Okay. So, I hope this will tie y'all ova with fo now! Why did I just turn Southern...? Anyways, I hope you like this chapter, again thank you for the reviews everyone. Especially Jude81, it's much appreciated and I want to thank you for the way you review with reference to certain points in each chapter and thank for your kind words. And thankyou for everyone's patience. I'm keeping my promise and this is going to be a big story. I was wandering however, if you guys all think I should make just one story with loads of chapters or cut this story short with a following sequel? Idk. As always please leave a review and I like to consider prompts, but I've decided that I will definitely incorporate a prompt from the 450h reviewer. I REPEAT THE 50TH REVIEWER. So go be reviewing loads ya'll... :)

1 week later.

Since the hunting party returned, Lexa has had hardly any free time on her hands. With council meetings regarding movement up North with rebel treaties and outcasts from different clans causing disruption in nearby villages; or the fact that preparation for winter is harder this year in helping provide for Camp Jaha after they agreed to rebuild the alliance even after the events from Mt Weather. And truth be told Lexa is forever grateful that Clarke reached out for her again after everything that happened.

May we meet again...

It was evening by the time Lexa and her men strolled back into camp, herself on horseback of course. They had to leave early in the morning to intersect some unknown trespassers spotted crossing towards the top of the forest. It was a blood bath. They were all outcasts from different clans, about 20 of them. All armed. Lexa and her 5 men were easily outnumbered but not out skilled. She had the element of surprise on her hands having her men assassinate the first 12 with arrows, whilst hiding above their temporary camp up in the trees above. Leaving Lexa on foot to take on 4 at once whilst her men dealt with the other 6. She was targeted by them, which she noticed early on. She had killed them all before realizing that along the way she's been injured. So whilst walking back to camp, she tried to block out the dull throbbing in her left side and carry on being the commander she is supposed to be for her people.

She just wanted to get back to Clarke and sleep, exhaustion taking its toll.


"Heda! Heda!"

Clarke's head snapped up and out of the sketchpad she's been sketching in for the past 3 hours. Subconsciously a grin crept on to the young blonde's face; abandoning her art work, she pushed herself off the bed that she was laying on and made her way out of her tent in record time. Her line of sight heading straight for the gate that was just closed off. She took off in a fast walking pace trying not to make it too obvious to anybody around of how eager she is to be reacquainted with the Commander after nearly a day; her ankle pretty much fully healed know except for faint bruising. Stopping abruptly, Clarke struggled to spot the bright red material or intricate braids in the mass of men that just returned through the gate 20tf in front of her.

"Lex?" Nearly in audibly whispered from sheer confusion. Her eyebrows creasing in the middle trying to figure out what was going on.

Clarke noticed the confused look Indra also shared on her face as she too was scanning the heavy muscled crowd. She was just about to approach the intimidating woman to ask what was going on, when she felt a hand wrap round her mouth and around her front pulling her into the shadows between two thick walled tents. Fighting against the intruder, trying to pull against the strong hand that was clamped on her mouth Clarke was starting to panic. Struggling to breathe because the shock had knocked the air out of her. She managed to swing an elbow behind her catching her attacker off guard by winding them earning Clarke an all too familiar grunt. Before Clarke could move on her thoughts, the person managed to spin the blonde around leaning them against one of the main tent posts sticking out of the ground next to them. The feeling of Lexa's lips on hers next immediately relaxes the blonde as she slides into the gentle embrace she has on her. Getting engulfed in the moment with Lexa's hands on her hips and her thumbs digging into her skin as if she's frightened the blonde will disappear at any one moment.

Whilst under Lexa's trance, Clarke brings one of the hands that was previously pushing against her shoulder up into the brunette's hair, gently tugging Lexa more into the Kiss. Softly moaning into Lexa's mouth she bit down on the Commander's lip a bit too hard Lexa thought. Just as she began to taste her own blood, Lexa's head was whipped to the side with a painful "CRACK!" In complete shock, Lexa slowly brought her face back around daring to face the blonde who had assaulted her.

"What the kidnapping really necessary?!" Clarke asked with a pissed off tone and an equally pissed of glare.

Still wide eyed Lexa stuttered for an explanation. "Well I…I..just..you…you do know you just assaulted the Commander right?" Lexa asked with her re-found confidence, eyebrow raised slightly with her lips on the verge of a grin.

"You shouldn't have grabbed for me then." Clarke responded with a less aggressive tone, slightly playful and standing up straighter.

Lexa didn't reply. She was transfixed by the way Clarke was bighting her lip slightly. She noticed this was something the blonde did when she was trying to fight against the urge of touching her. She could still hear Clarke saying something but it was mumbled out and faded into the background, just watching the blonde's face full with emotion counting her blessings that she is able to be around her let alone have the right to kiss her.

"I didn't know you was leaving this morning and I had to find out from Indra, who by the way hates my guts, that you had left on another scouting mission, which you know I don't like you going along to anyway especially when you don't tell me you…HMPHH…Hmmmm!"

She was cut off from her rant as Lexa again pinned her to the post crashing her lips into her own. This kiss was again heated but slightly more aggressive almost animalistic. It was clear that both girls had missed the other's presence even if it had only been 23 or so hours since they had seen each other.

Lexa pinned both of Clarke's arms above her head, holding them tightly against the pole. They were both fighting for dominance and by the way Clarke's tongue battled against Lexa's to invade her mouth she wasn't about to giver in too easily. Managing to free one hand from the grip Lexa had on her, Clarke reached over to the small of Lexa's back tugging her body closer so that they were flushed together.

Lexa let out a hiss and almost whimper at the sudden movement Clarke caused. Pulling back for a split second from the pain, before diving head first to Clarke's lips again. This not going un-noticed by the Blonde. Clarke attempted to push Lexa back gently by her shoulders to try and talk to her but with no avail from the brunette herself.

"Lex?" Clarke managed to mumble in-between kisses, slightly worried at Lexa's slip up.

Lexa just carried on ignoring her retracting her lips to place wet, heated, open mouth kisses against the blonde's neck, occasionally grazing her with her teeth.

"Lexa..I…are…you...oka-" Clarke didn't get to finish her sentence before quiet a deep moan tore from her throat as Lexa sucked on her clavicle before bighting down on it and then soothing it with her tongue. Clarke's mind was starting to slowly cloud over, to the point that she would happily let Lexa do anything to her right there and then in between to tents in the shadows and pinned up against the post.

Lexa's hands slowly creeped down Clarke's side and settled on the young girls behind cupping her ass and pulling her impossibly closer as she rejoined their lips. Everywhere Lexa's hands trailed left a likeable hot burning trail that just seemed to fuel her further.

All of a sudden Lexa stopped. Frozen. She pulled away from Clarke whose eyes were still closed from the previous ministrations. Opening her eyes she registered Lexa's face, her eyebrows furrowed slightly, transfixed on the tent wall behind Clarke, although she knew the brunette wasn't really watching. She was listening.

The only thing Clarke could hear was her erratic heavy breathing and Lexa's which she was quickly beginning to slow down. She reached her hand over to gently grip Lexa's forearm as Lexa's arms still lay over Clarke's hips as they hold her from behind.

"Lexa?" Clarke whispered, starting to get confused. But Lexa just put her index finger up against the blonde's lips to silence her. Clarke looked down at the finger and back up to meet Lexa's eyes, with her eyebrows raised as if to say did you seriously just do that?

Lexa's eyes just glistened mischievously and her trademark playful smirk that only Clarke gets the privilege of seeing. She knows full well that the blonde will give her a lecture about this later. A sudden padding sound close by the front of the tents alerts her, knowing full well whose foot fall that is and how that's the sound she had heard it earlier.

Lexa quickly pushes Clarke from the side of the pole to round the back of the tent her finger still against her lips as a warning.

Not a moment later Indra emerges.

"Ah! Heda there you are. I was beginning to wander wher…" the tanned woman's voice trailed off as she took in Lexa and her surroundings as it was just the commander herself in between the tents leaning against the post, as Lexa's other hand is pressed against Clarke's mouth as the blonde hides to the right of Lexa.

Lexa's eyes flicker quickly to the blonde who seems red in the face trying not to laugh against Lexa's hand.

"Is there something you wanted Indra?" Lexa asked assertively and dominating.

"I was just wanting to hear your thoughts about the latest scouting mission. I believe there is more to it."

Lexa sighs through irritation from being disrupted from her previous antics.

Straightening her body up slightly "Indra we shall go over this tomorrow, it's not necessary right…now." The brunette started firmly whilst croaking out the last word.

Clarke had taken it upon herself to take a grip of Lexa's wrist so she couldn't move her hand before taking the brunette's index finger into her own mouth to suck it firmly. All whilst watching the reaction on Lexa's face.

"But Heda, I feel we should..."

"I said not now Indra!" Lexa silenced her. Her jaw clenching whilst flicking her attention over to the clearly amused blonde. She attempted to move her hand away, but she couldn't do so without making the struggle visible to her general. She shifted on her feet slightly getting more agitated by the second.

"Are you feeling ok Heda?" Indra asked noticing how red in the face Lexa was.

"I'm fine Indra now leave me!" Lexa snapped. She had to replace her hand over Clarke's mouth to stop Clarke's sniggering reaching Indra's ears.

Indra briefly narrowed her eyes and looked to the floor quickly to confirm her suspicions before retreating with a smirk that the young leader failed to notice.

Lexa let a huge sigh escape and hung her head with relief. She felt a pair of arms snake around her waist accompanied by a soft pair of lips gently on the back of her neck, where her braids had shifted to reveal her bronzed skin to the blonde.

"You're going to regret that." Lexa said in a deep husky voice that tightened the coil in Clarke's stomach. She could feel Clarke's grin on the back of her neck. Clarke moved away from the commander and made a fast be-line straight for the commander's tent. Lexa watched on with a glint in her eye. Following Clarke with her eyes, paying special attention to her toned bum as it quickly sauntered out of sight across the camp and quickly slipped in through the flaps of her tent.

Lexa emerged from between the tent 30 seconds later to avoid suspicion. She reached the tent in far less time that it took Clarke, due to all the people making a clear path for their Heda out of fear of getting in her way.

"No one enters." Lexa instructed to the guard at the entrance of her tent. Eyeing him carefully daring him to make an assumption or show any form of emotion.

"Yes Heda." His face straight. Eyes set in front of him as if anyone dared make their way towards the commander's tent. Although he knew full well what was going to happen in there after sitting the past two night shifts.

Lexa nodded at the man and made her way through the tent flaps in quick time. Failing to notice the almost un-noticeable smirk on the young guards face.