Chapter One

Hey guys before we get started I'll tell you guys a little about this fanfic. So basically it has all the main characters of the Winx and that includes the Specialists but in this story there is a separation between the two. The separation is basically the separation of men and women. The women's side is the "Potens et Pulchritudines" which is translated into "Powerful Beauties" in Latin and the name is pretty long. The men's side is "Kamienne Serca" which translated in Polish is "The Stone Hearts" since it is restricted to have any relations to a "Pulchritudo" aka a Beauty. In this story the two sides are currently on good terms and even decided to let 12 of the Powerful Beauties to go over to Red Fountain where it is currently the teaching place of all Stone Hearts. What will happen the moment the girls step feet on the grounds? Well if you want to know how the life will be like...why not follow them?


It was currently 6 AM in the morning and I was beginning to start my day. I woke up and stepped off my bed and onto the hard wooden floor under. I yawned and then scratched the back of my messy hair before heading to the bathroom. I closed the door behind me before stepping in the shower turning on the faucet and humming along to a song I've been obsessed with lately. Once I was done I went over to the sink and did my daily morning routine. Then headed to my room too get ready for the day dressing in our school uniform which was a basic black top with baggy dark green pants and combats boots.

I dressed up and went into the living room where my 5 roommates Flora, Aisha, Tecna, Musa, and Stella were at. I sat down on the couch next to Tecna and scrolled through the channels.

"Hello Bloom, how are you this morning?" Flora asked in that 24/7 polite voice. Flora may act and look nice but when you get on her bad side it's like you have transported to an alternate universe. She's even calm during combat and besides she only gets mad when something sets her off that badly which is rare.

I gave Flora a small smile and went back too scrolling through various channels. We all then went out too get breakfast in the cafeteria before today's training starts. As always the moment we stepped in all we see is food tossed around as a food fight went on. We skimmed our way through and managed too eat through it dodging anything coming towards us. "At least today's food fight was less hazardous as usual." Aisha pointed out as we walked out of the cafeteria "Yeah someone didn't get sent to the infirmary this time." Tecna said while playing around with her gadgets. "It's sad what a piece of toast can do nowadays." Stella sighed as we all burst out laughing.

We all went down too the battling arena where all the training and battling happens. We grabbed our weapons which for me was a long Kalis sword and began one-on-one combat. I was up against Diaspro one of the strongest in the school and one of the best in archery. "Well well well isn't it the lovely Bloom." Diaspro gave me her infamous smirk and immediately went forward at me. I blocked her hit and pushed her back with the side of my sword. "It's not gonna be that easy Diaspro." I hissed at her and lunged forward but like what I did to her she blocked my hit. "Awh what a shame, but like all my other opponents you're going down." Diaspro shoved me down knocking me to the ground. I managed too get back up and made a direct hit to her arm making a cut from her shoulder almost to her elbow. Diaspro gasped from pain a bit and shot me a look "Oh you're going too regret that Bloom." Diaspro lunged at me making me stumbled to the ground. She had her sword against my throat making me try too gasp for air.

We heard the intercom and Faragonda made an announcement "Attention students, please gather to the auditorium for an important announcement. Once again please make your way to the auditorium." Diaspro got up making me the only one on the ground. She shot me a look again before making a laughing sound and turned away for the auditorium. Musa walked towards me and helped me up "Thanks Muse." I mumbled brushing off the dirt. The girls and I made our way to the auditorium and sat down in the front row. Miss Faragonda was on stage with Saladin which was unusual since they are in some kind of dispute.

Lets turn the clock back a bit. About 12 years ago Miss Faragonda, Saladin and Miss Griffin had a argument over who would be in possession of the Treasure of Arcadia which was a planet that had been destroyed by three powerful witches Imogen, Enigma, and Cheyenne. One day, Faragonda discovered that the Treasure of Arcadia had been stolen making an immediate search for it. The Treasure of Arcadia is a very powerful item it's strong enough too control any planet's population and even destroy one. The search was short when it was discovered in Saladin's office drawer making the trust for him slashed. Faragonda and Griffin was outraged too find out this discovery but Saladin insisted he was framed. They didn't believe him making the separation of fairies including witches against specialists. Faragonda and Griffin teamed up making Alfea and Cloud Tower allies. Since then there was much tension between Saladin and even the slightest word of Red Fountain can amount in detention.

Faragonda tapped the microphone gently and spoke into it "Hello students, today is the day we call off the feud between Alfea and Red Fountain." There were mummers in the crowds with girls whispering in each other's ears 'Is she being serious?'

"Yes students this is a shocker but after 12 years it has been found that Saladin was indeed framed with the disappearance of the Treasure of Arcadia. We have decided too let 12 our of most strongest most powerful beauties too attend Red Fountain for a whole school year just to get a taste of what's like."

There were more whispers after Miss Faragonda announced the news heck even Flora was whispering to a friend about it. "To be chosen for this opportunity is worth a million. So the students called please stand up."

"Diaspro Love."

"Bloom Sparx."

"Cecelia Red."

"Flora Evergreen."

"Brielle Rockwell."

"Musa Melody."

"Yasmeen David."

"Aisha Waters."

"Lilith Monroe."

"Tecna Holmes."

"Amber Reef."

"and Stella Bright."

The moment I heard my name everything became silent to me.