Double Date

Chapter 5 - "Seriously?..?"


A day has passed since then.

Raven was seriously glad that everything went well and their friends were seriously understanding about her and her girlfriend's situation.

Speaking of her girlfriend, Apple was being adorably cute again as she clinged to Raven. Currently, the two of them are about to go to bed, both in their respective sleeping attire.

"I know you're usually very, very, very, very clingy but you're very, very, very, very, very, very clingy today Apple," Raven raised an eyebrow at the princess who was puffing cheeks at the witch playfully, "Ehe, well..." Apple started, giggling as she did so.

"You will need to start preparing your swimsuit Raven." she winked at the said girl, and that wink only concluded that Apple did something again, "Okay spit it out Apple." she replie"Well- I submitted a form to the headmaster to have a pool party and he accepted it!" she announced with a big grin and Raven's face remained blank as she reached out for the pillow right beside her and stuffing it lightly on the princess' grinning face.

"Hey!" Apple giggled and pushed the pillow away, "Seriously? Another one..?" Raven sighed.

"Another one?" the blonde girl repeated her girlfriend's words, "First the double date which turned out to a triple date then now a pool party?" the raven-haired girl smirked.

"So?" Apple pouted, "Does my princess really want to see me in my swimsuit?" Raven teased before giving the said princess a wink.

Then it was Apple's turn to stuff the pillow on Raven's face as her cheeks burned.


"Grill 'em good Briar." the hooded girl grinned as the smell of the grilled meats came to her senses and made her mouth water. "Yeah sure, sure Cerise." the sleepy-princess nodded her head as she fought back a yawn.

"Anyways don't you think the pool looks totally wicked?" Briar gestured to the place, currently the two of them are grilling barbecues for everybody to enjoy, scratch that- more like for Cerise to enjoy. "It is, it is. But I think the barbecue looks and smells more wicked." Cerise bragged as she took one and stuffed it in her mouth.

"Cerise." the brown-haired beauty warned the said girl with a glare, "You keep on eating everything I grill, they're not for you!" she complained in which Cerise responded with a shrug.

"Look!" she tried to divert Briar's attention to the couple walking hand-in-hand which was none other than Apple and Raven. Briar turned her head to look at wherever Cerise is pointing and the sight made her smirk.

"Well, well." Briar stopped grilling which made Cerise panic because her beloved meat might get burnt so the hooded girl took the princess' place.

"Apple I think Briar is smirking at us." Raven whispered to her girlfriend, "Briar?" Apple searched for the said princess.

Raven knew that a smirking Briar means a Briar with a bad idea. But Apple doesn't.

"Briar!" Apple bounced straight to her BFFA of course dragging Raven in the process for they're holding hands.

"So you guys are finally together huh?" Briar blurted out all of the sudden and fortunately only her, Cerise and the two in question Apple and Raven were there.

Once again, as of the happenings from a day ago repeated Apple and Raven flushed bright red. Lizzie already said that perhaps Briar and Cerise also know but this still made them blush hard.

"Maybe..." Raven tried to lie but she failed to do so and Apple knew better than to lie to her best friend in all ever after, "Yes we are!" she admitted the truth as she hugged Raven.

Raven smiled sheepishly and Cerise raised an eyebrow at the couple, "Took you long enough." she pointed at them using the stick of barbecue in her hand. Briar's smile was as wide as an ocean, "Congratulations!" she congratulated them happily.

Seeing Apple and Raven together happily made her squeal in delight. Finally, her BFFA and her beloved villain is going somewhere. It was almost painful for their part to see them look at each other looking lovestruck then not doing anything about it.

"So you're rebelling then Apple?" Briar questioned with a happy face, hoping for a positive answer, which she did not get. And guess what, she received a "What?" as a response.

Cerise choked on her barbecue and Raven looked devastated.

"Apple! Don't tell me you didn't think about it!" Briar scolded, her happy face turned into an angry one.

"Rebelling?" Apple looked at them confusedly and Raven felt like she'd faint anytime now.

Author's Notes: Yeah I'm back again with another chapter. Anyways thanks for reading and your reviews are much appreciated.