brandon into it, because the boy was dying of laughter. Once everyone left, I was still sopping wet, and so was Brandon. Aisha drove the girls back home, and Nabu with the guys, and we were stuck here.
"Bad idea" I laughed.
"You don't say.." He said, flipping his hair about.
"thank god I wore waterproof mascara!" I said, walking back inside where Austin gave us towels.
"Yeah well, you're lucky you're literally just wearing one piece of clothing. My jeans and shirt are soaked thanks to you forcing me to jump in." He complained, taking his shirt off.
"Oh come on, don't pretend like you didn't love it anyway." I teased.
"You guys, it's pretty late. You should stay the night and you can take a shower too." Austin said.
"Thank god, because my hair will turn green from the chlorine!" I said, picking up my hair.
"You guys can stay in the guest bedroom, its opposite mine." He said.
"Brandon, I'll lend you something for the night, and Stella, I have that pair of PJs that I forgot to give back to you from last time" he added.
"Wait, you mean the one with burgers on it?" I asked. He nodded. I thought I'd lost it! He went upstairs to get them.
"Why are you staring at me Brandon?" I asked.
"You look so adorable when you're drenched like a wet puppy. Besides, I have the right to stare at you because your my girlfriend" He laughed.
"I look like a wet puppy!?" I pouted, soon bursting into laughter. Austin came back with our clothes, and I went to take a shower first. i die my hair off and changed into my PJs, which were a pair of shorts with burgers on it and a light grey tank top with one big burger on it. Yeah, I know, you probably think I'm crazy, but my love for food is indescribable! I sat on the bed and texted the girls that I was staying here for the night.
"Who ya textin?" Brandon asked, walking into the room and hopping into bed next to me.
"The girls, and Musa told me that Riven told her to tell me to tell you that you left your gym pass at his apartment" I said quite fast.
"Huh?" he asked confused.
"You left your gym pass at Riven's apartment" I said simply.
"Oh, you could have just said that in the first place" He smiled, turning off the lights.
"Whatever, I'm tired and I wanna sleep" I yawned, putting my phone on the bedside table and snuggling into the covers.
"Night Stel" He whispered.
"Goodnight" I whispered, falling asleep.

The next morning

When I woke up, Brandon was still fast asleep. Aw, he looks so cute when he sleeps.
I tried to move but then realised his arms were around me and I didn't bother to get out of his grip.
"Wake up sleepyhead" I said, playing with his hair.
"Morning, what time is it?" He asked.
"I could turn around to check if you loosened your grip" I giggled.
"Oh right sorry" He said, taking his arms off me. I looked on my phone and it was 10 am, so Austin should be awake by now, he's an earlybird and a morning person unlike me. We got up and went to the kitchen, where Austin was pouring himself some cereal and milk.
"Hey, looks likes someones up early for once! Coffee?" Austin asked, handing us 2 mugs of coffee.
"Thanks, we'll be heading back home soon" I said, sipping my coffee.
"I'll drive you guys" he smiled. After breakfast, Austin dropped us off at home, and I just chilled for a while.
"YOU GUYS! OPEN UP! THIS IS F*CKING HEAVY!" Some one yelled from the door. I figured that it was Riven and rolled my eyes as I walked to the door.
He was holding up a ginormous box, and Musa was hopping around next to him excitedly.
"May I present my gift to you!" Musa said dramatically. Riven dropped the box and fell to the floor in exhaustion.
"I'll take that" Brandon said, lifting up the box an putting in the living room. Musa and I were jumping around, squealing in excitement, regardless to the fact that Riven practically fainted to the floor. He was probably exaggerating, you know how boys are.
We opened the package and it was my light brown couch, which was basically made out of a soft blanket material and was chocolate scented. It came with a couple matching throw pillows too. We got it into my room and Musa and I were messing about on it, taking in the amazing scent. Riven eventually got up and came in to watch a football match with Brandon. We could hear them screaming about it, so I slammed the door shut for some peace and quiet.
"Hey Stel, do you remember the time when Nathan confessed his love to you in the 9th grade?" Musa laughed.
"Yep, are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I grinned. We both jumped up onto my bed and role played.
"Oh Stella, but I love you!" Musa said dramatically.
"I know everything about you!" I said, mimicking him.
"Everything I tell you! Your address, all the clothes in your closet, where you were at 5:34 pm yesterday!" She said. We burst into fits of giggles, until we got interrupted.
"STELLA!" Brandon and Riven screamed at the top of their lungs. It was so loud that I lost my balance and fell off the bed, with Musa falling on top of me.
"Musa! Lay off the fries for a while!" I said, practically dying under her.
"Sorry!" She squeaked, getting off me. We walked over to the living room to see what they where yelling about.
"Stella! Quick fix the TV we're missing the game!" Brandon said.
"Do I look like your slave?" I said, with the sassiness kicking in.
"Stella I beg of you, please please PLEASE fix it. I swear I'll never be mean to you again!" Riven said, on his knees in front of me.
"Skittles?" I asked.
"Yeah yeah whatever just do it please!" He said, going back to the couch. I pressed a couple buttons on the TV, and it switched back on again.
"YES! We didn't miss the semi finals!" Brandon said.
"AHEM! Where's my bag of skittles?" I said, with a serious look on my face.
"Uh, maybe we could let it slide this time?" Riven said. I threatened to turn the TV off again so he quickly paused it, ran across the hall and brought back a pack of skittles. Me and Musa went back to my room to watch some KUWTK, and eat the skittles. After the guys' game was over, and Musa and I had tired ourselves out, they went back to their apartment. I changed into my PJs and went to Brandon's room.
"I'm bored can we watch Netflix and order pizza and cuddle up on the couch like I planned?" I asked.
"I'll order the pizza" He smirked , getting up and dialling the number on his phone.
"And I'll go turn on the TV I guess." I said, doing just that. Once the pizza came, we watched some random movies like zapped and some classic chick flicks like Mean girls.

The rest of our summer was amazing, we went on a 2 week vacation to Miami and stayed with Chris, we spent a lot of time on the beach, there was quite a lot of staying home and being lazy with the girls and a fair amount of shopping. In only one week, we'd be starting our senior year, and then its bye bye to school! I can't wait to go back, and this time, Brandon's not gonna leave me half way through the year. But in all seriousness though, I'm actually pumped to go back to school, and everyday is a new chapter in my book. Like they say, Yesterday is History, Tomorrow a Mystery, Today is a Gift, That why it's called the Present. Oh I'm so cliché aren't I?

The End

(Not really - theres more coming soon!)

Okay, as I said, nothing major happened, just a summary really. Sorry, I'm not good with endings! Its just this story won't have one, but the sequel will! Okay so do you guys want me to start the sequel and other story at the same time or is that confusing? Actually, no scratch that, I'll do one at a time because I can update much more often then :). Anyways, thanks guys for all the reviews on this story, I love reading what you guys have to say, and if you have any requests or ideas for the sequel feel free to PM me or put it in a review. Bye :D