Pachelbel's Canon - Katherine Jenkins

"Life can be hard, long and lonely. But you don't have to let it be..." - Unknown

Smoke and dust filled the small, rickety apartment, as the child struggled for her breath. The auburn blaze made the horizon hazy. Her small blue orbs clouded with tears and ash. Her hair was ruffled, and slightly stained red from her mothers blood. It would have been easier on her if she had learned to walk, but being only a year old held her back in many ways. It would have also been easier if she wasn't on Hydra drugs. Her mother Veronica, was a Hydra agent, who gave birth shortly after the fall of Shield. This child was an experiment, infused with the DNA of the infamous super soldier, Steve Rogers.

Veronica fell deeply in love with the child she was carrying, and tried to steal her away a few months ago, and had succeeded until they had found them hiding here. In a small, falling down apartment. With barely enough supplies to survive. But Veronica knew it was worth it. They hadn't even given her child a name, Experiment 297. She was a child, not a machine. Hydra was going to experiment on her and eventually hand her over to the KGB for training. But now Veronica was dead, and her child left without a mother in a burning building.

"Hello?" A voice called from the darkness. "Anyone in there?" The child blinked confused, males voices scared her. Usually, the only times she would hear a male voice was when she was being played around with. Most of the time, by Dr. Strucker. So, she huddled in the corner next to her mothers body and shivered. Not from the cold, but fear.

Steve Rogers walked through the entry way of a small bedroom as the flames blazed. He had been chasing a lead on his case with Bucky. Apparently this was a cold one as well. Until he saw the shaking child, coughing and crying in the corner of the room. He softened his tone and his eyes filled and over flowed with compassion. As she was standing over her mothers dead body.

"Hello there." He spoke softly enough not to scare her. But even still, she flinched with each of his words. "I'm not going to hurt you, I promise." She blinked in confusion, and tilted her head slightly as she tried to process the words he had just spoken. "Yeah, come on. We gotta go."

"Mm.." Tears spilled out of her eyes seconds later. "Mm.." She tried speak her first words as she cried out to him.

"I'm sorry. Your mommy will be safe. Come on. We need to get you out of here."

"Mm..." She spoke quietly as she clung to her mothers limp body.

"I know, I'm sorry. Sweetheart, but we need to get you out of here." He pleaded gently as he got close enough to pick her up. She squirmed and tried to slide out of his reach, but he picked her up and wrapped his strong arms around her gently. He also picked up the body of her mother. Steve easily could carry both, and if it made the child happy, and helped get her out of here. He would do it, and he would do it with pride.

The child lay unconscious bandaged up on a table. Doctors looking over her frantically drawing blood and Steve gave an odd frown. Coulson was called in based on the current situation as was asked to deliver the news to the Captain.

"Is something wrong?" Steve asked. "I see Banner in there." He watched as the Doctor's crowed over her, staring at her with great curiosity.

"Its the kid. She's one of Hydra's." Phil said, looking at his mentor. As if the world was weighing on his shoulders.

"Hydra's?" He paused. "You sure Coulson?" Steve turned to look at him surprised, a curious look filling his eyes.

"One of Hydra's men, Well. He was one of ours. He dropped a few hints. And then confirmed it." A look of disappointment filling his face. "She was experimented on. Trying to recreate you as it seems..." Coulson spoke a little on edge and Steve could sense that.

"What is she?" The Captain asked, almost afraid to know the answer.

"She's your daughter, Steve. "

And there it was. The thing that could even make his super soldier heart stop. His eyes went wide and filled with fear.

"M-My What?" He stuttered out.

"She's your Daughter Steve." Coulson repeated slightly slower. "When you woke up, Hydra must have stolen some of your DNA. I'm so sorry."

"Does she-" He started, but Coulson already knew what it was he was going to ask.

"Yeah. She has the serum. The kid had a broken arm when you brought her in. It's almost healed now." He almost laughed. "Doctor's called in a Miracle."

"This is a lot to take in."

"I gotta go let Maria and Fury know..." Coulson said, hugging the files to his chest.

"Yeah.." He looked to him with a forced smile. "Yeah, I understand. Go. Tell them. It's your job."

"You know. I'm here if you need me Steve. Call me if you need anything. And I mean that." Coulson said with a nof.

"Thanks Phil.." He trailed, off looking back towards the child on the table.

"No Problem Steve." He spoke before he turned and left the room.

"I want her." Steve spoke calmly looking Maria Hill dead in the eyes. Completely serious about what he was doing.

"Steve, a child is a huge responsibility. And you haven't been very responsible lately. Running off and searching for Bucky. Living on the road..." Maria said, worried.

"Sam already agreed to take over the search." Steve insisted.

"Your an Avenger I'm not sure-"

"I want her." He spoke with slightly more force behind his tone. Not aggressive, but persuasive.

"Fine." She spat.

"Stark's helping me with the paperwork." He said, after they sat for a moment in silence.

"Steve?" She tossed up.

"Yeah?" He answered, slightly curious by her change of tone.

"Are you sure about this?" Maria looked up, and met his gaze.

"No." He spoke with a smile. "Not at all."

Alright, and that's a wrap on the preview. So? What do you think? I've been planning this story for awhile and now it's finally here. I would love to hear back from you all. Reviews are always appreciated.