Red haired elf girl


Disclaimer: I don't own the xmen or anything noticeable.

Katie however is mine.

The sky was clear and the weather ice but the girl wasn't sure it would be safe for her to go outside after what had happened yesterday so she huddled on her bed staring out the window at the trash strewn across the front yard forlornly, *At least the angry mob had given way when the police had arrived * she thought to herself.

Katie looked in the mirror on the other side of her room and saw the same twelve year-old girl she saw everyday as she got ready for school, the blood red hair that came down to her shoulders was the same as were the deep blue eyes and she was just as slender (geek if you listened to the girls in her grade) as ever, she turned her head and the hair fell away from her ears and she could see the delicate points that made her look like something out of the fantasy novels that she loved to read.

Yesterday when she'd gone to school she had been a normal girl and then Jason Ervin thought it would be funny to push her down a flight of stairs that led to the old football field, one moment she was falling through the air expecting to die as the stairs were ten feet off the ground and had a slab of concrete at the bottom landing and the next a blinding pain went through her head that was so bad she closed, (she thought well this is it I'm dead) after a few minutes of waiting to hit the ground she opened her eyes and realized that she wasn't laying broken and bleeding on the concrete , but the most surprising thing was that she was floating six inches above the ground instead of crashing into it.

Instead of being happy that Katie was alright when she ran over to see if Katie was still alive Mrs. Cole started screaming when she saw the girl floating above the ground and made the other kids back away from like she was some kind of monster, she then sent John a seventh grader to get the principle Mr. Smith and the school police officer as fast as he could run.

When they arrived Katie was sitting on the bottom step of the staircase, Mr. Smith took one look at her ears (which unknown to her had become pointed) and had Mrs. Cole take all the other students back inside the school.

Meanwhile officer Jenkins had been talking on his radio in a hushed tone after a few moments he nodded to himself and put his radio back on his belt, he then walked over to Mr. Smith and told him he would have to go inside, the principle tried to argue that he had a right to there and finely officer Jenkins told him that if he didn't go inside he would arrest him, MR. Smith gave one last look of loathing at Katie and went inside at last.

Ten minutes later a police car pulled up to the gate of the football field and two police officers got out and walked over to officer Jenkins and started talking to him in low tones that she couldn't understand, a few minutes later a police woman came over to where Kate was sitting and kneeled down in front of her and asked if she was alright and what her name was.

"I guess so, my names Katie Jones." she said in a trembling voice because by that time she had started to worry about what was going to happen to her and what were her parents going to say when the found out what she had done.

"Please come over to the patrol car with me miss Jones". The policewoman said with a motion of her hand towards the car, they walked over to the car (with the policewoman keeping Katie in front of her the whole time) together in silence.

When the arrived at the car the male officer opened the back door and motioned for her to get in, he told her to put on a seat belt and then closed the car door firmly and walked over to where officer Jenkins was standing and talked for several minutes before coming back over to the car getting into the car and driving off the school grounds towards the main road.

The two officers took Katie home and explained what had happened to her parents that it might be a good idea to keep her inside for the next few days until the panic that would undoubtedly start calmed down just in case.

As the male officer was leaving the house, the policewoman turned her back to the door and withdrew a small black card with a red x on it that was in a blue circle, she gave the card to Katie's parents and told them to call the number on the back and then people at the number would help them, she also told them not to leave me alone for any reason and to keep the house locked at all times before she left the house.

Her parents called the number on the card later that night and talked to the people on the other end for about thirty-minutes and then hung up the phone.

Her mother made diner like she always did and her father was reading the paper when a rock slammed through the window next to her, Katie's father made her go into the basement and lock the door from the inside.

She stayed there until the police came and made the mob of angry people leave the next morning her father told her that some people from a school in New York were coming to talk to her about enrolling in their school, he told her to pack her back pack with some close just in case they had to leave the house in a hurry before they arrived.

Later that day the bank called and told them that they couldn't renew the loan on their house and we had ninety days to vacate it.

So here she was sitting on her bed with blood shot eyes from crying all night waiting for some strangers to her take her to some school for mutants.

All because people couldn't accept her being different.