Disclaimers: The Powerpuff Girls are created by Craig McCracken and owned by Cartoon Network, not me. I don't own the Powerpuff Girls Z either, nor any characters from Samurai Jack.

The City of Townsville! A blissful, happy place full of kindhearted people hustling and bustling on to their happy, blissful lives. Most people in Townsville don't give a single worry to the problems out there – and this town's got it's fair share: supervillains, monsters, boogeymen… you name it, they've seen it! But this great metropolis stays safe, day in and day out (or at least before bedtime), thanks in no small part to the heroic actions of Townville's very own kindergarden crime-stoppers: the Powerpuff Girls!

With their superpowered protectors on the watch, everyone in Townsville can sleep safe and content… well, mostly everyone. Not everyone around is happy that the girls are always there to protect them… and there is one being who is especially unhappy, for he never sleeps soundly knowing that the light of good in the world. He is a monster beyond comprehension. A being so vile, so odious, so downright devilish that there's only one safe way to refer to him (at least in polite conversation)…


Him is powerful, Him is nigh-omniscient, and besides that he gives me the willies something fierce! And tonight in his ethereal lair, Him was feeling particularly unsound…

"Oh, what a day. What a day!" Him mused from the comfort of his extra-dimensional bathtub. He gave his favorite rubber ducky a squeeze in a vain attempt to cheer himself up, but in truth nothing could fix his bad mood. His high pitched sing-song voice got ever higher as he pretended not to be as livid as he really was. "So many plans ruined by the Powerpuff Girls – all of my perfectly placed patsies in Townsville who should be out breaking the girls' spirit thrown in jail, my patented high-pitched-static-like-whine-of-insanity somehow resisted by their tiny grade school minds, and even my plan to just burn Townsville to the ground was ruined by Blossom's ice breath… it's enough to make me want to puke!"

His deceptively sweet voice suddenly twisted into something deep and harsh as his fury finally bubbled to the surface. He squeezed his favorite rubber ducky tighter between his vice-like claws, cutting it in two (oh well, he could always generate up another one). "I'd toss a meteor at them and wash my hands of the whole business if I didn't think those blasted girls would snatch victory from defeat at the last second!"

And then, just as suddenly as it appeared, his rage subsided. He looked at the tattered remains of his rubber ducky, seemingly cheerful again. "Oh well! I can just corrupt those insipid brats another day! Where there's a will, there's a way. I just have to find it… and I will…"

He reclined further back into the tub and allowed himself to soak, his mind abuzz with evil plans and dastardly thoughts. All seemed normal to the mind of this vile miscreant, but truth be told his outburst of anger – more common than usual these days – was due to more than just frustration at his archenemies. No, there was more than just the pursuit of evil plaguing his vile thoughts, and he knew it was starting to affect his work. It was a feeling – no, almost a certainty – of great good somewhere in the dark recesses of the multiuniverse, and it bothered him something fierce. At first he thought perhaps he was sensing a virtuous society on some far away planet avoiding their inevitable destruction, or that an evil alien empire had been defeated in some kind of climactic battle – those things he could easily deal with - but no… this was even farther away, and even more distressing.

He wasn't the only one to feel it, either. He had only just begun to worry about it when he got a call from one of his extra-dimensional friends (well, as friendly as dark embodiments of evil can get)… "I feel a great goodness rising, and not in my universe," the boisterous spirit had shouted into his omniphone, at the top of his lungs as usual, "I sense it comes from your neck of the woods, and I warn you… I have enough problems to deal with, with rebellions and ancient magicks and THAT ACCURSED SAMURAI! I will not permit any of your enemies to make things worse for me."

Him had assured his old "friend" that no one he knew of could possibly challenge him, but the whole thing had made him very interested. Him was aware that the extra-dimensional spectrum was a big place, and he knew of at least one world that was parallel to his own – but he had so far tried to avoid thinking about it.

It would only take a moment to reach out into the universe and see what it was that was distressing him so - Him prided himself on his vast mastery of his sixth, seventh and thirteenth senses, after all – but he was putting it off. Though he would disintegrate anyone who would claim it on the spot, he was a little afraid of what he might find. Seeing realms similar yet different to one's own was always disconcerting, even to a being such as himself, and if what happened there was so important that Aku could sense it who knew how dangerous must it be to Him, who was so close by.

He groaned. "I'm afraid that I don't get this off my chest, it's going to haunt me forever… how tedious…" And with that, he sunk down further into the tub and glanced outward, into a universe so similar in many respects to his own…

The City of Tokyo… er… City – also called New Townsville in some circles – was a similarly blissful place full of similarly kindhearted people, especially now that their Powerpuff Girls (there referred to as the Powerpuff Girls Z) had defeated their greatest enemy - Him - once and for all, and freed the world of his monsterizing machinations. All in all, outside of a few hang-ups from the remaining monsters, it was an idyllic place to-

"WHAT?" Him's shouted, his anger rising to the point where it curbed the narration itself. "Another version of myself? Defeated?! Impossible! How the…"

Him was not the type to meddle in other realities - it always gave him a headache and there was never any guarantee that one could get back to their own realm – but he felt the final defeat of another Him really did warrant his attention after all. Using whatever knowledge he could scrounge up from a whole universe away, he got a general gist of the story: alternate Him being sealed away by heroes decades before, being freed and strengthened by an accidental ray burst from a substance called Chemical Z (Z instead of X? Interesting…), using said substance to change people and objects into monsters which would further empower him (also interesting – this version of Him had powers very different from his own…), increasing the level of dark power in this other world so that he could manifest there and rule and/or destroy all…

Him liked this other version of himself already, which made him all the madder to move onto a topic he wasn't anywhere near as fond of…

The Powerpuff Girls of that universe were also powered by the burst of Z Energy, but they used a different variant – light instead of dark. They weren't the children of that blasted fool Utonium, either: that Professor had only one son, and was more of a mentor to the girls than anything. The Girls' most prominent enemies all existed there in some form as well: Mojo, Fuzzy Lumpkins, the brat with the entitlement complex, the weirdo with the snake hair, they were all there. And they were all a result of that very same accident. Some were more or less the same, but others were quite different and there were many new faces that Him didn't recognize… yet just like in his universe, the Powerpuffs and their disgusting goodness rose to face every threat.

Eventually, despite the Other Him absorbing nearly all the dark power he'd created, the girls were able to defeat him once and for all by taking advantage of his weakness to cold and trapping him in a seal of light energy.

Him had no such weaknesses in this universe, so he could rest easy knowing that he was safe from that at least, but the idea that there could be a universe out there without the benefit of his charming influence didn't sit well with him. What's more, this universe was so close… if he wanted to, he could almost reach out and touch it…

But no, Him decided he would rather not expend the energy. Though maybe if he pulled his cards right he wouldn't have to himself… if he could somehow get his version of the Powerpuffs to enter that reality themselves – and it would have to be the girls, because it was their alternate reality – he could manipulate the connection between the worlds in a manner most insidious.

Or even better, break the connection behind them entirely leaving his worst enemies trapped in an alternate universe while he went on to rule and/or destroy all. The possibilities were endless, provided he played his cards right.

"What an idea! I can always decide exactly what to do later. For now, I think I'll find a good way to open the floodgates into that universe… it would have to be a pretty big accident. Luckily, there are no shortage of people who are very good at that sort of thing…"

See, didn't I tell you? Doesn't he give you the willies? Oh, I have a bad feeling about this – I hope that Powerpuff Z universe is ready, because they're going to have a really nasty visitor sometime very soon…

But meanwhile, in the City of Townsville, our very own Girls were dealing with problems of their own…

"Bwahahahahaha! Your resistance is useless, your attempts to stop me are for naught, you have no chance to defeat me! For this time my plan is foolproof, perfect, undefeatable! I will defeat you and conquer Townsville, and from there I will conquer the county, then the state, then the commonwealth, then the nation, then the surrounding nations, and then THE WORLD! Aaahahahahaa!"

Yes, that's right, in the cockpit of yet another Mojo Mecha sat our heroines' one and only simian archfoe – Mojo Jojo: monkey master of evil!

"I am an ape!"


"You're the one who's got no chance, Mojo. What makes this any different than all the other times we've defeated you?" Blossom, commander and leader of the Powerpuff Girls, flew around the robot looking for a weak spot.

"What's with the robots anyway? Don't you know how many of these things we've sent to the scrap heap?" Buttercup – the toughest fighter of the girls - opted for a more direct approach and decided to test the mecha's strength by punching it as hard as she could. While she was knocking it back a tiny bit, there was no luck so far.

Bubbles – the joyful and most innocent of the sisters – decided to try to appeal to Mojo's… er… humanity. With him her second-best puppy dog stare, she tried convincing him to stop. "Won't you please just give up and leave us alone? We were having a picnic!"

Mojo scowled and pulled a lever on his control panel. Quicker than they were expecting, the robot's arms shot out and knocked Blossom and Buttercup away – not enough to hurt them, thankfully, but enough to get the message across.

"No! I will not stop, desist, give up, or surrender! For you have yet to see the true majesty of my plan! While you have been wasting your time with this robot, I have been spreading a radio transmission all across Townsville! Posing for weeks as a hairy repairman, I rewired every appliance in the city… and now, they all follow my bidding! See for yourself the fruits of my genius!"

He gestured down to the rest of Townsville, and the growing pandemonium that was just then starting to flow through the streets…

Oh no! Could it be true?! All across Townsville the appliances were going nuts! Snack machines were shooting soda bottles at mach speed at hapless civilians! Ovens were trying to roast the cooks for once! Televisions refused to play nothing but Spanish soap operas! Oh, the humanity!

Blossom looked at the panicked populace and groaned. "We have to save the citizens…" (Mojo grinned) "But we can't just let Mojo rampage as much as he wants!" (Mojo frowned) "Ok… Buttercup, you keep Mojo busy while Bubbles and I run damage control, ok?"

"Fine by me! I'll probably have this all locked up before you even get back."

"Just try not to break the whole city, ok?"

Buttercup stuck out her tongue at her. "Myeh myeh myeh."

"Ok… break!" Quick as a whip, the two sisters darted off in a blur of pink and blue, leaving the lone green Powerpuff alone against Mojo's menacing machine.

For his part, Mojo seemed to find this deliriously funny. "Just one single, solitary, alone Powerpuff by themselves? Ohohohoho! This plan is going much better than I ever imagined!" He threw himself back in maniacal cackling, and his robot followed suit – amplifying his laughter a hundred-fold.

Buttercup smacked a fingerless fist into her other hand. She wasn't about to let a little giant robot scare her, and she didn't like to be mocked. "Yeah, you just keep thinking that monkey boy!"

"I am an ape!"

Buttercup smirked. "Whatever."

Meanwhile, Bubbles and Blossom split up and raced across town looking for people in trouble. Mojo's control over the city's appliances was causing was mass panic, which meant they were shooting back and forth like pinballs trying to field problems here and there as fast as possible. Luckily, they were the Powerpuff Girls: doing things quickly was one of their specialties:

On one street, a giant refridgerator rampaged across the sidewalk, gobbling up civilians and giving them a really nasty case of freezer-burn. Luckily Blossom was flying overhead, and decided to give it a taste of its own medicine with the help of her ice breath. Before the fridge could react its captives were all freed, and the freezer itself was the one frozen solid. Blossom waved to the cheering crowd, but didn't have much time to waste before the next scream for help came.

One block over, a makeshift hydra of hair clippers was tying people up in its wires, and trying to cut way too much off the top. Two seconds away from a fate of unsightly, mismatched baldness, the poor victims called out for help… and one blue blur later the villainous wires were all retangled – this time around each other instead! Having a little fun, Bubbles tied the wires into the shape of a heart – and after a moment to admire her work she was off with a smile and giggle to help the next person.

And so it went – one person complained of machine gun toasters using bread as ammo, another crowd found themselves running away from a treadmill (perhaps there is such a thing as too much exercise), a dog was found stuck up a tree hiding from one of those electronic cat toys (the Dog is on record as saying "to think I usually like irony!").

It went on and on for a lot longer than the two were expecting, until…

"How many appliances are there in this city!?" Bubbles cried as she threw a laser-blasting lamp crashing into the ground, one of several firing at her all at once. Even she was starting to get aggravated by this endless stream of trouble, not to mention she was sure her perfect picnic had been totally ruined by ants by now.

"I dunno, but we have to keep going." Blosson shouted, giving her sister a little assistance. "If not these things are going to destroy Townsville!"

"If we don't get back to Mojo and Buttercup, they're going to destroy Townsville!"

Unable to resist the joke, Blossom smiled – taking care not to lose her concentration in the process. "Who? Buttercup or Mojo?"

Bubbles paused to think this over. After a moment, she just shrugged it off. "Eh, either way I really wish this would all stop!"

This hopeful wish was answered by a rather rude crash in the distance, followed by a loud shriek of unmistakable origin. After their long experiences in the business of superheroing, the two young heroines always recognized when this particular voice was in trouble… which was a lot more often that it really ought to be.

Blossom and Bubbles froze and gave each other the same shocked expression. "The Mayor!" They said, and without a moment's further complaint they rocketed off towards City Hall, where they were met with a strange sight.

The Mayor was sitting in his usual desk, with a computer sitting right in front of him. It was clearly effected by Mojo's scheme: if the fact that it rocking angrily back and forth and shaking the whole table didn't make that obvious, then its synthesized cries of "DESTROY ALL HUMANS! SERVE MOJO JOJO!" definitely did. Its wires were stapled to the desk in places, stopping it from moving, but it was clearly trying to get to the Mayor in a decidedly violent and life threatening way.

But surprisingly enough that wasn't the strange part: that was the Mayor, who didn't look distressed in the slightest. In fact, he looked outright giddy.

"Ooh, this thing is a marvel! What did you do to it, Ms. Bellum? I've never been able to work it so well. Now let's see…" He reached forward to type something onto the keyboard – the sisters' cries of "NO!" in stereo were, naturally, ignored. "… let's see what Yoogle says I can do to increase my already dashing public image?"


"Hmm… you think? I figured a nice combover would work well enough, but you're the boss! I-" The Mayor suddenly noticed the dumbfounded superheroines floating in his window. "Oh, hello girls! What brings you here? Well don't just stand there, come on in! I was just using this wonderful new computer Ms. Bellum bought me. I think the kids call it 'interfacing!' Ha ha!"

He grabbed the computer's mouse and wiped it back and forth across the desk, laughing heartily and making whooshing noises. The computer started shaking even more vigorously, but couldn't break free of the staples holding it in place.


Not entirely sure what to make of this, the girls looked around the room and finally saw Ms. Bellum, who was leaning against the wall holding her forehead in one hand and a large staple gun in the other. "Don't worry, we've got this one girls," she gave by way of explanation.

The girls blinked. "Um… ok! Sure… we'll just…"

Bubbles suddenly noticed something behind them and grabbed Blossom's shoulder. "Blossom! Lookit all the appliances! They're moving!"

Blossom turned from the odd scene in front of her to get a look at what Bubbles was talking about, and found the appliances were indeed on the move. A large mass of them was congregating on the street below and moving away from them like some sort of bizarre electrical parade. A quick glance across town showed that there were other similar groups moving along other blocks in the city, all headed in the same direction.

"That's suspicious…"

"Where are they going?"

"Looks like they're heading to Central Park… that's back where we left…" As if on cue, the sound of an explosion boomed through the air from that direction. Realizing what was going on at the same time, Blossom and Bubbles turned to each other. "BUTTERCUP!"

That's right! Across town, Buttercup had no idea of the vast army of machinery that was heading straight for her! She was too busy handing Mojo's robot it's tin-plated rear - or trying to, at least…

"AUUGH! I've been wailing on this thing forever! What the heck is it made of?!" She shouted in frustration as another titanic punch to the robot's midsection merely knocked it back a short distance.

Meanwhile in the cockpit Mojo reclined back in his chair, reading a book, sipping a soda and making a show of being unconcerned. At her outburst, he looked up as though he had only just noticed she was there. "Oh, I'm sorry. Were you trying to fight me?"

Buttercup gritted her teeth, but tried not to let her frustration show in her voice. "That's another thing… why the heck aren't you fighting back? You haven't thrown so much as a punch since my sisters left! What, are you scared you'll scuff your little action figure?" She smirked, hoping that the insult would rile her enemy up. To her fury, Mojo merely yawned in response.

"Why bother? With a robot such as this - designed for stalling and made to delay any assault, and as such built to keep you busy while my true plan unfolds – I need not extend any energy. Genius that I am, I knew you would fail to realize that I was holding back, by which I mean that I was keeping you at bay, playing you for a fool, a chump, or otherwise known as a patsy! After all, who else but Buttercup would think with her fists first and her brain never?"

Upon hearing this, Buttercup instinctively reacted to the insult and punched the robot again as hard as she could – once more barely damaging it. Immediately after, she realized what Mojo had really said and drew back.

"Wait… you're telling me you've just been stalling? Stalling for what?"

With fiendish glee, Mojo pointed at the ground behind her. "That!"

Buttercup turned with a start to see the parade of rampaging appliances, now marching together as one enormous mass, dangerously close and coming their way. Her eyes narrowed: somehow she had let herself be surrounded, but she was certain it wouldn't be a problem. They were, after all, just appliances. Still…

"The appliances? What is this Mojo?"

Suddenly, the appliances of Townsville began leaping up into the air towards them. Thinking she was being attacked, Buttercup quickly dodged away… but no evil fridge came flying in her direction, nor did any mass of wires attempt to tie her up. She looked back, confused, and saw that the appliances were not jumping at her, but at Mojo! They were throwing themselves from every direction, covering the mecha with the marvels of modern home convenience until the entire robot was buried under a mass of machinery!

"This? This…. is… POWER! Huhuhuhahahaha!"

The enormous heap of hardware began to shudder and rumble ominously, shuffling on its own into some kind of strange new design. At this point, the other two girls zoomed onto the scene just in time to see the Mojo's master plan unfurl.

"Hey, I thought you would have this all locked up?"

"Ha. Ha."

Oh, dear! One by one the appliances of Townsville connected and bonded to Mojo's death machine, plugging themselves in and giving him who-knows what kind of powers?! What could our heroines possibly do to stop him!

"You can do nothing, which is to say that there is nothing you can do! No power of yours can overcome the powers my ultimate creation now possesses, which are more powerful than your own powers by far! BEHOLD!"

Indeed, Mojo's machine is even more intimidating than before! It was already like a tank, but now its twice as thick and covered in stoves, washing machines and dryers - which as everyone knows are among the most durable things on the planet! Instead of the arms it previously used to block Buttercup's attacks, the monstrosity had a mass of wiry tentacles – made of actual wires! And thanks to all the microwaves and hotplates, there was even fire coming off of it in places! It seemed like the girls have met their match! What has the progress of modern science done?!

"Ok…" Buttercup said slowly. A rare nervous tone started to creep into her voice. "So maybe I might need a little help. Any plans, guys?"

"No plan can save you now, for I Mojo Jojo have created a creation that cannot be stopped with any strategy you girls have ever used before. See for yourself!"

Mojo pressed a button on his control panel and a flamethrower opened out of the robot's left hand, powered by the heat of a hundred toaster ovens. The girls had to quickly dive out of the way to avoid being charbroiled.

Without missing a beat, Blossom began coordinating her sisters: "Formation Alpha-Omega-Alpha! Go!"

The girls zoomed off, circling the robot in a series of bizarre maneuvers to avoid its fiery blasts. Unfortunately, Mojo saw this coming as well: he pressed another button on his control panel, triggering the robot's outer shell of refrigerators and freezers to open just as girls converged in for a unified attack. Just as he planned, the girls rushed straight into a layer of frigid cold and were forced to fall back.

"Aagh! It's freezing!"

"Cold cold cold!"

"I c-c-can't get close!"

With the girls momentarily stunned, Mojo jumped on the opportunity. Before they could recover the robot's wire arms whipped around and grabbed Blossom and Buttercup out of the air, trapping them within electrically insulated cocoons. Bubbles was the only one who managed to dodge out of the way in time, leaving her suddenly alone against the gigantic electrical monstrosity.

"Bwahahahaha!" Mojo laughed maniacally, reveling in his seeming victory. "Finally! I have captured your sisters! They have become my captives, and it is in captivity that they shall stay! Give up now and surrender forthwith, laying down your arms and never bothering me again, and I shall let you watch as I destroy Townsville and rule the world!"

Bubbles glared at him. "You… BIG… EVIL… MEANIE!" She fired heat beams from her eyes, attempting to sever the wires that wrapped her sisters. Mojo's robot quickly whipped its "arms" around to grab her as well – or at least knock her away – but she dodged every time and continued blasting at whatever wires were closest. Unfortunately, she made no headway in cutting the wires apart – all she could do was burn the rubber off of them.

"Stop it, Bubbles!" Buttercup cried, as a laser blast nearly singed her hair. "You're only fraying them… and us!"

A light turned on in Blossom's head. "Fraying… wait! I've got it! Hey, Mojo!" She called to their archenemy, who glanced at her suspiciously. "Your robot's pretty strong, but that doesn't mean it can do half the stuff we can do!"

"Ha! Judging by your position, in which you have been defeated by me, that seems to be a sucker's bet, one you cannot possibly win!"

"Oh yeah? I dunno… I bet you can't catch Bubbles. She can outrun in land, air and…" She gave Bubbles a pointed look. "… water too! How's a game of hide and seek through the park sound?"

"What? Now is no time to be thinking about- hey!" Buttercup winced, as Blossom zapped her with a weak laser blast of her own to shut her up. Meanwhile, Bubbles' eyes widened as she realized what Blossom was up to.

Mojo, on the other hand, didn't seem to be buying into it at all. "Why bother? I will simply defeat you now!" The robot reached out to catch Bubbles, but she zipped away from it and headed into the park.

"Nyah nyah! Can't catch me!" And with that, she was gone – the robot hot on her heels.

"Get back here!"

Meanwhile, Blossom clued her other sister onto the rest of the plan, whispering just in case Mojo was still paying attention. "Come on, Buttercup. We have to keep fraying these wires!" Buttercup nodded, now understanding what was going on, and the two of them started quietly eye blasting any wiring they could see.

All throughout the park, Mojo and Bubbles "played" their game of "hide and seek." Behind trees, which Mojo tore from their roots with a crunch; under bushes, which were turned into craters by the robot's digging; through fields that were trampled by angry mechanical footsteps. All the while, Blossom and Buttercup were hard at work burning away the cover on the robot's arms, exposing the sparking electricity beneath. After enough time had passed and Mojo was sufficiently enraged, Blossom signaled for Bubbles to finish it, and off she went towards Mojo's own observatory… and more importantly the moat which surrounded it.

At this point, Mojo was too frustrated to realize he was walking into a trap. "Stand still you irritating little… STAND STILL!" Bubbles flew in front of the observatory and Mojo swiped at her, taking out one of his own walls in the process. Bubbles shot straight down towards the moat and avoided the entire attack. "Aaargh! I shall destroy you!"

Bubbles dived directly at the moat, but stopped just before hitting the surface. She looked up with concern at her still-trapped sisters.

"Do it, Bubbles!" Blossom shouted. Luckily, Mojo was recalibrating his robot far too furiously to pay attention to what they were saying.

"But you'll get electrocuted!"

"Ah, we can take it!" Buttercup smirked. "But I bet he can't! Do it!"

Bubbles nodded and dove into the moat. Like a moth drawn to a flame, Mojo threw the robot's wirey arms after her and into the water. "Ha! I've got you now, for you cannot escape!"

At the very last second, Mojo finally noticed the sparking wires and metal sticking out of his robot's hide… just before that wiring plunged unprotected into the water.

"No. No! NOOOOO!" The resulting electrical discharge was not pretty. The entire robot began to spark and glow and shudder as an uncontrolled charge ran through it. Parts of it burst into flame, while others exploded off entirely as Mojo tried desperately to keep the machine together.

Blossom and Buttercup, unfortunately, were right in the path of the current – it hurt like the dickens, but despite the pain they knew they had won. Mojo had realized his mistake too late, and his death-robot was going down.

Realizing it was too late, Mojo tried to eject. He didn't get far before the whole machine exploded in a mass of electrical parts and appliances. He was flung from the wreck and landed with a thud on the ground, totally knocked out.

Ha! Serves you right, Mojo! But… what about our girls? They were in that explosion too! Who knows how hurt they could be – oh, I hope it's not serious!

"Blossom? Buttercup? Are you all right?"

"Hello? Guys! Wake up!"


Blossom jolted awake and catapulted straight into the concerned face of her sister, who tumbled back in laughter. Blossom looked down at herself – apparently she made quite the crater when she landed, but luckily didn't seem to be injured. A short distance away she saw that Buttercup had a crater of her own. Their third sister groaned and blinked her eyes open, looking a bit less disgruntled than usual.

"So… did we win?" Buttercup asked without getting up.

"Yep!" Bubbles giggled. She gestured to the smoldering husk of Mojo's latest failure, as it sunk harmlessly into the moat.

"Awesome!" Buttercup rose into the air and stretched her arms, grinning. The other two sisters followed suit, and took a good look at each other. They had all been singed by the electricity, but thanks to their invulnerability they avoided any real damage. Their hair, however, was all frizzy and burnt at the edges: all three of them had gotten a major bad hair day.

A moment passed before they all starting laughing – not just at each other, of course, but at everything at once.

"Man, I can't wait to get Mojo back for this!" Buttercup chuckled, gesturing to her ruined hairdo.

Blossom smiled. "Yeah, lets find him and cart him back to jail."

"Hehe, sorry guys. Looks like you're too late." Bubbles gestured to the clearing where Mojo had landed. He was still out cold, which left half their job done already.

"Aw… and I was looking forward to beating the crud out of him, too."

"Don't worry, I'm sure he'll get lots of punishment once Townsville makes him rebuild all their appliances," Blossom said, "and do it right, this time!"

Bubbles giggled, and the thought did make Buttercup a little happier.

"But for now," Blossom continued, "let's go see if the Professor can help the Mayor… er… debug his computer." She took to the skies and flied over the horizon to the suburbs, where their father was waiting.

Buttercup blinked. "Huh?"

"You'll see!" Bubbles giggled again and darted off after Blossom. Buttercup shrugged and followed behind, making sure to grab Mojo before she left.

Meanwhile, they did nothing to clean up the wreckage from Mojo's robot that was left stuck in his own observatory and clogging up his own moat – a fitting parting gift from the Powerpuff Girls.

Ah, that's our Girls! Nothing fazes them! Now if only they could get Mojo to hurry with those appliances… how else am I going to eat my frozen dinner? In any case, once again the day is saved, thanks to… the Powerpuff Girls!

But saved as it might be, the day isn't quite over yet…

Later that night a very frustrated Mojo trudged into his observatory, dirty from digging through the prison grounds for hours and just about ready to go to bed. He passed by the hole he had made in his own wall earlier and groaned, then saw the bits and pieces of robot sticking out of his floor and groaned again.


Deciding to file that irritation off for later, he headed for his living room to eat, rest and take a very well-needed shower to wash off the day's indignities. He had just pulled his carefully made homemade sushi (which he had been looking forward to all day) out of the fridge, however, when what should happen but the phone ring? "Curses… always during dinner. Bah!" With care not to ruin it, Mojo placed the sushi onto his counter and yanked the phone off of the hook.

"Who is it? You are calling at a bad time, which means it is not a time in which I would rather be talking on the phone, as this phone call is inconvenient and unwanted, for you are digging into my time. What is it? Spit it out, so that I may be hearing what you are asking."

An unmistakable sing-song voice answered him. "Now now, Mojo. Is that the way you talk to an old friend?"

Long ago, Mojo might've cowered in fear at the very sound of this voice, but after years of working both with and sometimes against this man… demon… thing… his reverence had diminished somewhat. That on top of the day he was having left him without a lot of patience, though he at least tried to be polite.

"Oh. Him. What is it that you want? I have had a very trying day."

"I heard." The amusement was obvious in Him's voice. Mojo scowled. "A shame, those girls destroying that beautiful robot of yours like that. But I guess that's what happens when you don't check your wiring. Heh."

"Is there a point to this?"

"Touchy touchy. And here I called you because I had a… suggestion of sorts."

Mojo wasn't sure he was in the mood to get involved with one of Him's schemes. For a being of pure evil he was a surprisingly good team player, all things considered, but there was no guarantee he wouldn't be using you for some mysterious higher end. "… maybe call me tomorrow, and not today, for my mood tomorrow may be much more receptive than it is currently."

"Oh, don't be like that. It's not even a plan, just a tip… what would you say if I knew how you could take over the world with a clean slate, and beat the girls when they have no idea you're coming?"

Mojo scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Travelling through time? I have tried that before. It was a resounding failure, which is to say that-"

"No, nothing as complicated as that. Try a whole new world where nobody knows who you really are, and there's untold power just waiting to be tapped into. All you have to do is access it."

"Hmm…" Despite himself, Mojo's interest was piqued. If what Him was implying was true, then a place where he was not only away from the Powerpuff Girls but free to take over at his leisure - so that he could return with even more power to destroy his enemies – sounded too tantalizing not follow up on. "Well, you can color this monkey intrigued, Him… that is, if what you say is true and not deception as it so often is."

"I thought you were an ape…"

"Whatever. What more can you tell me?"

"All in good time, my dear simian friend. Good things happen to those who wait…"

Oh, no. Now we have to worry about Mojo too? Oh, what could Him be planning for that poor, unsuspecting alternate universe – if anything? One thing's for sure, this isn't over yet – not by a long shot!

Author Note: Firstly, in case anyone is confused, there are two sets of narration - The Narrator, as per the original show (just imagine Tom Kenny's voice), and the regular prose narration.

Anywho, just like the Spider-Man crossover fic, this is the result of a plot idea that just plain wouldn't leave my head. So I wrote it out, with the potential for more. As always, ficcing comes after my real life projects and as I noted on some of my other fics all fanfics come second to Wolfbatman for me, but I'm still going to try to finish this to the best of my ability.

I'm a big fan of the original PPG show, and I saw the anime a while back and thought it was pretty neat - had some flaws, but still had great, likeable characters and fun ideas. And pretty soon I had a whole plot idea forming for a crossover. But as noted in the description, this isn't just going to be a crossover between the OG Powerpuffs and Z. The plan is to make this into a whole multiversal Cartoon Network crossover - we already see Aku here, and there are going to be more once the ball gets going.

But first, introductions. This chapter is all about the original verse, and next chapter is going to be all about the Z verse, then we get into the crossing over. As for Powerpuff villains, have plans for each show's big three (that is: Mojo, Him and Princess), though I'm not sure about the others at the moment. And while this chapter was short, but I don't plan for most of them to be this way.

The only real problem I'm having with the crossover is the naming for the Z verse. For those who don't know, in the Z verse the girls and some of their enemies had a secret identity thing going on: Blosson, Bubbles and Buttercup are their superhero names, not their real ones. And while I liked most of the dub names, they changed their real names back to the original ones while still keeping the secret identity idea, and though I understood what they were trying to do it didn't really work (it's bad enough they look exactly the same). Plus, having them all have the same names would make dialogue between the characters a nightmare. So while I kicked around the idea ofmixing names from both version, I'm probably just going to go entirely with the Japanese names. I hope that doesn't bother anyone. d

Down here in the authors notes I'm usually going to talk about the differences between the Original verse and the Z verse, and why I chose to adapt certain things certain ways. Since this ran long, I'll just do some short notes: its implied by Him's narration, but the basic difference I'm giving between OG Him and Z Him is in their power and how they exert it. Basically, original Him is more powerful than Z Him, but Z Him has a wider range of abilities and is able to use his powers more directly while original Him is typically hands off. This general rule will apply to a few of the other characters in the Z verse, including the girls themselves. Also, while original Him has no weaknesses and cannot be destroyed permanently, Z Him is tougher to take down on a smaller scale. Also, Z Him is pretty much dead, and since that's part of the premise of this its probably not going to change.

As a last note, writing original Mojo's dialogue is fun. Very fun. I've been doing random lines, just for laughs. Very distracting.

See you next time!