Rebuilding Ruin
Disclaimer: I don't own The 100 or its characters
Spoilers: All episodes of Season 1 and 2
Note: I know all of you are rather shocked by this chapter but I found it when I was cleaning out my USB drive and decided to post it. Know that Hatred into Love will not be finished by me but may be adopted at a later date. I will let you all know when and by who it gets adopted.
Five Hundred Years Later
The cities and grandeur of the Old World would never be again but eventually stones cities were built up. The Clans had united as one nation and their clan names forgotten except in common speak around the individual areas. The Boat Clan's contribution would lead to bigger vessels that spanned the oceans, uniting and warring with the clans across the waters. However, these would not come to pass until the lives of the Delinquents and Grounders they knew had already past. The legends of that time were recorded and re-recorded so all would know the truth of the troubling start that lead to an eternal peace.
In the school house of a small town, stone and wooden melded together perfect, a class sat learning their history lesson. Their teacher, a brunette woman with a gentle face and bright green eyes waited patiently for them to finish their reading.
"Is everyone finished?" All the children in the room looked up at her, "well good job because that was a long section. Does anyone have any questions about the reading?"
One of the girls raised her hand, "Miss Woods, do you think that if Clarke hadn't killed her lover herself that there would have been further war?"
The woman sat on her desk, "it's possible, no one knows exactly why she made the decision to personally kill him. However, she made the decision to end the bloodshed and make war between the Sky People and Tree Clan." She surveyed the room, "anymore questions?" She saw one of the boys in the back raise his hand. "Yes Justin, what is your question?"
He raised his book and turned it around, pointing to the picture of two women facing each other on the page. "Are you related to the Commander? You look almost the same."
A bell rang and she smiled, "I'll say this Justin before you guys go home. It's been five centuries since these events occurred. Time was never spent on tracing bloodlines so it's possible that all of us or none of us could be related to those in this chapter." She stood up and watched them all gather their things. "Have a good day everyone, I'll see you Monday."
"Bye Miss Woods." All the children waved before leaving and she wiped down the glass board that she'd written on.
Picking up one of the fallen books, the brunette studied the image on the page. Smiling she put it on the desk and closed it, patting the top before collecting her own belongings. Closing the door to her classroom she walked down the hall of the Peaceborn School and exited into the mighty city of Polis.
"Lexa!" Turning she found the love of her life waiting with their newest joy, a little boy adopted from the orphanage named Liam. "Liam look who it is."
"Mama!" The boy ran to her and she picked him up, nuzzling his head as her blond wife walked over.
A quick kiss to the blond's cheek made her smile, "Clarke you didn't have to wait for me."
"Well I thought I'd do pick up today." The blond chuckled and tickled the boy in her arms. "But being serious, I missed you."
"I'm right here, it's easier for me to do pick up."
"I missed you!" Clarke chuckled and took Liam from her, "so what did you teach the children today in their history class?"
Lexa took her arm and held it as they walked down the street. "We are learning about The Alliance."
"It is eerie how much we look like them, you know." Clarke looked at her wife, "and our names too!"
"Well legends say that when a person's spirit is released during the burning that it goes to the gods. Maybe the gods decided that they needed to live again in a more peaceful life." Lexa stared into blue eyes.
"I think reading all those history books has gone to your mind." She rolled her eyes, "do me a favor and don't tell Liam the fairy tale about the Princess and Commander. I don't need him getting a big head thinking we're them."
The brunette chuckled, "we're us Clarke, you and I are just us. A teacher and a doctor with a son who live in a house, have a wolf and live one day to the next."
"Yeah, I still haven't forgiven you for the wolf. I said we didn't need a pet but you went and got a wolf for us." They neared the house on the street of Polis that seemed practically ancient. Time and good care had kept the house in good shape, stone replacing wood where necessary.
The night wore on and Clarke headed down the hall with a little boy who had fallen asleep. Gently she laid him in his bed and covered him gently, looking at the wall where a mural was fading. It had once been painted by someone, touched up when necessary as Clarke remembered from her own youth when the house was handed down from her aunt to her father upon her death. The painting was beautiful, telling the story of their nation's history all in one go. Smiling she looked down at her son.
"Like a little prince." She turned to see her wife leaning against the door with their pet wolf sitting at her feet. "I'm glad we adopted him."
Clarke walked over to her wife and put an arm around her. "He filled a void I didn't think we'd ever fill."
Lexa kissed her cheek, "I have something to tell you."
"Hmm?" Blue eyes looked at her concerned. "What is it?"
"Dr. Keller's treatments worked…" before she could finished she was pulled into a huge hug by the blond. "Clarke I can't breathe."
"Sorry!" The blond pulled back and she grinned, her hand finding her wife's belly. "Our baby's in there."
"Yeah, about five weeks."
Clarke smiled and leaned in to kiss her, "I love you, all three of you."
Lexa pulled back and smiled, "even with the wolf thing?"
"Gods help me, even with the wolf thing." She looked down at the grey wolf, "I guess Shadow isn't so bad when you get used to her."
"Let's let our son sleep." Lexa looked in on the boy and closed the door. "You were staring at that mural again, why?"
Clarke shrugged, "I wonder who painted it is all. I mean, this house has been in some part of my family for generations but no one really knows who owned it originally. My aunt used to say it goes back all the way to the original Clarke Griffin but she was senile so that's likely not true."
Sitting on their bed Lexa looked up at her, "what if it is?"
"She wasn't born in Polis, history states she was on the space station that survived the Original Wars. It would mean this house was actually the Commander's…"
"The correct term used was Heda, from the old Tree Clan language."
Clarke laughed and pushed her wife back gently, "anyways, you would think that if the Commander actually lived in a house it would be so much grander than this three bedroom thing." Clarke lay down beside her wife and looked up at the ceiling. "Besides, I have an opinion about all these history and legends."
"What's that?" Lexa rolled onto her side.
"They should stay in the past." Clarke looked to the side, "I don't think the Commander and Clarke Griffin would want their history dug up and recycled because people can't live in the peace and prosperity they created for them."
Lexa kissed Clarke's cheek, "when we united that was the best day of my life. I knew I chose well and I hope one day history records how much I love you. I know that I'll be searching for you in the next life and the next, one lifetime isn't enough with you Clarke."
"I feel the same way." Clarke leaned her head against Lexa's and nuzzled her with her nose. "One lifetime isn't enough."
A/N: And this is the end of this amazing story.
Please read and review this chapter (please make all comments either about the story as a whole or this chapter, nothing else).