A/N: I hope you're all healthy and doing well! SweetXscape, so glad you enjoyed it and thanks for the review!

FYI - I did edit the last chapter/Chapter 10 quite a bit, so it wouldn't hurt to go back and reread the ending at least. Again, sorry for any typos.

Steve Rogers watched as the woman walked away and disappeared into the crowd outside. His eyes not leaving the door as his mind realized just how uncanny this woman looked and acted like the Semira he knew.

The way her dark brown eyes had sparked with curiosity when she had looked at him. The upward curve of her lips that showed off her white teeth had made his face warm and chest tighten. Even her tone when saying his name had made his heart beat faster.

She was so much like her...

Steve spent the majority of the day and the early evening taking in the city that changed so drastically since he had last seen it; his thoughts drifting back to the woman he met at the coffee shop every so often. He was currently strolling through Manhattan, taking in how different the world was around him. It's only been 70 years and never in his wildest dreams would he think this is how New York City would look. The multitude of buildings that stretched out into the sky and the sleek modern look of the cars. The never ending throng of people that held phones in either their hands or up to their ears.

It was different.

"If only you could see this, Semira," he said lowly, chuckling sadly while seating himself down on a bench.

His phone buzzed abruptly, jerking him from his thoughts, his eyes landing on the small black object in his hand.

Message from Semira Stark.

Those were the four words that flashed on the small screen that caused Steve Rogers to drop the phone onto the sidewalk. His heart rate sped up rapidly as he went to pick up the phone from the ground.

Cracks and black lines distorted the screen so badly that he didn't have to be told that he broke the phone. Only the word Stark could be seen.


It suddenly dawned on him that maybe he was overreacting for no reason. He never knew Semira's last name...but for this woman to have her face and that surname...

It felt like this was all too much of a coincidence.

Could this also be devised by SHIELD? This felt similar to the scenario he found himself in when he first woke up, claiming they were trying to ease him into the new era.

So why would SHIELD do this to him?

His brow furrowed into a frown as he continued to contemplate the different scenarios.

Could Semira have survived that fall somehow? After all, she was wearing his parachute.

So then maybe her and Howard...

He shook his head from the thought as he entered the facility that was his new home, his legs carried him to the one area he knew would be a safe place for him to release his frustration. It didn't take him long to get down to the gym and quickly wrap his hands with the thick hand wraps.

Steve didn't care to keep count on the amount of time he spent down there nor the amount of punching bags he destroyed.

Anger seeped through him as his last memory of Semira filled his mind in flashes. Her body being pulled from the plane as her hair whipped wildly around her face, eyes wide when she fell from the Valkyrie.

Johann Schmidt being destroyed by the Tesseract.

Having to crash the Valkyrie into the ice.

BOOM. The bag broke off its chain, soaring across the empty space of the gym.

He breathed out as he went to grab another bag.

"Come on, Steve," the young woman taunted him slightly as she took off her jacket. The dark and heavy article of clothing hit the grass in the clearing that they stood in. It was just the two of them, standing several feet apart. She had somehow convinced him to follow her out to the clearing. Though honestly there wasn't much convincing on her part. He would follow her just about anywhere.

He just didn't agree to what she wanted.

A sparring match.

He saw her unbuttoning the top two buttons of her blouse and he had to look away for a second, a blush creeping along his neck and onto his face.

"I don't want to hurt you, Semira," he said quietly, turning to face her once again. She discarded the blouse and left only the undershirt tucked into her pants. He still didn't know if he could get used to her clothing choices and style. She had made it a show that she wouldn't reduce herself to wearing something as "restrictive as a skirt or a dress" and instead took to wearing the baggy pants that all the troops wore.

At least it provided more coverage than what she wore when they first met. The skin tight clothes that clung to her body and frame. He couldn't help but blush at the thought.

She was so different from the other women he'd met in his life so far. She was highly intelligent for one. Howard would hardly let her leave his sight some days of the week. And even though Steve was jealous, he didn't blame the man. He'd seen them in the lab together, bouncing theories off of one another about the potential energy source that was in Schmidt's possession while incorporating enhanced upgrades to their weapons. He didn't understand a lick of what they were saying the majority of the time, but for her to match Howard in that way was fascinating.

She really hadn't been lying when she told them she was a genius.

Her personality was something else entirely. The sarcasm and blunt responses were startling at first, but her openness and honesty was refreshing to have.

"But I want you to," she said, breaking him from his thoughts. She was a lot closer than when they first got to the clearing and he knew what was coming next. He felt the rush of the wind heading in his direction and immediately fell back, dodging the incoming fist.

His instincts took over and he made to grab the swift leg that nearly made impact to his side, but she quickly retracted her leg. Instead, she made to grab his shoulder, pushing her body onto his. And the next thing Steve knew, he was on the ground with her body leaning over him.

He gaped up at the woman in awe, wondering what exactly she did to get him on his back.

"Where - where did you learn that?" he questioned, slightly breathless at the surprise attack. He saw her take a seat on the ground next to him and he took that as a sign to sit up.

"I need you to fight back, Steve," she said quietly, ignoring his question. He made a mental note to ask her again later, deciding not to press her a she set her jaw in determination. He didn't know her longer than half a year, but he knew that look.

"I won't let anything happen to you, Semira," he told her quietly, leaning forward but stopped not entirely certain he should encroach her space. "I'll protect you."

He saw that small smile dance on her lips that always made his chest tighten. Combined with the way the sun kissed her brown skin and the dark curls that sat on top of her head in disarray, he wondered how it was possible for a human to even be this beautiful.

But something was off.

Her eyes looked hollow as if she weren't exactly there.

He had seen this expression more than once with her.

She was thinking about home.

"Semira, once the war is over, you'll be back home with your family," he promised, his words bringing her out of her reverie. It didn't matter how much he wanted her to go back with him to the States when this was over. He just wanted her to be happy. And if promising that would cheer her up even just slightly, then that would be enough for him.

However, it did just the opposite of cheering her up. A sigh escaped her lips and she glanced over to him, the sadness still lingering in her eyes.

"I don't think that's possible, Steve," she whispered, before pushing herself off of the ground and walking towards the other side of the clearing.

Her next words were whispered so quietly, that if he didn't gain enhanced hearing from the serum, he wouldn't have caught it at all.

"Unless you can build me a time machine."

"Trouble sleeping?"

The question caught his attention and he glanced at the man that stood in the shadows. Anxiety bubbled in his chest as he recalled Semira's words.

"Unless you can build me a time machine."

There was no way that could be possible.

"Semira Stark. Does SHIELD have anything about her?"

Nick Fury stepped into the light and Steve caught sight of the folder in the man's hand as he walked towards him with a grave face.

"Which one? The genius billionaire you met at the coffee shop or your little girlfriend from 1945?" Fury asked, raising a brow and setting the folder down. "Cause they happen to be the same person, Captain."

Semira was nothing short of irked as she made her way next door to Stark Tower. Her mind was flitting through the information she had just learned from Fury, SHIELD computer in hand. The man had broken into her penthouse - which was a very deja vu moment to say the least - only to tell her that the Avenger's Initiative was back online and that she was urgently needed.

Of course, she had a slight attitude toward the director. Who wouldn't when he never came to her about this before?

That's when Fury had let slip that her dear brother interfered with anything SHIELD related when it came to her. So her suspicions were right. Tony had struck a deal with Fury so she wouldn't be involved as long as he agreed to be a consultant of sorts. Which explains why she hadn't heard from Fury since he visited her in the hospital room the night of the Stark Expo.

Not that she didn't mind. Working for a top secret organization wasn't exactly on her to do list.

But she was tempted to know more.

"Really, JARVIS, you couldn't keep her out?" she heard her brother groan out from the large desk in center of the room. She saw holograms of videos and data surrounding him, his eyes no longer on the holograms but on her now.

"Sorry, Tony. But apparently I'm needed..."

Her eyes landed on the cube emitting a blue light. It shone brightly beside the schematics of the arc reactor, almost emitting the same strength of light that was shining from her brother's chest. The light was absolutely captivating, the swirl of blue and white hypnotizing the young woman in a way.

"Funny. The Tesseract looks so similar to the arc reactor," she mumbled, as she moved to stand next to Tony.

It took all the strength in her to peel her eyes away from the image of the cube, instead, looking at the other videos and photos around her.

"We're in deep shit, aren't we?"