Chapter 1

In the castle of Arrendelle we would see 4 little girls all asleep in bed well all except 1 "ELSA ELSA! Wake up " shouted a red headed ball of energy. "Anna go back to sleep your gonna wake up fera and terra " she said motioning towards the other end of the of the room where you could see a blue haired girl lying beside a brown haired one both soundly asleep.

"Elsa i Only woke you up because you have ice all over tbe room again" stated Anna.

Elsa looked around the room and sure enough there gave a sheepish smile."My bad" Anna just waved her off. "Just get rid of it " she said as she watched Elsa make a few hand gestures and the ice dissapeared "

"Thanks we cant have mom or dad finding out about this can we? Theywould disown us" said tge red head as she walked over to the other too girls who seemed to have rock columns and clouds of water floating above them . "Tera ...Kira wake up" commanded tge yound red head as they shot up looking in every which direction until their eyes locked on Anna "Whats the big deal" they said at the same time Anna pointed up they looked up and groaned "Not again" as they snapped there fingers causing the water and colums to dissapear and sink back into the ground.

"We really need to-you smell that" asked Anna as she looked at her bed to see that it was on fire "Crap she made a simple wave of the hand and the flames were gone. " Now as i was saying we need to control our powers better so Next week we will go visit the Goblin king tommorow night and. " Whats going on in here!" Said a voice that came from behind her.

End chapter 1 page 1 i had and idea and i had to write it