"Why are you staring at me like that?"
Hiyori's pink eyes gleamed into his sky blue orbs, seemingly lost in them. They seemed cold as ice at first glance, although they were actually warm. They were at a restaurant, on either side of the booth, eating. His food was almost fully devoured and hers was left untouched, and her continual scrutiny lasted longer than she usually stares (although it didn't bother him).
"Hiyori?" Yato asked, snapping his fingers in front of her, making her jump.
Blinking, the brunette's cheeks flushed in a reddish hue once she realized she was caught staring. Embarrassed, Hiyori hid her face into her long, pink scarf, and avoided his cool eyes. Her fingers held the spoon, poking at her ice cream. "Hm?"
His lips curled a frown as she poked at her food. "Is there something on my face...?"
The red cherry slipped down her scoop of ice cream, now resting at the base of the bowl. She shook her head. "Nope."
"Aren't you hungry?" he pressed a bit anxiously. Truth be told, she hasn't bothered to take a bite, which was worrying him the slightest bits. When she didn't answer, Yato leaned over the table, moved the scarf from her neck, and grasped her chin, forcing her to gaze back into those shining blue eyes of his.
Her lips parted as she gazed into those ironically warm eyes that dilated when they focused on her serene face. They hardened as the seconds ticked on by.
"Eat, Hiyori..."
Swallowing. the girl stuck the spoon into her ice cream, and scooped up a nice, generous amount. Before she could feed it to herself, Yato had pulled his hand away, grabbed the spoon himself, and slipped it into her parted mouth. His thumb dared to graze over her soft, quivering lower lip slowly as he gave her a mesmerizing gaze that dazzled her. "More."
Hiyori swallowed the sweet, chocolate treat quietly. Her hand took the spoon away, and leisurely ate the frozen treat, trying her best to ignore Yato's perpetual stare.
a/n: i love them eeeee c: (isayasiprocrastinateonreadingthemangasomemore)