Hi guyz this is my first story and I'm trying my best to make atleast a decent fanfiction ….. Plsss guyz no flames or hates or any unnecessary violent comments what im asking is that plss tell me what stuff I can improve so that I can give you guyz better stories ….. tnx a lot well then everyone I hope you enjoy my story :D

Disclaimer- I do not own to aru majutsu no Index

Chapter 1

Did you ever feel that something is missing?

The feeling of being incomplete...

These thoughts ran through Misaka's mind. Standing in front of the usual vending machine where she would always meet that certain idiot. She did not know why but her legs would always take her there. She would usually end up there when she's thinking or lonely.

Suddenly, a voice stopped her train of thoughts. It was that certain idiot's voice. A voice that made her heart skip a beat and her face beat red.

"Yo, biribiri."

He said while walking towards her.

"It's Misaka Mikoto you idiot!"

Sparks started flying from her bangs.

"Oi! Oi! Oi! Don't go all biribiri on me. So, what're you doing here today biribiri?"

"It has nothing to do with you, idiot!"

She told him as she closed her eyes and turned around letting her back face him.

"Hai... Hai..."

He said as he started walking again.

She doesn't know why but everytime she's with him she feels complete. She feels safe. She feels happy.

Suddenly.. She felt something warm in her forehead their face were inches away and that idiots forehead had connected with hers …. Her face became more red because of their distance. She suddenly jumps back due to the shock and falls down.

"Oi! Oi! Are you okay biribiri? Your face suddenly turned red."

He extended his hand to help Misaka up.

"I'm fine."

She said as she stood up by herself.

"Are you sure?"

He asked with a concerned face.

"I said I was fine didn't I?"

She turned around, trying to hide her beat red face from him.

"Okay... Well, see you Mikoto."

He said with a smile on his face.

He started walking and passed her, not noticing her face had become as red as a tomato. Without realizing a smile formed on her face. Her heart started beating faster. She felt as if she finally found the piece that was missing in her life. She was happy. She did not know why, but she was happy. Happy that a certain idiot said her name. Happy because she was with him right now.

Meanwhile in the darkness of the alleys a tall man murmured.

"Imagine Breaker."

Kamijou Touma was now heading back to his dorm. He didn't know why but everytime he would meet with that certain level 5 Ojou-sama it always makes his mood better and it makes him happy. A smile formed in his mouth as he remembered their encounter earlier. After a while of walking he noticed that it was starting to get darker than he realized.

"Crap! It's already this late!"

He cursed while running as fast as he could. He knew that if he would be late in cooking dinner it would mean certain doom. He knew that the girl who had memorized 103,000 grimores would not forgive him for being late. Her punishment would only mean only one thing to him. Certain doom. He arrived at the door of his apartment while trying to catch his breath but he had no time to relax. He was sure that if he didn't hurry it would mean doom.

"I'm home."

He said as he opened the door and walked inside. But there was something odd. The girl who was supposed to be the harbinger of his doom was nowhere to be found.

"Index! Index!"

He repeatedly call her name while searching the room. Then he found a note on the fridge.

"I'm going to Komoe-sensei's house because you're always late Touma. Me and Sphinx were very hungry. Also don't think that you've escaped punishment.


His started sweating when he read the last part. Suddenly he heard a noise outside. He had a feeling that something was wrong. He went outside and saw a tall person covered in a black robe. He realized that this guy was no ordinary person. He noticed that the man was carrying a sword with his right hand.

"Imagine Breaker. Come with me at once if you want no harm to come to your body!"

The man said in a very aggressive tone.

Touma knew that there was no use reasoning with this guy. He clenched his right fist and glared at the black robed man. Index was not here and he was puzzled at why the man was there. With these deep thoughts he readied himself to fight, ready to protect everyone.

Author's Note:

Well guyz what do you think?...Is it ok?... Also im sorry if this first chapter was short or not good enough I promise to do more in the next chapter…. Also tnx to my beta readers/editors who help me greatly in making this fan…..So guyzz tnx for reading and I hope you like it …. Well then see you again next time also plsss review …. See you

"Don't forget there is always hope"