Ran, Our Savior

Gosho Aoyama respectively owns Detective Conan.

Ran tentatively stepped into the abandoned school. It was probably riddled with ghosts and demons and monsters and….Erg! She was going to drag Conan back home by his ear! After a few minutes of searching rooms, she heard a hair-raising scream from somewhere in the school. She let out her own scream and then bowed on the floor chanting: "I am sorry for intruding your sanctuary!"

Maybe Conan and Agasa weren't here after all. Ran shook her head. What if they were here and one of the ghosts was trying to eat them? Stop it Ran! Ran scolded herself. You are twenty-nine years old now. Ghosts don't exist! She thought just as another scream resonated through the whole building. Ran yelped, clutching her chest and breathing heavily. I wanna go home. She thought miserably. Ran forced herself to get up and search more of the classrooms.

Conan hurriedly cut at his bonds with his detective boys badge. He had to get to Agasa, before it was too late.

"Well! One down. I'm guessing you're just dying to know who I am." The man was about to take off his kitsune mask when a brown haired girl came into the room. She took one look at the kitsune mask and screamed, "FOX DEMON!" Before committing some serious judo and karate moves on him. She punched him twice in the stomach, once in the face, tripped him and then threw him over her shoulder. In the process, the mask flew off, revealing a man Conan had never seen. It was probably an old member, he just didn't recognize him. Ran looked up from the fallen man and zeroed in on Conan.

"Conan! The demon tried to eat you didn't he?" Ran barreled towards Conan and started to untie him.

"Agasa! Help Agasa. The guy probably has an antidote on him just in case he stabs himself!" He shouted when Ran took off the duct tape. She nodded and searched the creepy man's clothes for something that looked like an antidote. Conan had finally cut the rest of his bonds and joined her in the clothes search. Conan found a vile of clear liquid and made a quick decision. The Derotex was already killing Agasa. If they didn't do something fast it would be too late to save him. Conan shook his head. He couldn't risk the doctor's life. Conan dug through the man's belongings and tied him up with the duct tape he used to tie up Conan.

"Ran, call the police and then help me take Agasa to the bug. You can drive, right?"

In the care of Haibara, the Doc was going to be fine. She said he was going to be in pain and hallucinating for about a week until the drug flushed itself out of his system.

When the Kitsune mask guy woke up, he refused to speak. After a while, he said his alias was Wolf. (He was part of the Animal black organization Snake and Spider where from.) Derotex was taken away from him for further examination.

Ran and Conan sat in the living room of the Mouri Detective Agency. The silence was defening.

"I can't believe you just beat the crap out of the guy without knowing who it was." Conan laughed. That got a smile out of Ran.

"I was seriously freaked out! I heard screaming and then an evil Oni from the other world appeared like he was offering you and Hakase to his demon overlords!"

"What are you, nine?"

"Maou…You know how I feel about these things!" Conan snorted. Ran gave his shoulder a shove. The poisoning of doc had shaken them both. The hour of waiting for Haibara and her team of trained chemists to tell them he was going to be okay was agonizing.

"So, about that date…Sorry I stood you up."

"How do you plan on making it up?"

"Chocolates and flowers?"


"Another date?"

"Not quite."

"Ummm…" Conan looked down. What would make her happy? Ran tapped his shoulder. When he turned to look at her, she kissed him lightly on the lips. He jumped, and then kissed back. She wrapped her arms around him to deepen the kiss. When they finally broke apart, Ran smiled.

"That and many more to come will make it up."

And that's it I feel content. Thank you! Sorry this chapter's short.