
Rain. Rain. Rain. That has been the weather for months now. In a sense it's comforting somewhat. It still makes me think of him, but who am I kidding, I always think of him. He is in my every thought. I just want this gut wrenching pain to go away. I know that it won't though, no matter how much I wish for it to.

I haven't seen any of my friends in many months. Why would I though? They all have their own lives. My best friend Goku now has his new wife Chi-Chi. I kind of faded to the background after that. I keep thinking about how happy we all use to be before it happened. It consumes my every thought. My thoughts are interrupted by a knock on the door. I don't really want to answer it, but I know if I don't answer it, he won't go away. I summon the energy to get up off the floor and walk downstairs. When I open the door I'm not surprised to see Yamacha standing there.

"Bulma, can I please come in?" He pleads. I don't say anything, but I move out of the way and head to the living room leaving the front door open. He takes that as an invitation to come in. He closes the door behind him and proceeds to sit on the couch beside me. I am sitting with my knees to my chest. He is staring at me with pity. "Bulma, you look horrible." He breaks the silence.

"Gee thanks Yamacha, that makes me feel better." I say sarcastically.

He rolls his eyes and says, "You need to snap out of it, everybody is worried about you especially Goku."

"Just leave me alone please." I beg.

"You can't keep acting this way. What happened happened. You can't change that." He replies.

Suddenly, I'm livid! How can he act like I went through nothing? "GET OUT!" I seethe through my teeth.

"Fine Bulma! Sitting around feeling sorry for yourself isn't going to bring Vegeta back to you. Move on Already! He has." He states.

"FUCK YOU! How can you expect me to move on Yamacha? I love him!" I scream.

"Well he doesn't love you, he said so himself. Look, I love you Bulma, and I hate seeing you like this. You used to be so happy before he came around. You and I used to be good friends before him. Look what he's done to you! I can't sit here and watch you act like this! I won't! Whenever you are ready to let this go, give me a call. Until then, don't bother me." He says.

He gets up and stomps to the door slamming it shut behind him. I just start crying rivers from my eyes, letting all he said sink in. He is right though, I use to happy once upon a time.


Tap. Tap. Tap.

I groan.

What is that wretched noise!

Tap. Tap. Tap.

I roll over to look out the window and see rocks hitting the glass. I get out of bed and walk to the window to see who it is. I open the window, look down, then smile as I see Goku looking up to me.

"Goku, what are you doing?" I question him.

"Well its about time sleeping beauty decides to wake up! It's noon!" He yells so I can hear him.

"Well I need my beauty sleep!" I reply smiling.

"Hurry up, get dressed, and grab your bathing suit. We are going to the beach with Chi-Chi, Yamacha, Krillen, 18 and my new friend Vegeta." He says.

"Who is Vegeta?" I question.

"He is my new neighbor, just moved in a few weeks ago. Hurry up!" He says.

"Okay give my 30 mins. Have you eaten yet?" I ask.

"No, but I am starving!" He says giving me a goofy grin.

"Come in through the kitchen door, and my mom will make you some lunch. Just tell her I said to." I wink.

"What would I do without you?" he asks.

"Probably starve to death." I laugh.

I walk to my bathroom, brush my teeth and then brush my long blue hair. It goes down my back with its natural wave. I decide to leave it down today. I put on a little waterproof mascara, but I don't need much make-up though. I'm naturally beautiful, but of course I know it. I go into my walk-in closet and grab my blue fringe bikini set and put it on. It makes my big, blue eyes pop. I grab my black Red Hot Chilli Pepper fitted tee and short white denim shorts. I grab my black converse and slip them on. I take one more look at myself and head downstairs, grabbing my beach bag full of snacks, sunscreen, and towels on the way. I Get downstairs and look in the kitchen and chuckle.

"Hey Bulma your mom is the best cook ever!" Goku says with a mouth full of food.

My mom smiles and softly says, "Hey dear, are you hungry?"

"Nah not really, ill just grab a granola bar. Thanks though ,momma." I reply. "I'm going out with Goku and the gang today. I don't know when ill be back. Don't wait up for me. Love you!" I say kissing her cheek. "Lets go Goku!" I say walking out the front door.


The whole drive to the beach I ask Goku questions about this Vegeta guy. He kind of sounds like a major douche bag. I plug my iPod up to his aux cord in his car. I put on the song, Amber by 311. We sing while the windows are down, blowing my hair in the wind. We finally get there and walk down to meet everybody.

"Hey Bulma! I missed you so much!" Chi-Chi says hugging me.

I greet everybody else. While I am talking with 18 I hear this loud bass and extremely loud car. I see that it's a royal blue Wrx with gold rims. It pulls right up to us and comes to an abrupat stop. Out steps the most beautiful man I have ever seen. He has jet-black hair that stands up like a flame, and he has the best physique I have ever seen aside from Goku.

He walked up to us and said, "Hey Kakarot."

"Excuse me, but his name is Goku." I say nicely.

"Well it's a stupid fucking name so ill call him Kakarot." He states with a laugh.

"Well that's fucking ridiculous. You cant just change somebody's name because you don't like it. That's stupid." I say loudly.

"Well I don't really give a flying fuck what you think woman." He laughs.

"B-U-L-M-A! My name is Bulma not woman!" I scream.

"Whatever W-O-M-A-N!" He replies back in mean tone.

Goku is looking back and forth between us and finally says, "Aww come on Vegeta lighten up. Bulma it's really okay. I don't care what he calls me."

I roll my eyes and walk back to my towel laid out on the beach and sit down to put my tanning oil on.

What an ass he is

But why can't I stop staring at him, though? I have these butterflies in my stomach just thinking about him. Why do I feel this way when he is so rude and disrespectful? There is more to him than he is showing. I am sure of it. I smirk. This will be an interesting summer I think to myself.