A/N: I don't usually give into peer pressure but you guys are sweet so a big thank for all your reviews and favourites and follows heres a quick little fluff piece.

Disclaimers: Don't own Pretty Little Liars.

(No more after this, the end.)

Epilogue - 5 years later

The blonde examines herself in the full length mirror in her private room. The white gown fits perfectly and falls exactly how she had always envisioned. The flowers strewn around the room and decorating the church outside are a perfect blend of soft blues and lilac.

"You look radiant," her maid of honour gushes behind her with a warm smile.

"You really think so?" she asks softly, the shy fifteen year old still slipping through.

"Yes," her maid of honour praises. "I never thought you'd get here first."

The bride's eyebrows narrow and in another lifetime she knows the comment would have been an insult but now its merely an observation, they have come incredibly far in this relationship.

"Emily still dragging her feet," Hanna smirks at Alison as the maid of honour crosses her arms.

"Its not my fault your stupid best friend won't pop the question."

"You know," Hanna muses touching her perfectly curled locks gently. "You could ask her."

Alison places a hand to her chest with an exaggerated gasp.

"Me ask Emily," Alison shakes her head at the ridiculous notion.

Hanna laughs picking up the train of her dress as she turns to Ali and the maid of honour's lip quivers a bit. Hanna spots the action and holds up her hands.

"No, Ali, please don't cry, you'll set me off again and-"

"I can't help it," Alison wipes at her eyes quickly trying to preserve her makeup. "My baby sister's getting married."

Hanna moves forward to console her half sister.

"Before me," Alison cries pathetically.

Hanna rolls her eyes but pats Alison's shoulder dutifully.

"You know when I asked you to be my maid of honour I really didn't have this in mind," Hanna grumbles.

"I'm engaged," Hanna all but screams into Emily and Alison's faces as soon as they get in the restaurant.

The couple are stunned into silence as Hanna thrusts her left hand into their faces as if to prove herself. Emily recovers from the shock first.

"Han thats fantastic," Emily cries hugging her best friend fiercely.

"To Caleb I presume," Alison quips as the other two hug.

"Yes to Caleb," Hanna snarks pulling away from Emily and turning to her sister.

"I can't believe you're getting engaged so soon," Alison stresses when they have finally sat down for dinner, she gives Emily a pointed look and the brunette coughs awkwardly.

"We've been together for over four years, Ali," Hanna argues not liking the shot at her relationship. Yes its been rocky and Caleb especially had a hard time giving Hanna space after the dollhouse but they've grown stronger after that terrible year and Alison of all people should know the value of second chances.

"Ali means we're happy for you," Emily cuts in trying to be placating, she grips Alison's hand on the table tightly trying to soothe the irate blonde.

"We are, Han, so happy for you and Caleb," Alison assures her sister, she's just a little jealous too. She's been leaving Emily hints for months now, bridal magazines on the coffee table, honeymoon packages on the laptop but nothing seems to be getting through.

"Well good I was afraid I was going to have to leave you out of my wedding," Hanna chuckles. "And it would be sucky without a maid of honour."

Emily smiles warmly at her best friend.

"I'd love-"

"Actually, Em," Hanna sheepishly cuts in. "I kind of want Ali to be my maid of honour."

Alison's eyes widen and she blinks slowly unsure if she's misheard. They've come a long way for sure, slowly rebuilding their friendship and they've finally started acting like sisters. Its been a process but a fulfilling one and Alison is so happy they've gotten to this, that Hanna would even consider wanting Alison to be her maid of honour but Emily's been Hanna's best friend for years, almost a full decade now.

Alison looks to Hanna ready to decline politely when Emily squeezes her hand softly, she looks to her girlfriend and Emily nods, her brown eyes shining with understanding, this is a big gesture.

"Don't keep me hanging, sis," Hanna teases.

"Of course I'll be your maid of honour, Han," Alison beams, Hanna squeals excitedly and jumps out of her chair to engulf her sister in a hug.

Emily watches the sisters embrace and tries to swallow the lump in her throat, Ali deserves this and she's never been prouder of her best friend and her girlfriend for repairing their relationship.

"So I guess you've got three bridesmaid then," Emily muses as Hanna takes her seat.

"Actually," Hanna wrings her hands nervously. "Caleb has Toby as his best man and his little brothers are groomsmen, so it works out perfectly, three to three."

Emily feels her heart sink.

"Ok, so thats Spencer and Aria and-"

"Ali, yeah," Hanna nods.

Emily tells herself this is ok, she can just watch the ceremony, she'll have a great view and who wants to dress up anyway, or go to all the fittings with Hanna and Ali who are likely to spend hours going back and forth. This is a good thing she can just-

"So, Em, what do you say?"

"Huh?" Emily looks to Hanna who is watching with nervous anticipation and then to Ali who looks like she might cry and is gripping her hand tightly. "I missed that say again."

Hanna chuckles.

"Trust you to zone out at the important part," Hanna teases.

"Han," Ali prompts.

Emily looks between them again as the blondes' share a smile.

"Em," Hanna takes a deep breath. "Will you give me away?"

Emily stops breathing.

"Han you're mom-"

"She understands," Hanna shakes her head softly. "I don't have a… father.. but I want someone I love to walk me down the aisle. So what do you say, Em?"

Emily feels a tear escape down her cheek and she gives a watery chuckle.

"I'd love nothing more, Hanna," Emily chokes out, as Alison rubs her back and Hanna rounds the table again to hug her best friend.

Emily completely loses it as Hanna holds her and the bride to be cries into the brunette as they hold each other, only Alison manages to hold it together drying her own blue eyes quickly.

"That was eight months ago and still nothing," Alison grumbles.

"Well then you can last one more day," Hanna mutters. "Today is about me."

"Yes it is and- wait, what do you mean wait one more day?" Alison questions suddenly.

"Fuck," Hanna covers her face quickly, she never should have opened her mouth.

"Marin, what do you know," Alison grits her teeth, Hanna knows something.

"I know you can't use Marin after today because I will be Mrs Rivers," Hanna huffs moving around Alison to get to her purse.

"Thats it, seriously, Emily has to have told you something," Alison won't let this go she's been waiting over a year for Emily to ask for her hand in marriage.

"Relax would you I'm sure its coming," Hanna riffles through her purse for a mint.

"But do you know its coming?" Alison interrogates.

"If I did I would be honour bound to keep my mouth shut," Hanna winks popping a breath mint into her mouth and Alison wants to tear her own hair out.

"How can you and Caleb be getting married first, Emily and I have been together the longest," Alison whines slumping into a chair.

"Since when," Hanna argues, Ali raises an eyebrow in challenge. "You're weird time travel crazy doesn't count."

"Does too," Alison grumbles.

"Can today just be about me please?" Hanna whines.

Alison rolls her eyes but smiles at her sister.

"Just today," Alison probes.

"Thats all I ask," Hanna rolls her own eyes as Alison mulls it over playfully.

"Almost ready?" Emily pops her head round the door and Hanna smiles at Emily in her purple dress, a slightly deeper shade than the bridesmaids.

Emily slips inside and shuts the door.

"Nervous?" she asks with a grin.

"I'm a little nervous," Alison admits and both Hanna and Emily look to her in disbelief. "I'm kidding. Kind of."

Hanna throws up her hands.

"Emily please tell my lovely sister she looks gorgeous so she'll stop trying to ruin my wedding," Hanna commands.

"You look stunning Ali only eclipsed by the blushing bride," Emily dutifully praises.

"Nice save," Hanna shakes her head fondly. "I need to pee."

Hanna storms into the bathroom.

"Still as classy as ever," Emily teases with a chuckle.

Alison rises from her seat quickly.

"You were totally lying I still look better than her right?" Alison questions softly so that Hanna won't overhear.

"I love you," Emily answers instead staring at Ali with awe.

Alison frowns.

"Thats not-"

Emily snakes a hand around Ali's waist and draws her closer, she kisses delicately at Alison's lips until the blonde gives in and deepens the kiss.

"I love you too," Alison hums when they separate.

"Good," Emily smiles charmingly and leans in for another kiss.

"No, no, this is my wedding and we have to go," Hanna pushes between the two.

Emily chuckles and Alison pouts.

"Its time," Spencer calls from behind the door.

Emily and Ali both turn to Hanna and the bride takes a deep breath.

"Lets get me married," she commands them both.

Emily holds out her elbow and Hanna takes it gently, Alison places the lightest kiss to her sister's cheek.

"You look amazing, Han, Caleb won't know what's hit him," Alison assures her sister as she slips out of the room and takes her flowers from Aria.

"I don't know if I can do this, Em," Hanna stops at the closed door pulling Emily up sharply.

"We're in this together, remember, no matter what," Emily smiles at her best friend rubbing Hanna's hand soothingly. "Caleb loves you and you love him."

"I do," Hanna nods nervously.

"All you gotta do is say that up there," Emily chuckles. "Are we doing this?"

"Yeah," Hanna takes a deep breath and the door swings open.

The ceremony was a roaring success, no one tripped, no one forgot their lines, no one made a break for it and Caleb's half brother's, James and Clay, weren't disrespectful to Aria and Spencer. Which had been a slight concern for the groom but apparently Detective Cavanaugh had straightened them out after the disastrous rehearsal.

"Now if you can put your hands together for Mr and Mrs Rivers as they have their first dance as a married couple," Ezra announces to the reception party after desert. "Caleb and Hanna everyone."

The crowd clapped and cheered, the wedding party the loudest as Hanna drags her new husband to the dance floor. They fumble for hand positions, laughing to themselves before they finally get it sorted and start a slow waltz.

"How long did dance lessons take again?" Aria asks Emily.

Spencer chuckles as Emily lets out a pained groan.

"Too long," Emily admits shaking her head. "They both have left feet."

Alison rolls her eyes, perched on Emily's lap as she finishes the brunette's dessert.

"You made me teach Hanna after two weeks," Alison argues not wanting Emily to take all the credit.

Emily smiles fondly at Ali and wipes at the little whipped cream thats gathered on the corner of Alison's mouth.

"Thats because she was driving me nuts," Emily chuckles as Ali's brow furrows.

"So you palmed her off on me," Alison accuses with mock outrage. "Some girlfriend you are."

"I'm the best girlfriend you've ever had," Emily teases with a smirk and Alison kisses her lover's chin gently.

"Keep telling yourself that, baby," Alison teases.

Emily squeezes Ali's hip in retaliation.

"You two are still ridiculously adorable." Spencer grumbles.

"Hey we're great too," Toby pouts at his girlfriend.

"Yeah but look at them, they're practically married already," Spencer muses.

Alison tenses at that and Emily strokes her back.

"You ok?" she asks softly.

"Yeah just… too much excitement," Alison mumbles, Emily strokes her back more firmly and leans the blonde to lie against her chest. "Just a few more hours, love."

Alison hums and snuggles into Em's embrace, if only it were the party that was upsetting her. They watch Caleb perfectly dip Hanna before he pulls her back into his arms, they're both laughing and nothing but love radiates off the happy couple.

The song finishes and everyone claps as the married couple kiss.

"Now if we can have the-ah," Ezra stumbles over his flashcards. "The bride and.."

"Emily!" Hanna calls from the dance floor.

"Right, the person that gave the bride away and the bride dance now," Ezra tries to recover.

Aria covers her face in pained empathy and Spencer rubs at her back.

"He tried," Spencer soothes and Aria chuckles as Ezra shrugs at them.

"Be right back," Emily assures Ali as the blonde moves out of her lap, she gives her girlfriend a quick kiss before she heads over to Hanna.

"I didn't get a title," Emily muses as she holds Hanna's hand, the blonde's other hand settles on her shoulder, her own on Hanna's waist.

"Best friend isn't good enough for you," Hanna teases.

"Best friend is perfect," Emily sighs happily as Hanna lays a head on her shoulder and they shuffle more than dance.

The rest of the party join the floor and Emily watches Clay escorts Alison having lost Spencer to Toby. Alison smiles at Emily warmly when the brunette throws her a worried smile, she doesn't want Ali exerting herself if she feels sick, but Alison shakes her head softly.

"Hey pay attention to the blonde in your arms," Hanna grouses in good humour.

Emily smiles down at the bride.

"You look beautiful, Han," Emily murmurs softly.

"I know," Hanna beams and does a happy little wiggle. "I'm married, Em, can you believe it."

"I can," Emily chuckles. "I'm so happy for you."

Hanna sighs contented before she frowns a little.

"I never got to thank you for being there for me… after everything, Em," Hanna starts sniffling a little as the unpleasant memories fill the space between them.

"Hey none of that," Emily gently scolds. "You don't need to thank me, you've pulled me out of so much stuff over the years we are more than even."


"Still nothing," Emily cuts in. "This is your happy day."

"You're right."

"Of course I'm right," Emily boasts. "I'm always right."

Hanna laughs a little as Emily glides them across the room as they resettle closer to their friends, Hanna catches sight of Alison watching them over Clay's shoulder.

"By the way you should propose to Ali tomorrow," Hanna advises.

"What?" Emily chokes out pulling away from Hanna to see how serious the blonde is, Hanna shrugs.

"I may have suggested you were planning something," Hanna confesses with a mischievous glint in her eye that says she's definitely not sorry.

"Han, what? I haven't-"

"Em," Hanna squeezes the brunette's shoulder as pulling them back into a gentle sway. "She loves you, she'll say yes no matter how you do it, but you need to ask."

"She really-"

"She's climbing the walls waiting. Tomorrow is as good a day as any right," Hanna smiles at her best friend.

"Han can I tell you a secret," Emily leans in closer. "You're my best friend and I'm so happy for you."

"Thats not a secret, Em," Hanna laughs as Emily spins her. "I love you but I have to go dance with my husband."

"I love you too, now off you go, troublemaker," Emily releases Hanna and the blonde gives her a quick peck to the cheek.

Emily is alone on the dance floor for three seconds before someone politely taps her shoulder, she spins smiling at her girlfriend.

"May I have this dance?" Alison asks her hand outstretched and a serene smile on her gorgeous face.

"Marry me," Emily responds.

"What?" Alison gasps and moves backwards sliding in her heels slightly she loses her balance and Emily catches her around the middle.

"Marry me please," Emily repeats gazing into Ali's disbelieving blue eyes.

"Thats-thats how you ask," Alison laughs in disbelief. "No romantic gesture, no bended knee-"

Emily kisses her quickly, a long soft kiss.

"If you want that I can ask again, we'll go to Paris and-"

Alison drags Emily back to her mouth and swallows the rest of her words. She holds the back of Emily's neck as she deepens the kiss and Emily pulls away dazed and breathless.

"Yes. I will marry you, where ever, whenever," Alison declares.

"I'm going to get you the biggest ring ever," Emily promises.

"You better," Alison muses with a smirk, Emily kisses her again as they sway to the beat. "Hang on just a second."

Alison pulls away from the pouting brunette.

"Hey Hanna," Alison cries across the dance floor, the music volume dips as everyone looks on curiously.

"Ali what are you doing?" Emily whispers fearfully to her new fiancé.

"We're engaged!" Alison yells pulling Emily's arms around herself.

"Oh my god."


The crowd cheers loudly, as people clap and praise the engagement. Alison takes in Hanna's shocked face, Caleb whispers something in her ear but Hanna refuses to listen and pulls away from her husband.

"I said tomorrow not at my wedding!" Hanna yells at Emily turning on Alison. "God dammit, Alison, do you have to be the centre of everything!"

Alison sticks out her tongue childishly and leans into Emily, she knows Hanna isn't really mad and the night is winding up anyway so it isn't like they have stolen all of Hanna's thunder. She chuckles as Emily presses her lips to Ali's forehead.

"Just you wait till your wedding, Ali," Hanna threatens as the guests laugh.

"You're horrible," Emily mutters into Ali's ear, squeezing the blonde tighter. "But you're mine now."

"Damn straight."