Author's note:

This is another side of me, because for the first time, this is a darker thing. And it holds more symbolism and metaphors...yes, i sound like an English teacher, but please try to understand the metaphors/similes I use, because they hold a meaning. Anyway, out of the English lesson, hope you like the story, it will give more information throughout itself. Also, I will be referring to Tigress as 'feline' 'tiger' 'she' 'her' 'red warrior' mainly, so you don't get confused. I'm not using her name until later...the reason...well, it makes more sense like that...

Her hideout was known throughout all China, and even like that, no one dare to go kill her. Not anymore. She was dangerous, unlike any other villain. Some thought she was a demon, some thought she was a goddess. She was born from thin air, and she disappeared with no trace. No one could justify her actions, and they didn't have her words to compared them to. The best guards from the best Providences had gone to hunt her...but she always manged to beat them. No matter the odds, she was the queen in her game. Some said she had powers. Some said she was the best fighter. Some said she had the flexibility of a snake. The strength of a tiger. The eyes of an owl. The balance of a crane. The ingeniousness of a monkey. She was one to be feared, one to be careful with, one to avoid. Yet, some saw goodness on her, but no one believed them...because how can an angel be disguised under a cold demon with red eyes? And that's how she became a legend. That no one tried to dig any deeper, not that she would allow them to, because, if they past her exterior, chaos would arise.

He walked inside the bar, looking at the people around him. They were all thieves of some sort, some do the dirty work of others while others are the master minds. But they all shared the same black job. But he came here for a reason. To drown. To forget. To escape. But if he was going to do that, he would be the best.

He was receiving disgusted stares. Some held back their laughter while some snickered out loud; it was obvious he didn't belong there, his innocence was was visible as the sun, and his goodness was smelled from a mile away. But he kept walking until he got to the bartender.

"Where can I find the Red Warrior?" The pig started laughing, and some other guy beside him even spit out his beer.

"Why do you want to see her?"

"Yeah, kid! She is one of the roughest and coldest people you'll ever meet. One wrong move could mean your death!" A bunny added from another table.

"True! I have seen it. One time she threw a knife to one of the guards that were trying to capture her, and it killed him immediately! " A goat added. But he didn't paid attention, and he knew very well what he was getting into.

"Don't care about rumors. I have to talk to her" he simply stated. A big boar stood up and shoved him,

"And what makes you think she wants to talk to you?" He gritted. Po just returned the cold glare; He stood up with his hand balled into a fist. The people at the bar stood up and got ready to fight as soon as the fist punch was launched. But it never came,

"Stop" a low, deep, yet strict and feminine voice said. Everyone froze in fear. Their attention turned to a feline who was drinking a small glass of...juice at one corner. She licked her lips once she got everyone's attention.

"He has guts to come here. He wants to talk" she looked at him, her eyes let out a short gasp that only he could read, but she made it disappeared.

"Then talk" she took out a dagger and held it in her hand. Everyone made themselves aside so the newcomer could get to her. The feline didn't move, she didn't even flinched. She was leaning over the wall. Po was able to look at her. Her claws were out, and they were sharp. She wore black pants, and a red, long sleeve shirt. Incredibly, the shirt had patterns, gold dragons going around it. He must have been staring because he received a kick,

"My eyes are up here" She gritted, he looked up and met her fiery eyes. He could have smiled because of the beauty, but he didn't. Because besides being incredibly beautiful, they were dangerous.

"Now state your business panda" She ordered, but he could only make sense of what he was seeing,

"Wait, you look like...Master Tigress" He muttered. Some people gasped around the bar, but the tiger only frowned,

"So the name hasn't been forgotten, huh" Po shook his head,

"She...disappeared one day and no one ever saw her again...but you-" the feline cut him off,

"And like you said, no one ever saw her again. But we are not talking about her. So what do you want?" She interrupted. Po took a deep breath and regained his confidence, letting his curiosity rest for a while.

"I want to join your group" She laughed. The others laughed. The whole bar laughed.

"What makes you think you are in...Dragon Warrior?" Again, lots of gasps.

"How you'd know?" She smirked,

"Just because I'm wanted doesn't mean I don't keep up to date. You fell out of the sky, landed in an empty spot where...Master Tigress was supposed to be standing in, and you were chosen as the Dragon Warrior. And one week later, you defeated Tai Lung. Impressive, I must say" She kept talking,

"but you have never faced someone like me" She ended. Po smirked,

"Maybe not, but I'm not here to fight you. I want to be on your side, I need to change things up, don't you think, Red Warrior?"

"So that's how I'm called now, Red warrior?" She mocked,

"Warrior of the Silence, Robber of dawn, and my favorite, Thieve of the Night" The said warrior raised an eyebrow.

"Stop. Why are you here? Don't you have a village to protect?" She asked, the people at the bar were trying to comprehend their conversation,

"I don't, not anymore. And its personal, if you don't mind"

"Oh did Shifu judge your sloppy forms? Told you you weren't worth it?" She said with a stiffed laughter. Po only looked at her curiously,

"No, no he didn't" He said, wondering where did she got the idea. She stopped, and was about to say something when a bunny came running,

"Guards! They are coming! Lots of them! With arrows!" The feline just rolled her eyes and tighten her grip around the dagger.

"Fine. Want to be part of my group, then help me escape" She ran out of the bar and leaped into the roof. She had a full view of the soldiers. Yes, there were at least 50 angry rhinos with bows and arrows. But she wasn't scared, she was excited. She took a liquid from her pants and dipped her dagger in it. Po only stared.

"Its venom. It won't kill them, just knock them out" She said with a smile...a grin that a kid did after playing a joke on someone. Po wasn't so sure about his decision now, but he wouldn't back out She could kill him if she wanted to.

The feline jumped down and stood in front of the army.

"FIRE!" The leader ordered. Her eyes were full of excitement, as if she were playing a game, as if all this was just a challenge. One arrow came flying straight to her face, but she caught it mid-air. And with a spin-kick, she threw it back. It dug into his skin. And that kept going, her dagger merely brushed against the arrows, but it still gave them enough venom. They all hit a target. And the rhinos kept falling.

It was over when the leader was the only one standing.

"Let's make it fun. You choose how you are going to be defeated" She said, walking around him, like a shark swimming around his prey. The leader only took his spear and did an attempt to scare her.

"You are arrested! Now you have-" And that was all he could said, because the dagger was beside his neck, and her face was close to his. One more move and his throat would be cut opened.

"I don't follow orders. Tell them that. And tell them, that soon enough, I will strike at their heart" She then swished the dagger through his neck, only so a small cut was made and the venom could get in. The soldier dropped at her feet, and a small amount of blood spilled.

"What was that about!?" Po exclaimed. The feline rolled her eyes.

"I didn't kill them dummy" She looked back at the fallen army, "I'm going to be their nightmare for the rest of their lives, is going to bring back bad memories" She said smirking.

She motioned him to follow her. And they walked for a couple of minutes to a forest that was near them.

And I couldn't believe what they said about her. She is a true nightmare...but at the same time, she is not. She is the most exotic girl you would ever meet. No make up, no dresses, no flowers, only daggers and venom. She was the Red warrior for a thing, that was all you could see when she strike. Her red clothes and red eyes. No one even knew her real name. She formed herself, and it was as if when she did, she purposely wanted to be represented by the color red. But what shocked me the most is that she enjoyed it. She enjoyed the power she had. She enjoyed seeing people fall...but not injuring them, only making them fall. It took me a while to understand, but I finally did. She was like that, she was someone who got dropped too fast. And she made sure to not do that to people. It was as if she just taunted her prey, but not killing it. Just giving it fear of daylight. Giving it fear of her existence, knowing she could take you down, kill you, but she wouldn't. She was content with that. Because she knew, that that was more powerful than the reality of the facts.


So, what did you guys thought?

-Peace out!