Chapter 1
Hundreds of people flocked to the glacier water park to try and feel the cool and refreshing water and save themselves from the heat. Summer had come and the heat had become almost unbearable. Thoughts of the ice age passed away as the citizens of the frozen city tried to find ways to keep themselves cool. But maybe being cool wasn't all that there was to it…
"Oy." groaned a short, fat, bald man, who was sitting on a piece of the ice, fanning himself. His wife lay a few inches from him, on her back, getting tanned by the sun. "This heat is killing me." His wife rolled over and looked at him. "This is too hot." she said. "The ice was too cold. What will take to make you happy?" Suddenly, the piece of ice cracked and she fell into the pool, but not before letting out a short yelp. The bald man smiled and put his sunglasses on. "Now this, I like."
Over on the water slides, daredevils and thrill seekers leapt off the slides and into the pool, hoping to get some attention and possibly a really great belly flop. However, their aim was not exactly the best. One guy tried to leap off and into the pool, but only succeeding in hitting a hot dog cart. Another tried to jump, but slipped on fell on his buddy, and they both went crashing down. But the worst of all was a fat guy who was thought in his head that he was thin. He leapt from the highest position and sent a tidal wave that almost knocked everyone out of the pool.
Over by the kiddy area, kids aged 6 to 9 were laughing and screaming as they played around the pool. Some were chasing each other, some were diving, and some were relaxing. Suddenly, a sharp whistle blew. A teenager with short dark brown hair, bad teeth, and green eyes held a whistle in his hand. He wore a black blazer, a pair of camouflage swimming trunks, and flip flops. "No running, James." He said commandingly. "Camp rules."
Rosalie, a really pretty teenage girl, saw this handsome stud through a piece of ice and thought he looked muscular. "Ooh." She swooned. Two boys ran pass her. "Make me, loser!" shouted James, who was chasing his friends.
"Make me, Sir!" replied the teenager, stepping out from behind the ice. He wasn't muscular, but was somewhat stout. "It's all about respect."
"Eww." Rosalie muttered, suddenly uninterested at the "handsome stud." She pulled on her bathrobe and sunglasses and walked off to find a different place to sun tan, anywhere but near that guy.
Meanwhile, the teenager, Sid, was having trouble commandeering the camp. "Jared, you just ate, wait an hour!" he shouted at a kid who was trying to get in the pool after he ate.
"Hector, don't pee there!" he shouted at another kid who was about to take a whiz in the drain. The kid stalked off to a bathroom.
"Ashley, stop picking your-" he was about to shout when he got cut off and was yanked into the air by a rope tied around his feet. "Piñata!" a kid yelled. All the kids gathered around Sid, prepared to whack him into oblivion. "Stop!" shouted Sid. "You're supposed to wear blind folds!"
"Okay." said a kid. He placed his hands over his eyes, not actually covering his eyes, and whacked Sid with a stick right downside the head. "Hey, it's my turn to hit him!" shouted another kid. They started arguing until one of the kids grabbed the stick from their grasp, wound up like a major league slugger, and sent Sid flying.
The kids cheered and ran over to Sid. They poked him in the side. "Hey, he doesn't have any candy in him." said one of the kids. "Let's bury him!" suggested another. All the kids cheered, ran over to the grassy area, quickly dug a hole, dropped Sid in it, and were about to fill it in when they heard footsteps, Giant footsteps.
"Hey, who said you kids could torture the poor guy?" asked Manny. The kids backed off. Manny was a giant, about 7 feet tall. His rugged brown hair was drenched with sweat and his brown eyes looked down at the children. He wore a white dress shirt with the sleeves pulled up to his elbows, brown slacks, a pair of flip flops, and his dark red sweater was tied around his waist.
He was followed by Diego, who had dirty blonde hair, stubble beard, and orange eyes. He wore a red and black stocking cap, a red bandanna on his forehead underneath, dark blue pants, black boots, and he wore no shirt, revealing a slim but muscular build. He had fully recovered from the wound he had received when he jumped in front of Soto to protect Manny.
"Manny, don't try and squash their creativity." He joked, liking the fact that the kids were burying the person that annoyed him.
Sid woke up and spat dirt out of his mouth. "Manny, Diego!" he yelled joyfully. "My brothers from other mothers, could you give this kid a hand?" Manny walked over and pulled Sid by his shirt out of the ground like a turnip. "Look, I opened my own camp." said Sid, as Manny placed him down. "'Campo Del Sid', it means camp of Sid."
"Congratulations." Diego replied sarcastically. "You're now an idiot in two languages." Sid shushed him. "Not in front of the K-I-D-Z. These little guys love me, right Billy?" "Don't make me eat you." Billy replied. The kids burst out laughing.
Diego looked at Sid with a weird look. "Ah, they kid." replied Sid. "That's why they're called, 'Kids.'"
Manny couldn't believe it. Sid was actually trying to run a kid's camp. He couldn't even take care of himself. "Sid, you're not qualified to run a kid's camp." Manny told him.
"Aw, since when do qualifications count?" asked Sid. What he didn't know was, while he was talking, two sneaky kids snuck up behind him and tied his legs together. "These kids look up to me, I'm like a role model to them!" The kids backed up, then pushed Sid, sending him toppling over. The kids doubled over in giggles.
"I can definitely see that." Diego grabbed Sid's arm and helped him up. "You guys put me down all the time." said Sid, sounding hurt. "But you guys need me. I'm the glue that keeps us together, and you guys wouldn't be able to live without me. So why don't you start giving me some respect?!" and with as much dignity as he could muster… Sid started hopping away.
"Come on Sid, we were only kidding." called Manny. "Hey, let's play pin the tail on the giant." suggested a kid. The kids yelled and cheered and ran forward. "SID!" shouted Manny and Diego at the same time.
Sid sat on rock, cutting the rope with a pocket knife that Diego had given to him a while back. "I'll show them." He muttered as he cut the rope. "They need me. When I'm done, they'll give me some respect." Once he was finished with the rope, he folded the knife, put it in his pocket, and began thinking off a way to get the guys to respect him. Suddenly, it hit him. The Eviscerator! It was an old slide that was insanely tall! However, it was shut down because somebody got killed trying it. Sid knew that if he made it down that and lived, they would respect him. He got up and started on his way up to the Eviscerator.
"And so, the little burro got back home to Mommy, and they lived happily ever after, The End." said Manny. He was telling the end of a story to the kids. The kids cheered, they liked the story. "Nice job." said Diego, who was sitting in a cross legged position on a rock beside Manny. "Thank you." replied Manny.
One of the little kids raised his hand. "Question." He said. "Why did the burro go home, why didn't he stay with the keeper?"
Manny quickly thought up an answer for that question. "Uh, because, he wanted to get back to his family, that's why." A little girl about 7 climbed on a rock right beside him. "I think that maybe you should have him go off with a girl burro, that would work instead." Manny got up and gently picked up the girl. "When you have kids, then you can tell them you're version of the burro story." He placed her down with the other kids.
A girl about 9 and a half with glasses came forward. "Technically, it's not called a 'burro'; it's called a 'wild ass.'" Manny looked at her with his eyebrows scrunched. "Okay, let's called it that!" he said sarcastically. "The 'Wild Ass' boy get home to his 'Wild Ass' Mother!" the kids burst out laughing and giggling.
"That's why I called it a 'Burro'!" he yelled. He heard Diego chuckling and looked over at him with a death glare. Diego smiling went away and he turned his head away and looked down at the back of his hand.
"Could the burro have a grazing problem?" asked another kid. "That would make the story a lot more believable." "No it wouldn't!" yelled another kid. "Yeah it would!" the kid yelled back. Manny, not wanting an argument on his hands, stopped them.
"No!" he shouted. "The Burro goes back to his mother! The End! One big happy family! You can't get it better than that!"
"Then where's your big happy family?" the little girl asked innocently. Manny was about to respond, when he felt a great deal of sadness welling up inside of him.
Diego, seeing that Manny was looking a little down, decided to scare off the kids. "Then, the Hardcore Punk attacks the little kids!" he roared playfully and jumped up. The kids screamed and ran off.
Manny started walking off. "You okay, buddy?" asked Diego. "Yeah, why do you ask?" asked Manny. "Well, I thought-" Diego was about to continue when Manny cut him off. "Story Time's over! The End!"
"Gang Way!" somebody shouted. Manny and Diego turned around to see two fat kids running pass them. "Hey, what's going on?" asked Diego. The two fat kids stopped. "The world's coming to an end!" one of them shouted.
Manny scowled. "What are you talking about?" "Fast Tony!" shouted the other fat kid. "He said the world's gonna flood!"
"I'm gonna get to the bottom of this." said Manny, heading off to find Fast Tony, with Diego walking right behind him.