N/A: Hi guys! Sooo I haven't been updating lately, I'm so sorry! There's a reason for that.
But here's a little something for you guys for now.
If Danzo had Carried on with the Uchiha Massacre
"Grandfather, I have prepared your tea," she spoke through the closed door.
She stepped into the room. Her hands working swiftly to arrange the contents of the tray onto the low table before setting the tray to the side and sitting down.
"Hanako. You finally went out of your room." There was a hint of approvement in his tone.
"Yes, Grandfather. I have found my own behaviour to be ridiculous," she paused to take a sip of her own tea, "There are better things I can do with my time other that to act like a petulant child." why was she here?
The elder nodded, lifting his cup to his lips as well.
"However, Grandfather. You may have forgetten that I care, about everyone. No one is above that." no one?
Danzo's eyes widened, he coughed violently.
"H-hanako-! You-" his throat costricted making it harder and harder to breathe.
The girl stared as the man grasped his throat and wheezed.
"I-is the U-uchi... ha cla... n that... im-impor... tant to y-you?" she could see that pain in his eyes, she could hear his unspoken question.
Is the Uchiha Clan more important than I am?
"I do not know."
She looked on, eyes full of sorrow as he kept struggling for air.
"Hime... ko... why?" was his last question before he fell, unable to even keep his own body upright.
"I-" she stopped short, cut off by a call from behind the door.
She trembled, her eyes dilating, breathing coming out as shallow pants. She pulled on her hair, the kanzashi holding it in place fell with a dull thud on the wooden floor.
"Why?" she repeated, ""Why?"
Why was he on the floor? What did she do? She cared for him didn't she? No one was above that right?
No one was above! She cared for them all! She vowed! She vowed that she would!
She had to tell him. She had to explain. She had to say something. There has to be a reason why she did this. He deserved to know. He had the right to know. Why did she do this? Why did she do this? Why did she do this? Why did she do this? Why? Why why why? Why dIDN'T SHE KNOW WHY?!
This was too much. She had to scream. She had to yell. She had to tell him why she did this.
"I DON'T KNOW!" she panted, she pulled on her hair, "I DON'T KNOW WHY I DID THIS! I DON'T KNOW! WHY WHY WHY!"
The ROOT operative opened the door, not waiting for any order before checking to see how they were. Despite his training, he was unable to understand the scene before him.
Hanako, who was always prim and proper now looked disheveled with a crazed look in her eyes and Danzo was on the floor clawing at his throat.
"Hanako-ojou?" the operative's voice was small, not knowing how to proceed with the situation.
The girl whipped her head swiftly to look at him. She stared for a few seconds before her eyes widened and she looked back to where her Grandfather laid squirming on the floor.
"No. Nononononononono," she kept shaking her head, "NO!"
The operative flinched, "Ojou!" he started to walk toward her.
"NO! NO! NO I DIDN'T WANT TO KILL HIM!" the operative froze in his steps. "I CARE!"
She scrambled to the floor and crawled to Danzo. The operative shunshined between them, weapon drawn and ready to fight the screaming girl.
"Go away. I care for you too. I do not want to hurt you." her demeanor turned a full 360 as her face took a calmer look, plastic smile in place.
"Hanako-ojou. Please tell me what happened."
"GO AWAY!" she growled.
A senbon flew quickly through the air. His hand moved to deflect, he would have been successful had it not been chakra assisted.
The ROOT's body fell and the girl hurriedly crawled again and finally reached Danzo. She held his hand in hers.
"H-hana..." he weakly squeezed her hands.
The noise had attracted more ROOT operatives who had already reached the room. They had heard her yells and their weapons were drawn.
Danzo could see as her distraught expression turned into that of a crazed person. His eyes widened, unable to believe that this was Hanako.
The girl let go of the hand that she was holding and stood up in a fluid motion.
She could hear her heart beating frantically as if it was a ticking bomb.
She didn't want to hurt anyone. She didn't want to hurt them. She cared for everyone so why was she hurting them? Why did she kill him? Why did she do this? Why was she so ready to kill them? WHY WERE THEY GOING IN HER WAY?
The operative in front charged at her with a tanto. She blocked it with a kunai. The other three followed suit.
"DON'T KILL HER-!" he hacked, his hand reaching out to his Granddaughter who was now heaving and sweating.
"Danzo-sama!" the operative with the tanto hurried beside him, hands glowing green.
He couldn't talk anymore. He used up his remaining energy to order them not to kill his Granddaughter. But when he saw one of his operatives going for Hanako's neck with a katana, with the strength that he didn't know he still had, he pushed aside the ROOT operative beside him. The katana wasn't even able to nick her neck.
A tanto went through the operative's head first.
There was a pause as all of them looked towards where the tanto came.
Danzo panted, making eye contact with Hanako who didn't look all that better. He willed his thoughts to come across. He wanted to tell her. She may not know why she did it, but he could understand.
"C-Code 602." he gritted out, forcing his mouth to say the words.
The operative who had the tanto was quick to answer in affirmative, receiving his orders.
Then he stilled and convulsed, falling to the ground. There was so much he still wanted to tell her. So much that he had let go unsaid. Everyday he wanted to say it to her. But all he could think as his consciousness faded was, she had looked beautiful wearing Kiku's kanzashi.
The girl yelled for her Grandfather convulsing on the ground. But the two other operatives were quick to resume their battle, vengeful to listen to their last order.
The last straw broke the camel's back.
With her mind still cloudy with confusion, uncertainty, and grief. Hanako's fragile mind, which has started to break, snapped.
She laid on the floor unable to breath.
There was so much blood. So so much blood.
This illness, this disease of hers would finally be able to claim her.
She had one last thought, even as her sanity had already fully left her.
It would have been nice if she could have seen him one last time.
Kabuto raced through the trees.
He had just finished his mission. Though he wasn't really supposed to go on missions from Danzo-sama anymore, there were a few of them that really required an operative with his abilities for them to be successful.
He was so close to the village's gate. Just a little more and he would be back home.
Just a little more and he would be able to see her smile at him again. Then all of his fatigue would have been worth it.
He smiled at the thought.
The compound seemed more quiet than usual.
He didn't come across any ROOT operative on his way to Danzo's study.
Then when he could see it, the door was open and he could smell the metallic scent of blood.
He ran towards the room.
"No. Ojou. Y-you can't be- Ojou-"
The teenager stumbled his way towards the body on the floor, not minding all the others.
"I was so close."
He fell on his kness beside her. His hand grasped her now cold hands.
"I could have- I was about to-", he breathed heavily, unable to finish a sentence.
"Just a little more time. Please, just a little more and I can..."
But his pleas fell on deaf ears.
She was already dead.
He stepped into the dimly lit labyrinth below, his mind had been made up.
Each step sure, he didn't tremble in fear despite of the dangers he faced in the place.
His right hand protectively covered a scroll kept beside his weapon's pouch.
Yellow eyes greeted him when he reached the end.
A voice spoke, sounding like a predator who's beckoning its prey.
"This is a surprise," the snake summoner had been standing beside a human-sized container with glowing green fluid.
"Orochimaru," he greeted.
"I'm sure you refused my offer all those years ago, and yet here you are in front of me," Orochimaru casually conversed with him in a relaxed manner, seemingly harmless.
Exactly like a predator about to ambush its prey.
"Why should I help you? What's stopping me from just killing you here and now?"
Killing intent flooded the room.
But the teenager stood his ground. He would be successful in what he came here to do. He would not fail her again.
"I heard of your experiments," he paused, "you're looking for a way to bring back the dead."
The sannin let out a short laugh, "Well you see, death is a vacation. It would be quite easy to get tired of it, so I wanted to find a way out."
"I need you to bring Hanako back."
Orochimaru stilled.
"Hanako? Shimura Hanako? Well now that's interesting," he stepped closer to Kabuto, "Are you on a mission from Danzo? I see. So the little Ojou couldn't handle the disease anymore, well that's expected."
Orochimaru eyes took on a more curious look, "No?"
"Danzo-sama is dead."
A pause.
"Well then, you told me what you wanted me to do but you never told me why I should do it."
"I have an unusually fast cell-regeneration ability. No wounds stop me for too long."
"I see," Orochimaru chuckled, quick to catch onto his point, "I was just about to go and find myself an assistant, you will be much better."
Kabuto remained expressionless, "I am Hanako's. This lasts only until she is successfully revived."
The sannin looked noticeably dismayed but was quick to wave it off.
"Now that is another pity, but very well. I will uphold my end of this- deal."
He would move both heaven and hell for her.
There was no problem in helping a dangerous man and going against death and the deathgod himself just for her.
N/A: This has been long overdue. I'm sorry that this was just an extra!
I've been finding it difficult to be inspired enough to write the real next chapter after the last one. I didn't want to force myself to write and just post a shitty chapter that made my set plotpoints ruined so I didn't write it yet. But I did have an idea as to how Hanako would act if the massacre still happened.
Explanation on the extra and on Hanako's psyche:
She would have locked herself in her room unable to handle things if the Uchiha Massacre happened.
Then come out to kill Danzo.
She said she doesn't know why, but the reason why I saw her reaction to be that way is because she is already a little crazy.
She's someone who is in denial of her selfishness. All humans are selfish, and all SI!OCs have shown themselves to be selfish at one point (letting other charas die but keeping favorites alive) and that's why she didn't want to be selfish. Especially after her traumatic childhood kidnapping before.
However, just like any fan, she also had her favorites. She may have loved almost all the characters but there were some that she really didn't like. But she pretended to like those characters because if she didn't that would be unfair and selfish and she wasn't that, right?
Imagine her dilemma when she's born as the Granddaughter of one of the characters that she didn't like.
However, while she lived as Hanako she came to love Danzo too, so she started caring for him.
But she's still selfish even if she doesn't believe it. That's why she carried on with her own brand of justice and killed him.
That's where it became too much, because she's torn between her feelings from her previous life and her current one. Add in her already crazy mind and snap. That's what happened.
Code 602 is either all operatives kill themselves and burn down the compound to protect valuable information OR all operatives abandon ROOT and submit to the Hokage. I haven't really decided.What do you think would be better?
I hoped I improved on showing how Hanako felt inside in this extra chapter. I promise I'm not dead and I'm not discontinuing this!
Sorry for rambling!
Thanks for reading, as always :* Take care!
*Bold and italic doesn't show up wtf