Admit That You Like Me
"What the...Steve this is not funny!" Danny glared at the man, his partner, who was holding up a key and grinning. He tried to move but he was well and truly attached to the chair. With his own handcuffs.
"Damn Steve. Unlock me. Now!" Danny ordered, but Steve simply sat on the edge of his desk, surveying him.
"No." Steve said simply, ignoring the death glare his partner sent his way.
Danny sighed. "Steve, C'mon. Why?" he asked and his partner smirked.
"I won't unlock the handcuffs until you admit." He told him, and Danny rolled his eyes.
"Admit what?"
"That you...well like me." Steve tilted his head, looking at him interestedly.
"Fine, I like you. I also think that you are a pain in the ass, and an idiot." Danny answered. "Will you unlock them now?"
"Nope, because you weren't serious." Steve walked over and waved the key in his face, smirking.
"Oh fine!" I like you." Danny repeated, and Steve grinned.
"Admit that you are attracted to my looks and my personality, however much you are irritated by me." Steve said grinning smugly.
"Why? I would be lying." Danny replied and Steve raised his eyebrows.
"Ah, ah you're lying. Tell the truth. C'mon you know you want to admit it to me. You know you do. Go on. Admit it." Steve said, his voice teasingly.
"Steve, I...Oh fine. I admit it." Danny rolled his eyes, irritated at the way Steve played him so easily.
"Hah, I knew it!" Steve grinned widely.
"Now will you please unlock these handcuffs?" Danny asked.
Steve headed for the door. "See you later, partner." The door closed, and Danny groaned.