Chapter 3

Oh mer gersh! I'm back! I know I've been gone for along time and I'm really sorry about that. If you haven't noticed I changed my user to, Opxlent, so yeah... Anyways here's chapter 3. Hope you enjoy :)

Flora's POV

I saw the gigantic building right in front of my eyes. I gasped in amazement as I looked on, now eager to enter the school. I looked behind as I saw the specialists carrying our luggage. I saw Stella's specialist, Brandon, struggling to carry her luggage. I giggled to myself a bit before I saw Helia carrying my bag that contained my plants that I had miniaturized. I ran over to him and held the bottom of the bag, "Heh, sorry it's just... my plants are in here and I uh-" I looked away in embarrassment, a blush creeping up to my face. "It's alright, you could trust me." I looked up to Helia and saw he had a warm smile on his face. I gave a light smile back before letting go of the bag "Thank you." I said as Helia nodded his head and began walking towards the building with luggage on his arms.

The others walked up besides me as I felt a pat on my back "Well what are we waiting for? Lets go!" Musa smiled widely and pulled on our arms, dragging us in to the one place we were taught to despise, Red Fountain.

As we entered the building, the girls and I were still in awe. We saw Diaspro and her girls being escorted to their rooms and later we were being escorted. The rooms seems like it goes on for miles. We finally stopped at our dorms and the specialists led us in. "Well here you guys go. Welcome to your new home, I guess," Sky shrugged as he set down Bloom's luggage as do the rest of the specialists. "If you guys need us we're right downstairs, okay?" The girls and I nodded our heads in agreement and thanked the boys. As the boys were leaving, the last boy... I think his name was Riven, slammed the door shut as he left. "Well now we know who's the life of the party." Musa remarked as we laughed before settling in our rooms. It was basically the same dorm mate set-up in Alfea, but the room was a bit smaller. Actually, it was way smaller than our rooms in Alfea. I had to place some of my plants on the balcony since they all didn't fit in Bloom and I's room.

It was almost sun down by the time the girls and I settled in. We all collapsed on the couch and started flipping through channels, looking for something that could entertain us for the night. Halfway through watching a show, there was a knock on the door. Tecna got up to open the door, but before she was able to open it, Diaspro opened the door in her face and made her way in. "Well hello to you too." Tecna said with a frown on her face and a little red mark on her forehead. "I just came to say hi." Diaspro smirked with that obnoxious face of hers. "Oh really?" Aisha sarcastically added in. "Of course, it's the least I can do as a neighbor," Diaspro noted, as the girls and I groaned "Anyways I just wanted to remind you to get a good night's rest. You sure wouldn't want to be fatigued when I beat your guys' asses tomorrow." Diaspro grinned as she twirled around before we got a word in "Ciao." She blew a kiss before shutting the door.

I heard Aisha scream into the pillow before groaning. "What is she talking about? What's going on tomorrow?" Stella asked dumbfounded "We're having a match-off to see how 'worthy' we are. It's going to be us against the clique," Aisha replied before rolling her eyes "It's so stupid, we're worthy enough to join this stupid little experiment so why bother." Aisha has a point but we still had to go either way.

The next day the girls and I got ready for the match, putting on our defense armor and clothing before heading out to the arena.

Musa's POV

We were heading out to the arena and stopped by to get our weapons. I picked up my weapon, which was a rapier, and equipped myself with armor that would withstand large blows.

Tecna was making a strategy that she "guaranteed would beat our rivals" so while that was happening we were walking around the locker room in total boredom. Tecna ran her strategy with us one last time before we heard a siren signaling us to head out to the battle zone.

We huddled together in one of those circles you would see sport teams doing and gathered our hands in the middle.

"One... Two... Three... Winx!" The girls and I yelled in unison, raising our hands before heading out.

When we were in the battle zone we could see Saladin, Grisalda, and Faragonda in the front row of the arena, along with the Specialists behind them. Right across the arena was Diaspro along with her girls and a huge black line dividing the arena.

We heard the announcer counting down and for me it was like slow motion mode activated. Everything seemed to have slowed down, like time itself was being manipulated. I took a long deep breath in and got my rapier ready. I looked to the side and saw the girls ready with their weapons. Tecna with her haladie, Bloom with her kalis, Flora with her bow and arrow, Stella with hand grenades plus other explosives, and Aisha with a battle ax.

The horn blew and off the opposing team went sprinting towards us. We got in our position and immediately Flora ran behind a fort and started aiming her arrows at the opponents.

Cecelia came running to me with her rapier and started swinging at me. I kept dodging each one till I had enough of her "so called fighting".

"Is that all you got Cecelia?" I grunted as cut a piece of her arm sleeve.

"Oh Musa, you never know when to kept that pie hole of yours shut." Cecelia did a turn and attempted to stab me with her rapier but I was able to avoid it as well by using my sword to hold up hers.

Her strength overbear mine and so she managed to cut right across my torso. I cried out a bit, clenching my torso as blood began to appear on my shirt. I somehow didn't drop my rapier and started to violently began taking swings at her.

Each one failed and I was knocked towards the ground. Cecelia's body hovering over mine, smirking before holding up her rapier for one last swing.

I expected a searing, well known pain coming to my chest but I didn't feel it. I instead heard Cecelia scream out in pain as I saw her fall aside me with one of Flora's arrows in her leg.

I slowly arose with the inflicted wound made by Cecelia earlier and saw Flora wink at me before she took her position again. I smiled a little before taking a hold of the only place my rapier belonged, my hands.

Stella's POV

"Cecelia Red is out of the game. Team #2 is left with only 4 players!"

I saw Cecelia being taken out of the battle arena on a stretcher, while the game was on pause. I jogged towards Musa and looked her right in the eye, "You okay Musa? Are you sure you don't want to sit out for the game? Don't want to be mean or anything but your injury doesn't look all that well."

Musa just gave me a small nod before smiling a bit to assure she was fine.

"This is the first time you ever asked me that. Out of all the years I've been wounded, now you ask me that question?" Musa began giggling a bit before saying something else. "Besides, you should thank Flora, she was the one who shot nasty Red in the leg."

I looked over to Flora and saw her sharpening her arrows. If you take one glance at her you wouldn't think that she actually fought in games like this, but oh boy are you dead wrong.

The game presumed shortly afterwards and little by little team #2's players began dropping like flies.

Brielle was sadly a victim to one of my explosives, but don't worry she didn't get blown up or anything it just slowly made her unconscious.

Lilith tried to take on Tecna and she was actually winning for a small amount of time until she started teasing Tecna on how she's gradually rotting her life away with her electronics.

One crucial fact is you NEVER want to mess with Tecna about her technology. Trust me I've been there.

Yasmeen was head to head with Aisha, but Yasmeen is skilled in archery and was failing at the ax. If you ask me she should've stayed in archery, this was an easy win for our side.

Of course we are left with Diaspro. I kinda felt bad for Diaspro as her friends were horrible at fighting and if Diaspro was to go head to head with each one of her friends she would obviously win. Not that bad though, I still wanted to beat the guts out of here but whatever. Like everybody says, Diaspro is the "strongest player and blah blah blah horse crap" today we were going to prove everybody wrong.

Tecna predicted that Diaspro will be the last one standing on her team and of course made a battle strategy. As we were busy putting the plan into action, Diaspro was trying to shoot Flora's head like a mad man.

While the girls distracted Diaspro by sprinting towards her with their weapons, I was on the side of the arena making my way into Diaspro's side. The girls were doing perfect! They were dodging the arrows, but at the same time making Diaspro think that's our way of defeating her.

I hid behind one of the forts next to Diaspro's and got one of my silencing bombs ready. I signaled Flora and the girls from behind the fort and they gave the all clear.

I launched out and yelled "The Bright will outshine you!" In a flash, I threw the bomb and it gave the normal screeching, deafening sound it makes when it hits its target. Bloom rushed over to Diaspro while she was down and held her sword against her neck the same way she did to Bloom a couple of days ago in Alfea.

She started banging her hand on the ground signaling that she was done and the bell rung.

"Team #2 has gone down. Congratulations to Team #1's players and participation in this game. I hope the audience and the teams had a good time and we'll see you guys again next game."

The girls ran to me and gave me one of those celebratory hugs. Aisha was laughing while saying "The Bright will outshine you?" She was laughing so hard she started getting hiccups.

"Wha- Hey! That was clever and you know it." The girls erupted laughing and soon I gave in too.

Musa saw the headmasters along with the Specialists coming our way and nudged our sides in warning.

"See Saladin, my girls are always prepared and well trained to whatever is coming at them." Faragonda put on a bright smile while heading towards us.

"You know I would never doubt you Ms. Faragonda. I could certainly see why you chose them to be here at this fine school. But are you sure they could go against my boys?" Saladin humbly said, stopping in front of us with a challenging look.

"Of course Saladin, I taught these girls the best I could give them. Magic and weaponry. Trust me these girls are sure to be as good as your boys." Faragonda responded back, now with a straight face on.

"If that's what you say then so be it. I'm going to give these girls till the end of the school year to train against the finest elite at this school and at the end of the school year we then shall see if they're what you say they are. Is that a deal Ms. Faragonda?" Saladin reached his hand out, waiting for Faragonda to accept.

"Deal." She willingly took his hand and shook firmly while looking straight into his eyes.

I could hear the girls and even the Specialists groan as I face planted myself.

"Not again." I mumbled into my hand.

Heya guys! So that was chapter 3 and I know I haven't been on in a looooong time and I'm truly sorry. I didn't include all the dialog and scenes in where each girl on Diaspro's side got taken down because that will just take too long. Also I just realized I wrote Diaspro way too much in this chapter. And there's me writing it again... Great... Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope you have a magnificent day!
