Hi, so first story on this account~ Ohhh exciting. Well at least for me it is. I really hope you guys enjoy it and please leave reviews~~


"It's been two weeks since my birthday and nothing has happened. I haven't felt anything, zip, zero, nada. I honestly doubt that it's suddenly going to come up and smack me across the face." Naruto said as he stared defiantly at Tsunade and Kakashi, whom were both sitting across from him. Kakashi leaned against the oak desk, letting his lean and tall figure slump over as his eyes roamed the pages of his little orange book, his bored expression obviously told Naruto he couldn't care less about what he said, that was if he was listening at all. Tsunade however, was listening and was more than annoyed with the blond sitting in front of her desk. She rested her chin on the back of her clasped hands, elbows propped up on her desk as she leaned forward in her seat, and narrowed her honey colored eyes at the boy.

"Naruto, you and I both know that it's not sudden. We've been anticipating this for a good week now. You've been having the usual episodes, small and brief but they still count." Tsunade protested firmly, shifting so that she was now gently rubbing circles on her temple. They had been arguing for a good half hour now and Naruto was relentless and it didn't help that she was too. "For all we know you could awake today, not two minutes from now." She added.

"It's just a party, you aren't going to die if you don't go; in fact there's probably a better chance of you dying or someone else dying if you do. I'm not betting anyone's life here, especially when it's simply because you want to hang out with friends." Tsunade said. "It's been a long time since your birthday, that alone is alarming. You might awaken any minute during that party and you know how important it is to have your donor with you and I honestly doubt that he'll be able to stay by your side the entire time." Tsunade said, her lips twitching up into a smirk when she saw the blond glare at her.

"Come on! It's Halloween tomorrow and God knows this party is gonna last well into tomorrow and Sakura is known for throwing the best parties." Naruto said, "I was going to go as a vampire." He added with a smirk.

"Haha, very funny Naruto. Now if you'd stop mocking us and actually take this seriously we might be able to get somewhere." Kakashi quipped from behind his book, huh, so he was listening after all.

"Fine, you're right, I'm thinking werewolf now."

"Naruto, this isn't a joke. You know what it means to awaken; red vision, fangs finally come out, and you will attack the closest person there. You're basically in a frenzy and you don't even know who it is you bite. You could end up binding yourself to someone you don't even know. Do you know how much trouble that would cause?" Kakashi asked.

"Yea I already know this; gosh you guys had it branded into my brain since I was like 13. Your donor is the first person you bite, someone who is willing to give you daily meals and whom the clan knows and trusts. They help stabilize you until you can feed off of others." Naruto recited with a bored tone making Tsunade angrier, if possible. "Kurama would have let me go." Naruto added quietly as an afterthought.

"We all now that's a lie and even if hell froze over and he did, he left for a meeting with the elders. You answer to me." Tsunade said smirking.

Laugh all you want hag, I'm still going.

"Itachi let go!" Sasuke protested loudly as he heard his brother chuckle. "But it's fun."

"Yea for a sick bastard like you, now stop! I'm gonna go fucking bald with you around." Sasuke said as his brother refused to let go of the back of his head, along with a chunk of his hair.

"Mother, Sasuke's cursing again." Itachi said finally letting go right as their mother walked into the the small hallway leading to the front door. "Sasuke, honey what did I say about cursing. Not when your parents are home. Itachi, I'm not stupid, stop bothering your brother." Mikoto said as she tied her dark hair into a high ponytail, her fierce but kind eyes shined brightly while she scolded both boys and you could see the sparkle of amusement hiding in plain sight. Her ivory skin was flawless as always. You could tell they were her sons from the same dark hair and eyes and then the ivory skin.

Both boys took after their mother in looks but Itachi was much more like his father when it came to handling business and was a prodigy at whatever he did, especially when it came to hunting. Sasuke had never been trained the way Itachi had, with the harsh rulings of his uncle and father so instead he had grown to be a bit more open when it came to expression thanks to his mother. But this was only when the boys were home, or where they felt comfortable. They usually always had their stoic masks out in public, making them look ten times more like their father.

"Yes mother." Itachi said with a small grin as he peered over at Sasuke out of the corner of his eye. He was trying to fix his hair into how it had been before, but Itachi had managed to ruffle it up completely. His attention was taken off his brother as soon as he heard a car horn being honked in their driveway, coming in clearly through the open door.

"Alright Sasuke, We'll be going now; we should be back in two weeks, maybe sooner if everything goes smoothly, alright sweetie?" Mikoto asked, kissing her youngest child on his cheek. "Yea mom, I know. It's not the first time you've gone on these meetings." Sasuke protested, a light embarrassed blush formed across the bridge of his nose from being babied by his mother.

"Don't sound so jealous, little brother. It's not as if these meetings are actually entertaining. Hearing Uncle's rants about cleansing the world of vampires ever single year could drive any man mad and any vampire rogue." Itachi commented as he began grabbing the suitcases that had been lined up the door, ready to go as they had waited for the cab to take them to the airport. Before he left he turned and lightly poked his brother in the forehead, "Take care."

"Speaking of rogue vampires," His father began.

Sasuke was already one step ahead.

"I know Father. I'm not to go looking for a hunt or anything related to the bloodsuckers. If I'm attacked, it's a different case." Sasuke said, feeling his pride swell at the small look of approval on his father's face. "Honey, don't call them that, it's rude." His mother scorned gently. Sasuke ignored the urge to roll his eyes at his mother's words, knowing he'd only get into more trouble for doing so. He didn't understand why his mother continuously called them humans and people, it wasn't what they were. They were vampires, bloodsuckers, not that hard to understand, at least that was the way Sasuke saw it.

"Don't stay out late, it's dangerous." His father warned.

"In other words, no social life." Itachi quipped as he came back for the last of the suitcases.

"No teasing your brother." Their mother said, before turning to Sasuke, "Take care sweetheart." She said giving him a warm hug while his father simply nodded his way and his brother smirked as him. Sasuke waved his hand at them as they walked away from the front door and piled into the cab before driving away towards the airport.

Just as Sasuke closed the door, the phone rang. He walked over to the small table where it was placed and answered it with an annoyed tone. "What is it Sakura?" He asked, though there was no real malice. Sakura was nowhere as annoying as Sasuke would have claimed a few years ago when she was 'madly in love' with him. She had actually grown quite close to Sasuke over the years after she had opened up her eyes. It wasn't until they had actually both been assigned to work on a project at school that Sakura started coming to his house regularly and actually got to know him; the real Sasuke. Not the one that she always dreamed of falling in love and running off into the sunset with, but the one that was highly irritable, annoying at times, sadistic and sometimes downright rude. But he was also one of her best friends.

"So are the parents and exceptionally hot brother away?" She asked as Sasuke sat on the couch and leaned back, propping his feet on the coffee table in front of him. "Yes and just no. Why?"

"I'm throwing a party~" She said in a sing song voice. Sasuke groaned, ready to protest.

"And yes, you are going." She added quickly.

"Fuckfuckfuckfuck!" Naruto sneered as he hung from the top of the gate surrounding his home . He was only a meter or two above ground but it was a lot different actually dangling there than just planning on dangling there. He shut his eyes and let go, feeling his body tense as his feet hit the ground and he fell flat onto his back. He felt a small jolt of pain in his knees but knew it was only from falling all tensed up. It didn't matter either way, within a few minutes the ache that was barely there would be gone altogether. He might not be a vampire yet but that didn't mean that he didn't get some previews.

He heard a car honk followed by a pair of familiar screams and yells from his friends. He had never wanted to strangle Kiba so much before in all his life. He quickly made his way to the loud car and as he slid in to the front seat, the first thing he did was smack Kiba upside the head. "What part of I'm sneaking out to this party did you not understand?" He asked while Kiba glared at him from the drivers seat. Kiba had dressed in his black jeans with a fish net tank underneath his usual leather jacket. He had spiked his hair like he usually did.

"This whole plan is troublesome; it's one party, I doubt it's gonna even be that good." His friend Shikamaru said from where he was in the backseat, he was dressed casually in a pair of loose jeans and a black wife beater, a dark green unbuttoned shirt with the sleeves rolled up. His hair was in the same style he always wore it which closely resembled a pineapple if you asked Naruto.

"I thought you said you were gonna dress up." Kiba said as he took in the blond's appearance. Naruto had gone with a white wife beater under a dark orange button up shirt, a blood red fox swirling in a design in the back. He wore tight black jeans that he knew made his ass look positively amazing.

"We don't do Halloween anymore and if anyone shows up dressed up it'll probably be girls with tight bunny costumes." Naruto said grinning. "Which, by the way, I have no problem with."

Kiba barked out a laugh as he sped off away from Naruto's house. Sakura's house was only a 15 minute drive, 10 if they didn't pay attention to small things like red lights. Hitching a ride with Kiba was a lot faster than walking for half an hour to Sakura's house; not to mention easier since they had a regular night guard going around the perimeter of the gate checking to make sure that no one was going to sneak in or in Naruto's case, out.

"So you guys know who's gonna be going?" Kiba asked taking a turn. "Well by now there's probably a whole bunch of people she doesn't know trashing her house. But I'm thinking the usual groups of people...her best friends too." Shikamaru answered.

"That means Ino's going, good for you Shika. But that also means Sasuke's going so too bad for you Naruto. And it's vice versa too seeing as you're one of Sakura's best friends. Poor Sasuke." Kiba said feigning concern.

"Ha very funny. The Teme's so annoying, I don't see how he's one of Sakura's best friends, prick barely says anything to me and when he does talk to me it's only to insult me." Naruto ranted. "I just hope I don't see any of his pale ass tonight."

"Well we're here; but hoping isn't gonna get you anywhere, I already see the Uchiha." Shikamaru said as Kiba parked at the corner of the street a few feet from Sakura's house. "Great." Naruto groaned as he also spotted said boy talking with his pinkett friend.

They all got out of the car and Kiba locked it before pocketing the keys. "Sakura!" Naruto called out as he walked up the front steps of Sakura's house. It was pretty big; seeing as her grandfather had money not to mention was one of the elders in the council. Sakura herself wasn't a vampire, it had skipped her but she still wanted to embrace that part of her and help anyway she could, so she became a donor.

"Naruto you made it! Shika, Kiba how are you guys?" Sakura asked turning away from Sasuke and reaching out to give her blond friend a hug. She was dressed in a tight red shirt and a pair of leather pants that hugged her curves and really brought out her chest. Her short hair was currently tied up in a short puff of a ponytail showing off her three piercings on one ear and two on the other.

"We're good." Naruto answered while the other two just nodded along with his answer. "So how come you're outside? Party's inside no?" Naruto asked.

Sakura grinned, "Hell yea, but Sasuke wasn't feeling so well and I needed air so we came out here."

"What, Teme can't handle a couple of shots?" Naruto teased.

"Dobe, I can hold my liquor just fine." Sasuke said, his eyes and eased body language obviously showed he couldn't care less about what Naruto said. He had come casual, but if you asked his fans he looked hot as ever. He wore tight jeans and a black t shirt. A simple stud piercing in his ear. Somehow he was hotter than the rest of the guys who actually tried.

Bright blue eyes narrowed and the hint of a challenge in the raven's voice. "Is that a challenge?"

"I'm amazed you could deduct that; an idiot like you would probably find understanding simple speech more difficult." Sasuke taunted.

"No, just no. It's only," Sakura paused looking at her watch, "10:35 and the party isn't even peaked, you guys are not fighting, or getting seriously drunk."

"Come on, I can take the prissy little Uchiha." Naruto protested while Sasuke settled for glaring at the blond.

It had really started a few years ago, in their freshman year. Sasuke had been walking casually along the park they had behind their school with his lunch tray in hand when he had tripped over a sleeping Naruto and dropping his whole lunch on the blond.

Naruto had jolted awake and Sasuke was going to give some kind of apology, that is until the idiot called him a bastard and continued to insult him, to which he responded with, "You shouldn't even be sleeping here, Usuratonkachi It's your fault." To which the blond then responded with a colorful array of foul language that Sasuke was left somewhat impressed. "Hn." Was the last thing he said before walking away and ignoring the blond.

After that it was all downhill; every time they saw each other it would result in a fight, either verbal or with flying fists, bloody noses, and cut lips.

"You will be taking him no where, unless it's to the dance floor, which you are more than welcome to drag him to." Sakura said before giving them a smile and turning around to go back inside.

"Just stay out of the way teme." Naruto said.

Sasuke resisted the urge to roll his eyes. "Hn" and with that Sasuke watched as the blond and his friends went inside, he figured he'd relax out here for a few more minutes.

The music was loud and overbearing as was the massive amount of heat being given off by all the sweaty bodies currently dancing in the living room. Naruto could feel sweaty bodies rubbing over him throughout whole songs, hands wandered and traveled and no doubt there was at least 6 people getting hot and heavy under some covers in Sakura's house. He was beginning to feel a little dizzy from all of it and he began to wonder if the few shots he had were affecting him in anyway whatsoever.

He looked around for Sakura, wanting to tell her that he felt like going home and was sorry since it was only around 12, not even 1 yet. He found her leaning against the wall while talking to the Teme who apparently had the same idea and wanted to leave if Sakura's disappointed face and constant tugging on the bastard's arm was anything to go by. The bastard didn't seem drunk so Naruto didn't know what was up with him wanting to leave so early. Sakura on the other hand was leaning on the wall for support. She wasn't completely drunk but she was well past tipsy. He started to walk towards her and by the time he reached her Sasuke was leaving, purposefully bumping his shoulder into the others arm. Naruto would have normally punched the lights out of the Uchiha but now his stomach was aching like hell and he really did not have the energy to waste on him.

"Hey Sakura," he said and before he got one word out his friend groaned. "Not you too! Sasuke just left, why do you have to leave?"

"I'm just feeling really crappy. Maybe there's something in the booze." He offered.

"Pssh! The booze is fiiiine!" Sakura said with a smile that was as goofy as Naruto's. "Clearly you know this," Naruto chuckled but it was cut short when he felt a sharp pain in his stomach. "Anyways I really gotta go." He said not giving Sakura a chance to explain anything before he made a beeline to the door.

He ran across the empty street and decided to take a shortcut through the park by Sakura's house. He'd be home in 10 minutes if he ran.

Tsunade's voice rang in his head, For all we know you could awake today. God, Naruto hoped that that wasn't the case because if it was he was more than screwed. He suddenly remembered a lecture that his teacher Iruka often gave.

Now we all know what happens if a newly awakened vamp doesn't bond. They go rogue, meaning they never leave the awakening faze. Constant red vision, blood-lust, and of course pain.

But it could just be a normal stomach virus, something he ate at the party that wasn't alright with his stomach he thought as he stumbled into the main area of the park. It consisted of a fountain in the middle, currently shut off and a few benches off to the side, there were two park lamps brightly lit but they only covered the fountain area. It doesn't have to be that, he thought as he walked towards the fountain.

A shocking pain in his abdomen almost made him double over; he settled for grabbing the rim of the fountain instead, gasping for air. Crap, he thought before his vision went red.

Sasuke was disgusted. He had been groped several times by several different people of a good number of different genders and he was tired. Neji, Tenten, Sakura, and all his other friends were occupied with either drinking, smoking, or sex. None of which Sasuke was currently interested in doing. So he found Sakura and told her that it was time for him to go home. She whined and tugged at his arm but he had made up his mind, either way Sakura was more than tipsy so she probably really wasn't registering was was going on. As he walked away he could see the dobe heading for Sakura whom he had left behind. The blond didn't look as annoying as he always did so Sasuke figured he was probably sick or drunk, neither of which were his concern.

He decided to go to the park to let whatever alcohol was still in his system out with a short nap on the bench. Nobody would bother him, it was around 12:30, going onto one o'clock and no one would be in the park, and they would just assume that he was a bum if someone did pass by. He settled on the closest bench and closed his eyes and not even 5 minutes later he was forced to open them again when he heard someone groan and gasp. He pulled himself up, putting a hand on the back of the bench and one leg on the ground. He found himself looking at a messy blond dobe who didn't look at all well.

"Hey Dobe, what's wrong?" He asked. When the blond continued to only have labored breaths, the youngest Uchiha got a little worried. "Seriously idiot, are you okay?" He asked, now getting up off the bench and walking over to the blond. "Naruto!" he said, frustrated that the blond was unresponsive, he put a hand on his shoulder and physically turned him around.

Looking at a red eyed Naruto, Sasuke froze. Crap.

WELLLLLL?! Did you guys like it? I really hope you guys liked it. I had fun writing this story and I hope to regularly update it what with summer coming up! So please leave a bunch of reviews~ Long, short, mean, nice; anything to show me you cared enough to leave a review!