Hello! I know it has been awhile, and I do apologize, but I'm going to start catching this story up on fics! There's several that I put originally on Tumblr that I didn't put on here, so there might be several updates in a row! Hope you enjoy!:)

Amy had heard about "Prom" from Eggman actually. In one of their FuzzyPuppie turned counseling-sessions, Eggman had been blubbering about his days in the human world, and how when he was in 'high school' he had wanted nothing more than to be 'Prom Queen."

"Prom...Queen?" Amy had asked, confused by both terms. Queen certainly wasn't a word she would have ever associated with Eggman.

"It's a lovely evening!" Eggman sobbed, "Where you wear beautiful dresses that go down to the floor, and- and fancy tuxedos..." He sniffled, "All of it... not just the suit jacket..."

"What exactly do you do at prom?" Amy probed, as if the idea of floor length gowns didn't excite her enough

"Dance...and stuff..." Eggman was recovering, sitting up off the couch and preparing to leave. He got up. "And then at the end of the night, the most pretty and popular girl gets to be Prom Queen," He sighed dramatically and threw open her door, "Oh I'll never get to be Prom Queen!" He threw his hand on his head.

"Wait wait, so you're telling me-"


He had left as dramatically as he had come.

And so, that was how it just so happened that Amy was gathering bunches of flowers for what her tablet had told her were 'corsages' and 'bouteniers' little pretty things to go with a date's outfit. Like a little gift!

She was relishing in prom, she had done her research, printed out her posters, and the whole town was buzzing about "Prom" tomorrow evening!

She had purposefully kept it shrouded in mystery, telling everyone that it was a completely formal event and that FULL tuxedos and floor length gowns were the only acceptable dress. The decorations had been no problem at all, she was a seasoned professional, her tablet had told her that the most popular prom theme was "A Night Under the Stars." She didn't quite know what it meant, because all nights were 'under the stars' she supposed, but she decorated accordingly anyway. There were twinkle lights hung up everywhere, a glittering fountain and a dance floor that lit up like the night sky. Tails was DJ, of course.

She had dragged Sticks to her house that night, and 'encouraged' her into a floor length gown, one that she had put together herself. It was a darker blue, with quarter length sleeves and a slit up the side. Amy knew Sticks wouldn't be comfortable if she couldn't move around freely. It was detailed at the top with beads, but the bottom was left to sway around her feet.

For Amy it was deep red, not the bright Valentine-y kind, but a mature kind, the kind that gave her an air of romance and thought. It had a little scoop neckline, with tulle that poofed out a little and just grazed the floor. It also had pockets, which put Amy at ease. There was no crazy embellishment, no over the top sparkle, just a deep red and some roses to match, crowning her quills. She felt lovely.

They had met all three gents, fully clothed, at the dance, Knuckles opting to go sans-tie, Tails in his normal caution-tape colored one, and Sonic having turned his bandana into a little pocket square, tucked in his jacket.

Amy lined them up.

She took Sticks' hand, who looked at her apprehensively, the three boys just shrugged at each other, Sonic looking casual as ever with his hands shoved deep in his pockets.

"Sticks," Amy began, puling out the cluster of cream roses on a little bracelet, "This is for you!" She slid it onto her wrist, and Sticks sniffed it dutifully.

"Is it a tracker?" The badger asked.


"Cuz if it is, you would be the only person I trust to know my location." Sticks grabbed Amy by the shoulders and pulled her in close, "Don't. Lose. Sight of me." She breathed, releasing her and strolling nonchalantly towards the growing crowd in the square.

Amy recovered gracefully and moved to Tails.

She pinned a yellow rose to his collar.

"Make sure you ask Zooey to dance tonight." She whispered to him. The young boy nodded and blushed, giving Amy a hug and running off to his table up front. The music started.

Amy stopped Knuckles from trying to eat the red rose she pinned to him, and sent him to monitor the snack bar for her. She imagined that that was where he would do the least amount of damage that evening.

She didn't say anything to Sonic as she pinned his cream rose to his collar, but she was very aware of his eyes on her. She focused on the boutenier to keep her occupied, accidentally dropping it once.

"Oops!" She laughed nervously and reached down to pick it up.

Instead of the flower, she met Sonic's hand. Both hedgehogs looked up in surprise at the sudden unexpected touch, and ended up knocking their foreheads clumsily.

"Oh I'msorryAmyIdidn'tmeanta-"

"No nonononono my bad of course, I-" They rambled while they stood, eyes falling onto the other. Amy reached up to try again, but found that the rose was still not in her hand. She glanced down and mentally face palmed.

It was still on the ground between them.

She bent down again.

"Amy?" Sonic asked from above her.

"Yes?" She swallowed, scooping the white rose up delicately.

"Do you have one? A rose or a corsage or whatever they are, I mean."

She swallowed again and laughed, standing, not looking at him, and began fiddling with the flower again.

"Oh no, I didn't need one and besides there just wasn't-"

A hand rested gently on hers. On the one that still held the white flower in it. She looked up and was surprised to see that he met her gaze so strongly.

With one hand, he lifted her hand away from his chest, and with the other he reached up, removing very carefully a red rose from her hair. He grabbed the white flower from her hand, and tucked it into her hair, right where the red one had been.

"There," he said, "We'll trade."

He placed the red flower, her red rose, in his pocket right next to his bandana.

He smiled. "Now we both have one."

And then he walked away.

And Amy suddenly remembered to breath.

The dance was incredible, even sticks had tapped her foot to one song! Everyone was jumping around and laughing and Tails certainly kept the crowd lively. When it came time for a slow dance though, Amy had relieved him of his duties.

She pushed him towards the yellow fox girl who was in a sweet, sunny pink dress. "Now's your chance!" She urged. She watched with delight as he tapped her on the shoulder, and she gladly accepted his outstretched hand.

"We're gonna slow it down for a song!" Amy announced over the mic, "Grab someone special or grab and friend an have some fun! Also, don't forget to make your way over to the snack table-" Knuckles waved proudly from his post, "And vote for tonight's prom queen who will be crowned at the end of this dance!" Amy pointed to a little flower crown she had thrown together, which would adorn the winner's head. She pressed the play button, and a wonderfully smooth song began to play. People coupled up naturally and spun sweetly around the floor.

She watched them with a hint of jealousy, her hand reaching up to touch the white rose in her hair. Where was Sonic? She had seen him busting a move on the floor earlier, center of the dance circle of course, but after that she lost track of him.

She DID however, see Eggman, sitting at a table dressed in a full on tuxedo with a top hat to match. He had a big pink corsage on his wrist, and he watched the couples fondly. He even laughed as Orbot and Cubot spun [ast him together, trying to keep the beat, something it didn't seem that they were programmed to do.

"Some party Ames!"

She jumped and spun, but stilled when she saw it was only Sonic.

He was leaning on the wooden post behind her, looking as cool as ever. Amy rolled her eyes at him.

"Too cool for a slow dance, Sonic?" She crooned.

He straightened and walked up to her, standing behind the DJ table with her.

"Nah," He tugged at his collar. "There was just no one on the dance floor I really wanted to dance with..." There was a second of heated silence, and her cheeks flared pink.

She cleared her throat and adjusted her volume to keep from thinking about his words. "Not even Knuckles?" She cracked a smile and elbowed him.

Sonic smirked and nudged her back, "Nope, not even him." He took a deep breath, and she glanced back at him.

"You- um... Your dress looks really nice Amy."


"What I- uh, what I mean to say is that you look nice in it. That is, it makes you look really good. Like you-"

"Thank you." She cut him off, and Sonic gave her a relieved look.

"You really look quite nice yourself." She countered.

Sonic opened his mouth, but the song suddenly ended. Amy sprung back into her leadership duties.

"Do you have the results?" She urged, and Sonic handed her a slip of paper.

"Did you look?" She jabbed a finger at him and he held up his hands with a chuckle. "Cross my heart!"

Amy grabbed the mic. "Ladies and gentlemen! Our first ever Prom Queen is..."

Amy unfolded the paper and read it quickly.

Amy Rose

She blinked.

She was prom queen?

She looked up the crowd who looked at her expectantly.

"Uh..." She drawled into the microphone. Her eyes scanned the crowd, and she suddenly saw someone.

It was Eggman, sitting at his table, leant forward, his goggle glistening with hope.

Amy knew what she had to do. She already had all the flowers in her hair she would ever want.

She cleared her throat.

"Our first prom queen is... Eggman!"

Most of the people in the audience gasped or looked astounded. Amy saw Orbot faint in surprise. Eggman, however, burst into tears.

As she crowned him, she very kindly reminded him that this did not actually put him in charge of anything.

The dance ended quickly after that. No one really wanted to stick around to hear Eggman gloat, but as she left, someone stopped her.

"How come you said that Eggman won?" It was Sonic. She turned around and smiled, her deep red skirt swishing around her. She put her hands in her pockets guiltily.

"So you did look?" She smirked at him.

"Why?" He persisted, "You were the real winner."

"I didn't need it." She shrugged, "And he did." She turned and began her walk home again once more, but was stopped by a hand on her shoulder.

"Wait Amy?"

She turned with a "Hmm?"

"Don't you think it's a little unfair you didn't get a slow dance?" Sonic nodded back at someone, and Amy saw Tails hit a button on the turntable. Slow music pulsed through the floor.

"And I didn't get one either." He finished. He was taking her wrists and pulling her hands out of her pockets, dragging her towards him.

"Didn't you say you didn't want to dance with anyone on the floor though?" She looked at him quizzically.

"Well, now there is someone on the floor I'd like to dance with."

Amy looked down just to make sure that she was, indeed, on the floor.

He smiled at her actions, and gave her a reassuring nod. They spun slowly, one hand in his, the other on his shoulder.

Oh yes, they would definitely be having a Prom next year, too.

Hope you enjoyed! Drop me a review if you would like:)
