Title: A Cat's Influence

Author: snuffybaby

Disclaimer: I don't own the DC Universe, the characters or the show… lots of other people do…

Rating: PG

Pairings: BMCW, mentions of Connor/M'gann, Red Arrow/Cheshire, etc

Spoilers: Young Justice (entire season 1)

Summary: Young Justice Universe; Adding Catwoman to it… we'll see how far I get… maybe season 1; how would YJ go if Bruce and Selina were involved during this time.

Author's Note: My interpretation of Catwoman is influenced by Cat-Tales by Chris Dee. Definitely should head over and read her work. Other warning, you should be familiar with the Young Justice episodes, I skipped details/episodes that I didn't think I could add much to.

101 Independence Day

Catwoman sprawled across a gargoyle watching the action on the streets below.

Batman was engaged in a fight with some random street thugs. It was a matter of minutes before he had them subdued. Securing them and signaling the GCPD, he raised his grappling gun and aimed it to the gargoyle one over from where Selina was spying. Swinging up to the ledge beside her, he commented, "You could have offered a hand."

"Where would the fun be in that?" she purred. "You know how much I enjoy watching you work."

He smirked. "Stopping by later?"

"Possibly, but you know I wouldn't want to ruin the little bird's big day."

"Robin will get over it."

She tsked. "Batman, you know the little bird won't be pleased."

He knew very well she wasn't referring to her presence at the manor. She'd been spending more and more time during the day there, that she'd practically moved in. They both knew Robin liked having her around. "It's their first step to seeing the inner working of the League."

"Step?" she said incredulously. "It's not even an inch."

"They're not ready."

"Then why don't you just say so instead of mocking them like this." She reached over and cupped his face. "Keep your secrets, but don't pretend. The younglings will just feel betrayed. They'll do something rash."

"Proof that they're not ready."

"Proof that you and your League buddies are bastards," she countered. "You either treat them like children or you treat them like your partners. Don't do it like this – this wishy-washy business. It's beneath you."

He grunted, crossing his arms. "We know what we're doing."

Standing, she snorted. "I'll enjoy saying 'I told you so.' Catch you later, Bats." She pecked him on the cheek before leaping off the roof.

"Stay out of trouble, Catwoman," he whispered softly before continuing his patrol.

Arriving back to the cave a few hours before dawn, Bruce put away his suit and updated his logs for the evening before heading up. He peeked in on Dick's room to find him chatting Selina's head off. "It's late," he said from the doorway. "Better get your rest."

"Right," Dick said eagerly, lying down and pulling his covers up. "Big day tomorrow. Goodnight, Selina, Bruce."

"Goodnight, little bird." Selina kissed his forehead before turning off his bedside lamp and leaving. She looped her arm around Bruce's as they headed to their room. "You trained him well, Bruce. You should trust him with your secrets."

"I do trust him."

She tilted her head, studying him. "You don't trust the others?"

"I don't know them."

A smile broke over her lips. "Dick's growing up. He's going to have to go off on his own eventually."

"That doesn't necessarily mean tomorrow."

"Bruce," she scolded softly.

"I'll think about it."

"Think fast or you'll be hearing me repeat one of my favorite phrases – over and over and over again."

His arms wrapped around her waist as he lifted her up into his arms. "How about I make you say one of my favorite phrases," he kissed her deeply, "over and over and over again?"

"Oh, Bruce," she sighed when the kiss ended.

"Close, but not quite."

Selina hummed as she snooped in the Batcave. She was accessing the files that Bruce kept on her, adding her own love notes as she went. She hadn't been there long when she noticed the intrusion in the League database. Smirking, she put on a comm device and signaled Robin. "Little bird, what do you think you're doing?"

"Uhh, Catwoman? Nothing. Not a thing. We're being good little sidekicks and staying put inside the Hall of Justice."

"Really," she hummed. "So you're just researching Cadmus for fun?"

He sighed, knowing they were caught. "The League got called away on sorcerer business."

"Yes, I know. Wotan is causing trouble again. Dear Batman is busy, so I thought I'd take the opportunity to play with his things. Go do the same."

"Really?" he said in surprise. "You're not going to try to stop us?"

"If you and your little playmates think you can handle it, why should I stop you?"

"Thanks, Catwoman!"

"Remind Kid to get his souvenir. Ta-ta for now." She disconnected the comm and began keying in commands to access the Cadmus system. She trusted that Robin was capable of handling whatever he found at Cadmus, but that didn't mean she wasn't going to watch his back.

"Catwoman knows what we are planning on doing?" Aqualad said suspiciously. "How?"

"She probably broke into the Batcave," Robin answered as if it were the most normal thing in the world.

Kid Flash placed a hand on Kaldur's shoulder. "Don't worry about it. Catwoman's on our side."

He looked skeptical. "She will not inform the League?"

"Not a chance."

"And she will not inform the authorities?"

"Definitely not."

"And she is not working for Cadmus in any way?"

Robin laughed, "Can you really see someone like Catwoman reporting to anyone?"

"You will someday explain to me the relationship between Batman and Catwoman?"

"I couldn't even if I wanted to. Theirs is a complicated relationship. I've learned to just go with it."

"We're in too deep – literally." Robin kept trying to relay a message to the League. They were fifty-two levels deep inside Cadmus. There was no chance of getting a signal out of there.

"Any chance Catwoman would have raised the alert to them?"

"Not right away. We haven't been gone that long."

"So I guess we need to fight our way out of here."

"But first, we need to get Superboy out of there."