The battle raged for months.

During that time, Frigga saw nothing of Odin. She could only go to Heimdall for updates on what was happening. As more and more wounded soldiers were brought back from laying in the wake of the battle, even that had to stop. Frigga made a rare decree, based on her position as King's wife, and every able man and woman was now in the war at some capacity, whether it was fighting, healing, gathering herbs or cooking food. Asgard was in a constant state of flux.

Jord came to the city once Odin had driven the Jotunns off of Midgard, but the Elder Goddess rarely visited Thor. In the one brief conversation they had, Frigga learned that Jord had made a deal with Odin, as thanks for saving the mortals from the Jotunn's ice. Jord spent her time caring for the wounded, making crops grow exponentially, and caring for Freyja, whose late pregnancy saw her so ill that she was bedridden. Frigga hadn't seen her friend in months.

Frigga laid Thor down in bed. The little boy fussed, but after a day of one tantrum after another, he had finally worn himself out. His eyes were heavy, and soon closed.

The queen collapsed onto a nearby chair. Young Var, Freyja's daughter, watched Thor most days, since she was too young to help with the war effort. She was too young to be responsible for a baby as well, but Frigga didn't have much options. However, the young girl had collapsed and slept as soon as Frigga had shown up, and so the queen decided to give her a few moments peace, in case Thor didn't stay down.

The opening door made her look up. She leapt to her feet, crying out.

"Odin!" She flung herself at her husband, sobbing with relief to see him alive. She cupped his face in her hands, wanting to kiss every inch of him but afraid of hurting him. Her gaze went to the empty, bloody socket. "Your eye!"

"Is glad to see your beautiful face again." He smiled tightly as his fingers caressed her lips. She leaned into his touch. "Don't mourn the one lost. It doesn't matter."

She went to embrace him, but his tensing muscles stopped her. Looking down, she saw he was cradling his arm against his chest. No. Not his arm. She gasped.

A baby lay against him, pale green eyes staring out at her.

"Laufey's son," Odin said wearily. He passed the baby to her. "Left to die in the temple."

"What about his mother?"

"I made inquiries," Odin responded, stumbling past her. He leaned against Thor's crib, and reached in to touch his son's fair hair. "She's dead. He has no mother."

Frigga gazed at the baby, and her heart swelled. No. "He does now."

Odin started violently, and a splash of blood dripped from his ruined eye onto the floor. "Frigga—"

"Go to the healers," she directed, taking his hand. She pulled him towards the door. "Get that eye taken out before it rots and infects you. We can talk later."

Odin stared at her for a moment before he nodded slowly. He stumbled out the door. Frigga slowly retreated back to the chair. Her mind swirled with exhaustion, but she ignored everything except for the fact that her husband was alive. He had come back to her. And now she had two sons to love and care for. With Jord in Asgard, Thor would return to his sweet self, and this new baby would give him a young playmate, once they both aged a bit.

Thor stirred and cried out. He stood in his crib, looking at the door. "Da?"

"Da was here," Frigga told him. "But he had to go for a little while. He'll be back soon."

Thor focused on her, and then the baby in her arms. His eyes narrowed and his lower lip stuck out. He pointed an accusing finger at the baby, and, in a voice full of contempt, asked, "What?"

Frigga gently lifted him with one arm from the crib, and retreated to the chair again. He settled on her lap, staring at the baby with suspicion.

"Thor, this is your little brother," Frigga told him, beginning to rock. "Loki."

The young boy wrinkled his nose, but put a gently hand on the baby's arms. "Loki."

Frigga smiled. It was the first time Thor had said anything so clearly on his first try. "Yes. Loki. And we're a family."