Hey everyone, sorry to say there will be no new chapter this week. I'm busy again with life, but it'll come out as soon as it's done.
In the meantime, I'll keep up with Twitter again. I usually have progress of the chapters happen there so you could keep up with/ spy on my progress. Any readers are also welcome on tweeting questions. RWBY content and other anime/internet stuff will go on there to keep up with some things of interest.
And thank you readers for following/ favoriting this story. To see it reach this number is amazing since all of you enjoy this fan-made story of our favorite blonde hero. While things could get dark every once in a while, our hero is sure to rise above the challenge. He also has the lovely ladies to help him out along the way.
Oh, and one more thing. If reviewers want to see Jaune with a particular person, leave it in the reviews. I actually feel like doing a filler chapter, so the girl/boy who gets the most votes will have a scene together with Jaune.