Ebony: *Standing in front of the entirety of the cast* Okay folks, this is it. After this, it's over and you're all going home.

Cast: *Cheering loudly*

Ebony: Thank you very much. So. Just a heads up... I've always wondered what it be like for everyone to be happy during the intro.


Ebony: Hello there ladies and gentlefolks, and welcome... To the end... Of ENDS. And yes. I have been waiting about two years to make that joke. Fight me. *Ahem* SOOO! PLEASE WELCOME, FOR ONE FINAL TIME...

Slushy: *Waving* Me!

Sakura: *Waving as well* And me!

Cast: *Loud cheering*

Ebony: *Grins* AAAAND YOURS TRULY! Since these geniuses seem to have forgotten where this place is, let's remind them... Bad guys!

Bad guys: Meep.

Ebony: You're all going to go sit in a dark room for 72 hours listening to Ponponpon.

Bad guys: WAIT WHAT NONONONONONONONON- *Teleported into a dark room. The door locks behind them and Ponponpon starts playing* ... *SCREAMING*

Sakura: Well, that was fun... While they're doing that we've all got to play Magikarp jump!

Several hours later...

Kai: No! *Tries to grab tablet* Pass it to- Hey!

Jay: *Pushes Kai away* GEDDOFF IT'S MY TURN!

Cole: (Still a cat) *Hisses*

Jay: Which is what we agreed t- *Lloyd snatches the tablet off of him* OI!

Lloyd: WOO! My turn!

Zane: *Shakes head in disappointment*

And a li'l bit longer...

Slushy: ALRIGHT THAT'S ENOUGH LET'S GO. *AHEM* Zane Kai have to sing Snow miser heat miser.

Kai Zane: ?

Slushy: *pinches bridge of nose* Just-Just get to it.

*Insert lyrics here because I am a lazy excuse for a human being and i cannot go through a week of this song being in my head again*

Zane Kai: *Jazz hands*

Ebony: Good times all 'round. ANYWAY. COLE.

Cole: Mow.

Ebony: *snaps fingers and Cole is no longer a cat* Alrighty then. That had no relevance to anything but still. *Jazz hands again* Anyway, Lucky Lloyd Garmy...

Lloyd: Oooooh boy...

Ebony: Indeed amigo. So. You will be undergoing the first of today's... OC DARES!

*Thunder crack*

Ebony: Horrifying, I know. Two years, 78 chapters and only now do we figure out we can do that effect. Absolutely disgraceful. *Ahem* Soo... *Slides over to Lloyd* You remember Willow, right?

Lloyd: Yes?

Ebony: Great. Because she has mysteriously appeared in the studio!

Willow: Hi.

Ebony: *Whispers* Just a heads up, you are married to her in one universe.

Lloyd: *Nods* Not even gonna bother at this point.

Ebony: *Pats Lloyd on the back* I know, I know. There are times when we all feel- *Shoves Lloyd into Willow, making them awkwardly kiss*

Lloyd: *Turns bright red*

Morro: I guess he's into it.

Kai: Morro. Shut up.

Morro: I reserve the right to speak.

Sakura: Well anyway, Kai must make out with Willow Julien's OC Suzanne.

Morro: *Snorts*

Kai: *Rolls eyes* There's just something I need to do first.

*Insert scene of Kai lunging at Morro with a garden hose here*


*Kai and Morro are tied up by the garden hose, hanging from the ceiling*

Slushy: I swear... Anyway. Zane.

Zane: Yes?

Slushy: *Snaps fingers and Zane's in his warriors armour* You remember Luna, right?

PIXAL: *Twitches*

Slushy: You're input is invalid Pix. Sooo. Luna.

Luna: Hey.

Jay: Where are these guys even coming from?

Cole: I have genuinely no clue.

Slushy: Zane. Luna. Kiss. Now.

Zane: But-

Luna: *Kisses Zane*

Slushy: And in a shocking twist of fate, this occurs.

Ebony: Good times all round. *Cough* Okay. Jay, Nya.

Jay: *Steels himself for the worst*

Nya: Oh boy...

Ebony: You two are gonna be cosplaying as Peter Quill and Gamora now, 'kay?

Jay Nya: *Peter Quill and Gamora* 'Kay?

Sakura: And now... Lloyd and Clouse must reenact their fight scene.

Lloyd: Waaaait... I don't remember us having a proper actual fight...

Clouse: I agree. All I remember is Garmadon pushing me into the cursed realm...

Garmadon: Technically, you fell.

Clouse: Because you pushed me!

Chen: Ladies, ladies please. Clouse! Shush! We all know you fell in there because you were being overambitious.

Clouse: I was being overambitious? You were the one who- *Suddenly, Clouse is hit in the face by a blast of grey energy*

Ebony: HUSH. Author?

Author: Aye?

Sakura: Did Lloyd fight Clouse?

Author: Not that I can find any record of in canon... BUUUUT maybe if ya'll use some initiative and take a look at who posted the dare, you may realise that a fight between Lloyd and a Clouse Zunil occurs.

Chen: Pft.

Clouse: That is blatantly not my surname.

Lloyd: *looks up from a copy of 'stronger together'* It says here we're both part wolf or something...

Everyone: *groans*

Pythor: Ssstop dragging it out!

Author: Okay, tell you what. You two, read this out and then fight. *Holds up a sign*

Lloyd: *squints* What does it-

Everyone: JUST READ IT!

Lloyd & Clouse: Mahō shōjo ōkami henshin... Iku! (According to Google translate, this means: Magical girl wolf transformation... Go!) *And so, ribbons of light wrap around them in the most anime way possible, much to both of their fear and discomfort as they try to bat it away, causing them to gain wolf ears and tails*

Ebony: Huh. Deja vu.

Lloyd: ... Wut.

Clouse: This is not fine.

Lloyd: *Also now wearing a blindfold* WUT.

And, 3...

Lloyd: WUT?!


Willow: Oh, I remember this! Sort of.


Ebony: Wait, you're still here?

Ding ding!

Lloyd: *Tackles in Clouse's general direction* Take that!

Clouse: *Easily sidesteps and grabs Lloyd's arm and throws him across the room, Greenie's blindfold falling off his eyes and onto the floor* Impressive.

Lloyd: I don't need you patronising me! *Attempts to punch Clouse again, but Clouse dodges again, his own fist lighting up in a deep purple aura and he punches Lloyd into the floor. He growls*

Clouse: Apparently, I'm meant to say something about your girlfriend and how she will never love you. Oh well... *Appears behind Lloyd, throwing a punch at his neck.*

Lloyd: *Spins around and grabs Clouse's fist, throwing him over his shoulder* That makes a lot of sense.

Clouse: *Rolls eyes and starts whispering something*

Lloyd: WOAH WOAH WOAH, that's cheat- *Several vines spring up around Lloyd, tying up his wrists and ankles* THIS TOTALLY DIDN'T HAPPEN!

Chen: He's finally learned!

Clouse: Please shut u-

*A large blast of light explodes outwards from Lloyd, disintegrating the vines, hitting Clouse full on, knocking him back into the far wall and oh my lord it just broke the windows. All the windows. OHH Jesus.*

Lloyd: *Eyes glowing* You wanna play like this?

Clouse: *Slides down from the crater he made in the wall* Ohhh no.

Willow: Hey! *Waving*

*Record scratches to a halt*

Lloyd: *Eyes turn back to normal* Huh?

Clouse: Oh thank God.

Willow: Oh... Uh... I made everyone drinks... *Holds up a large tray of drinks*

Camille: Well, since the coffee room disappeared, I guess this'll have to do.

Jacob: I didn't know what that button did!

*Basically everyone takes a drink from Willow*

Cole: *Suspiciously* Soo... Like. No one is at all bothered about the whole cat potion thing last time?

*Everyone else has already downed their drinks*

Cole: *Sighs* I guess I have nothing to lose. *Downs his drink*

Suddenly, everyone but Willow's a cat.

Willow: Woo! I cannot believe that actually worked.

Everyone else: Mow. (Translation: Verry funny.)

Willow: Welp. My work here is done. Later. *Strolls out of the studio*

Cole: MEW! (Translation: HOW DID NO ONE SEE THAT COMING?!)

Kai: *awkwardly waddles over to Cole and puts a paw on his back* Meow. (Translation: Just accept it. It's the last time this ever has to happen.)

Jay: Mew. (Translation: Unless there's a villain with a weird thing about cats. Like they have an army of cats. They're a crazy cat lady that turns people into cats!)

Lloyd: Mow. (Translation: No way. It's always snakes or some other thing that shouldn't exist... Cats are just... Too plain.)

Cat: Mow. (Translation: Mow.)

Ebony: Look buddy, there's only so many cat noises we can write so let's just fix this. And... *About to snap fingers when she realises she doesn't have any* Ohhh yeah. *Flicks tail and everyone's back to normal* Ah, the status quo. *ahem* Soo... Uh. I guess this is it. The end. Fin. Finished. Finito.

Slushy: Please just cut to the chase.

Ebony: *Clears throat* We'd like to thank each and every one of you for taking the time to read this, follow, favourite, review or even mention this over the past two years. You're all great. It's been great. So, for one final time, we'd like to thank you all for reading, and until next time... Bye.


Jay: So... It's... Over?

Ebony: ... Yes. You can leave.

Kai: Seriously?

Ebony: Yep. The studio stopped teleporting before the chapter started. Shut it down to make sure it wouldn't go somewhere we didn't want it to. *Opens the blinds, allowing daylight to flood into the studio* You're in Ninjago City, just where we found you.

Lloyd: Thanks?

Ebony: Well, you can all leave now. All living cast, exit here...

Slushy: The rest of you however... Well. You know what's coming next.

Garmadon: *sighs and looks at Lloyd* Well son, I enjoyed seeing you, for what it was worth.

Lloyd: It... Was great to see you again too, Dad. *They hug*

Garmadon: *Pulls away from Lloyd and looks at the other dead cast members* I suppose it's back to the Departed Realm then.

Morro: *Rolls eyes* Oh joy.

Dr. Julien: It's actually quite nice there.

Garmadon: While I'm here though... *Grabs Wu by the ear and drags him over to him* Wu. *Whispers in his ear* Do not hit on my wife. I may be dead but I will tell father about it.

Wu: *Smiles* I'd be glad to hear from him.

*A green portal appears in front of the dead cast members, and with one final wave, they step through and disappear*

Lloyd: ...*sniffs* Dad...

Ebony: Hey, hey, hey, hey. *Slides over to Lloyd and puts a hand on his shoulder* I wouldn't be too sad. After all, just between you and me. *Whispers* You'll be seeing your dad again next season.

Lloyd: *Smiles* That's some comfort.

Ebony: I'm sure. Now. *Starts to shove Lloyd over to the exit* C'mon! Out the door. Let's go, hup-two!

Lloyd: Uh... Sorry? I guess?

Ebony: *Stops shoving Lloyd* About?

Kai: You being out of a job?

Zane: The crippling financial issues you will inevitably face?

Cole: The lack of an infinitely stocked refrigerator?

Jay: Basically.

Sakura: *Loading bags onto Ace's back* It's fine. We have places to be, things to do, people to see, etcetera.

Nya: You... Absolutely certain?

Hosts: *Nod*

Slushy: You know, we aren't your problem after you get out of here. *Points to the open door* You can just leave.

Ninja: Alright then...

Jay: *Teasingly* We'll never forget you!

Cole: We probably couldn't even if we tried!

*All the cast aside from Kai have left the studio.*

Ebony: *Suddenly remembers something* OH. WAIT. HANG ON.

Kai: *Stops* What?

Ebony: *Leans in close to him as Kai turns bright red in the face* I have something for you~

Kai: *Turns bright red* W-what?

Ebony: *Pulls back and rummages through pockets before producing a tub of hair gel and his book* I saved these for ya. *Tosses them to Kai, who catches* I found these. Thought you might want them back.

Kai: *Eyes light up* My Book? I thought that was in the desert... How did you-

Ebony: *Wiggles finger* Mmmagic. Idiot.

Kai: Uh... Thanks. *He walks out*

Sakura: So... They won't remember any of this?

Ebony: Not unless they come back in here.

Slushy: And what's the likelihood of that?

Sakura: True.

Not that much later, the hosts are standing outside the now empty studio.

Sakura: So... What happened to Fluffy?

Ebony: He's safe. I dropped him off in a forest. He said he'd always wanted to go there. He'll be fine.

Sakura: And the guys' pokemon?

Ebony: Back where they belong.

Slushy: What about the shapeshifters? Did we ever find the other Zane?

Ebony: Nah. It's probably fine.

Slushy: Hm.

Sakura: So... What're you guys doing now?

Slushy: *Shrugs* to the old routine I guess, whatever that was. You?

Sakura: Be the best like no one ever was, catch 'em all, whatever. I'll see where the wind takes me... And... You, Ebony?

They both look at Ebony, who had gone silent.

Ebony: Hm? Oh... I... *Smiles casually* I hear there's an opening for the night guard post at the museum. Probably take up that. Probably forget any of this happened. Who knows.

Sakura: Well. Good luck you guys. *Climbs onto Ace's back and flies off*

Slushy: *Turns to walk off down the street*

Ebony: You know, I never did catch your real name.

Slushy: *Spins back around on her heels* Me? Harlow.

Ebony: Harlow... Well, I'll guess I'll see you around.

Harlow: I'm sure you will... Reena. *Walks off down the street, disappearing into the distance*

Reena: *Smile falters as she looks up at the studio, taking one final moment to take it all in.*

It wasn't impressive. Nor was it big. It didn't even look much like a studio, just a plain grey building with wide windows and a standard studio door, with a sign glowing above it, 'ENDS studios'.

She remembers all the good times...

She remembers getting the job, waking up for the first time, not knowing what to do…

She remembers it becoming so clear to her.

She remembers the fun she had.

She remembers the fun THEY had.

She remembers the reviewers, reading every comment, laughing, yelling… Sitting there in confusion…

She remembers the moment she knew it was the end. It fills her with pain...

Then she remembers everyone...

Whether or not she likes to admit it, she cared for them all, in her special way. It's hard not to grow attached to them...

She smiles.

Reena: *Chuckles* Yeah, I get it, Auth.

She looks up, filled with happiness… and hope, that maybe someday, someday soon, there will once more be a chance to shine.

Reena: *Turns away from the studio and snaps her fingers, the well-kept exterior slowly fades away, leaving it much the same as the other buildings on the block. She takes a deep breath and walks away, down the road and off to whatever came next.*

It wasn't impressive. Nor was it big. It didn't even look much like a studio, just a plain grey building, with it's paint peeling away with wide, glass-less windows, covered messily by wooden boards, and a standard studio door, also hastily boarded up, with a sign hanging limply over it's frame. Several letters were missing from it, and whatever light had previously shined through it had long since gone. But you still knew what it read: 'ENDS studios'.

Thank you all for reading.




Dare show.