Chapter 1

"Colette!" Called out my best friend, Tracey.

I turned to her and smiled warmly. She had on this face splitting grin. I wondered what was going on.

"What's up?" I asked.

"You're never going to believe this!" She said with glee. "You and I actually got picked to go to Winterfell!"

My mouth dropped open. Winterfell would be the farthest we have gone north or at all from home.

"Oh wow! I thought we would have never-…"

"I know right? Should we do a song list? I hear we are going to entertain Lord Stark and his family." She leaned in and whispered. "I also heard we will be entertaining the king and his family."

"Why is the king going to Winterfell?" I asked with a questioning look.

"Beats me." Tracey said with a shrug.

Tracey and I are what the people in Westeros call, Futurians. Some people call us Oracles. Really we are just normal people from the future. Some of us have been here longer than others. I have been here for about five months.

There are these people who control who get brought back in time. There are only around fifty of us. How do we make it on our own? We sing and entertain people. We use songs from our world and sing them here.

It's odd though. The people who control us allow us to go back to our time and gather what we need. It's like they want us to show people of this world what the future will look like.

We have been called out to be witches and sorcerers, but they can't kill us. If we "die" here in this world then we can't come back here. We get sent back to our time and forget everything that happened. We age like normal people in this time, but when we go back we are the age we would be in that time.

Only certain people from our time know about this thing. I've noticed that the people chosen to go back in time have no family or they have no one to worry about them.

We wear clothes from our time. It's a rule that the king has made. All Futurians must wear the clothes from our time. There was a debate long ago, about how they would know who the Futurians are. One option, that I was glad it didn't go through, was to mark our foreheads or arms. It would be like a branding.

Now, when we go back to get whatever we need, we can't take everything or anything. It has to go through the council first. The council are the people who control us. We have never met them in person. No one has met them.

How we know of them and what the rules are, they talk to us telepathically. It was strange at first, but I have gotten used to it.

Over the short time I have been here only three people have joined us. Tracey was here before me. I have learned a lot about this world, but it's so hard to remember everything.

One thing I remember is a rumor about the queen and her brother are, you know, having some fun together. There are even rumors that they have children together.

"Okay so let's go over the Stark family." Tracey said as she held up a piece of paper to her face.

She was quizzing me over important information I need to know. It's hard to go from saying hi to anyone I please to not being able to talk unless you are spoken to.

"Eddard, or Ned, Stark is the lord of Winterfell. He is the husband to…" I tapped my chin a couple of times as I thought. "Catelyn Stark…and her last name used to be Tully. Their children are Robb, Sansa, Arya, Bran, and Rickon. Lord Stark has a son with another woman. His name is Jon Snow. There's a man named Theon Greyjoy, who was taken from Stark because Balon raised a rebellion against the Iron Throne. Benjen and Brandon Stark are the brothers of Eddard." I sighed out and put my fingers on the bridge of my nose. "He…has a sister named…Lyanna…?" I opened one eye to look at Tracey and she nodded in response.

"Okay, good enough." Tracey said and let out a laugh. "I heard that Robb and Jon are cuties."

I rolled my eyes. "Well, tell me when you have one. I'll take the other." I joked.

"Have you two written any song suggestions yet?" A voice behind me said.

I turned to find it was Nick. We both shook our head and I frowned a bit. "I don't know what to sing."

"Well, hurry up and pick so we can have the music for the show." He said and looked over at Tracey. "And nothing too sexual. There will be kids."

"I know!" Tracey groaned out and sighed.

"Good." Nick said and then turned on his heel and left.

"How many songs can we suggest?" I asked Tracey.

"Up to three. Do you know who are going to have solos? I hope I'm one!"

"No, I don't know." I said with a shake of my head.

I grabbed a piece of paper and started to write my song suggestions.

"What did you put?" I asked Tracey once I was done.

"I'm Never Gonna Dance Again, Don't Make Me, and I'm A Slave." She said the last song with a grin on her face.

"You would." I said with a roll of my eyes, trying to hide my grin.

"What did you put?"

"Leave The Pieces, I'm The Greatest Star, and A Thousand Years." I said and sighed. "My song list is lame…"

"No, you are just a hopeless romantic that likes love songs and Broadway songs." She stuck her tongue out.

"Shut up." I gave her a playful glare.

It was the next day; we turned in our song suggestions. There was a meeting one what songs to do. Everyone was there. We all voted on songs we would do and we had to narrow it down to ten songs. Only eight people were coming, four girls and four guys. Once we decided on the songs, we then decided who was going to sing what and who with.

Cooper, Zach, and Nick: Something Stupid

Dakota, Cooper, and Samantha: You Raise Me Up

Nick and Colette: Tonight

Tracey, Colette, Samantha, and Christina: At The Ballet

Everyone: We Found Love

Tracey, Colette, Samantha, and Christina: Cell Block Tango

Colette: A Thousand Years

Tracey: I'm Never Gonna Dance Again

Christina and Colette: Reflection

Everyone: The Dawn Will Come

We had to make up dance moves and who would sing what part. We only had three weeks to do this and then we would have to leave to go to Winterfell. It would take us close to two weeks to get there and we could practice when we stopped to camp out.

Nick and Christina went back to our time to get our outfits we would wear for our performances. I was nervous about the Cell Block Tango performance. I would be in very revealing clothes.

Once they returned I found out it wasn't clothes, it was lingerie. Yes, very family friendly. I rolled my eyes at the thought. My outfit wasn't as revealing as I was thinking though. It was a black baby doll top and black boy shorts. It really showed my cleavage but whatever. I would rather have this than what Tracey was going to wear. It was a black corset, black short shorts, and fishnet stockings. She was thrilled.

We were told we couldn't use our real names at all. They didn't tell us why, but it was just very important to not use our real names. So we had to make up names for ourselves.

Tracey's name was now Thedela. Christina's name was now Constantia. Samantha chose the name Kea. Nick is now Noel. Cooper and Dakota are Caine and Davos. Zach chose the name Zeno.

"What will your name be?" Christina, no, Constantia asked.

"Umm…" I thought for a moment. "Clementia?" I shrugged.

"Okay, we can call you Clem for short." Constant said with a smile.

We all had to act comfortable with each other's new names, so from now on these were our new names.

We finally arrived to Winterfell. We were greeted by guards, some were friendly and others had a look of judgment. Geez, we aren't going to kill anyone.

Once we arrive in the courtyard, we all stood side by side and watched as the Stark Family walked out of their home. They lined up and greeted us with smiling faces.

I blushed when I saw Robb Stark. Tracey was right about him, he's very handsome. I turned to look at the rest of the family and spotted a brooding dark hairs man. He must be Jon Snow. I noted to myself that he had plushy lips that made me think they were soft as pillows.

"Welcome, Futurians to Winterfell." Spoke a man whom I presumed was Eddard Stark. "I am Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell. This is my wife, Catelyn." He started to name off his family members, starting from oldest to youngest. He even included Theon as one of his older sons. It was a heart melting moment to me.

Nick stepped out in front of us. "My name is Noel." He pointed to each of us as he went down the line, ending with Tracey and I. "Constantia, Zeno, Kea, Caine, Davos, Clementia, and Thedela. You may use our nicknames if it pleases you. Some of us…" He looked to Constantia and then Thedela. "…have odd names."

"Please, call me Dela." Tracey (Thedela) said and curtsied.

"You may call me Tai." Constantia curtsied.

I stepped forward and curtsied, to the best of my abilities, as I spoke. "If it pleases you, you may call me Clem. My mother likes to call me Clemmy." I spotted the two daughters smiling and the two youngest boys giving a small giggle.

"You people have no last names?" Asked Catelyn Stark.

"Our last names mean nothing in this world, so we only go by our first names My Lady." Nick answered with a strong voice. It was kind of intimidating.

Catelyn gave a slight nod and smiled kindly. "I see."

I moved my eyes over to look at Robb, he was staring right back at me. I was caught off guard and felt the blood rush to my cheeks. I looked down, embarrassed at my reaction. Damn him and his handsome looks.

"Please, make yourself at home. I have rooms for the eight of you to stay in." Ned said with a small smile. "Some will have to share rooms, I am afraid."

"This is more than we can hope for, Lord Stark." Nick said and bowed. "We thank you for your kindness and warming welcome to your home." Noel turned to me. "Clem, may I have a word with you?"

I turned to face Noel, confused at first. "Okay." I said.

Everyone separated. I imagined Tracey was flirting with Robb or Jon.

"I saw you blushing at Robb Stark." Nick spoke with a whispering tone.

"It wasn't like that. I got nervous when he was staring at me. You know…I get nervous easily." I said with furrowed eyebrows. "It's not my fault."

"Just don't get into anything, okay? We are here to entertain, not fall in love or have relationships." Noel said.

"Have you spoken to Trac-…Dela about this? I'm sure she's of seducing with anyone with a cock."

Nick tried to hide his amusement. "Yes, I have spoken to her about that. She will behave."

We heard footsteps and spotted Robb Stark walking with his mother and half-brother. Nick and I put smiles on our faces and moved over to let them pass.

"Lady Clementia, sup will be starting soon." Catelyn said to me.

"I…I'm no lady…" I said nervously, fidgeting my fingers.

"Well, to our house you all are important people." She smiled warmly. "But if you do not wish for us to call you Lady I will let my family know."

"I don't mind…I just um…" My heart started to beat more quickly.

"Relax, child." Catelyn said and placed a hand on my shoulder. I looked up at her and she gave off this motherly feeling. "We will not harm any of you for speaking wrongly. We were all told how different your time is from ours."

"Thank you, My Lady." Nick said and looked over at me. "We should unpack our things, Clem. I'll let everyone know that it is almost time for dinner." He bowed to them. "Excuse us."

I went to walk away but remembered I didn't curtsy. I turned back to them and curtsied. Robb had this grin on his face, like he was admiring my effort or judging me. I haven't decided yet.

The Futurians sat on one side of this huge table while the Starks sat on the other side. I was sitting next to Tracey and Nick. Across from me was Robb Stark. Sitting across from Tracey and Nick was Jon Snow and Catelyn Stark. Ned Stark sat at the head of the table.

I looked over at Dela and she was giving a kittenish smile to Theon Greyjoy. Oh my god.

"Lord Stark, if you don't mind me asking…how close would the King be right now?" Noel asked as he took a sip from his drink.

"I would say…" Ned gave him a shrug. "Maybe two days from now he will be here."

"We got here on time then." I spoke up and Ned gave me a small smile.

"Yes, we were all nervous you wouldn't make it." He said.

"Do you think we can witness some of your talents early?" Theon asked.

"I don't see the problem with that." Nick answered back and looked over to the rest of us. "Any volunteers?" Tracey went to raise her hand. "Nothing too sexual, Dela…" She rolled her eyes.

"I'm not always like that, Noel!" She pouted.

"Sure you're not." He looked over to the rest of the family. "Just one performance or shall we have two or three?"

"Just one for now." Catelyn answered with a smile on her lips.

Noel looked towards Dela. "Alright, you can sing."

"I was actually hoping to sing with Clem…" She looked over at me and I turned my head quickly.

"What?" I asked, not really believing any of this.

"Yeah, we can sing…I don't know." She thought for a moment. "We can sing one of your songs you wanted."

"You don't know the Broadway song." I mumbled.

"Then let's sing Leave The Pieces?" Tracey suggested.

"What will we do for music?" I asked.

"Let's sing it without music." She shrugged and I sighed, giving in.

We sang the chorus together but first I started singing and then she sang the second verse.

"You're not sure that you love me

But you're not sure enough to let me go

Baby it ain't fair you know

To just keep me hanging around

You say you don't wanna hurt me

Don't want to see my tears

So why are you still standing here

Just watching me drown"

Together we sang and I spotted Robb looking amazed at me. It's just a voice.

"And it's alright, yeah I'll be fine

Don't worry about this heart of mine

Just take your love and hit the road

There's nothing you can do or say

You're gonna break my heart anyway

So just leave the pieces when you go"

It was Dela's turn to sing.

"You can drag out the heartache

Baby you can make it quick

Really get it over with

And just let me move on

Don't concern yourself

With this mess you've left for me

I can clean it up, you see

Just as long as you're gone"

I started to sing alone.

"You not making up your mind

Is killing me and wasting time.

I need so much more than that."

We both sang the last part and then the chorus over again and ended with a smile on each other's faces. That was exhilarating.

The Stark family all clapped and Sansa spoke out from the clapping.

"That song is from your world? Your time?" She asked.

"Yes." Dela answered. "All of the songs we will be singing are from our time."

"Can you teach me some? I really liked that song…" Sansa said with a small blush tone to her cheeks.

"That's because you're a girly girl." Arya mumbled with a roll of her eyes.

"Hopefully I am going to marry Joffery Baratheon someday and you can't speak to me like that." Sansa argued. "At least I am going to be married."

"I don't want to be married. I want to be a warrior like father." Arya fought back.

"Girls…" Catelyn said in that mother warning tone.

It was after dinner. I stood outside, leaning against the outside of the building. I stared up at the stars, admiring their sparkling glow.

"It's beautiful, is it not?" A voice spoke from beside me. I turned to fid it was Robb.

"Huh?" I asked, not understanding.

"The stars…" Robb smirked slightly and pointed to the night sky with his head. "I come out here when I need a moment to myself or when I need to think things straight."

"And what is the reason you're out here tonight?" I asked and started to mess with the end of my shirt.

"Well, it was to think about things…" He trailed off and then looked over towards me. "But now it's to speak with you."

"Speak with me?" I asked, not believing what he said. "Why?"

Robb shrugged a little. "You interest me."

I gave a snort and covered my mouth, trying to hide my grin. Finally I took my hand away and shook my head. "I have no idea why you think that way. There is nothing special about me."

"There is. You're from the future…not only that but you are beautiful." He said and I felt him get closer.

Words the Noel had spoken to me before flooded my mind. No relationships and no falling in love. This wasn't falling in love. We were just talking. What's the harm in small flirting and flattery?

"Well, thank you." I said and smiled at him. "You are beautiful as well." I gave him a joking smile.

Robb let out a laugh. "Well, thank you. I try to be the most beautiful man in Westeros."

"You're doing a very good job at it." I gave him a thumbs up. "I give you an A plus."

"An A plus?" He asked with a confused look.

"It's a grading system in school. If you get an A plus, then you got a one hundred percent on whatever you did." I explained. "Sorry, I'm still new to this world."

"You're alright." He assured and lightly touched my arm.

There was a spark that shot right through me. The source was from where he was touching me at. I could tell he too was feeling that same spark. It started to terrify me. I just met this man and I'm drawn to him like a moth to a flame. I'm going to get burnt if I get too close. Don't fall in love. Why was that simple task so hard now? I wasn't in love, but I knew if I had anymore contact with this man then I would be captivated by him.

A/N: Please tell me what you think! :) This is my first Game Of Thrones fic…so…please be nice?