This is co-authored by myself and phoenix360. Check out her 'Blessed are the Meek' if you like this.

Dean Ambrose was thirsty. He had gone days without tasting even a drop of warm human blood. He buried his nose into the hair of the mortal girl who he currently held tightly against his black clad chest. She quivered in his arms and he could hear her heart beating loudly in his ears. He inhaled the strong scent of the girl's hair. It was perfume to him. He watched his friends, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns, play with their own food before consuming it with a smile on his pale face.

Tonight's prey hadn't been a problem to lure away. Hunting humans was always easy but still, even Dean was surprised at how easily the girl he was currently clutching to him had given in ... Why, up until a few minutes ago, she hadn't been able to keep her hands off of him!

"Please..." the girl whimpered, feebly trying to push him away. "Please let me go. I-I won't te-"

"You won't tell anyone? Yeah, I think we both know that's a load of crap, toots." Dean sniggered.

He cupped the woman's face in his strong hands and forced her to look up at him. Tears were starting to pool up in her pretty blue eyes and, every now and then, whimpers would force their way out of her trembling lips.

"What's the matter? I thought us vampires were all the rage now." Dean sneered before pressing his face in her neck and nuzzling against it.

It was a miracle he hadn't ripped her to shreds the moment he had got his hands on her. The girl wailed when she felt his mouth make contact with her neck and lap at her smooth young skin.

"Help!" she cried, "someone help!"

Dean clamped his hand over her mouth hard to shut her up.

"Nobody can hear you honey," he said softly into her ear, unlatching his mouth with a wet pop from her neck.

It took every ounce of self control not to sink his teeth into her long neck and be done with it, but it was so much more pleasurable to torment a girl before draining every drop of blood from her body. The longer you played with her the sweeter she seemed to taste when you finally quenched your thirst. Besides, he wanted to see Roman and Seth devour their prey and he wanted his pretty little lamb to watch too. The more fear he put into her the faster her blood would course through her veins and the crazier it would drive him as he listened to it. The prolonging of the torture was all part of it.

But, Dean was wrong in thinking he could take his own sweet time, for somebody did hear the girl's plea for help. A young girl, around the same age as the one being terrorized by the unstable vampire, had heard her cry. She was a sweet, gentle, naive redhead named Alice and she was making her way home that cold, foggy night. Well, that was until she heard the girl's cry for help.

"Someone's in trouble...!" she gasped aloud.

She froze on the spot, looking here and there to locate the source of the noise. The surrounding streets remained deserted and she stopped dialling '911', feeling uncertain.

"...Maybe it's just nothing..." she said to herself, pocketing her mobile.

"Still, maybe I should check it out, just to be on the safe side..."

She wasn't going to try to be a hero or anything like that. If she did discover anything untoward, she'd sneak away and call the police and leave them to deal with it. Heart beating fast in her chest, Alice made her way down the alleyway, sure that the sound had come from there.

"Nobody can hear you honey," she heard a low masculine voice snarl ... she stopped in her tracks and concealed herself behind the battered, uncared for, shrubbery.

She peered through the gaps between the twigs and leaves to see to whom that voice belonged. She saw a man; he was a tall man, at least 6ft, dressed all in black. A black tank top, black trousers and black boots. Yet it was freezing cold, she briefly thought about how cold he must be but his warmth was the least of her concerns right now. He was holding a terrified looking girl against him; Alice could only assume the shouts had come from her. But to make matters worse, she spotted two other men, who were just as physically imposing, with two girls in their grasp as well. She couldn't just stand there and do nothing ... but didn't want them to spot her either. So she picked up a stone from the ground, clutched it in her fist tightly and crept closer.

Her plan to sneak away and call the police was long gone from her mind. She knew exactly what she needed to do; she'd slowly make her way to the man, throw the stone to distract his and the two men's attention and then scream at the women to make a run for it. She'd hide, call the police, and that would be the end of the incident, she would continue her journey home and live happily ever after.

As she crept closer, she could better hear what the other men were saying. The biggest one there, a tall man with long, black hair and arms covered in black tattoos, of what she could not quite see in this light, was manhandling a petite woman in his arms, shaking her about as if she were some ragdoll.

"Keep still, baby, the fun's only just beginning!" she heard him laugh before turning to a man with dark hair shot through with blonde and sniggering, "I love it when they got some fight in them."

Alice had to act before they did more than intimidate; she took aim at the first man she had seen, the one with the light coloured hair, but the stone fell from her hand and clattered to the ground when she heard the two women being held by the other men let out blood curdling screams.

"Did you hear that?!" the man with the light coloured hair rasped to the two other men.

Alice shrank further back into the shadows, her heart thumping. She had really messed that up.

The raspy voiced man then raised his head sharply and he looked like he was sniffing the air.

"I can smell a virgin ..." he said.

Alice let out a small gasp and covered her mouth quickly. How did he know that? How could he? Up until this moment, she had never seen, let alone spoken to, this man in her life. Furthermore, only two people in the world knew she was a virgin, herself and her best friend. It was then, watching the three men sniffing the air, their eyes glowing beautifully, but unnaturally, in the dark night that it started to dawn on Alice that the three men might not be what they appeared.

"Yeah, I can smell her too..." The one with black and blonde hair said, walking to the man with the light coloured hair.

Then his smile turned predatory.

"I can hear her heartbeat too. She's close. Come out, come out, wherever you are, virgin! Don't make us have to find you ..." he sang.

Alice walked backwards slowly trying not to make a sound. The girls had gone, she'd done what she had set out to do and that was help them, now she needed to get away and fast before they took her virginity. Because she was sure that's what they would do. She put a hand over her heart, trying to conceal the loud thudding, she doubted they could really hear her heart beating but their words unnerved her. She looked backwards every so often to make sure she didn't walk into anything as she heard their soft footsteps making her back up.

"Come on little girl," she heard a voice shout.

Then another voice shouted even louder and nearly made her trip over, she recognised it as the voice of the light haired man.

"I'm losing my patience here! If you run I'll outrun you. There's no point in trying to walk quietly away."

Alice stopped abruptly, could he hear her footsteps too? She'd tried to be as quiet as a mouse.

"Yes, that's right. Clever girl. Now come here," he said.

Alice let out an audible gulp. Clearly, he could. Still, she hesitated, looking in the opposite direction of the men. He very confident that he would outrun and catch her, but should she try to make a run for it anyway? She jumped when the light haired man spoke again, now sounding noticeably angrier.

"I'm only going to say this one more time, little girl", he hissed, his voice sending chills down her spine. "Quit fucking around and get your ass out here now, 'cause I'm about to get VERY angry with you."

"If you don't, then we're gonna send in Roman here to get you!" The voice of the man with black and blonde hair called out, and Alice could tell he was enjoying it. "And you don't want that, especially when he's hungry!"

Hungry? Alice didn't understand what they were talking about, she hoped he just meant that Roman was hungry for ... love making. Alice blushed just at the thought of it; she hadn't imagined losing her virginity like this. She thought about just giving them what they wanted, if that was all they wanted then the worst that could happen is that she would lose her virginity. She took a step forward ... then bolted it. No, she couldn't lose her virginity like this. She ran as fast as she could but didn't get far. One of the men grabbed her calf and she fell felt on her face.

It hurt - a lot - but that was nothing compared to the fear she felt that she had been caught. The minute the mens' laughter filled her ears, her "fight or flight" mode went into overdrive and she began to struggle, kicking and flailing to get out of her captor's grasp.

"Let go! Let me go!" She wailed, as imposing hands found their way into her hair and began to drag her body across the hard ground. "Please, don't do this!"

"Why not? It's not every day a sweet, delicious virgin wanders into our den", the voice of the man with black and blonde hair spoke, a wicked grin on his face. "Besides, thanks to you, little girl, we've lost our meals. That's a wrong that needs to be righted in our books."

The man was dragging Alice along all on his own now, his hand wrapped tightly in her long strawberry blonde hair. She felt her side scrap across the ground painfully, ripping tears into her clothes. He finally let go of her at the bigger mans feet. He roughly picked her up by her hair and then held her to his chest with his hands clamping hard into her upper arms. She felt a trail of blood trickle from her nose down her lip as the man who had dragged her here and the man with the lighter hair went to stand in front of her to block her vision of the alley she had just come from.

"Allow me to introduce ourselves," said the man with the light hair.

"I'm Dean," he said pointing to his chest and smiling, "this here is Seth," he said, gesturing to the man with black and blonde hair on his left. "And that big brute holding you is Roman, what's your name?"

"A-Alice," she squeaked in fear.

"Aww, little Alice, like Alice in wonderland who fell down the rabbit hole into wonderland, huh? Is that how you feel?" he asked and gently stroked her cheek with the back of his hand. His hands were cold and hard, they felt like they'd snap her neck easily if that was what he wished to do.

Alice whimpered, hating being in such close proximity to the three men and unable to escape. The man currently restraining her, Roman, was also handling her none too gently, his hands felt like metal clamps on her soft arms. The way all three men were acting deeply unsettled Alice. There was something not right about this and she didn't like it at all...

"Well, little Alice, unlike Wonderland, I'm afraid that you're not going to like it here." Dean continued, not noticing, or most likely not caring about, the discomfort she was in. "You've wandered into a verryyyy bad place, little girl."

"Didn't your mummy ever tell you not to talk to strange men? Not to walk down alleys alone at night?" Jeered Seth, laughing along with Dean.

It was then that Alice noticed something that made her breath hitch. Though she couldn't believe her eyes, it seemed that the man had...fangs! But...but that was impossible! The moment she thought she saw pointed teeth the moment they seemed to disappear, like it had just been an illusion. Yes, of course it had only been an illusion. It was ridiculous to think that they were ... vampires! She then heard Roman's voice rumble through his chest behind her as she watched the men that called themselves Dean and Seth leered over her.

"Am I gonna be holding her all night or shall we tie her to that tree?" Roman said.

Alice started to kick madly, her feet raising off the ground as Roman held her with ease. She desperately didn't want to be restrained, who knew what they would do if they tied her up? Her struggles were suddenly hindered by Seth who crouched down and gripped her ankles, locking her feet to the ground. Both men held her so tightly that her struggles were reduced to feeble squirms. Then Dean raised his hand and slapped her hard across the face. Alice's head snapped to the side and she stood frozen still in shock from being slapped so hard. Alice had never been slapped before.

Her reaction seemed to please Dean. The very hand which had seconds ago struck her this time petted her head condescendingly.

"Good girl. Just follow our orders and there will be no problem. Got it?" he said and looked her over, then turned to Seth and Roman, grinning. "Right, boys, let's get her ready!"

Alice did not even try to resist as Roman and Seth carried her to the nearest tree and began to tie her to it with rope she could only assume they kept for occasions such as these ... too terrified at what might happen to her if she fought back. Her heart thudded in her chest as the two men finished, wondering what they planned to do with her.

"I'm sorry", she said quickly, throwing pride and good sense to the wind. "Pl-please, let me go!"

"Shhh, shhh!" Dean hushed, putting his hand over her mouth.

Alice's pleas had turned into short, desperate gasps under his hand. Her heart felt like it could burst any moment. She was so terrified she couldn't even cry real tears. She then saw steel flash in Dean's hand and he put a knife to her neck. She felt the tip of the blade dig into her skin but not enough to puncture, she closed her eyes not wanting to see him draw blood or witness what he would do next. Somehow she knew they wouldn't kill her ... But she couldn't bear to watch him slice her skin, watching it would be worse than the pain. He ran it down the hollow of her neck and down the collar of her top, she heard the sharp blade snick the fabric but she tried not to flinch. She thought if she obeyed she'd be OK.

"Good girl," Dean praised her for how calm she was being. "I haven't cut you have I?" he asked.

Alice shook her head. Thankfully he hadn't.

"Then if I take my hand off your mouth, you won't scream?"

She shook her head again and he slowly slid his hand down her mouth, still keeping the knife pressed just below the hollow of her neck. True to her word, Alice didn't scream, though this was not for lack of wanting to. Her lips were thin and trembling, fighting back the urge to start screaming out for all the world to hear. If not for the tip of the knife held to her neck, she would.

"Very good, you're listening ... that's very good," Dean said, his voice once again approving, though there was a subtle edge of mockery there now as well.

Alice let out a startled gasp when his other hand came to rest on her cheek, his thumb wiping off the blood that had trickled down from her nose. She tried to stop herself cringing when he licked it right off, clearly savouring the taste of it.

"How does she taste, Dean?" Roman called out, smirking.

"She tastes sweet," Dean replied after pulling his thumb from his mouth with a pop.

Alice saw Roman and Seth exchange smirks at Dean's words. She felt blood continue to trickle from her nose, she only hoped Roman and Seth didn't want to taste her too ... But Seth seemed to have different ideas.

"Let's see what's underneath all those clothes!" Seth shouted enthusiastically to Dean who was still holding the knife to Alice's throat.

"No!" Alice gasped before she thought through how good of an idea it was to speak without permission again.

Silence followed her outburst and all three men stared at her.

"No?" Dean repeated her, imitating her timid feminine voice. The other two men smiled at Dean's mockery of her, but Alice persisted begging, he hadn't hurt her, it was worth a try ...

"I-I'll get cold, it's so cold tonight, please ... let me keep my clothes on ..." Alice begged.

Much to Alice's horror, Dean, Seth nor Roman seemed to care one bit, merely sniggering at her pleas. It seemed that she was most definitely going to get raped tonight, maybe even worse if the knife in Dean's hand was anything to go by. Alice felt her tears fall from her eyes, wondering if her attempts to save the three women had really been worth this.

"Don't worry, girl, dry your pretty little eyes", Roman cooed to her mockingly, his hand pushing a strand of her hair behind her ear. "We'll warm you right up. Won't we, boys?"

"Sure we will," Dean answered.

Roman wiped away the tears that fell down Alice's cheeks and as Alice was distracted by Roman's actions Dean slid the knife down to the collar of Alice's top again. He then tore straight down the middle with one swift motion. The flaps of Alice's top hung limply on either side of her breasts ... She really wished she'd put a bra on now. She was inconsolable.

"So ... what do you think boys?" Dean said, smirking.

Seth answered with a long wolf whistle, his eyes eating up Alice's breasts. "I like, I like. Man, with breasts like those, I can't believe she's a virgin."

"Yeah, girl's definitely got a good body on her", Roman agreed, his fingers tracing lightly over her left breast. "You ever gone to second-base with a man, little Alice? How much of a virgin are you?"

Alice didn't answer, too busy sobbing at what was happening to her. It was freezing, she was topless, tied to a tree and being terrorised by three, dangerous men. Why didn't she just call the police!?

She stopped her wailing when Dean, impatient, backhanded her across the face making her nose trickle fresh blood. "Well? Answer the man!"

"I don't know!" Alice wailed in response.

"You don't know?" Roman asked her derisively.

Alice's face flushed ... should she know?

"I don't think she understands what second-base means ..." Dean said smiling slightly.

They all burst out laughing and Alice turned her head to the side. She couldn't get out of this situation but things would be easier if only she could pretend she wasn't there ...

"Look at me Alice," Dean said. He roughly squeezed her cheeks and turned her head to look at him.

"It's OK, I would be very disappointed in you if you knew what second-base meant," he said, lightly stroking her cheek.

"Do you want me to explain what it means?" he asked condescendingly.

Slowly, Alice nodded her head, her cheeks aflame with embarrassment. Never had she felt so ashamed to be a virgin. Despite their words, she couldn't help but feel that they were mocking her lack of experience and she hated them for it.

Roman chuckled, his fingers idly twirling around her red hair. "It means, girl, that you've had those fine titties of yours touched by someone else. So, have you? What have you done with a man so far?"

Alice's blush intensified, if that were possible. "Th-that's! I think that's a really personal qu-question! I-I don't want to answer!"

"Oh really? I don't like the sound of that," Seth tsked, shaking his head as he turned to the other two. "You know what means? She's a virgin in every sense of the word. Wouldn't surprise me if she hasn't even kissed yet."

"Or, it could be the opposite. Isn't that right?" Alice cringed as Dean's hand tightened on her face, his eyes narrowing. "You better answer Roman's question, Alice, otherwise we're just gonna assume you're nothing but a dirty, little whore. Do you want to know what we do to whores? You're not gonna like it."

"N-No! I'm a virgin, I swear! I've done nothing!" Alice blurted out. She was deeply embarrassed that she had to admit to her lack of sexual experience but she would do anything to avoid pain right now.

"Awww," they all cooed in unison.

"So Alice, have you even been kissed?" Seth asked.

"Y-Yes," Alice stuttered shyly. She had, but she wasn't sure she had done it properly. She really hoped they didn't ask her to demonstrate.

"It's Yes Sir when you answer one of us," Dean said and gave her face a sharp tap with his fingers to emphasise the point.

"Yes Sir," Alice said softly, looking at Dean. She didn't know who to address, Dean or Seth. Seth had asked the question, but Dean was the one who had told her to answer, "Yes Sir."

"Good girl", Dean nodded his head approvingly. "Did you use tongues?" His own wet, pink tongue poked out and trailed over his bottom lip, as if to emphasise this.

"Ju-just a little, Sir," Alice answered, looking down so she didn't have to see their reactions. "He was just as inexperienced as me. It didn't really go anywhere."

Truth be told, the kiss had been sloppy and disappointing and she'd jumped on the chance to end it there, already scared of the thought of having sex, but like hell she was going to tell these three men something so personal.

"Is that so? Well don't you worry your pretty head, Alice, because we're the Shield and we're VERY experienced. And we'd be more than to happy to pop your cherry. Right, boys?"

They called themselves the Shield? A shield from what? She would have scoffed at the hypocrisy of it but all her head was filled with was the sound of Roman and Seth's responses which were indistinguishable from one another. To Alice they sounded equally terrible, like a couple of baying hounds.

"But not here," Dean suddenly said.

Alice felt a spark of hope ignite in her heart but she was careful not to let it burn too bright yet, she listened attentively in case Dean said more, but he didn't and she suddenly felt him cut the ropes that had bound her around the tree. She instantly sunk to her knees and rubbed her wrists to get the feeling back into them before moving to conceal her breasts. She looked up at the three men warily. There would be little point in trying to escape, she knew they had other things in mind, Dean had only said, 'not here'. Her suspicions turned out to be correct when Roman lifted her over his shoulder and strode off with her. She hung limply from his shoulder, too exhausted by the fear that had been eating her up to fight back. After only a short walk where none of the men communicated they all abruptly stopped, then she saw Seth open the boot of a black car and she was unceremoniously hurled into it. She immediately yelled but the hood was shut down on her so fast that the sounds of her yells were probably heard by no one. All she could do now was lie down in the darkness ...

The human taken care of, Dean turned to Seth and Roman, grinning sadistically. "So, Roman, Seth," he said, rubbing his taped wrists with glee. "Who gets this one? I pick me."

Roman shrugged, not caring. "Fine by me. I've already had mine and it's because of her your meal got away. All I ask is that I get to play with her before you kill her."

"I second that," said Seth.

"It's a deal," Dean smiled and raised his hand to slap high fives with Roman and Seth.

Feeling excited Seth let out a whoop before entering the car to sit behind the driver's seat. Dean took the passenger seat and Roman drove.

They drove a short distance to a parking lot which was no longer used, a place which was their turf.