Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural. If I did, there would be stories and moments of Cas and Charlie like in these stories.
The Adventures of Charlie and Castiel
FBI Badges
Charlie knew that this was going to go better than last time. Back when she had investigated that case with Dean, she had been inexperienced. Since then, she had gone to Oz and managed to evade a mafia like, creepy family of pursuers. She totally had this.
"I'm Agent Moscone. This is my partner, Agent Granger." Castiel intoned as he pulled out his own fake FBI Badge.
Charlie pulled her badge out and held it up. As she glanced at it, she realized her mistake.
Her FBI badge was upside down.
Charlie! She internally yelled at herself, and she resisted the urge to facepalm. She had one thing to do and she had gotten it wrong again.
She glanced over at Cas to see if he was upset at her mistake. What she saw was the exact opposite.
Castiel's badge was also upside down. His lips were pursed as he glanced first at it and then at her.
She saw relief fill his eyes, and Charlie was surprised to find that she felt the same. After all, it's nice to know that you're not alone. She tried to stop a smile from crossing her face, and she could tell that Cas was doing the same.
Within a few moments though, Cas turned his eyes back to the officer in front of him and flipped his badge shut. She followed suit, but somehow she felt a lot better than she had before.
It seemed like her and Cas were like two peas in a pod.
AN: So I have since decided that "The New Dynamic Duo" will be a stand-alone fic even though it goes with the theme I'm pushing here. I was going to, but the site rule about not having the exact same thing in different stories made me think twice about it. "Adventures of Charlie and Castiel" will be made up of one-shots of scenarios, discussions, and other random stuff that I wished had taken place. Charlie and Cas was my BroTP before it was brutally murdered. These will be written as the muse takes me and I have time, although I may take requests later. Still, don't expect regular updates for this. Still, for my first story, I've done Charlie's perspective of a scene from "The New Dynamic Duo." Seriously, upside down FBI badges, people.