A/N: Hey guys, so sorry for the very long wait for this chapter. I been busy with the holidays, family, work, writer's block, and I was sick for a couple of weeks.

I am feeling better now, still go a stuffy nose, but it was a lot better then I was before hand. Anyway, here is the long awaited chapter for you guys. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Hasbro/The Hub owns: Transformers; XxXSkylarxRatchet96XxX owns: Her Oc, Mia

The Autobots headed back to their base after their fight with Starscream a long time ago. Before that chaos ensured, Sari and Mia had managed to find a large building that used to be a plant for the Autobots, even Mia herself can live there with them, besides staying over at Sari's home.

Here they were now making their base. But, some would even come close to call it their home. "Man, Sari is going to love this." Bulkhead said, as he gingerly placed couches their size down. "Yeah? Well I am impressed by our work into making our new home homely too." I smiled, as Optimus agree with me. He was helping Bee and dad place the huge TV up on the wall.

Bee turned to me and shook his yellow helm, "I really surprised you had the guts to go against Starscream like that, Mia." Dad just finished putting his side of the television in when he commented, "It doesn't matter what actions made my daughter do that, I am only surprised that Mia had enough in her to talk like that to Starscream."

Bulkhead scoffed and then laughed, "Yeah, you wanna tell me anyone who would have their motherboard cracked enough to stab him in the ankle." The others laughed at the thought, even me. "Come to think of it Bulkhead, I think my motherboard was cracked years ago. Either that, or I am just that crazy to do such things." Once again, the others and myself laughed again.

As Prime got into the other means of discussion about the planet they were on and how Optimus put it, 'roll with it', Prowl landed from the ceiling, looking like he was in a bad mood and dragged himself to his room, but in his room overhearing the entire conversation. I saw him out the corner of my eye doing just that, so I excuse myself from the others and went to follow in Prowl's direction to see and talk to him.

(Prowl's POV)

I was hearing the others talk about what they thought of Mia, before I made my way past them. I will admit, she did have a lot of courage to fight off Starscream, not a lot of bots I have met have done such a thing. I heard a knock on the door, "Who is it?" I asked. "It's me Prowl. Mia." Mia answered back to me. I told her she can come in, to which she did.

She looked around my room, "Nice room you got here. The tree sprouting out of the ceiling works well with your personal type." She told me. I just shook my helm at her, "Well I was always taught to treat all life sacred, and it is the greatest privilege when you are given a spark to live. Which is why I pick the room with the tree in it. It gives an example to my meaning." I told her.

She nodded, "I agree with you on that one. My room is next door to dad's room. It just so he can keep an eye on me now that we're back together again. But, it more of me keeping an eye on him though. He can be a grouchy and moody mech sometimes." She said. I nodded in agreement with her. She walked over to me, and just chatted with me for a bit.

Just then, Optimus comes to the door and says, "Got a nanoclick, Prowl?" He asked me. Mia did not mind being here with us at all. Anyway, I didn't want to talk, but I wanted to how the humans put it… vent.

I was also irritated by the humans too busy to see the beautiful nature around them. So, I told him and Mia about that and maybe a few other things on my mind too. Mia agree with me on the nature comment I told both of them about. Just then, Bumblebee sprang out of nowhere and interrupted the conversation.

This got me angry, so I decided to go to the tree and hide. At least, there I can ignore everybot near, expect Mia of course she my new friend after all that respect me and my space well. I could not help but smile at seeing an annoyed Mia drive off Bumblebee with her threats of finding her dad's wrench, and smacking him in the helm a few times with it for what he just did.

I saw Optimus just shook his helm at the sight of it. I just love Mia crazy antics at others. It makes me smile and not be moody all the time. She is the best friend I have ever meet and made with.

(Normal POV)

I was walking with the others to go see Sari at Sumdac Tower. We said hello to Sari and talk to her for a bit. She then had an idea pop into her head, "How about a slumber party at your guys place tonight?" She asked us.

The bots were not sure on the idea, so Sari turned to me, "Please help me convince them on this, Mia. PLEASE?" She asked me. I sighed through my vents and turned to the others, "Sari's idea sounds great you guys. I think we should give it a shot. It get us to help us know one another better. So, it could be fun to do it." I told them, backing Sari up on her proposal.

It took a lot of pleases, a few batting of eyelashes, and a dash of flirtatious comments, until the others agreed with us. Score! Soon Sari and I explained to them what was a slumber party. Soon, we gather Sari's things and headed off to the base to start our slumber party.

(Autobot base)

The slumber party begin and it was going off good as it can be that is. Moments passed and I watched Prowl, as he beat Bee and Bulkhead easily in a game of twister. 'Damn he is good at that. Plus, he got some good skills too,' I thought, 'I mean I good at this game too, but not as good as him though.'

I did admit, it was quite comical that the largest of us and in lack of better terms, 'the runt' of us too were playing such a game. I even snickered a small bit when Prowl showed them up, and won in what- ten seconds.

Bee and Bulkhead asked for it sadly. You don't poke a bear with a pig-stick. Or in this case, you don't change the channel if Prowl is watching butterflies on the nature-documentaries. "Y- Fine! Have fun watching the grass grow!" Bee taunted Prowl, as he solemnly left the room, but something caught his optic and he stayed in the corner of the room.

In the shadows, he didn't want to set Bee off, that was just unneeded. He did see me smack Bee in the head for his comment, to which made him smile about it. Bee grumbled about it, as he rubbed the poor spot I just hit him at on his head.

"Okay Sari, Mia. It's your turn, if you can do better." Bee told the both of us, as he was trying to get back up. "Ok." I said, as I got up to my feet and changed into my human form, that way my bot form won't squish or hurt Sari.

(Moment later)

Soon, Sari and I were both in awkward positions in the game. Prowl watched some of the match. The others didn't know about me being flexible, not even my dad. I beat Sari and I left after Prowl walked out the door, as Sari was telling the bots a scary story. While following Prowl, I went to change back into my bot form.

I was in the doorway of Prowl's room. I notice a poster that I have not seen when I first came in this room earlier this morning. It was a poster of a white puppy holding on a tree branch like it was a lifeline, saying to 'keep your chin up'.

'Cute.' I couldn't help thinking on it. I looked around at the natural atmosphere to the place. I just love the way Prowl's room is. I was so jealous he got to pick this room, as I would love to have a room like this. I shook my head from that thought, as I remember why I was here in the first place.

"Are you going to tell me what's wrong, or are you going to pout about it the whole night?" I said to the back of Prowl who was sitting with his back facing me. "It's called meditating Mia, and not if you keep bothering me right now." Prowl sternly said. I just rolled my eyes at him for it. He can be moody sometimes just like dad is.

In that moment, we both heard Bee frightfully screaming like a little girl. I smirked at this sound because it was so funny to hear it. But, I focused back to Prowl. "They seem to be having a good time." I commented, as I lean against the doorframe.

"Bee didn't sound so convinced." Prowl said. "Details." I replied waving my hand to scoff. But, this attempt didn't get a smile from Prowl, not even an acknowledgment. I frowned at the silence. 'Man he is moody. He is worst then dad is.' I thought.

I sighed through my vents in annoyance at my best friend's attitude. "Fine, have it your way grumpy." And with that, I left to join back with the others. Prowl felt guilty about shutting his best friend out, but was soon startled when he heard more screams and a lot of commotion in the training room.

Prowl went to tell the others to keep it down when he saw a battered Ratchet protecting Mia and Sari from a mechanical arm almost burning them with spitting flames. Prowl's spark almost spiked when he saw his best friend and little Sari in danger like that. He was very protective over both of them, even if he did not show it all the time.

Sari and I thanked dad. Even though, I was worried about his battered form, but he told me to not worry about it. I don't care though, as dad was hurt and I will fix him up later after this little mess is over with. I soon, saw Sari running and dodging from shots fired at her, after she left us, by one of the mechanical armed guns that were all going haywire.

I sprinted to help Sari who was almost going to get shot. I take her down covering her up from the shots firing. I fall to the ground with Sari, but I keep my balance on not falling on top of her and hurt or squishing her. I was just curled up over Sari to protect her from the attacks of the mechanical armed guns, even if I had to take the shots myself.

Prowl was serious now and tried to get to the control panels, but he was caught by the arms. He instructed Bee to get to the control panels by staying still and striking at the right moment. Though we all had our doubts that it would work, this is Bumblebee after all. I even doubted too because Bee does not stay still for that long, but he prove me and everyone else wrong.

Anyway, the plan miraculously works and before we could celebrate, my battered dad yells, "The oil drum is gonna blow!" Oh slag! In seconds, the drum was thrown out the top window before it exploded in the sky. Record time if we could say so ourselves.

"So, if my key didn't cause this than what did?" Sari asked, looking at the key with a hard concentration. We found a small robot running away from the area and us. We went after it so we can analyze it on how this tiny bot could cause this much trouble in the base.

But before any of us could do that, Bulkhead caught it and accidently smashed it to bits. So much for analyze it on how this accident happened at our base on us all. "Right, examine it." Bulkhead muttered, as he knew what he did, while the tiny robot turned into dust. I walked up to Bulkhead and put a comforting hand on his shoulder, "It is ok Bulk. Things like that happens when we grab things too hard." I told him.

It cheered him up a little bit, but he was still upset about doing that though. Afterwards, we cleaned up the mess the chaos left. And, we fixed up anyone who was hurt, mainly dad and I were hurt, but not to extreme. We were just banged up that all.

Once done with all of that, we call it a night. We were all tired and went to recharge/sleep in our rooms. Sari took her sleeping bag and her other things she brought with her to my room, and slept in there. Soon, the base was quiet and everyone was asleep/in recharge for the night, until it was morning once again.

A/N: And, that's a wrap! Finally done typing up this chapter for you guys to read. Once again, sorry for the very long wait for this chapter. It was just the things I mention in the author's note at the beginning of this chapter that delay my time in finishing up this chapter.

Anyway, the couples I have for this story are Ratchet/Arcee, Black Airachnid/Elita-One/Optimus Prime, and the last one I have is someone with Mia, but I not sure who to be with her. I have four choices I narrowed down to, so I need your help in picking which one should be paired with her.

So, voted for the best one you like, as I will keep tally on them. I will announce the winner in chapter 6 or chapter 7 in beginning author's note of this story.

Here are the four choices:

1. Prowl/Mia

2. Skywarp/Mia

3. Wasp/Mia

4. Blurr/Mia

Those are the four choices to pick, so please vote for one which guys. It will help me a lot with it. Thanks. I hope you enjoy this chapter, so please R&R, and have a nice day. Now onto Stormdrift's next chapter in her story. This is Sky96 signing off. Bye!