A/N: From her on, I'm just gonna write this in regular story format, because writing it in episode format so damn aggravating and annoying. Besides, it'll be a lot easier on everyone, or at least, I hope. Well, enjoy this next chapter.
Kenny took a deep breath as they approached his house and hesitated to open the door. Cartman came up and hugged him from behind and placed an affectionate kiss on the side of his neck.
"Don't worry; we're all right behind you baby." Cartman said.
Kenny smiled and turned to face his friends.
"Thanks you guys." Kenny said.
Kenny turned back to the door and Cartman let go of Kenny as he opened it. They all stepped inside to find Mr. McCormick drunk on the couch as usual, and Mrs. McCormick drinking the last of the juice from a small glass bottle. Kenny sighed and stepped up to them. He cleared his throat to get their attention, but got no response. He realized that he would have to speak to get their attention.
"Uh… Mom…Dad?" Kenny addressed.
Mr and Mrs McCormick turned to look at Kenny and raised their eyebrows in confusion at him.
"Kevin, why the hell did you dye your hair? You look like your brother." Mr. McCormick said.
"Dad, it's me, Kenny." Kenny said.
Mr. McCormick srcoffed, but Mrs. McCormick had a hopeful look on her face.
"Kevin, don't try to pull that shit on us, you know damn well that Kenny is dead. Has been for the last eight fucking years." Mr. McCormick said.
Kenny sighed. He was about to say something when Kevin walked into the room.
"Dad, what are you talking about? Are you drunk, again? Nevermind, I already know the answer to that one. What the hell do you mean 'Kevin, why the hell did you dye your hair? You look like your brother.'? I didn't dye my hair and I'm not trying to pull anything." Kevin said.
Mr. and Mrs. McCormick looked from Kevin to Kenny several times in surprise.
"But, if you're here Kevin, then who the hell is this?" Mr. McCormick asked.
"It's me, Kenny. Cartman managed to bring me back to life last night." Kenny said.
"That's impossible! You can't be Kenny! Kenny died years ago of an illness! There's no fucking way in hell you could be Kenny!" Mr. McCormick exclaimed.
Mrs. McCormick stood up and excamed Kenny carefully. Kenny noticed that she had put on a little weight and qurked an eyebrow.
"Kenny, is that really you, honey?" Mrs. McCormick asked.
Kenny smiled.
"Yes mom. I'm alive again, thanks to Cartman." Kenny said.
Mrs. McCormick burst into tears and hugged Kenny.
"Oh, baby, I knew you'd come home someday!" Mrs. McCormick exclaimed.
Kenny smiled and wrapped his arms around her.
"Yeah right, you don't really believe that's Kenny, do you?!" Mr. McCormick exclaimed.
Kevin shot an angry look at him, and then he approached Kenny and smiled.
"Good to see you alive again, little brother. We've missed ya." Kevin said patting Kenny's back.
"Thanks. I'm glad to see you too, big brother." Kenny said.
Kenny let go of his mom and gave Kevin a hug.
"How can you say that this isn't Kenny? Look at him. This is your son Mr. McCormick." Cartman said.
"It's alright, Cartman. I know how to make him belive it really is me." Kenny said.
Kenny walked up to his dad and whispered in his ear. Mr. McCormick's eyes widened and his jaw dropped. Kenny smirked.
"You believe me now, dad?" Kenny asked.
"But… but, how?" Mr. McCormick asked.
"I found a book of incantations that had a resurrection spell in it a while back. Last night I tried it out to see if it would work, and sure enough, it did." Cartman said.
"We were shocked as well. We thought that Cartman was just making it up at first, but when we saw Kenny, we knew it was true." Kyle said.
"Oh my god, I don't fucking belive this." Mr. McCormick muttered.
Kenny sighed.
"Mom, dad, Kevin, there's something I have to tell you guys." Kenny said.
Everyone looked intently at Kenny waiting for him to continue. Took a deep breath and walked up to Cartman.
"Well, last night after Cartman brought me back, I realized something." Kenny said.
"What was it, Kenny?" Mrs. McCormick asked.
Kenny bit his lip and held on to Cartman's hand tightly.
"Cartman and I are gay. We're a couple now." Kenny said.
Everyone's jaw dropped and Mr. McCormick stepped up to Kenny looking extremely pissed off.
"What the fuck do you mean you're gay?! No son of mine is gonna be a little fairy ass fagot!" Mr. McCormick exclaimed.
Mrs. McCormick stepped up to them and placed a supportive hand on Kenny's shoulder.
"What's so wrong with him being gay, Stuart? What the hell's the big deal, I thought you didn't have anything against homosexuals?" Mrs. McCormick asked.
"I don't have anything against other people being gay, but my son's not going to be that way!" Stuart exclaimed.
"That's not your decision to make Stuart, its Kenny! It's he wants to be with a guy, that's fine with me. As long as he's happy, I don't give a damn what his sexual preference is!" Susan exclaimed.
"Dammit Susan! Don't you realize that this means Kenny will never give us grand kids?" Sturat asked.
"You apparently don't know the wonders of technology now a days, and anyway, Kenny could always adopt a kid." Susan said.
"No little orfan kid is gonna be my grand kid!" Stuart exclaimed.
Kevin sighed and walked up to his dad.
"What the fuck is your problem, dad?! Are you worried you're not gonna have any real grand kids, is that it?! Well guess what, you are gonna be a grandfather in about five months!" Kevin exclaimed.
"What?!" Stan and Kenny shouted in unison.
"That's right Stan, I got Shelly pregnant. You and Kenny are gonna be uncles." Kevin said.
Everyone looked at Kevin in shock.
"Kevin, why didn't you tell us sooner?" Susan asked.
"I wanted to wait until I could catch dad sober to tell you guys." Kevin said.
"So that's why Shelly's been putting on weight! Oh my god! Is it a boy or a girl?" Stan asked.
"It's a girl." Kevin said.
Kenny and Stan looked at eachother and smiled.
"Dude, we're gonna be brothers-in-law!" Stan exclaimed.
"Kenny, there's something I have to tell you." Susan said.
"What is it, mom?" Kenny asked.
"Not only are you gonna be an uncle, but you're going to be a big brother as well." Susan said.
Kenny jaw dropped.
"I… I'm gonna be a big brother?" Kenny asked.
"Yes, you're gonna have a little sister." Susan said.
Kenny smiled.
~A niece and a little sister… Wow, who knew? ~
Stuart stared at his wife in shock.
"You're pregnant?" Stuart asked.
"Oh, don't tell me you haven't noticed, Stuart! I'm eating more than usual, and I haven't had a drop of alcohol in months! Plus, I've gained weight! How the fuck could you have not noticed?!" Susan exclaimed.
"I… I…" Stuart's voice trailed off.
Kenny smiled and put a hand on his mom's stomach. He started laughing when he felt the baby kick.
"Hey, she likes me. She kicked me." Kenny said.
Susan smiled.
"Isn't this great, Stuart? We find out we're gonna have a granddaughter, a daughter, and we get our son back, all in one day!" Susan exclaimed.
Stuart narrowed his eyes.
"He's not my son. My son is dead. My son is no little fagot." Stuart said.
Kenny felt a sting in his heart and he got teary eyed.
"How can you say that, dad? Why is me being gay such a problem for you?!" Kenny Exclaimed.
Cartman put an arm around Kenny's shoulder to try and calm him. Kevin balled his hands into fits.
"So what if Kenny is gay?! I told you years ago that I was bisexual and you never gave me shit about it! Why is Kenny being gay such a big fucking issue?!" Kevin exclaimed.
Kenny looked at his brother with a surprised look on his face.
"You're bisexual, Kev? Does Shelly know?" Kenny asked.
"Yeah, she knows. She doesn't really care either." Kevin said.
Stuart turned his nose in disgust.
"Great. Both of my sons are fagots." Stuart muttered.
"Dad, why do you have to be such an asshole? Why can't youjust accept the fact I'm gay and be happy I'm alive?" Kenny asked.
"Because, I didn't raise my sons to be fagots!" Stuart exclaimed.
"Dad, your drinking really has fucked up your judgment, hasn't it?! You've never been this closed minded before!" Kenny exclaimed.
Stuart stromed up to Kenny and back_handed across the face. Cartman punched in in the eye in retaliation.
"Don't you dare lay your hands on him! Ever!" Cartman exclaimed.
"Don't you tell me what to do, you little fagot!" Stuart exclaimed.
"Stop calling them that!" Susan exclaimed.
"Shut up. Susan!" Stuart exclaimed.
"Don't yell at her, dad!" Kenny exclaimed.
"You shut your fucking mouth! I'll yell at whoever I want!" Stuart exclaimed.
"You've gone to gaddamn far with the drinking, dad! You were never this much of an asshole before!" Kenny exclaimed.
"That's it! Get out! Get your little gay ass out of here and don't you fucking come back! For this, you should have just stayed dead!" Stuart exclaimed.
Kenny balled his hands into fits, but fought the urge to knock his dad out.
"Dammit Stuart! How could you do this toyour son?!" Susan exclaimed.
"I have no son named Kenny. He died years ago." Stuart said.
Stuart turned and left the room. Kenny lowered his head and began to cry softly. It wasn't the sting from the slap that hurt; it was his father's cruel words.
"Don't worry Kenny, everything's gonna be alright." Susan said.
Cartman wrapped Kenny in a protective hug and Kenny leaned his head on Cartman's shoulder.
"I can't belive my own father would do this to me." Kenny muttered.
"Don't worry, Kenny. If you want, you can come stay with me until your dad gets his head out of his ass and realize that what he's doing is wrong. You'll see, he'll eventually come around." Cartman said.
Kenny smiled weakly.
"Thanks Cartman." Kenny said.
"Maybe staying with your boyfriend for now is the best thing to do. Come back later on when your father sobers up. He's out of liquer and beer, so he won't be drinking again for a while." Susan said.
"Alright mom." Kenny said.
Kenny gave his mom a hug and was about to walk out when a hand he felt a hand place itself on his shoulder. He turned around to find Kevin smiling at him.
"Don't let dad's idiotic rambling get to you. He'll get over it. Just come by later on tonight. I'll bet you anything he'll probably forget everything by then." Kevin said.
"Thanks Kev." Kenny said.
Kenny, Cartman, Stan, and Kyle left. Stuart was who was watching from his bedroom window was starting to sober up. He looked at Kenny with a look of remorse.
~My god, what have I done? I belittled, hit, and kicked my son out just because he's gay? Or was just the excuse I used because I'm still so fucking drunk?~
Stuart looked at his bottle of Vodka that he had hidden away. He grabbed it, opened the window, and threw the bottle out. He watched as the bottle broke and shattered on the street. Kenny and the others heard the shattering noise and saw the broken bottle in the middle of the street. Kenny looked up to see his dad watching from the open window.
~Maybe mom and Kevin are right. Maybe he will come around. I'll come back later and see. ~
Kenny turned and continued to walk away. Stuart looked from him to the broken bottle.
~Since when did I have anything homosexuals? Why should I have a problem with one of my sons being gay, and the other bisexual? Kenny's right, my drinking has gone way too far. I'm gonna have to get my ass in rehab. I don't want to lose my son over alcohol. ~
Stuart sighed and turned away from the window. He layed down to sleep his drunken state away.
~I hope it's not to late to make amends with my son. ~
Those were Stuarts last thought as he drifted off to sleep
Kenny took a deep breath as they approached his house and hesitated to open the door. Cartman came up and hugged him from behind and placed an affectionate kiss on the side of his neck.
"Don't worry; we're all right behind you baby." Cartman said.
Kenny smiled and turned to face his friends.
"Thanks you guys." Kenny said.
Kenny turned back to the door and Cartman let go of Kenny as he opened it. They all stepped inside to find Mr. McCormick drunk on the couch as usual, and Mrs. McCormick drinking the last of the juice from a small glass bottle. Kenny sighed and stepped up to them. He cleared his throat to get their attention, but got no response. He realized that he would have to speak to get their attention.
"Uh… Mom…Dad?" Kenny addressed.
Mr and Mrs McCormick turned to look at Kenny and raised their eyebrows in confusion at him.
"Kevin, why the hell did you dye your hair? You look like your brother." Mr. McCormick said.
"Dad, it's me, Kenny." Kenny said.
Mr. McCormick srcoffed, but Mrs. McCormick had a hopeful look on her face.
"Kevin, don't try to pull that shit on us, you know damn well that Kenny is dead. Has been for the last eight fucking years." Mr. McCormick said.
Kenny sighed. He was about to say something when Kevin walked into the room.
"Dad, what are you talking about? Are you drunk, again? Nevermind, I already know the answer to that one. What the hell do you mean 'Kevin, why the hell did you dye your hair? You look like your brother.'? I didn't dye my hair and I'm not trying to pull anything." Kevin said.
Mr. and Mrs. McCormick looked from Kevin to Kenny several times in surprise.
"But, if you're here Kevin, then who the hell is this?" Mr. McCormick asked.
"It's me, Kenny. Cartman managed to bring me back to life last night." Kenny said.
"That's impossible! You can't be Kenny! Kenny died years ago of an illness! There's no fucking way in hell you could be Kenny!" Mr. McCormick exclaimed.
Mrs. McCormick stood up and excamed Kenny carefully. Kenny noticed that she had put on a little weight and qurked an eyebrow.
"Kenny, is that really you, honey?" Mrs. McCormick asked.
Kenny smiled.
"Yes mom. I'm alive again, thanks to Cartman." Kenny said.
Mrs. McCormick burst into tears and hugged Kenny.
"Oh, baby, I knew you'd come home someday!" Mrs. McCormick exclaimed.
Kenny smiled and wrapped his arms around her.
"Yeah right, you don't really believe that's Kenny, do you?!" Mr. McCormick exclaimed.
Kevin shot an angry look at him, and then he approached Kenny and smiled.
"Good to see you alive again, little brother. We've missed ya." Kevin said patting Kenny's back.
"Thanks. I'm glad to see you too, big brother." Kenny said.
Kenny let go of his mom and gave Kevin a hug.
"How can you say that this isn't Kenny? Look at him. This is your son Mr. McCormick." Cartman said.
"It's alright, Cartman. I know how to make him belive it really is me." Kenny said.
Kenny walked up to his dad and whispered in his ear. Mr. McCormick's eyes widened and his jaw dropped. Kenny smirked.
"You believe me now, dad?" Kenny asked.
"But… but, how?" Mr. McCormick asked.
"I found a book of incantations that had a resurrection spell in it a while back. Last night I tried it out to see if it would work, and sure enough, it did." Cartman said.
"We were shocked as well. We thought that Cartman was just making it up at first, but when we saw Kenny, we knew it was true." Kyle said.
"Oh my god, I don't fucking belive this." Mr. McCormick muttered.
Kenny sighed.
"Mom, dad, Kevin, there's something I have to tell you guys." Kenny said.
Everyone looked intently at Kenny waiting for him to continue. Took a deep breath and walked up to Cartman.
"Well, last night after Cartman brought me back, I realized something." Kenny said.
"What was it, Kenny?" Mrs. McCormick asked.
Kenny bit his lip and held on to Cartman's hand tightly.
"Cartman and I are gay. We're a couple now." Kenny said.
Everyone's jaw dropped and Mr. McCormick stepped up to Kenny looking extremely pissed off.
"What the fuck do you mean you're gay?! No son of mine is gonna be a little fairy ass fagot!" Mr. McCormick exclaimed.
Mrs. McCormick stepped up to them and placed a supportive hand on Kenny's shoulder.
"What's so wrong with him being gay, Stuart? What the hell's the big deal, I thought you didn't have anything against homosexuals?" Mrs. McCormick asked.
"I don't have anything against other people being gay, but my son's not going to be that way!" Stuart exclaimed.
"That's not your decision to make Stuart, its Kenny! It's he wants to be with a guy, that's fine with me. As long as he's happy, I don't give a damn what his sexual preference is!" Susan exclaimed.
"Dammit Susan! Don't you realize that this means Kenny will never give us grand kids?" Sturat asked.
"You apparently don't know the wonders of technology now a days, and anyway, Kenny could always adopt a kid." Susan said.
"No little orfan kid is gonna be my grand kid!" Stuart exclaimed.
Kevin sighed and walked up to his dad.
"What the fuck is your problem, dad?! Are you worried you're not gonna have any real grand kids, is that it?! Well guess what, you are gonna be a grandfather in about five months!" Kevin exclaimed.
"What?!" Stan and Kenny shouted in unison.
"That's right Stan, I got Shelly pregnant. You and Kenny are gonna be uncles." Kevin said.
Everyone looked at Kevin in shock.
"Kevin, why didn't you tell us sooner?" Susan asked.
"I wanted to wait until I could catch dad sober to tell you guys." Kevin said.
"So that's why Shelly's been putting on weight! Oh my god! Is it a boy or a girl?" Stan asked.
"It's a girl." Kevin said.
Kenny and Stan looked at eachother and smiled.
"Dude, we're gonna be brothers-in-law!" Stan exclaimed.
"Kenny, there's something I have to tell you." Susan said.
"What is it, mom?" Kenny asked.
"Not only are you gonna be an uncle, but you're going to be a big brother as well." Susan said.
Kenny jaw dropped.
"I… I'm gonna be a big brother?" Kenny asked.
"Yes, you're gonna have a little sister." Susan said.
Kenny smiled.
~A niece and a little sister… Wow, who knew? ~
Stuart stared at his wife in shock.
"You're pregnant?" Stuart asked.
"Oh, don't tell me you haven't noticed, Stuart! I'm eating more than usual, and I haven't had a drop of alcohol in months! Plus, I've gained weight! How the fuck could you have not noticed?!" Susan exclaimed.
"I… I…" Stuart's voice trailed off.
Kenny smiled and put a hand on his mom's stomach. He started laughing when he felt the baby kick.
"Hey, she likes me. She kicked me." Kenny said.
Susan smiled.
"Isn't this great, Stuart? We find out we're gonna have a granddaughter, a daughter, and we get our son back, all in one day!" Susan exclaimed.
Stuart narrowed his eyes.
"He's not my son. My son is dead. My son is no little fagot." Stuart said.
Kenny felt a sting in his heart and he got teary eyed.
"How can you say that, dad? Why is me being gay such a problem for you?!" Kenny Exclaimed.
Cartman put an arm around Kenny's shoulder to try and calm him. Kevin balled his hands into fits.
"So what if Kenny is gay?! I told you years ago that I was bisexual and you never gave me shit about it! Why is Kenny being gay such a big fucking issue?!" Kevin exclaimed.
Kenny looked at his brother with a surprised look on his face.
"You're bisexual, Kev? Does Shelly know?" Kenny asked.
"Yeah, she knows. She doesn't really care either." Kevin said.
Stuart turned his nose in disgust.
"Great. Both of my sons are fagots." Stuart muttered.
"Dad, why do you have to be such an asshole? Why can't youjust accept the fact I'm gay and be happy I'm alive?" Kenny asked.
"Because, I didn't raise my sons to be fagots!" Stuart exclaimed.
"Dad, your drinking really has fucked up your judgment, hasn't it?! You've never been this closed minded before!" Kenny exclaimed.
Stuart stromed up to Kenny and back_handed across the face. Cartman punched in in the eye in retaliation.
"Don't you dare lay your hands on him! Ever!" Cartman exclaimed.
"Don't you tell me what to do, you little fagot!" Stuart exclaimed.
"Stop calling them that!" Susan exclaimed.
"Shut up. Susan!" Stuart exclaimed.
"Don't yell at her, dad!" Kenny exclaimed.
"You shut your fucking mouth! I'll yell at whoever I want!" Stuart exclaimed.
"You've gone to gaddamn far with the drinking, dad! You were never this much of an asshole before!" Kenny exclaimed.
"That's it! Get out! Get your little gay ass out of here and don't you fucking come back! For this, you should have just stayed dead!" Stuart exclaimed.
Kenny balled his hands into fits, but fought the urge to knock his dad out.
"Dammit Stuart! How could you do this toyour son?!" Susan exclaimed.
"I have no son named Kenny. He died years ago." Stuart said.
Stuart turned and left the room. Kenny lowered his head and began to cry softly. It wasn't the sting from the slap that hurt; it was his father's cruel words.
"Don't worry Kenny, everything's gonna be alright." Susan said.
Cartman wrapped Kenny in a protective hug and Kenny leaned his head on Cartman's shoulder.
"I can't belive my own father would do this to me." Kenny muttered.
"Don't worry, Kenny. If you want, you can come stay with me until your dad gets his head out of his ass and realize that what he's doing is wrong. You'll see, he'll eventually come around." Cartman said.
Kenny smiled weakly.
"Thanks Cartman." Kenny said.
"Maybe staying with your boyfriend for now is the best thing to do. Come back later on when your father sobers up. He's out of liquer and beer, so he won't be drinking again for a while." Susan said.
"Alright mom." Kenny said.
Kenny gave his mom a hug and was about to walk out when a hand he felt a hand place itself on his shoulder. He turned around to find Kevin smiling at him.
"Don't let dad's idiotic rambling get to you. He'll get over it. Just come by later on tonight. I'll bet you anything he'll probably forget everything by then." Kevin said.
"Thanks Kev." Kenny said.
Kenny, Cartman, Stan, and Kyle left. Stuart was who was watching from his bedroom window was starting to sober up. He looked at Kenny with a look of remorse.
~My god, what have I done? I belittled, hit, and kicked my son out just because he's gay? Or was just the excuse I used because I'm still so fucking drunk?~
Stuart looked at his bottle of Vodka that he had hidden away. He grabbed it, opened the window, and threw the bottle out. He watched as the bottle broke and shattered on the street. Kenny and the others heard the shattering noise and saw the broken bottle in the middle of the street. Kenny looked up to see his dad watching from the open window.
~Maybe mom and Kevin are right. Maybe he will come around. I'll come back later and see. ~
Kenny turned and continued to walk away. Stuart looked from him to the broken bottle.
~Since when did I have anything homosexuals? Why should I have a problem with one of my sons being gay, and the other bisexual? Kenny's right, my drinking has gone way too far. I'm gonna have to get my ass in rehab. I don't want to lose my son over alcohol. ~
Stuart sighed and turned away from the window. He layed down to sleep his drunken state away.
~I hope it's not to late to make amends with my son. ~
Those were Stuarts last thought as he drifted off to sleep