Chapter fifteen

The voice of reason

''Why are we holding these?'' Kise wondered and Kuroko shrugged. ''Well, you were about to try those on. Hold on, I've got to let the others know that you've grown back to regular size and age.'' Takao said, before running towards the gymnasium. ''Regular size?'' Kise wondered, as Kuroko asked, ''We were about to try these on? I mean, I didn't grow as tall as I had hoped to be, but this is definitely to small for me.''

''I guess something happened, but I don't quite understand yet what it has to do with clothes that seems to be suited for toddlers.'' Kise said. ''I don't recall, I thought we were playing ball, and our team was winning.'' Kuroko said. ''We were.'' Kise said. ''That was a good idea you had. Things were getting a bit tense in the group, with these weird phases and whatever is going on between Akashi, Kagami and you.'' Kuroko said.

''You dating Aomine is pretty weird too.'' Kise replied. ''Aomine-kun makes me happy.'' Kuroko said, before Aomine entered the room and said: ''So I am no longer 'Aho'ine nee-san'.'' ''Naturally, you are still an idiot.'' Kuroko said, without missing a beat, before adding, ''When did I call you that? It sounds like something a four-year old would say.''

''That's because four-year old you called me that.'' Aomine said. ''You remember what four-year old Kuroko said to you, but can't even remember when your next assignment is due?'' Kise questioned. ''I am not that dumb, you must be thinking of Kagami there. That being said, of course I don't remember what Kuroko told me when he was four. I was five myself. I remember because he told me that about thirthy minutes ago.'' Aomine said.

When he got a dumbfounded look from both Kise and Kuroko, he sighed and said, ''Appearently, the next phase is you two changing into younger you's. Or so I think, cause that is what happened today.'' ''Somehow I doubt that.'' Kise said. ''We all saw it happen just now.'' Aomine replied. ''I do believe something happened, I don't think it is just Kuroko and me, cause then we'd be like that all the time.'' Kise said, gaining stares from both Kuroko and Aomine. ''What?'' he asked. ''

''During these phases, you've gotten a lot smarter. Just wondering if it is a side effect.'' Kuroko said. ''Tiny Kuroko , twenty-four seven? We'd go insane.'' Aomine said at the same time, before adding, ''But you are right. Moimoi just told us that we'd go back randomly in time, to different ages, everyday from three till five. At least there is a time limit.''

''Moimoi-san?'' Kise asked confused. ''It took over her as well? We really should be looking up what it is.'' Kuroko said. ''Though, that being said, that all doesn't seem too bad...'' Kise said thoughtfully. ''Not so bad?'' Aomine screeched, but Kuroko shrugged too. ''It's taking two hours, taking care of children. We just tell everyone we use those hours for practice, rent a place to do so, and keep it easily hidden. Compared to the others, it seems kind of tame.'' Kise listed of the reasons why it didn't seem too bad.

''Children also don't have the slightest care in the world.'' Kuroko added. ''I am not too sure about that. Moim- Hazu, no wait- It wanted us to make sure to delve into the dark past and make a satisfying end. Remember what has been considered satisfying up until now?'' Aomine said.

''It also said to communicate with eachother more.'' Akashi said, as he entered the room. ''How is Moimoi?'' Aomine asked. ''Kazunari and Murusakibara offered to take her home, and attempting to make her think it was a dream as we speak.'' Akashi said, eyeing Kise. ''How are you feeling?'' he asked.

''It's kinda weird that you don't even realise you have reverted to a younger age.'' Kise said. ''So, you don't even know?'' Kagami said, who entered the room too. ''What started out as a nice day, somehow managed to become strange again. This was supposed to solve issues.'' Kise whined.

''Actually, it, as Ahomine called the phenomenom, is trying to solve issues. In a twisted way, nandeyo, but still.'' Midorima said. ''Ok, so maybe we should share any kind of child trauma we had.'' Kagami said. ''Well, it definitely is communicating if we talk about it. But I don't think it wants us to do that.'' Akashi said.

''Why not? All the other issues would have been helped if we had talked.'' Kagami said. ''And all the other stuff we ended to his wishes because we didn't.'' Akashi argued. ''Why are you so opposed to simply talking!'' Kagami shouted. ''It is not what it wants!'' Akashi, losing his temper rapidly, growled.

''Then what do you think it wants?'' Kise asked, getting both of their attention. ''It wants us to fight, so it can get on anyone's sensitive sides. Akashi, last phase wasn't healthy for you. It forced you to do tell something you didn't want, as you thought you'd lose your friends. In my case, it wanted my life. It is probably after someone else this time, to take away what they consider important.'' Kise said.

''So, should we talk or not?'' Akashi asked. ''That is asking me picking a side.'' Kise countered. ''I am with Akashi on this one.'' Kuroko said. ''What?'' both Kagami and Aomine shouted. ''If we talk, it could take advantage of the fact, we now know the weakness of one another. And it is simply to random, a child trauma could be anything. We can't possibly share everything.'' Akashi explained, and Kuroko nodded.

''AS IF NOT TALKING IS GOING TO HELP.'' Aomine shouted angrily. ''Guys, this is how every phase started up until now. Can't you se-'' But Kise was interupted as big shouting match started, one simply throwing his thought at one another without simply listening to the other. Minutes ticked by, and eventually, group left devided as it was, leaving just Midorima and Kise alone in the now empty locker room.

''Nandeyo.'' Midorima whispered bewilderd, as he took off his glasses and wreft his eye. ''Are we sure the phase isn't just turning them into really big kids?'' he asked. At any other time, Kise would have stiffled a laugh, because a joke from Midorima was quite uncommon. ''I actually think so.'' he replied instead.

''I was joking.'' Midorima stated dryly. ''I know.'' Kise assured him. ''Well, to be fair, it is how every phase up until now started. Perhaps Akashi-sama is making sure to fall into the same pattern.'' Midorima said. ''Or he is getting scared. Last phase didn't do him well.'' Kise sighed, a bit worried himself.

Midorima watched, as the blond sat down, head in hands. ''You really care for him, don't you?'' Midorima asked. ''Huh?'' Kise asked. ''Akashi-sama.'' Midorima stiffly said, he wasn't used to this kind of talk. ''Yeah. Akashi is something else. But Kagamicchi, he's-'' ''Annoying, talkactive.'' Midorima said, and Kise shook his head, but Midorima added, ''And out of this world.''

''That.'' Kise said. ''The same I feel for Takao.'' Midorima said, blushing. ''That is really cute. You and Takaocchi make a great couple. I am really happy I spared you this nonsense.'' Kise said. ''I'd rather that you didn't, but it does help spending more time with him, I suppose.'' Midorima said. ''I didn't choose you for that reason, though, not even for your exams.'' Kise confessed.

''I know. You needed someone keeping their head straight. Made sense at the start.'' Midorima said, ''But somewhere along the road, you became the voice of reason.'' Kise laughed, ''If I am the voice of reason, the things are lookign really dire.'' ''I thought so too. So, let's make a plan and see if we can turn things around.'' Midorima said, as they started brainstorming.

''Kuroko is on his fucking side.'' Aomine fumed, as he and Kagami walked home. ''They are pretty good friends. And talking is scary, I get it.'' Kagami said. ''Us being the voice of reason is scary too.'' Aomine said. ''Well, we ain't. But at the moment, no one of the Generation can be sensible.'' Kagami said.

''Meaning?'' Aomine asked. ''We should talk. We can at least knot things together and know eachother weaknesses. It is not after Kise of Akshi this time, I am fairly certain of it. I don't know anything about you guys, so I can't figure out who it is after this time.'' ''Kuroko.'' Aomine said automatically, and Kagami frowned.

''What makes you so sure?'' he asks. ''It is about the past. I can't tell you, I promised not to tell anyone, but Kuroko has been through some weird shit. He acts all emotionless and everything, but I am sure he's the next target.'' Aomine said. ''I get it. I was upset Kise didn't talk either at first. I really had hoped he'd at least agree this time.'' Kagami said, before deciding they should come to his house, and make a game plan of how to tackle this.

''I can't believe he was agreeing with Kagami-san.'' Kuroko said, as he and Akashi were at a diner, both getting something to drink. ''Well, idiots do tend to think alike.'' Akashi said, ''and considering all that happened, it makes sense that they prefer to talk.'' ''Well, them being the voice of reason isn't exactly uncommon.'' Kuroko said. ''No one of the G.O.M can be sensible through this, especially not them.'' Akashi said.

''Meaning?'' Kuroko asked. ''We should not talk. The more we know, the more they can use. It's not like we can pinpoint what we need to share, and we'll only share private stuff we don't even want others to know. And we can't use it to see who it is after this time.'' Akashi said. Kuroko gave him a look, before saying ''It is after Aomine.''

''How come you are so certain about that?'' Akashi asked. ''It went after Kise and you first. No offense, but not in touch with eart, rational people.'' Kuroko said. ''I'll let that one slide.'' Akashi said, as they sat down with their drinks. ''Aomine has never been rational, especially not after one has messed with his friends. In pre-school, he had some fights, big fights over it. It affected him, and costed him a lot, including his friends. If this is about the past, then it is after Aomine-san.'' Kuroko said.

''So, how to handle it this time?'' Akashi said as he looked through the window. This phase was going to be more difficult then he anticipated.

I am so sorry it took me so long. My life has gotten up with me, and due to work and excessive sporting, I forgot to write! But I still intend to finish this fanfic. It took me a while to make a nice chapter, but I really like this one. The moment between Midorima and Kise was touching.

I know this fanfic also can be a bit confusing, but nontheless I hope you still enjoy it. As for who Kise ends up with, I should really be making desicions, but both Akashi and Kagami are so nice!

Please read and review, I'd love to hear what you think about this particular chapter.