
Hannah sighed and stepped between the two pairs of siblings.

If what she'd been told was true this wasn't the best time to set old scores to right. The entirety of Creation was in peril and they certainly didn't need a second apocalyptic boxing match between the archangels or their vessels to complicate matters further.


She turned to Michael. "For the moment I am still in charge of Heaven. I intended handing that privilege over to you Michael, but I can see feelings are still running high between you all, and I fear your decisions and actions may not be as objective as they should in this moment of crisis.

"How dare you!" Lucifer's ire blazed through the vessel he was wearing as he addressed Hannah. "It's not your place to deny my brother his place in Heaven. He is the designated Regent, anointed by God himself and no common angel such as you can tell him what to do."


Dean had to admire Hannah's aplomb as she faced down Satan himself, not so for Sam who was moving even closer to Dean's back, almost fusing himself into the cotton jacket.

The sight of Lucifer had affected his little brother, terrifying him, and in that moment Dean vowed to make Lucifer suffer for all the torture he'd put his baby brother through.

Dean Winchester against the devil.

Well he'd killed Death who'd vaunted he'd reap even god, so how difficult could the devil be!

In synthesis, the douche-bag was an angel, and angels got ganked with an angel sword. No reason why Lucifer should be any different.


He turned his head back towards Sam. "It's okay Sammy," he soothed. "He's never gonna touch you again. I won't let him."

"You can't promise that, Dean, " Sam replied hoarsely, all the memories of the Cage contributing to make his body tremble like a leaf. Try as he would, he couldn't stop himself.

"I can and I will. Have faith, little brother."



"Lucifer!" Michael scolded. "There is no need to be discourteous. Hannah has dedicated herself to the rebuilding of heaven and we must be thankful to her for undertaking such an enormous task. And that is where she must remain until we have defeated the Darkness.

As the only remaining archangels we must keep our hands free to deal with it. I cannot be distracted by the governing of Heaven and the Holy Hosts."

Lucifer snorted. "Another few years in the Cage and you'd haver turned into a purring kitten, brother. You are the most powerful angel of Creation yet you let this foot-soldier order you about!"

"Enough Lucifer," Michael said quietly enough, but all present could feel the thrum of power that emanated from the archangel.

"I thank you Michael, " Hannah said. "Of course I will hand the Keys of Heaven over to you whenever you desire."



His business with Hannah settled, Michael took a step forward, eyes boring into the two brothers who stood witness to the exchange.

"So, Dean Winchester, we meet again, " Michael began. "You have caused me much displeasure. You were my designated vessel, yet you refused the great honour Destiny had mapped out for you.

You would have been wiser to have consented. I would have been merciful once I had defeated my brother.

I would have given you back Samuel and allowed you both your freedom. Instead you preferred to accept your sibling's sacrifice, condemning him to be a victim at the hands of my rather vindictive younger brother.

Looking back I wonder if you regret your choice."


"I'm not t the one you should be asking," Dean replied.

"Sam made his own choice to accept death in the Cage to save the world from your pathetic brother fist-fight, and I've never been so proud. If I could have saved him from that I would have, but only he could contain and overcome Lucifer, and he did."

Dean lifted his chin. He wouldn't give these two douche-bags the satisfaction of showing fear.

Michael and Lucifer might be powerful beings, but Dean had killed his share of wannabe gods and was no longer going to be intimidated by them.


"You are not the run-of -the-mill human, Dean Winchester, as is not your brother," Michael conceded. "There were times I truly admired Samuel in the Cage. He took all that Lucifer gave him, though I can understand his trepidation at seeing us again."

"Stay away from Sam," Dean growled. "Or you and your sadistic shit of a brother will answer to me."

"Why you ignoble mass of useless humanity. You brainless mud monkey," Lucifer raged. "How dare you talk back to Michael. For your information I can, and will take back my true vessel. And I might just take you along for the ride.

Little Sammy was always calling out for his big brother anyway,"


Michael's voice boomed out, silencing them all.


"Enough! There is only one thing we have to concentrate on and that is not petty revenge. The Darkness will destroy us all, Heaven, Hell and Earth, so we must join forces until it is defeated. You will all swear a holy oath...Yes even you Lucifer." Michael decreed as his brother began to object. "Until that is done,we will work together.

Lucifer, go to Hell and bring me the King. He must be a part of our unit too. We will await your return here."


Lucifer grunted but before long he re-appeared with Crowley at his side, the erstwhile king of hell looking rather the worse for wear.

Lucifer shrugged. "He wasn't happy to see me so I had to do a bit of convincing to drag him here," he said, a wolfish sneer on his face.


Crowley's eyes widened at the sight of the Winchesters. "What's this? You get invited to the party too."

"Shut your face Crowley, " Dean growled. "I'm no longer you best bud!"

"Too bad. We were getting along so well too."


"What is this ? " Lucifer asked, curious. "A Winchester and a demon, getting along."

"Oh, didn't you get the latest gossip down in the Cage?" Crowley bitched. "Little Dean here took on the Mark of Cain to defeat Abaddon and turned into a cute little demon. That is until little Sammy rode to the rescue on his white stallion and saved his big brother from a fate worse than death!"

"You wore the Mark, Winchester " Lucifer mused." So it was you who opened the way for the Darkness to emerge?"

Dean shrugged, trying not to show his apprehension. "Let's say it was a combined effort."

Might as well come clean, Dean mused to himself. They were gonna find out anyway.


"You Winchesters have been more trouble than you're worth," Lucifer raged. "It's time you were both wiped off the face of the universe and your names lost in the dungeons of time."

"I said enough Lucifer." If we do not put the Darkness back in its prison, there will be nothing left, not the Winchesters, nor us. Swear to me you will not harm them," Michael broke in again sighing.

"Very well. I swear." Lucifer mouthed disgruntled.


Dean snorted. "He's the Devil. Since when is he beholden to an oath?"

Lucifer turned glowing eyes on him. "I am many things but I keep my word."

He craned his head to get a better look at Sam."Ask your delicious little brother. Such a sweet bed-fellow." he taunted.

"You..." Dean took a step forward but Lucifer stopped him dead with a twitch of his fingers. "I will not harm you or Sam. I respect my oath to my brother. But I can't guarantee for afterwards."

"Then for now it is settled," Michael sentenced. He turned to Crowley. "You too will swear not to turn on any of the others until our quest is brought to an end."

Crowley nodded his assent. He was the king of hell, but he wasn't a fool. Michael and Lucifer could make mince-meat of him. Better to go along with the two douches for now.


"Lucifer and I will seek more information in Heaven, the Winchesters on Earth and you Crowley, interrogate some of your oldest demons. Perhaps there has been information passed down through the ages, or one of them has come across something pertaining to the Darkness.

It's a long shot but they can sometimes pay off. If any information turns up we will find ourselves in this same spot."


With that everyone vanished leaving Sam and Dean on their own.

"Hey, you okay, little brother? " Dean asked, gripping Sam's shoulders with his hands.

"Yeah. I'm fine, now that Lucifer's gone." His eyes met Dean's. "I didn't think I'd turn into a mass of jello when I saw him, but I couldn't help myself, " Sam added.

"Don't," Dean said pulling Sam into a hug. "I've been there. I know what it's like and believe me it took all my will-power not to shake too."

Sam burrowed his head into Dean's shoulder and held on to the one sure thing in his life.