Unspoken Boundaries

Chapter One

Michonne had shrugged off the thought at first. It was too much for her to comprehend, too much for her to digest.

It had started at Deanna's party. A wave, a smile followed by the undeniable gaze of pure male lust. This woman was blonde, petite, she seemed to ease through the crowd of people with an elegance and grace that Michonne was envious of.

She was standing by Rick. They were talking now, the conversation was light and breezy, words flowing as easily as the wine that had been poured for them moments before. This was a different Rick Michonne was watching. The cracks were slowly starting to appear already though, the facade Rick was pulling was only fooling himself. Michonne knew him better than that.

When he laughed the sound cut through her like a sharp blade poking from inside. She felt a feeling develop in the pit of her stomach, a feeling she would never admit to herself.

In all her time with Rick she had been the only one to make that sound he made now. A quick chuckle with that boyish smile, the shy grin which always followed as he looked to the ground.

He was enjoying himself it seemed and with a stranger. Not too long ago Rick was debating on whether or not him and his people should come here. He had argued with Michonne about trust and the consequences that came with it.

Michonne had remembered the look he had given when everyone had agreed with her, his face portrayed worry, uncertainty and denial. It seemed back then Rick would never let his guard down, yet here he was sipping wine and making small talk with one of the married town residents.

She watched the moment unfold before her like a magician revealing a hidden secret. She watched as this blonde passed Rick's daughter back to him. She watched as her arm skimmed his, as her hair brushed his cheek. The look portrayed within those electric blue eyes as he gazed, penetrating and dominant, unraveling her secrets.

As soon as their eyes met Rick lent in. His cheek to her cheek, a smooth brush of prickly stubble against her skin. Jessie felt the fullness of his lower lip, like a school boy on heat, tenderly kiss her cheek.

Michonne could tell it had shocked Jessie as much as it had shocked her. She stared at the floor, bewildered but intrigued all the same. She met his eyes and stepped away, a coy smile forming at the corner of her mouth.

Rick watched the sway of Jessie's hips and the curve of her ass as she walked back to join the party. Michonne remembered a time when his eyes were permanently glued to her whenever she walked away. She had caught him too many times to count. His eyes would always flicker upwards, a harsh movement, overcompensating for his embarrassment.

Michonne would silently grin to herself every time. She secretly enjoyed the attention and had always wanted more but never knew if she was pushing unspoken boundaries.

She thought about all the chances they had had. All the run opportunities and silence between them. So much was said without words but nether one of them had the courage to take the next step. To push further until the reality was one that they both wanted, that they both craved.

It seemed it was all too late. The night was over for Michonne. She grabbed her jacket and left the party without a word spoken, before the bitter sting of fresh, salty tears started to flow, staining her dark cheeks wet.

This night had been a constant source of pain for Michonne. She knew Rick had moved on from his wife and sadly not with her. There were so many questions prodding her mind, so many thoughts ebbing their way to the surface.

She couldn't confide in anyone. Maybe Carol but she was too close to Rick, surly she would tell him her intentions? Michonne knew the answer but didn't want to admit it.

She knew she had to confront Rick, to tell him her feelings before it was too late, before the time passed. These feelings were eating away at her soul, demanding her attention and his acceptance. She needed his answer and now.

The front door clicked open to the home she shared with Rick, Carol, Carl and Judith. He stood before her, his jacket wet with rain.

"Glenn said he saw you leave, I wanted to check you were ok?"

The sincere gesture was enough to tip Michonne over the edge, she didn't want his kindness.

"I'm fine" She hissed. Taking a sip from the cool glass of water she held firm in her hand.

Rick took a seat on the sofa next to his friend. "It was getting crowded in there anyway, parties were never my thing" he offered.

Michonne swallowed another sip of water, her eyes fixated ahead of her, anything to avoid his gaze.

"You looked pretty comfortable with Jessie" The words had left her mouth before she had a chance to dissect their meaning. The words rolled off her tongue too freely, laced with a bitterness she had desperately been trying to hide.

Oh how she regretted drinking so much red wine.

Rick adverted his gaze and looked to the floor. He shifted in his seat as Michonne felt the embarrassment wash over her. She was too old for jealously, too wise and when did a man ever cause her to feel such raw emotion before? Too feel like an insecure teenager all over again.

"She has been kind to me" Rick concluded. "She seems to put me at ease"

Michonne could feel the bubble of emotion pooling at the back of her throat. She was not going to cry, not here, not in front of Rick. She wanted to be happy for him, she really did. He had met a woman, someone who could help diminish the ache he still had for Lori, help heal old wounds and build a live worth living.

When Michonne looked up to find his eyes they were already on her, devouring her with just a look. Searching for something Michonne could not quite put her finger on.

There was nothing now but silence between them as they stared, ocean colliding with the darkest brown. Rick looked caring but something sinister would flash upon his face now and again, as real as the dark circles and tell tale wrinkles under his eyes.

Michonne knew the things he had done, she knew him better than anyone. So much would go unsaid between them but so much was conveyed with just a look that it overwhelmed Rick at times.

He had never felt that with lori, silence was never an option with her, but with Michonne she could always read him with just a look and she was always right.

Rick had never been good with women. It had shocked him when Lori had agreed to marry him the way she did. He always seemed awkward, shy and aloof. Unsure of himself when it came to the opposite sex. He tired to read between the lines, to look for the signs that magazines and TV always went on about. The truth was he could never tell.

But he was trying, trying wholeheartedly to figure out his friend and by looking at her now he was sure there was a hope in her eyes that he too had felt all those months on the road together.

Back at the prison all this time ago, Michonne had definitely caught Rick's eye. She was tall, Strong, capable with a hint of playfulness that just sent his mind into overdrive. When he had turned back that day to find her and Carl battling over a chocolate bar, her long legs gracefully edging along the rail tracks, so carefully so she didn't full off. The way she had tired to cheat followed by the smile she had honestly achieved from his son, the smile Rick thought he would never see again.

Her body was as strong as his, he was sure of it, yet her femininity was always there and whenever he watched her from a distance he found his eyes roaming lustfully over her body. The curve of her waist, the thickness of her thighs and the plump pout of her lips would send an electric spark of blood pooling between his legs.

One day when they were loading up the car after a run she had bent over to pick up a bag of supplies right in front of him. It took Rick all the will he had to stop himself from burying his face in her ass and once at the prison he had to lock himself in the shower room to relive himself.

Those thoughts had felt wrong. His wife had just died and yet here he was thinking of another women he had only known for a few months. He had fought to keep his feelings in check, to fight the urges of temptation and tell himself that it was only because he had gone so long without sex. But it wasn't just sex for Rick. Just touching someone else, being held and to hold were things he not only craved but needed as much as the air he breathed.

Being the leader was a role for someone who was strong, dependable, but when did he ever get to let his guard down? To unwind and let the weight of this world off his shoulders if only for a moment? It seemed he could now and as he searched Michonne's face he could tell she was thinking the same thing.

Michonne bit her lip, the alcohol clouding her mind like a thick smoke. She needed to give Rick the green light, she knew it was now or never. To hell with it she thought. Everything they had been through just to be sitting here now, so what if Rick didn't feel the same way as she did, she needed to know the answer.

Her eyes darted to his mouth, then followed the buttons on his shirt to his waist and then lower to his crotch. They rested there until she could feel the burn of Rick's stare at the back of her head, she knew he was blushing and she wanted to see.

Her eyes flew back up to his and she could see for the first time Rick's true intentions. His eyes were hazed, pupils dilated in the same way she had seen before when he had been caught staring none too discretely.

She licked her lips, then entwined her fingers with his bringing his hand to her mouth. She kissed the tips of his rough fingers never breaking eye contact once. She felt his breathing hitch as she sucked in a finger and swirled her tongue over the digit.

Rick could feel the pressure erupt between his thighs. He was already so embarrassingly hard and he wanted Michonne so badly is hurt. The strain of his erection against his now too tight jeans was enough to cloud his judgement.

The feelings of lust and bitter-sweet animalistic desire came flooding over him like a wave of intense pleasure. He grabbed Michonne's hips and pulled hard until she jolted with surprise astride him. He fumbled with her belt buckle, clumsily undoing it and discarding it on the floor. He then got to work on her jeans, tugging impatiently at the button until it came undone.

He needed friction and soon, his cock was painfully throbbing. The excitement of this moment was overwhelming him and soon he was spreading her thick, jean-clad thighs and dry humping the material between her legs. Michonne let out a moan as she laid back against the sofa. Rick rested his head on her shoulder as he undid the button on his jeans allowing his erection to spring proudly free.

God he wanted to fuck her so bad, to have her here and now would be like heaven.

His hips were moving as quick as his fumbling hands, desperately trying to remove her jeans.

"Rick...Michonne panted...Rick...slow down, there's no rush"

She cupped his face in her hands as she steadied her breathing.

She looked into his lust filled eyes "What if someone comes home from the party, we should go upstairs"

Rick could only nod as Michonne took his hand and led him up the staircase to her room.

Once inside Michonne watched as Rick followed and she could now clearly see his bobbing erection, thick, long and swollen red.

"That thing looks like it aches" She smirked, licking her lips and kneeling down in front of him. She took him in her mouth, swirling her lips and tongue around the tip in such a way that Rick couldn't help but moan.

"Arh...God Michonne" The feeling of her wet mouth felt so good Rick could already feel the steady build of pressure as his balls tensed. Michonne could sense this so she retreated and nipped at his inner thigh instead, tasting and teasing until she reached his balls.

She licked his balls so deliciously slowly, lapping with her tongue until his legs were shaking.

"Get on the bed" Michonne ordered. She helped take of his shirt then his jeans, sliding them down over his strong thighs. Rick now laid naked, sprawled out on the bed with Michonne's head inches from his cock.

She began her teasing again, sliding her tongue up and down his shaft, reaching the head and tasting him now and then as she aloud his length entrance into her mouth.

It was taking Rick all he had not to grab her hair and pull her down so she took all of him in, the feeling was like nothing he had experienced. The way she cupped his balls, stroked his cock then licked. Up and down, agonizingly slowly until he was left wanting more and more, leaving his cock aching for release.

"Michonne...please" he begged through pants. He was grunting, a low throaty sound that made Michonne even wetter. She loved hearing a man moan, especially Rick. But the teasing wasn't other yet, she wanted him so worked up. She wanted to make his body ache for her, need her the way she needed him.

"Tell me what you want Rick" Michonne asked, looking up at him. He truly was a beautiful man. His body was muscular with natural strength, his dark hair a tangled mess and his eyes! Even in the low lit room they shone through the darkness, a blue that would never fade.

The truth was Rick was never a talker in bed. Even with Lori he had always concentrated on her pleasure and nothing else. Whenever she and gone down on him he always controlled his response, telling her exactly when he was about to come so she could pull away just in time.

He didn't feel those restrictions with Michonne. Her dark eyes were wild, her gaze intense and hungry. Rick could tell she was enjoying this as much as he was.

His boundaries were slowly fading away, he felt so comfortable with Michonne and he would do anything for her.

"Well?' She asked again "What do you like?" Rick cleared his throat, she had stopped sucking and licking and god he wanted her to continue.

"I like to be licked here" his voice a breathy whisper. He showed her with his fingers, the thick vein protruding from the underside of his shaft. Michonne smiled her teeth illuminating in the darkness. "Like this?" She ran her tongue along the sweet stop, sliding slowly up to the head and lapped at the slit feeling the sticky wetness that had began to pool there.

Rick closed his eyes and spread his legs a little wider, the feeling was driving him crazy. Michonne took that as an invitation to lick his balls again, gently lapping slowly up and down until she could feel the pre-cum oozing from his cock as she pumped him in her hand.

She was suddenly stopped by Rick's hand over hers, she looked up to see him puffing and panting. "I'm not gonna last much longer" he confessed. "I need to fuck you"

Michonne didn't give him anymore time to protest, she descended on him with passion. His cock filling every inch of her mouth as she sucked and licked, her hand working him faster and faster until his words were replaced by the sweet sound of him climaxing. "Arhhh, oh god...Oh I'm coming, baby I'm coming!"

Michonne watched as thick spurts of white cum shot into the air, landing in spots along his abdomen and thighs. She then licked the tip to taste the last few drops, cleaning him off with her mouth.

Rick lay on the bed in silence, the only sound was his rough breathing and heaving chest. He let out a genuine laugh. "My God" he panted "

Michonne came to rest beside him and their eyes met. Suddenly her lips were on his and Rick could taste himself in her mouth, a salty tang mixed with desire.

Rick pulled back "This ain't fair. I'm laying here completely naked and your still dressed" he said sternly.

"Well now we got the first one out the way" She said playfully, her eyes looming over his cum stained stomach. Rick felt himself blush as he watched Michonne pull her tank top up over her head revealing an ivory bar that only empathized the dark mocha colour of her skin.

In the low lit room her skin glistened as the light from the street lamps outside cast her body in an alluring glow. Rick watched mesmerized as she stepped out of her jeans, her button still undone from his previous attempt.

She now stood before him in her underwear and Rick couldn't take the teasing any longer. "Take em off" he barked. Michonne did as she was told, un-clipping her bar and allowing it to fall to the floor, followed by her white thong. Her generous breasts bounced as they were removed, the flesh inviting and firm.

Rick pulled her to him, he needed to taste her. He cupped a breast in his hand and played with it until her dark nipple hardened under his touch. He sensuously kissed and sucked her nipple, squeezing the other breast carefully in his hand.

Michonne arched her back in ecstasy, her body felt on fire, a thousand nerve endings alighting in unison as she focused on his hands. Soon they were traveling down her sides to her stomach as he deeply kissed her mouth, relishing in the feeling of his lips on hers. He was a slow, sensual kisser, taking his time to taste her, his tongue exploring hers with passion.

"I can't tell you how long I've waited to touch this" he exclaimed his hands resting firmly on her round ass.

"I know" Michonne confessed "You look at it enough"

Rick blushed then gave her ass a light slap sending sparks of prickly heat along the swollen skin. Michonne moaned. "I want you to sit on my face" Rick's breath was hot in her ear as he whispered. "I need to taste your pussy, I want this beautiful ass in my face"

His words were causing a tingling sensation down below as Michonne grew wetter at the thought. She watched as he lay back down and motioned for her to obey his wish. She steadied herself above his face, inches away from his mouth. Rick's hands were still firmly gripped on her ass as he guided her pussy to his tongue, lapping and tasting her until she was moaning his name.

She looked down and noticed his cock had sprung back to life again, pre -cum already coating the tip in a wet sheen. She could feel her juices flowing freely down her thighs as his tongue darted in and out her body, then circling her clit so gently that she shuddered in pleasure.

"so wet" Rick said. "You taste so good" Michonne was getting close now, she started rocking herself rhythmically over his mouth, the combination of his stubble and wet tongue was driving her absolutely crazy.

She reached out for his aching cock and started to tug. Rick moaned into her pussy and the sensation was enough to push Michonne over the edge. She sat up straight, her body a glistening map of curves as she ground down harder onto Rick's face. She was moving now, her thighs shaking as Rick grabbed her ass to steady her and he squeezed hard.

"Oh...Rrrriiiiccck!" She cried out in ecstasy as she came hard feeling her juices overflow all over Rick's face and down her thighs. She collapsed in a heap at Rick's side, trying to catch her breath but he didn't allow her too long, he was holding her ankles, spreading her wide and gazing at her naked form. Her pussy was slick with her womanly juices, her full breasts heaving up and down as she gasped for breath. The sight was over exciting him, he had to have her now.

"Spread your legs wider" he demanded. Michonne grabbed her ankles and yanked her legs up giving Rick permission to enter her body. She looked so vulnerable, her pussy was so wet now and the juices were running from her slit down her ass and thighs enticing Rick's cock. She ached for him to be inside her, she was delirious with want and need and Rick could tell because he wanted her just as bad.

Rick held his throbbing cock in his hand as he guided himself to her entrance. He teased her by running the tip along her clit, gently rubbing himself, coating the head in her juices. "Please" she moaned "Fuck me, oh God Rick please"

He didn't need to be asked twice, the testosterone was coursing through his veins, his balls were wound as tight as a spring, his cock coated in pre-cum, he slammed inside of Michonne with such force that she cried out in a pleasurable pain that only made him harder.

The feeling of her tight walls gripping him as he pushed inside was so good he had to stop to regain control. God it had been so long he thought.

"It's ok Rick, I can take it" He heard Michonne say. Truth was he knew she could take it, he just wasn't sure he could.

"g- give me a minute" he stuttered, resting between her legs.

"Everything ok?" Michonne asked through her heavy breathing. "God yes" Rick answered "I'm just a bit...too...erh.."

"Horny" Michonne finished, smiling as she met his eyes.

Rick smirked then started to move, his thrusts were light at first, timid, but then he picked up the pace driving into Michonne so hard her head hit the head-board behind her.

"Oh yeeessss"

Rick now held her under her knees, yanking her legs up high to his waist so he could penetrate deeper still. His rhythm was punishing and brutal, every bit of pent up frustration came flooding out of his body and into hers in waves of intense pleasure.

Every muscle ached as he arched his back and drove in deeper still, enjoying the sound of their bodies meeting. The slip-sliding of his cock driving in and out of her slick pussy and the sound of his balls slapping her ass as he picked up the pace, his thrusts getter harder, quicker until one final noise from Michonne was all it took. He tired to hold back, thoughts of pregnancy and the fact he wasn't wearing a condom crossed his mind momentarily, until the feeling over took him. It had been so long, he couldn't stop himself even if he tired. He came harder than ever, moaning in grunts and whimpers until he was spent, his body exhausted and used atop Michonne's.

They both lay there exhausted and satisfied, their heavy breathing cutting through the silence. Rick pulled out as he felt himself grow soft. He could have laid inside Michonne forever, but the reality of their situation now flooded his mind as he sat up on the bed, ashamed.

"Shit" he whispered.

Michonne was quick to respond. "What's wrong" she asked confused.

"We didn't wear protection, you trusted me to pull out. I'm sorry...I couldn't" His voice was barley audible.

Michonne sighed. "We are both to blame for that" she said. She took his face in her hands and tilted his head so he was facing her.

"You don't regret this, do you?" she asked.

"No" he replied softly. "How could I ever regret this"