A/N: So, it's chapter three, obviously.

I forgot to mention this in the previous chapters: To those who read "She's not my girlfriend, SHE is", I'd like to thank you so much for dealing with my horrible writing style. I myself couldn't handle the first three chapters, yet you dealt with 16 chapters of it and I'd like to say thank you so so much and I'm so sorry you had to go through with that. I'll promise I'll make it up to you with a (less shitty) story (I hope)

Also I had some details edited in Chapter 2. Very minor. Like, a few words that made no big impact. But an edit nonetheless.

Thalia's POV

When the light dimmed down, I found myself in the hallway of a hotel. And not just any hotel, it was a really fancy looking one, with a lush carpet and the doors were so shiny, I could see my reflection on them. I was standing in front of a door to prove that, yes, I could see my reflection.

In a distance, I could hear classical music being played.

Was this really where Artemis wants me to go?

As if to answer my question, a note was on the floor with a hotel room key card on top of it. I picked them up and looked at the note. It was written on a silvery texture paper and the writing was in cursive: "You shall be staying here for the whole duration. Place your things inside first"

Following instructions, I swiped the key card on the door. The door unlocked with a beep. I opened the door and whistled at how fancy the place looked. It wasn't really big, but big enough for one person. A bed- a king sized one- was pushed to the left, the headboard to the wall. The sheets were white but the comforter was brown. Beside the bed was a small drawer and a lamp on top of it.

On my right, just as I stepped in the room, was a door that led to the bathroom (and it has a tub, oh my gods yes).

Facing directly to me was a floor to ceiling window that was covered with black curtains. From the looks of it, I was only at the second floor- the American definition of second floor, mind you- so it wasn't that high.

On the opposite side of the bed was a long black table pushed to the wall and one of those chairs that spins. On the table was another lamp, but it was more of a desk lamp, and a telephone. But it was not the only thing on the desk.

On the desk were books and notebooks and other school supplies, already organized. And as usual, there was a note.

"Go to Goode High. You are enrolled as a Junior. As much as you should focus on finding recruits, don't fail in school"

I scoffed, shaking my head, "Great, I'm going to school. Wonderful" I ripped the note in half. I removed the clothes from my bag, placing them in the closet, and replaced them with the books and notebooks. I removed my circlet and placed it in a cabinet, safe from mortal eyes.

Grabbing the hotel room key card, I left the room and headed out to Goode High, which was conveniently a 5 minute taxi drive away.

"Welcome to Goode-"

"Shut it" I said, grabbing the pamphlet from the boy's hand. It was a map of the school. I decided on wandering around until I find something- or someone- to help me around. Not that I needed help, but a few instructions would be nice.

And then I heard it.

"Freshmen! Transfers! If you have any questions, come here, and we'll make sure you'll get your answer in the Goode way!" a shrill voice said. As I got closer, I saw a girl in a white polo shirt and white wash pants, handing out flyers and other papers to any students who got close. Her brown hair was pulled back in a tight ponytail. Behind her, a long table was covered in white cloth, people sitting behind it. They were also wearing white polo shirts.

There was a banner (which was really just a white cloth with the letters painted on) above them that read "Students' Information Area"

Well, I'm a student, and I need information. So I walked over there, holding the map in one hand.

"Hello!" the girl, who saw me walk closer, greeted, "Do you need directions? Any questions?"

She was smiling brightly, and I had to prevent the scowl that was threatening to go out to balance the cheerfulness she was emanating. "Yeah...what do I do?" I asked, being polite. "Your purpose here is to find Hunters, and you can't persuade them into joining the Hunt if you're being a bitch" I told myself.

"Well, first you'll need your schedule. You can get it in the Principal's Office" she said, "Afterwards, you can either go directly to your homeroom- which will be in your schedule- and wait until the teacher comes in after the warning bell to lead the class into the auditorium OR you can go around the side of the school and look through the different clubs and organizations we have in our school before you go to your class after the first bell. We have the chess club, the Artistic Artists- that's our art club, the school paper- the Goode News, then we have-"

"I get it" I interrupted, holding up a hand, "Thanks". I gave her a nod and a glare at the boy behind her who was staring at me the whole time. Didn't think I'd notice, huh?

I turned around and walked away. When I was far away and slightly lost was then I realized my mistake: I forgot to ask where the Principal's Office is in the map.

With some difficulty (damn dyslexia), I managed to find the label "Principal's Office". On the way to the office, I was already looking around for possible Hunters.

I already crossed out those girl with boys in their arms, or vice versa. Those who were walking and talking with boys were in the "Maybe" list (just because you're with them doesn't mean you like them), but there is a chance of them being in love with the boys. In fact, everywhere I look, I see girls with boys.

This job was harder than I thought.

Because I was looking around for possible Hunters, I was bound to hit a person. The person's elbow hit me on the stomach. I grunted and frowned at them.

A "Watch it!" was on the tip of my tongue (although I was the one who should've been watching, the statement was an impulsive response), but when I looked up I wasn't expecting to see a face from camp.

Or rather, two of them.

Their faces were familiar, very familiar. I just needed to connect the name to the face...

"Lou? Will?"

Will's POV


"Wake up"


I grumbled, sinking my face deeper into my pillow. A finger repeatedly poked my head and I blindly swatted at it. I felt my hand hit something so it meant that I was successful. Unfortunately, I was pulled away from my dream and was aware of two of my half-sibling standing beside my bunk, my back towards them.

"You know what, fine! You're the one who has a wake up call, not us" Austin said, once I was conscious enough to recognize voices.

"We should let that di Angelo kid in" one of my sisters, Victoria, said, "He's waiting outside. Maybe he can wake Will up"

The thought of Nico trying to wake me up made me shot up from my bunk ,"I'm up" I said to them. They grinned, still in pajamas, "What made you wake up, Will?" Victoria asked.

"The numerous possibilities of Nico waking you up or the fact that Nico will find you wearing nothing but tiny boxer shorts?" Austin continued. I frowned at them, "My boxer shorts are nothing to be ashamed of, and I wear them because the material is comfortable. Go away, go back to sleep" I waved them off, grabbing a pair of jeans at the foot of my bed and putting them on. Austin and Victoria went back to their respective bunks, falling asleep once their heads hit the pillow. I walked over to the door and opened it.

Waiting outside were two people, Lou Ellen and Nico di Angelo.

Seeing them two together was not surprising, since Nico usually goes to Lou Ellen for enchantments and such, like Greek Fire and other things Nico wants to add to the cabin. The surprising thing was that Nico was awake before 9 and was properly dressed. Still wearing black, but dressed still.

"Good morning, Sunshine" Nico said, crossing his arms, "I thought you woke up when the sun rises?"

"Nico" I groaned, massaging the bridge of my nose, "the sun isn't even up yet"

Lou shook her head, "Actually, it is. See?"

She pointed at the distance, just as the first rays of the sun shone through the sky. I groaned, then pulled myself together. Those who said I was a morning person only met me after I got a shower. Only my cabinmates- and now Lou Ellen and Nico- know that I'm a wreck before sunrise until I get clean, since showers have the magical ability to fully wake me up.

"Okay, I get it. I'll meet you both at the Dining Pavilion afterwards" I told them, "Let me get dressed and prepare my things"

Before the door could close, I heard Nico call out "If you're not there in 30 minutes, we're leaving you"

"What do you mean Nico left?" I exclaimed at the daughter of Hecate, who was going through her bag, moving notebooks away. She was by the Dining Pavilion, as planned. Behind her, those who had to leave early for school were eating. Lou Ellen had managed to dye the ends of her hair green since the last time I saw her- which was just 20 minutes ago.

"You heard me" she said, "Nico's gone"


"Something about people being slow and making him late"

"But, he said 30 minutes. It's now 20 minutes since then".

"I know, Solace, now shut up" Lou held up a finger, then she took out her iKlisi.

"Now, we get out Camp Borders" she said, "I can't call anyone inside. Damned settings. But first, we need to place our things in the Big House"

In case anyone was confused with why she said "Damned settings", the Hephaestus cabin had problems of the first model of the iKlisi.

Chiron had gone to them and told them that their invention had distracted campers from their training because they were either texting or playing with the apps- which were the same apps on a normal phone. That was when the Hephaestus cabin recalled all the phones they made and only gave them to those who were not year-rounders. Of course, there were complaints, but they had to deal with it. You could buy one from them, but it was damn expensive.

The thing about the new iKlisi was that it'll only turn on outside Camp. I was supposed to get one, but they won't believe me that I wasn't a year-rounder anymore, so I'm phone-less until I could earn more drachmas.

Lou, although a year-rounder, bought one. Where she got the drachmas, I won't even ask.

We agreed to meet at Half-Blood Hill afterwards. We took a detour so we could get our things from our respective cabins and placed them in the Big House, where Chiron said to place our things so they'd be brought to our houses- or place where we'd be staying for the school year- while we're at school. I placed mine in the "Manhattan" pile and grabbed a slip of paper from the patio table and wrote down the necessary details, like my name and the address of the place where my bag would be delivered- which was Percy's address.

Grabbing a piece of ribbon (that was already provided next to the slips of paper), I tied it on the strap of my bag and went off. I went back to my cabin to check if my outfit was okay for the last time.

Jeans, shirt and sneakers. I'm not aiming for extravagant, just clean. My camp necklace was on my neck, the familiar weight comforting. Running my fingers on my hair, I managed to make it look neat. I grabbed my backpack that had notebooks inside and head off.

Lou was already waiting for me when I arrived at the hill. She had her phone by her ear and held up and finger as I got closer, a gesture that meant "shut up". I looked at Peleus, who woke up, probably when Lou Ellen crossed the camp borders. I walked closer to him and ran my hand on his scales. The Golden Fleece shone above his head.

"Hello, Xander, this is Lou. Lou Ellen" Lou said on the phone, "Yeah, I know what time it is. Yeah, I know you have work, so you better listen now"

Lou continued her conversation of the phone with "Xander" for a while. I tried hard not to eavesdrop, but I couldn't help myself. I listened, absent-mindlessly running my fingers on Peleus' neck .

"Yeah, we're by the tree. No, we don't have any big luggage. Just backpacks." Lou said.

Lou listened to the person at the other end of the line for a while, then she pursed her lips, her eyebrows furrowed, "A son of Apollo, not Hecate. He's going to Goode, too. That's why he's with me". A pause. "Will Solace. Yes, that kid. I don't think they're dating. Yeah, I thought so too, but- wait, this isn't the time Xander. We have to go to school" she said. I raised an eyebrow at her dialogue, but she ignored me.

"You will? Good. Okay, I'll draw the runes. Goodbye" she said and ended the call. She placed her phone back in her bag and took out pieces of papers and started drawing runes on the paper.

I pulled away from Peleus and stood there awkwardly as Lou Ellen laid out the papers into a circle. She stood at the middle then beckoned me closer. "Step in the circle unless you want to take the bus" she said.

I stepped in the paper-rune circle, making sure I won't disturb any of the papers. I looked at Lou, going to ask what to do now, then I saw her mouth some words. She's chanting.

I stayed quiet as she chanted. The runes on the paper started to glow.

Then I felt weightless for a while. It was like shadow-travelling, but instead of darkness, I was almost blinded with the light. When I felt solid ground under my feet, my knees gave out and I fell face-first on a floor.

What a great way to start the day.

I pushed myself up, the tile floor cold against my palm, and looked up. I was in someone's living room. Beside me on the floor was a rug (Why didn't I fall there instead?). The place was like a messier version of a bachelor's pad. The trash can was filled with papers and wrappers. A deck of cards was sprawled out on a glass table, a glass of whisky next to it. The couch pillows were sprawled around the couch, one on the floor. In front of me was Lou Ellen and a tall guy with slightly long hair, and they were absorbed in their conversation.

"...late. You still have an hour until class start" the guy, who I assume is Xander, said.

Lou crossed her arms, "But we don't have the slightest clue where Goode is. If I did, I would have teleported there without your help"

Xander placed his hands on his hips. He had tattoos encircling his forearm. I realized that they were Greek runes. He turned to me, and offered a smile, "Hey, he's awake. I told you he survived"

Lou shrugged, "I didn't say I doubted you". Xander pulled me up, "Hey, name's Xander. Son of Hecate. How's it going?" he greeted

"Fine" I said, "I'm Will-"

Xander cut me off, "Will Solace. Son of Apollo. Yeah, I know. Hey, is it true that you and Ni-"

"Okay! Xander, don't you have a gig? Yeah, we'll be going now" Lou said, pushing Xander away, "Come on, Will"

I nodded at Xander in goodbye- he returned it with a grin- and silently followed Lou out of the place. My wiped the dust of my backpack as Lou led me out to the hallway. I followed her as she went down the steps and out the building. I recognized the streets as Manhattan. The last time I was in here, Kronos tried to take over the world.

"Sorry about Xander" Lou Ellen said after a while, when she tried to hail a taxi, "He might be my half-brother, but he acts like an Aphrodite kid"

"What's up with that?" I asked, trying to hail a taxi as well. With my height, drivers can see me better.

Lou shrugged, "No idea, but the whole cabin speculates that his father was a practitioner of love magic, and that was how he got our mother's attention".

A taxi eventually came up and stopped in front of us. While Lou went in the taxi, I looked at the taxi's plate number at the back, memorizing it, before stepping in the car.

"Goode High, and step on it" Lou said once I sat down. The driver revved up the engine and went off.

"What were you doing back there?" Lou asked me in Greek.

"Checking the plate number"


"Safety precautions"

"Good point"

"We have to wait in line?" I exclaimed, looking at the long line. Lou nodded, "Get in line before it gets longer, Solace"

I stepped in the line behind Lou just as another person lined behind me. After a minute, there were ten students behind me. I kept on looking ahead, checking if the line in front of us got shorter. Then, the door of the principal's office opened.

A familiar mop of unruly black hair walked out from the office, following a taller person with the same shade of jet black hair.

I nudged at Lou, then pointed at the two children of the Big Three, "Hey, it's Percy and Nico"

Lou looked at the direction of where my finger was pointing. She was up on her tip-toes, trying to peer over the head of the students in front of her, "I can't see"

"Actually, you can see, just not them"

"I don't need your sass this early in the morning" she muttered, "Anyways, scooch back a bit"

"I can't" I said, but Lou already attempted to step back, making me step back as well, stepping on the foot of the student behind me. He yelped in surprise and the uneven ground made me stumble a bit, my arm spreading out to balance myself. Unfortunately, my elbow collided with something hard, then a groan in pain.

I turned to the source of the groan. A girl was frowning, a look that said "Watch it" clear on her face. I was about to apologized, then my mind registered the short, spiky hair and the electric blue eyes and the faint silver aura.

"Lou Ellen? Will Solace?" Thalia, the person who I accidentally elbowed, inquired loudly, her blue eyes slightly glowing. I took a hesitant step away. I've had experience of facing Big Three kids when their eyes were glowing slightly. It never ends well. It usually ends with people in the infirmary "by accident", angry tree nymphs, number of renovations, and Annabeth giving them a stern lecture.

Lou, who was in front of me in the line to the Principal's Office, offered a small smile, "Hi"

"Hey" she said, recollecting herself and standing straight, "Never expected to see the two of you here"

"Well, we go to school here" I said. Thalia raised an eyebrow, "I thought you were a year-rounder?" she asked. Fortunately, unlike the other Hunters, Thalia is more tolerant towards us boys.

"Not anymore. I can finally trust the people at camp to not get a broken bone every 5 minutes" I said, "What about you and the Hunters?"

Lou slapped me, "You're too loud." she reprimanded, then she turned to Thalia, "We can continue this discussion once we're outside people's earshot"

"Have you gotten your schedule?" I asked. She shook her head, "That's why I'm here. Where does the line end?"

I gestured behind me. Thalia leaned back to look at the length of the line, raised an eyebrow, then looked at us.

"Does that mean I have to waste my time in a line just to get two piece of paper?"

Lou and I nodded.

"We can get your schedule, if you want" Lou offered.

Thalia looked ready to reject, but she sighed, "Thanks. Hey, you guys haven't seen Percy and Nico, haven't you?"

"They went straight ahead, to that hallway" I said, pointing at the direction where I last saw the two demigods, "But it had been a while, so they're probably far"

"As long as I have a lead" Thalia said, turning around and walking to where I had pointed.

After a while, Lou finally walked in the Principal's office. I waited, tapping my foot to the beat of the campfire song the night before. When Lou came out from the office, I was already humming the song.

Lou held up 6 papers; the first three bigger than the other three. "I got your schedule as well. Get out of the line" she handed me 2 pieces of paper.

"Are you telling me I could've not formed a line?" I whined, "But, thank you. I guess"

"You're welcome" Lou said, her voice monotone, "Now, where can we find a Huntress daughter of Zeus?"

Thalia's POV

Not that I was thinking getting girls to join the Hunt was easy, but it was. I wasn't really the one to go up to people and say "Hey, I'm Thalia. Do you want to join a group of immortal maidens, hunting monsters with the Greek goddess Artemis?"

Besides, there were things to consider before recruiting. Like they had to be maidens and they should be ready to reject boys.

Looking around the clubs, I wondered if there was a "We reject boys" club. It'll make my job easier.

But I found the School Paper, "The Goode News". Unlike the other clubs, with booths and stands, they were just 2 girls and a boy sitting on the grass with papers and pencils around them, a camera around one of the girls neck. A bondpaper with "The Goode News" printed on it in a large font was taped on the tree behind them.

The girl without the camera around her neck saw me walk closer, but she didn't acknowledge me.

"Hey" I said, trying to start a conversation. The girl, whose blonde hair was pulled back into a bun, looked up to me. It was a bit messy, since strands of her hair framed her face.

"Hi" the girl said, offering a faint smile.

"So..." I trailed off, looking at the bond paper they taped on the tree, "The Goode News?"

"It's the school paper" she explained, pulling her knees to her chest, "We just had a major decline in members since the majority graduated last year"

"This is what happens when we don't recruit freshmen" the boy mumbled, pulling the grass under him, "A cartoonist, a news writer, and a photojournalist who is going to graduate next year"

I turned to him. He had what people would describe as the surfer look, tanned skinned with slightly long blond hair, and he was now placing the grass he ripped off on the hair of the girl with the camera. The girl, who was hunched over her camera, didn't react. Her brown hair draped over face like a curtain. When I listened closely, I heard a faint snore.

"Is she...?"

"Just let her sleep" the girl said, "Better let her sleep now than in class"

"So," the guy turned to me, "are you interested to join the paper? I know people should be more enthusiastic, but I know many people just find the shrilly 'Welcome to our club. Come join us' annoying" he said, making the pitch of his voice higher to make a point.

The girl smirked, then looked back at me, "I know this is a long shot, but do you want to join? I mean, we need the members, and we can train you on your field"

The guy coughed, "We're desperate"

The girl shot him a quick glare, then returned her gaze to me, "So, what do you say? Want to be a part of 'The Goode News'?"

I looked at her, then at the sleeping girl, then at the people behind me. As much as I wanted to decline, (writing wasn't really my thing) I thought of the chance of being able to go around, meet people, meet possible Hunters

Call me ambitious, but that was my quest.

"Yeah" I said, "Sounds nice"

So, guys. Do you think the "Ellen" in Lou Ellen's name is her second name or her surname? Because I have no idea.

I have reduced Xander into a secondary OC.

Also, concerning Anallise, Mai, Agnes and etc, I will incorporate them, but they won't be known as Anallise, Mai and Agnes anymore. In fact, some details would be changed about them.

For Forevermore fans (Forevermore is a telenovela in the Philippines), no I didn't name my OC's Xander and Agnes after Xander Grande and Agnes Calay. I made this story /way/ before Forevermore was shown. I'm not even a fan of the show (my sister is, though)

Reviews are appreciated guys :D. They are written motivation, in my opinion. It's assurance that people actually want me to update.