Hello there, I'm sure some of you are coming here after reading the And So It Begins update about how there would be news on this story so I'll cut to the chase.

Basically my friend, the same person who created Vertia, decided to change her characters background. Now it turns out her character and mine didn't interact with each other until they where padawans, also changing up the story to this being set towards the beginning of the clone wars. If this is confusing just don't pay to much attention to the news on the story. Anyway enjoy the third chapter of this story :D

It had felt like to long of a trip back, even after exiting hyperspace both younglings had fallen silent. Their practice had stopped momentarily as they had exited hyperspace. Aria looked around the ship and noticed the Jedi Master talking to the clones who'd come with him. 'Cody' and 'Waxer' were what he'd call them.

"When we land I will be heading to give a report, if the clones attacked we might have some more traitors among us," Obi-wan said, "I expect you to get the younglings back to the Jedi Temple in the mean time."

"Yes sir!" Both clones said simultaneously. Aria sighed, glancing at her newly built lightsaber. She smiled slightly as she looked at how the metal and wood contrasted, oddly that had been what the force told her to do. There was a small portion of wood that wrapped around the silver cylinder, in the front it came down until the activation button. Oddly it reminded her of the few memories she had of her home planet, the modern technology and the nature. Her gaze was torn from her lightsaber as she sensed a shift, a almost panicked look entering her eyes. Slowly the panic vanished as she realized they'd just entered the planets atmosphere, getting closer to the lively city planet she'd come to know well. A few minutes of silence passed before the ship touched ground, once again shifting slightly. As this happened the Jedi Master stood up and the clones quickly followed. The Jedi swiftly walked towards the door, showing the confident stance any Jedi had.

"Younglings, we are taking you to the Jedi Temple," The one called Cody said.

"Alright, we thank you," Vertia said. Aria remained silent, something about their previous encounter making her to afraid to. With that the group went in the same direction that Obi-wan had gone. After they had left the ship they continued walking in the direction of the temple, the clones carrying their blasters in both hands and their blasters ready to fire. Aria's hand fell to the lightsaber before taking a deep breath.

"I'm sure it'll be ok.." She said quietly to herself. Vertia looked at her and sighed.

"So you two are training to become Jedi?" The other clone, Waxer, asked.

"Yeah," Vertia responded with joy in her voice, "We wish to one day become Jedi Knights."

"Cool," Waxer said with a smile.

A moment of silence passed between the group as the temple came into view, as always a odd amount of light seemed to radiate from it through the force. Odd... Aria had always thought before realizing that only Jedi were trained there, making it make more sense than she'd thought. Something about the silence bugging her she broke the silence, "What's it like to fight in The Clone Wars?" Aria's voice was quiet and still had some bit of fear in it. I'll have to work on that.. She thought as the Jedi Code went through her head, mainly the line 'There is no Emotion'.

"It's interesting, we know that there is always the chance we will die on the battlefield but we still know that we protected innocent people who would have been killed other wise," Waxer responded, "It's great to serve under a General like Master Kenobi. He makes sure he has a well thought out plan before he risks any lives and we know we can trust him, along with him trusting us."

"I hope to get a master like him," Aria said quietly. Vertia gave her a smile but they fell silent as she found out they had managed to arrive at the temple steps in the time since she'd payed much attention.

"Are you two going to need us to escort you to your clan?" Cody asked, having heard about the Youngling Clans before.

"We'll be good, thank you."

They both dipped their heads. Aria sighed before they walked up the stairs, after about a minute entering the temple and walking towards the training rooms.

I am so sorry if this was kind of boring and just a 'we're on world and have nothing to do so lets talk' chapter, next chapter should be a bit more intersting because I'm listening to my friend about moving this to right after the clone wars begins and am getting these characters mentors. If you wish you can tell me who you think should mentor each character.