For Thorin, being thrust along a wooden bridge by tall and unspeaking elves, was really affecting his majesticness. He growled when an elf shoved him forwards by shoulder, casting a dark look at the offending hand as it was removed. It was humiliating to have been found, helpless, at mercy of dozens of spiders. Even more so, the fact that they had to be rescued, caught off guard, then tied up. Glancing up at his elven companion, Thorin tugged on the tough rope binding his hands, earning nothing but a graze from the corse knots. He cast a glance behind him, to his direct heir behind him.

Fili, also, wasn't in the best mood. He had been stripped of all his many knives, daggers and swords. He missed the familiar weight, the slight clink, his leather cloak felt thin without them. It wasn't just that he had no protection, it was part of who he was. Even at home, before the quest, he had at least seven on hes person. His Ma had had to search him before bed lest he roll on them during the night. She always missed one. People had falling in the habit of patting him on the head, to avoid pricking themselves on a invisible blade. A familiar cough confirmed who was being pulled along behind him.

Kili was embarrassed. He had been beaten by an elf. A female elf. Alright, he had been weaponless and the spider had his leg in his pincers, but the elf hadn't even given him a dagger. He look up at her, striding beside him. She was pretty, he supposed, in a pointy plain sort of way. Like the elves in Rivendell. No wonder it was hard to tell the men from the women, if they had braids or beards it would have easy to tell gender. The ginger elf caught him looking at her, she muttered a few quick words in elvish that sounded like curses, before poking him painfully in the back.

Bridge over bridge they crossed, passing under arches and over rivers. The immense wooden cavern seem to go on for ever. They walk in silent, except for the occasional growl or grumble fro the captive dwarves. Mostly by Dwalin, who had extra guard due to the fact that he tried to push his original of the walk way. Finally the dwarrow and their escorts stopped in front of a towering throne with thick tall antlers sprouting from the top. Fili had to admit that it was very beautiful, even for an elven kingdom. On top of the elaborately carved chair, was the king of the woodland realm. King Thranduil.

Fili smirked. He was exactly as he had imagine Thranduil to be, from Thorins stories. Arrogant, self obsessed, haughty. Spread out so that his long limbs hung over the arm of his seat, he tilted his crowned head to one side, as if the dwarves were interesting new pets.

"What do we have here?" he said in a lazy drawl, "Ah yes, Thorin, King under the mountain." he pause, a look of fake concern on his face, "or should I say, Smaug's mountain?"

Fili growled under his breath, even as the whole company let out a volley of insults. Quick as a flash, the elven guards set an arrow to their bows, aiming them at the shouting dwarves, who fell silent immediately. Fili felt his brother slide behind him slightly. The elven King didn't look insulted at the outburst, in fact he look almost delighted at the reaction as he waved a delicate hand at his warriors, rings jingling.

Once the elves had put away their weapons, Thranduil turned his attention to the rest of the dwarven company, "So the question I'm asking myself is: why is a group of dwarves so far from their homeland, so heavily armed, in my kingdom?" When spotted Kili and Ori, his lip curled,"Especially with some so young."

Fili took an angry step forward, only to be stopped by Thorin's outstretched arm, "Don't let him goad you." he said quietly.

The king watched the precedings, amusement dancing in his eyes. He flicked his hand at the elf by Kili's side. "Tauriel, Naugrim tolo."

Fili shot a confused look at Thorin, unsure of want the elven phrase ment. Tauriel, however, knew what her king wanted perfectly. Fili felt his brother fall against him slightly, he turned to see Tauriel pushing Kili in the back, towards to space in front of the throne.

"No! Leave him alone!"

Tauriel ignored him, pushing the startled archer forward, Kili stumbled. Thranduil lent in his chair, eyes dancing at the commotion he had caused. "Ellint!" He called down.

Finally Kili was in front of him, Fili pushed against Thorin who was preventing him from rushing to his brothers side. The King laughed, all the dwarves growled. As Fili looked, his brother slump his shoulders, spreading his arms out slightly. Most would see this as nerves, but Fili knew. Fili knew his brother like the back of his hand. By hunching his shoulders, Kili hide his slender, undwalf-like frame to make him look tougher. Even though Kili was taller, the eldest was the more muscular and broad. Unfortunately his more elven form had gotten Kili in to many a teasing, which of course, Fili got him out of easily.

"He very young to be fighting on a quest." Thranduil's lazy words cut through Fili's thoughts like a knife.

Thorin tightened his grip on Fili's shoulder but said nothing.

"I mean, can he even lift a sword?"

Kili gave Thranduil a true Durin glare, under different circumstance, Thorin would be proud. The king's proud eyebrows rose at the small dwarf in front of him.

"How old are you, dwarf?" he said in distaste.

"77" came the blunt response,

For the first time since their arrive, Thranduil started, looking around at his fellow elves. Tauriel stirred slightly, shifting from foot to foot. "Your 77?"

Kili looked round confused, "Yeah, why?"

Thranduil nodded, tilting his head to one side, he seemed to be thinking fast. "We may dislike dwarves, but we do know about them. Should you not be more...well more?"

Fili growled, stepping out to get to his brothers side. "Leave my brother alone!"

Tauriel gripped his shoulder, driving her foot into the back of his knees. He stumbled forwards, Kili cried out,

"Hey! Leave him be!"

Thranduil stood, pulling his robe away from his feet, "Take them to the cells. They are boring me." He waved them away, uninterested.

All the dwarves grumbled as the elves pushed them in the back, egging them towards the bridge leaning off to one side. Tauriel started to thrust Kili onwards but-


Everyone stopped abruptly, everyone looked at Thranduil.

"Not that one." he flicked his hand to ward the dwarven archer.

Shocked, Tauriel stepped out of the line of dwarves, one hand on Kili shoulder to prevent him from moving. Fili wasn't having it. He tore, ripped, gouged and wrenched. Trying in vain to get away from the silent elf whose hands were tightly gripping is arms. Kili was standing there, in his nerves he had stood up straighter. He looked like a deer caught in headlights, eyes wide. He looked, imploring, at his brother searching for some comfort, a resurring glance that everything was going to be ok. Fili heart broke to see such a look on his brothers face, he tried to smile.

Then they were round the corner, Fili kicked at the shins of his captor making him stumble. This was all Fili needed to ram a well aimed elbow in to the elf's jaw. The elf fell, Fili vaulted over his body, his blood whining in his ears. Another elf went down, unconscious, to Fili's fist. More came from either side, he could hear Dwalin roaring from behind him. Fili twisted, fists out, he felt soft skin under his knuckles. He poured everything in to his punches, his fury and worry at his brother's situation, the arrogance of these elflings and most of all being separated from Kili. They hadn't been apart for more then a few minutes since their fathers death, when he had sworn to protect him as he couldn't have to his father.

Someone kicked the back of his legs, forcing him to his knees. Pain exploded in his temple as a guard brought his sword pommel down on to his forehead. White lights popped. Thorin roared. Before Fili joined the elves, on the floor.

Hello, there! I just want to say hi! This is my first ever story so if you see any faults please let me know! I try to update this at least once a week, so don't give up on it. Anyway:
