"I've been wondering something," Harry murmured into Eggsy's hair, his fingers twisting in the ends. It really was getting a bit long, but Harry liked it that way. And Eggsy loved it when Harry played with his hair.
"Mm, yeah?" hummed a sleepy Eggsy. "Wot is it?" His accent had become less rough with time, but when he was tired or relaxed it crept back in. Harry found it adorable, and kissed the crown of Eggsy's head.
"I meant to ask you, after the test at the bar, but I never had time. Did you really know there was something wrong with the champagne, or was that a gimmick to get the girl?" He wondered how Eggsy would have known what champagne tasted like at all, then reasoned that he might have been able to nick some at some point or other. It wasn't the most charitable of thoughts, and he was mildly ashamed of it, but he was also realistic about what Eggsy's life had been before they had met.
What he wasn't expecting was for Eggsy to tense in his arms. Frowning lightly, Harry let his hand trail from his lover's hair down to his back, rubbing small circles. "I've stepped in it, haven't I? You don't have to tell me." He didn't like making Eggsy uncomfortable; avoided it at all costs, actually. Probably misplaced penance for faking his death. Or entirely appropriate penance, depending on who he talked to. Merlin still hadn't forgiven him, and Roxy always looked at him like he had murdered her poodle. At least most of the other agents had understood - but Eggsy's approval had been the only one he was anxious for. And he had actually been shot, so it wasn't faking his death so much as spending three days in a hospital before being able to call into HQ.
"Dean tried to rent me out once. I was fifteen." Harry remembered the joke those thugs had made before he thrashed them. If you're looking for a rent boy... Harry was suddenly furious, but he hid it quietly, wanting Eggsy to get it off his chest. Better out than in. Still, he had to press his lips together very tightly, and squeezing Eggsy closer only made him feel a bit better. "Knew me mum wouldn't stand for it, so 'e tried to make it look like a usual date rape. I 'ad no idea ... woke up at the flat, me friends standing over me. Jamal 'ad a bloody nose, and I knew wot 'ad 'appened." His accent was thick, betraying his unease and dislike of the subject. "So I knew, at the club. Subconsciously, I think. But, it's fine, I'm fine, really."
Harry knew better than to push. "I'm really glad you already took care of that utter filth, or I would be forced to misappropriate Kingsman resources to ruin his life."