Author's Note: This is my first story, so constructive criticism is welcome. Just be respectful.

So I am literally ignoring majority of season 3. Especially considering I got the idea for this before the season started. That and I hate angst. So, Sara's alive, but Laurel is still around. Well, not alot. I haven't really figured out how to write her. But, I really do love the friendship she is developing with Felicity, and I believe she deserved more time with her sister. That and feminism.

Most of the conversation within the stories are conversations that have happened, or could happen between my friends and I, so there is a shit ton of cursing. Just a little warning.

Most importantly, I want to give a huge thank you to PendulumWings, who wrote an amazing story that gave me the idea for this one and was kind enough to read my rough draft and give me an honest opinion. The link to the story is in my profile.

And that's it. Enjoy :)

Disclaimer: Plot and OCs are mine, everything else is not.

One would think that highly intelligent, slightly awkward Felicity Smoak was an outcast. She wasn't. She was never a wild child but she was also never ostracized. Granted she skipped two grades and was the youngest Valedictorian her school ever had, Felicity always had a solid group of friends. And if you think her ramblings are inappropriate they have nothing on her small group of loved ones from home.

When you really think about, it is almost fitting that the friends she would have in her company would be weird and out of control. Just look at the menagerie she keeps company with now.

Her (ex) billionaire boss and close friend (almost boyfriend) spends his nights dressed up in a green leather outfit with a bow and arrow like a warped, modern day Robin Hood. Along side his "bodyguard" and his missing sister's ex-boyfriend. Let's not forget the whole Sara/Nyssa/League of Assassins fiasco.

The saddest part about this entire situation is that she's pretty sure the only reason she is able to handle all this crazy is because she is used to crazy. A slightly different, less bloody, and violent level of crazy. But crazy.

Which brings us to today.

If asked about her day, Felicity would say that so far it hadn't been so bad. She woke up before her alarm without feeling like she had crawled out of the deepest pits of hell. Her favorite barista, who always made her coffee to perfection was working the morning shift and was kind enough to put an extra dollop of whip cream in her latte just to make her feel special. Work went smoothly, any problems that popped up were easily fixed, leaving her with a little pep in her step.

By time it came for Felicity to prepare for her second job, she could say that today was one of the best days she had in a while. Giving Oliver and Digg cheerful greetings, Felicity started on her searches. There was nothing really pressing going on at the moment. Oliver was still allocating his time between getting back QC, finding Thea, and being the Arrow, all while still adjusting to life without the Queen fortune to make things a little (a lot) easier.

So, all in all, Felicity Smoak was having a good day.


It all came to a halt when her phone started ringing and Felicity got a peek at the name on her screen.

Charlotte Park.

Felicity met Charlotte Park at the tender age of five. Charlotte was seven. It was before her father had left and her mother had become, well, her mother.

Over the years, Charlotte had proven to be the world's greatest friend and confidant.

But that didn't take away the fact that Charlotte was most definitely crazy.

So when Felicity saw her number pop up on her phone one night in the foundry, safe to say she was hesitant. Oliver had been fine with her answering her phone in the foundry before but this was different. This was Charlotte Park. She probably shouldn't answer this call.

Don't get her wrong. She isn't avoiding Charlotte. In fact, she had been thinking about calling her for some time now. But while she might have been able to take phone calls in the foundry (not that she really did, anyways), she always made sure to try to hold off conversations with Charlotte until she was alone. Or where no member of Team Arrow could overhear. It was a simple fact of life that no conversations with Charlotte were safe.

But she couldn't just leave her computer, the searches could end any minute and God forbid any of the guys even think about touching her babies. Laurel, maybe. She had been spending more time with the team and showed an acceptable amount of knowledge of computers to keep Felicity from having heart palpitations when she thinks of Laurel touching them. Even Sara was an acceptable substitute. As for the guys, she still hasn't forgiven them for the time she left town for the weekend, only to have to reboot her entire system when she came back because Oliver got impatient.

On the other hand, Charlotte was always relentless once she set her mind on something and heaven forbid you ignore her or deny her anything. Ignoring this phone call would only lead to more phone calls, voicemails, and text messages that go from angry, to threatening, to worried, back to threatening. With that in mind and a quick prayer to any higher power, she picked up the phone and hoped Oliver and Digg were too busy beating each other up in the name of training to pay attention to anything that was about to come out her mouth.

"What do you want?" It was easy for Felicity to fall back into old habits with Char. But at the sound of her snappish tone, Oliver quickly glanced at her. Felicity seemed to be having a good day, who the hell could've changed it so quickly?

Felicity was silent as she listened to what was being said on the other line. Her response was a short and sharp "No."

Again, she was silent, slowly spinning in her seat with her head tipped up staring at the ceiling. She stopped to roll her eyes and look back at her computers before speaking.

"No, you weren't. And I refuse to acknowledge that fire comment." She has regretted a few things regarding her friends, on the top of her list was Charlotte bearing witness to her past pyro tendencies. She just refused to let it go.

At this point even Digg was a little concerned.

Felicity spoke again. "Quite possibly and hopefully the law. Pyromania is technically an mental disorder and arson is illegal." Felicity missed the way Oliver quickly looked to her in confusion.

She sighed deeply and looked up to the ceiling as if in prayer. "I am NOT a pyro. I really wish you would stop insisting that I start setting things on fire, purely for your amusement. And I need you to stop telling people that I am. Your neighbor practically ran from me when I told her my name, the last time I visited you." Her tone was exasperated. Digg gaped at her for a minute before turning to Oliver. Making eye contact, they both silently decided that maybe this was a conversation they would want to listen in on.

"Yeah, no" Felicity shook her head slightly.

"No because the last time you called me and started the conversation with "Hey Lisard, how's it going?" in that fake innocent tone, which by the way, RUDE, I hate that nickname. You know I hate that nickname. It is rude to call people names in which they don't want to be identified with. I know I raised you with manners missy and-" Felicity stopped as the person on the other line interrupted her speech.

"Do you want me to use my Loud voice, because we can go there" At this point Oliver and Digg were joined by Roy, whose arrival went unnoticed by Felicity. When he attempted to ask what was going on, Oliver and Digg who were having too good of a time to really answer, shushed him before he could finish his question.

"As I was saying, the last time you started a conversation like that I woke up the next morning with pink hair, Spongebob stickers STUCK TO MY BOOBS, and glitter in places I can't even talk about." It took everything in Roy and Digg's power not to fall over. Poor Roy was nearly red in the face and Digg was leaning on a wall for support. Oliver just stood wide-eyed in shock. Who the hell was she talking to?

"Yes. Well no, not the glitter and the stickers, but something always happens. Every time. Did you know that it took me three weeks to finally get rid of all that glitter? I swear I still find some to this day. So no. Whatever you have planned, just no. Go corrupt someone else's moral compass. I'm busy. I love you. Goodbye." And with that Felicity hung up the phone and took a deep breath.

"So pink hair?" At the sound of Roy's voice, Felicity knew her prayers were not heard.

"Willa, don't say anything shocking I'm walking down a flight of stairs." Felicity orders as soon as she picks up the phone while making her way into the foundry.

"OH MY GOD" Felicity squeals at whatever the person on the other line says and she proceeds to stumble on the stairs, sending Roy in a rush to save her. "DON'T TOUCH ME! DON'T LOOK AT ME!"

Roy freezes and watches as she sits down on the stairs and slowly moves towards her in an attempt to see if she was hurt. Her previous command to not touch or look at her is almost forgotten when he sees the tears in her eyes.

"I'm so happy, I could throw up. After ten years of struggle our dreams have finally come true. I need to throw a party. I'm going to throw a party. Party this Friday, my house, at 10, byob."

By now Roy is too confused to do anything but watch her and attempt to make sense of what she is saying. He just wants to know if she's hurt.

"Felicity" He says hesitantly. She is still sniffing and clutching her chest. At this moment, Roy's mind goes over all the things that could be wrong and then what Oliver would do to him if he found out Felicity was harmed with him nearby. He almost wants to clutch his chest.

"Blondie, you okay?" He takes a small step towards her.

She looks up at him with a wobbly smile and nods. "I'm fine." Her voice cracks a little. "You know that feeling you get when you work really hard on something and it finally comes together. Ten years. Ten long, stressful, aggravating years and finally I can start planning the wedding. AND OH GOD! THE BABIES!" She sobs a little more. "I am going to receive such pretty godchildren." She turns her head slightly, with her left hand under her nose and her eyes shut tight.

Roy decides he's too sober to deal with this shit.

So he doesn't.

She didn't want him to touch her before and she looks fine. Plus, any beating Oliver dishes out if she is actually hurt would be preferable to this.

With that thought in mind, Roy turns on his heel and goes back to what he was doing before. "I'll pray for you, Blondie."

Some days, Digg really wonders where he went wrong in his life that situations like this happens to him.

It was really a simple question he needed answered.

Well two. One to god and another to Team Arrow's resident genius.

Nothing big. So when he called Felicity on a lovely and calm Saturday afternoon, all he needed was a simple answer to his second question.

But alas, nothing is ever simple in his life.

"Hey Digg, wha- no stop -Digg, what's going on?"

Digg automatically concerned about any trouble his best friend could've gotten into, was immediately on alert. "Felicity, are you okay?" He can hear people around her and a little shuffling. If she's in a public space she should be alright, unless she's being harassed. Some men had nerve.

"Yea. One of my old friends, Eric is in town for business and we're having lunch, give me a minute." She responded brightly, easing his fears. "ERIC, STOP PICKING AT MY FUCKING FOOD! YOU GODDAMN GLUTTON, YOU HAVE YOUR OWN! Oh, you want that, about now, bitch."

Digg was going to tell Felicity that she wasn't doing a very good job covering the mic on her phone, when a deep voice stopped him.

"Felicity, I have quite literally inserted my penis into your vagina multiple times over the course of a long period of time, do you really think I give two shits about the fact that you licked that?"

Digg and god were seriously going to have a long talk.

"Asshole." Felicity snapped before turning her attention to the phone. "I'm sorry Digg, did you need something?"

"You know what, it can wait. I'll see you later." Digg had heard enough.

Sara and Felicity sat in the foundry catching up. It had been a while since they've seen each other, with Sara's three month mission in Thailand and Felicity's weekend away visiting friends. Felicity was suppose to be teaching Sara how to work the new system update on the computers when her phone rang. Believing it to be one the boys, she answered the phone without looking at the caller and put it on speaker.

"Hey sex, how's your vagina holding up? I just made it home after the longest flight-" Felicity choked on the piece of fruit she was chewing on and reached for her phone.

"Tyler," she pauses to cough harshly. "I'm going to need to call you back. Love you. Later. Bye." And she hung up the phone, coughing some more.

Sara smirked and patted her back. "What the hell were you doing this weekend, that your vagina encountered mortal peril?"

Felicity really needs to stop answering her phone.

Ryan Clarke is a sweetheart.

He's literally the human personification of goodness.

Felicity finds it somewhat weird.

Especially considering the company he keeps.

But unfortunately for Ryan, it didn't matter how much of an angel you were or how much Charlotte loved you, she always hated the morning infinitely more and therefore will not get out of bed before 11 for anything short of an emergency. Even then she might stay in bed. She was stubborn like that.

So when Felicity received a phone call from him 9:34am, on a Saturday morning, the day she knew Ryan and Charlotte were going to announce their engagement to her mother, she was full sympathy.

She was currently leaving breakfast with Captain Lance when the call arrived. Lance had decided it was no problem to walk her the two blocks to the shop she intended to buy Charlotte and Ryan's engagement gift, before heading to the station, allowing them to continue their conversation.

Only that conversation was interrupted with the slight possibility that one of her best friends are in mortal danger.

She recognizes a pattern.

She just refuses to acknowledge it.

So after a few quick apologies, Lance gives her the go ahead to take the call. She smiled at him quickly and answered.

"Oh honey, are you having trouble getting Charlotte out of bed? Listen, Willa and I have a patented method, so take notes. Pull her out of the bed; you have to be mindful of her claws, so grab her feet. Drag her to the top of the staircase and just gently roll her down it..." Felicity paused before lightly shaking her head.

"No, no it's okay, really. Willa and I only did on days she was running late. She only hit her head a few times. If she was being extra bitchy that morning. But that resulted in only two minor concussions. And guess, what she lived. All is right in Queenie's kingdom." She shrugged.

Because Felicity is so focused on reassuring Ryan on the safety (or lack thereof) in pushing his fiancee down the stairs to wake her up, she misses the looks Lance throws her way.

Which is a shame, she probably would've enjoyed them.

Suddenly Felicity stops and her eyes widened. Lance stops beside her, the look on her face suddenly putting him on edge. "Oh wait, she's up already? Is she functioning properly? She isn't, like, drooling at the wall or whispering unintelligibly into a reflective surface?"

She shakes her head again, this time more fervently than before, before continuing walking. "She hasn't mentioned anything to me." Her eyes squinted a little as if she was trying to remember something. "Look, I say go with the flow. For all you know this could be a once in a lifetime opportunity. But please don't eat anything. Charlotte can cook but I'm still nervous about this sudden change and I love you too much to have you die on me so young."

Lance follows behind her, his mind scrambling to make sense of what the hell was happening on the other line.

Didn't the girl have any normal friends?

"Its okay. Don't panic. This is progress. I'm concerned but I'm also proud. I think." She paused. "Actually, I'm more concerned. That could be a sign for many things. Watch her carefully. I love you, you brave soldier." Felicity hung up the phone and sent up a small praye for her friend.

"Should I be concerned as well?" Lance asked her, with a raised eyebrow.

All Felicity could do was grin.