Chapter 1
(Flora's POV)

It's strange to think that my big day is approaching so quickly. My big day. My wedding day! When me and Helia will officially becoming husband and wife. I'm a Sirenix fairy now as well. I smile to myself thinking about these things. I go into the kitchen and cook waffles for myself and the girls. Once they're done I put two on each plate and put them on the table. "Get up I made waffles!" I yell at the girls.

"Coming!" They all reply as I hear them all running. I sit down and start eating mine. Aisha is the first in followed by Musa, Bloom, Stella and then Tecna. I giggle as they all start eating them rapidly. We're getting my dress and the girl's dresses for my wedding today. Musa and Aisha wash up the dishes before we head out after getting dressed.

We walk into the shop. I'm forced to try on many dresses of the girls choice. There was one that was a mermaid tail wedding dress. Stella liked that dress but it wasn't really for me. I see one that catches my eye. The girls have chosen all the others so this is the first one I've chosen. I run into the dressing room and come out to ask them. "What do you think?" I ask them. They gasp.

"It's gorgeous!" Aisha tells me. I smile. It's a princess style wedding dress, it has little diamonds in leaf shapes in the skirt. It's got a sweetheart neckline. The bodice has lace on with rose patterns on and so does the skirts but the bodice doesn't have any diamonds.

"That's the one." Bloom tells me. I smile.

"Who's you're maid of honour?" Tecna asks. Oh right I haven't told them yet. I go into the changing room and get changed into my normal clothes and hang the dress up carefully It's defiantly the one.

"I am obviously, after all I am the prettiest." Stella says as I come out. Oh this just got little awkward.

"Actually Stella, I've chosen Aisha to be my maid of honour." I say. Aisha smiles. She's my best friend after all. Stella goes silent.

"But I'm the prettiest so I deserve it!" Stella argues. I gasp. Tears run down my face.

"Stella how can you be so selfish? Out of the group I consider myself closest to Aisha if it was you you'd choose Bloom and Bloom would choose you same with Musa and Tecna so I don't see how you can say that." I tell Stella before running out of the shop. Aisha follows me. I can find another dress.

I stop when I get into the forest as I sit in front of a tree leaning my back against it. I pull my legs to my chest as tears roll down my face. Aisha sits next to me. "Don't worry Flo I'm sure that she'll calm down and apologize." Aisha assures me. I lay down on the grass and Aisha lays down with me. Eventually the tears stop and I just stare up at the sky.

"I suppose I need to go and actually buy a dress now." I tell Aisha.

"No because we bought the dress for you." I hear Stella's voice. I sit up and turn around to see the Winx. "A way to say sorry for the way I acted. Do you forgive me Flo?" Stella asks. I smile an hug her.

"Of course." I assure her.

"Oh you forgot to choose the veil, shoes accessories and bridesmaid dresses." Musa points out. I giggle.

"I'll get them on Linphea as we're going there now." I tell them opening a portal and going through with the others and the pixies following. The fairy pets are at Alfea.

We arrive in Linphea and I smile. The others. I run to my favourite wedding shop with the girls. "Princess Flora?" The woman asks surprised. I smile.

"I'm announcing it this afternoon so I'd appreciate it if we could keep it a secret for now." I whisper to her. She smiles and nods. I giggle. We roam around looking for dresses. Bloom obviously likes a red one, Stella likes a green etc. All of them like a dress that's their favourite colour. I find one I like for the bridesmaid dresses. If they like it or not they're in my favourite colour. Pink.

I make them try them on. They're a one strap baby pink dresses that are tight at the top but loose at the skirt. They skirt comes don to the floor and tuches it while they're wearing heels. There is a baby pink strap around the waist the same colour as the dress. The pink strap around the waist has a lot of small silver flowers on it. I put silver heels with them and then I guess it'll be silver flowers when we come to them but each of them are defiantly having one silver flower in their hair, they don't know that yet. "They're so pink!" Tecna complains.

"Especially with your hair." Musa adds getting a playful glare from Tecna. I giggle.

"Well I like them and it's my favourite colour plus it's kind of my wedding." I point out. I buy them and I buy Aisha's in baby blue as she's my maid of honour. I smile at the dresses.

"Anyway time to find you're accessories!" Stella squeals dragging me around the store. I sigh.

"This is pretty!" I hear Bloom say as they look through the tiaras. They're looking at the diamond ones of the ones made to look like diamonds. Most of them have flower patterns in but I'm not really looking for a tiara. I'm a princess I don't need to be reminded.

"This would be perfect for Flora!" Stella squeals. I sigh. How am I suppose to say no when they're all getting so excited.

"Girls lets just buy the bridesmaid dresses today I need to go to the palace to kind of announce to Linphea about this." I tell the girls knowing I didn't have to be there until an hour to get ready and I have half an hour to get ready but it'll give me a break.

"Ok Flo we'll see you later then." Aisha says as we pay. They leave once they're paid for as we'd already made the pixies go back. I'm taking the dresses including my wedding dress with me. I wait in the shop until they're gone and I walk over to the silver and baby pink flower crown. The woman comes over to me.

"Do you like it?" She asks. I nod.

"Yeah but the girls seem to picture me in a tiara." I giggle. I hand her some money as she hands me the flower crown and I slide it in the bag with my wedding dress. "I guess I'll figure out how to tell them later though." I giggle. "Thank you bye." I say before leaving. I walk to the palace using my magic to help me carry the bags before walking upstairs to my room.

"Do you have my dress?" Miele asks me as I walk into my room. I giggle putting the bags down somewhere safe.

"No but you're coming with me tomorrow I need something in the right size for you." I laugh. She grins and hugs me. I laugh and hug her back.

"You're here an hour early you know." Miele points out looking at the clock. I laugh again.

"Yeah I know the girls were getting a bit carried away." I explain with a small laugh. I get a text and check it straight away. It's from Helia. He says he's here and he knows he's early and that I should take my time. "Come on MIele go to you're room." I say. Miele giggles and leaves.

"See you later Flora." She tells me as I leave.

I walk downstairs and into the ballroom where I see Helia. "Flora how come you're here early?" Helia asks surprised.

"The girls were getting carried away with the dresses and stuff so I used this as an excuse because I don't know how to say no to stuff they are really liking for me." I explain with a sigh.

"I'm sure they'd understand anyway we better go and get ready." Helia tells me. I nod and lead him to my room.

I sit down on my bed. "What am I suppose to wear anyway?" Helia asks me. I giggle.

"You can wear anything, even you're Specialist uniform." I reply. He goes into the bathroom and changes. I look through my wardrobe. I pick out a pastel green princess gown with pastel pink flowers. I sigh and get changed into it. I slide on some pastel pink heels underneath and they can't be seen.

"You look beautiful my flower." Helia whispers into my ear as he wraps his arms around my waist.

"Helia did you see me-" I start but I'm cut off by Helia.

"It's nothing I haven't seen before." He laughs. I blush remembering. I should of used my magic to get changed!

"Helia!" I say barely above a whisper. He laughs.

"Don't worry I just came out, I didn't see anything. I'm not Riven." Helia assures me. We both laugh at the way he put it. He's in his Specialist uniform.

"Princess Flora you have an hour until they're here, you need to do something with you're hair." A maid tells me. I smile politely.

"Thank you." I thank her. She smiles and leaves. I groan as soon as the door is closed. Helia laughs.

"Just leave it its not like they can say anything." Helia tells me. I smile and giggle. We spend an hour talking before a maid comes in to say we're needed in the greenhouse.

"And so it begins." I laugh causing Helia to laugh. Everyone know's of our engagement but today we're telling them about the wedding! I sigh as I see the news reporter sitting in the greenhouse.

"Hello you two if you both take a seat we can begin." She says. Helia and I sit down. She moves slightly closer to Helia making me slightly uncomfortable but I don't say anything. They start filming. "I'm here with Princess Flora of Linphea and her fiancé Helia after being told about some big announcement." She starts. "Firstly is it good news?" She asks us.

"To most." Helia replies with a laugh.

"You two have broken up?" She asks us almost sounding hopeful. We raise an eyebrow at her even the camera man but she doesn't say anything she just waits for an answer.

"Of course not that wouldn't be good news at all." Helia replies.

"In fact the news is that we're having our wedding in a week." I put in. She gasps causing us once again to stare at her.

"So when are you getting you're dress?" She asks before any of us can ask about her reaction. Helia shakes his head.

"I'm not a woman or a bride or anything but I've never heard of someone announcing to the whole world... universe what their dress is before their wedding especially when their wedding is in a week but that may just be me." Helia says. She turns red with embarrassment but I can't help but laugh.

"Anyway back to the studio." She says quickly to the camera before they stop filming. She quickly leaves with the camera man following her. I turn to Helia and pout.

"She never said goodbye." I tell him jokingly. He laughs wrapping an arm around me.

"You're such a child." He laughs.

"Takes one to know one." I tease. "Now come on I need to get out of this dress." I complain causing him to laugh as we walk into the palace. I feel him hold my hand. I quickly turn and peck him on the lips as we continue walking.

"You okay?" Helia asks me.

"Yeah it's just that the reporter was quite strange especially with her reactions." I reply. Helia laughs and I turn to look at him confused.

"She's jealous." He explains. I nod.

"I know but still." I reply. He shakes his head as we walk to my room.