I would just like to say, I am so incredibly grateful to all my readers. A friend of mine was reading through some of the reviews and complimented how sweet you all are. I have to agree wholeheartedly. Reading through my reviews always makes my day! Which I have needed lately. I just started a new job and while stressful, I get a long enough break to write. Hopefully this contributes to me updating more frequently and outputting more stories! I have some great ideas for a few new fics so be on the lookout!
Read. Rate. Review. Be jolly and enjoy a pumpkin muffin and boiling hot coffee!
She padded after him all too happily. She was sated and for the first time in months, she felt almost at peace. Of course there were still things weighing on her mind but she couldn't bring herself to let it ruin this moment. She could think later, worry later. Right now she just wanted to bask in what had happened. She had practically been worshiped and devoured by this exemplary specimen of a man. He had wanted her and taken her. It was raw. She hadn't felt that free in a long time.
He led her to the room they had dined in before but this time she was plopped into his lap. She was very aware of how small she was once again. She flushed as a servant brought their food in. She tugged his shirt further down her body in an attempt to cover herself. He thanked the man and began feeding her bits of fruit and pastry. She clung to him and did the same. It was entirely too tender. She was only mildly aware of the soft waves of her reiki that radiated around them.
"I believe we have finally found a way to awaken your appetite," he quipped before popping a strawberry into her mouth.
She looked away. "I have an appetite. Other things have just taken precedence."
"I believe it's time we reorganize your priorities."
"We?" she looked at him speculatively.
"Indeed. I have claimed you. Therefore your worries become my worries. I did not spend all that time courting you for nothing."
"Courting? That was seduction and nothing more!" She tried to wiggle away to no avail.
"You seem incredibly adamant about denying our bond. Why is that?"
"Because I know your type! Humans are fleeting fancies for you. I'm not about to waste more of my time on a demon who is just having a bit of fun."
Well, way to go Kagome. There goes the after glow.
He looked perplexed. It didn't suit him. His fine features were meant for assurance and confidence. Good. It would make it easier to get out of this. She finally pulled free of his arms and walked away to find her clothing. She would not be disappointed that he hadn't come after her immediately. Had she stayed a bit longer or bothered to turn around she would have seen the disbelief on his face. She was determined to find what remained of her uniform and get the hell out of there before she made a complete fool out of herself.
She was bending over, looking under the bed for a stocking when she heard him come in. He must have wanted her to know he was there otherwise she would have continued to look around without success. She sat up and looked over her shoulder at him. He was standing in the door with his arms crossed over the firm expanse of his chest. Her heart skipped a beat. A terrible sign, really. She knew damn well that she liked him more than she was willing to admit. He calmed something inside her and she would have to be an idiot to ignore how attractive he was. But mostly it was the way that he seemed to know exactly how to sooth her and warm her from the inside out. She cursed her heart for falling so easily once again.
"You won't find the remnants of your uniform there."
"You could just give it to me, you know."
"Impossible, I'm afraid. It has been discarded."
"Thrown away."
"I know what it means! I want to know why?"
"It was rendered useless?" he cocked his head to the side like a puppy and she was finding it incredibly difficult to stay mad.
"I'm not exactly walking out of here in your shirt so you better start making arrangements to find me something to wear."
"You're not walking out of here."
"Excuse you?"
"Nothing will be acquired until we have discussed this matter of courtship and mating."
"There is nothing to discuss, you hard headed demon!"
He lifted a hand and waved it dismissively. "That is yet to be determined."
He approached her slowly. She wasn't foolish enough to back up and let him chase her. No, she was going to stand her ground and hope for the best. She would not give in. Kagome knew better than to let a demon have her heart. It was a disaster waiting to happen. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt. She was older, wiser now. She knew how to push her feelings down. She could do this... probably.
"I believe my race has been misrepresented. You seem to be under the impression that we cannot care for humans. Which is foolish because you know this isn't true. Does your kit not love you as kin? Did I not love Inuyasha's mother deeply? Does Inuyasha not care for you and your other human companions as though you were family? Does Sesshomaru not love Rin?"
She gaped at him foolishly. Okay, so the guy had a point. She realized that she really didn't have much to go on anymore.
"That's not.. that isn't the point!"
"Oh? Perhaps you were not pleased with our earlier activities," he said with a teasing look in his eyes that she was too embarrassed to catch.
"No! I mean... I was pleased. That's not... it was lovely."
"If there is something you are dissatisfied with you ought to make it known. I am excellent at problem solving."
She was very aware of how close he was now. His breath tickled her face and she was face to face with his chest. She looked up at him. His golden eyes glimmered with patience and understanding. She didn't know how to tell him she was terrified of losing herself or worse, letting herself love him and then losing him. She knew that the pain she had felt at losing Inuyasha was simply her own refusal to let go of a childhood dream, her first love. She still hadn't adapted to being back in her time yet. Everything was still so new, so hard. She hadn't spent any time with Shippo in weeks. She hadn't even spoken to him about moving. What was she so afraid of?
"If you need more time, I can understand that. My feelings will not change. We will just continue with the courtship."
She eyed him speculatively. How very human. She was used to demons being high handed. He was an anomaly. "And you'd be okay with that?"
"So it would seem. You see, Kagome, I simply must have you. I couldn't be happy without you. Therefore, I will go to any lengths to be sure that you become mine."
"Why me?"
"There's something about you that the beast inside of me simply can't resist. Perhaps it's fate?"
She didn't quite know what to do with that so she did the only thing she could think of. She closed her eyes and pressed her face into his chest and let it rest there. She needed the contact. He was solid. He was unmoving. He became something of an anchor to her in that moment. He was going to give her time. He was going to give her the one thing she felt she never had. Her entire life had revolved around her rushing around and hoping for the best. Kagome felt his arms wrap around her. Her stomach graciously broke the silence and made a reply irrelevant. She flushed a bit at the resounding growl.
She felt his body shake with laughter under her. "Shall we finish our meal?"
She nodded and followed after him, hand in hand. She had gotten some of the weight off her chest. The rest would have to wait until she ate. For now, food was her priority. Perhaps she could sneak in a few more kisses before returning to the real world.
This isn't my favorite chapter but it is what it is. Hopefully, the next few chapters are a bit better. I will probably try to get this fic up to 20 chapters before ending it so that I can work on new content. My dad has been pressing me to actually work on a novel instead so I need to wrap some stuff up so that I can focus new ideas into actually working on a book. Fingers crossed!
Thank you so much for reading! Leave a review and let me know what you think or what you want to see in the future.