Hello, I got the idea for this story from Shinmai Maou no Testament. It's a good manga, and the anime is great, too. Anyway, I hope you like the story. Disclaimer, I own nothing. P.S. there will be no lemons, only limes. There will be ecchi situations Again, no lemons, just lime!
Chapter One: The Master and Servant Contract
Lucy Heartfillia groaned slightly as she felt the early morning sun hit her eyelids. She opened her eyes and propped herself on her elbows.
'What a beautiful morning.' the young blonde thought.
Just as she was about to get out of bed, Lucy felt two, and very muscular, arms wrap around her. She yelped as the arms pulled her down and pressed her back against a firm, and also muscular, chest.
'There's only one person who would sleep in my bed.' Lucy thought. Cranking her head to look over her shoulder, the celestial mage saw a certain pink haired dragon slayer. "Natsu..." she said. The blonde felt her face heat up a bit when she noticed how close they were. Lucy took a deep breath. "Get the hell out of my bed, pervert!" she yelled as she elbowed him in the stomach.
"Ack!" Natsu, now fully awake, cried out in pain. "What was that for, Luce?" he asked his best friend as he held his injured stomach.
"For sleeping in my bed." the blonde replied. "I've told you nearly a hundred times to stop doing that."
"But Lucy!" the dragon slayer whined. "I like your bed. It's soft and it smells like you."
"I don't care, stop sleeping in my bed." Lucy said, crossing her arms under her chest. However, a small pink blush appeared on her face when she heard the part about her bed smelling like her.
"You're no fun."
"Oh, shut up! And get out of my bed already!"
(They were still in bed while having this conversation)
"Alright, alright."
As the pink haired teen made a move to get up, his foot got caught in the sheets of the bed and he fell froward, bringing the celestial mage down with her.
"Sorry, Luce." Natsu apologized to the blonde that was under him. "Are you okay?"
"You..." Lucy shook in rage, her face completely red. "Pervert!"
"Argh!" the dragon slayer groaned when his best friend punched him hard in the stomach.
"Come, Luce, I said I was sorry." Natsu said to the blonde as they walked into the guild with Happy.
"I don't care." Lucy replied. "You can't just push a girl down so suddenly."
"That was an accident!"
"What's with you two?" Gray asked.
"None of your business, stripper." the pink haired dragon slayer retorted.
"Natsu pushed Lucy down and was on top of her." Happy spoke up.
The ice mage smirked. "Oh? And you call me a pervert, flame-brain?"
"You wanna fight, ice princess?!" Natsu shouted, butting heads with his fellow guild member.
"Bring it, ash-for-brains!"
"Do I hear fighting?" Erza asked as she came out of nowhere, a threatening aura surrounding her.
"N-No, of course not, Erza..." Gray stuttered, going in his 'best friend's' act with the dragon slayer.
"A-Aye." Natsu stammered.
"Geez, those two..." Lucy sighed as she sat down on one of the many stools of the guild's bar.
"Hello, Lucy." Mira greeted with her usual smile.
"Hi, Mira." the blonde greeted back.
"You know, you're just the person I needed." the white haired beauty commented.
"You see, I've found this new spell and I wanted both your and Natsu's help."
"Why us?" Lucy asked, feeling somewhat skeptical.
"You two are perfect for it." Mira said simply.
"You said something about a spell?" Natsu asked as he came over to the two women.
"Yes, I need both you and Lucy to come over to the guild tonight, when everyone else has left." Mira said.
"If you're going to be practicing a spell in the guild, I insist on being here when you do it ." Erza, overhearing the conversation, said in a commanding voice.
"I'll come, too." Gray said coolly. "Mostly because I'm got nothing better to do."
"Oh, alright." Mira sighed. "If you insist. Just be sure to be here when everyone else leaves for the night."
"What kind of spell do you think Mira is going to use, Happy?" Natsu asked his foster son as they both laid in Lucy's bed.
"I'm not sure." the blue cat replied.
"What do you think, Luce?" the dragon slayer asked the blonde, who was sitting at her desk, working on her novel.
Lucy made no reply.
"Are you still mad at me for what happened this morning?"
Again, no reply.
"I've gotten over it." Lucy finally said.
The celestial mage looked over her shoulder, giggled, and winked at her best friend. "Yeah."
'C-Cute...' Natsu thought as he felt his face heat up a little.
"You liiikkkkkeeee her." Happy rolled his tongue.
"Shut up, Happy!" the dragon slayer yelled, his face going a darker red.
"Master and Servant pact magic?!" Lucy, Natsu, Erza, Gray, and Happy exclaimed in unison.
Right now, they were all at the guild with Mirajane. They were the only ones there.
"That's right." the bartender said, smiling as usual. "I would like for Lucy and Natsu to form a Master-Servant testament." she gestured to the yellow, glowing magic seal that said mages were standing on.
"Why do Lucy and I have to become Master and Servant?" Natsu asked.
"Those whose souls are bound by a pact are able to sense each other. This way, you both know where the other is. This magic can be used only on the night of a full moon. And tonight happens to be one. We can't afford to miss this chance!"
"Is this safe?" Erza asked.
"Of course, don't worry." Mira reassured the scarlet haired mage.
"Luce, are fine with this?" the dragon slayer asked his best friend.
"Well, if it was with someone else, I probably wouldn't be." the blonde mage replied. "However, since it's with Natsu, I don't mind..." her cheeks turned a light red. "But do you... have something against doing it with me?"
"N-No... But are you sure?"
"Yeah, if it just means knowing each other's whereabouts..." then, the blonde's lips curled into a smirk. "Besides, Natsu being my servant has a nice ring to it."
'I don't like that look on her face.' Natsu thought, becoming very worried when he saw the smirk on the other mage's face.
"Then it's settled!" Mira exclaimed, smiling widely. She turned to the blonde. "Lucy, please take my hand." Lucy did so. "I'll support Lucy, since this is her first time using this type of magic. Please use my magic power and chant the spell."
Lucy closed her eyes and inhaled. A magical aura surrounded her.
"When you kiss the magic circle that forms on the back of Lucy's hand, the pact will be complete." the take-over mage said to the dragon slayer.
"Kiss her hand?" Natsu repeated, rubbing the back of his head.
"That's an outright master-servant relationship, isn't it?" Gray remarked.
"Aye." Happy agreed.
Suddenly, the pink haired teen noticed a slight greenish glow on the back of his right hand. Looking at it, he saw a symbol, in the shape of a circle, with a heart in the middle.
"Hey, there's something showing up on the back of my hand." Natsu spoke up.
"Huh?" the others said in unison.
"Hey, Mira, what's the meaning of this?!" Lucy demanded as she grabbed the white haired mage's shoulders and shook her back and forth.
"T-That's strange." Mira stammered. "D-Did I make a mistake somewhere?"
"What are we going to do now?!" the celestial mage asked.
"F-For now our goal was to be aware of each other's whereabouts, so Lucy, if you could kiss Natsu's hand..."
"You're kidding, right?! Why do I have to be his slave?!"
"Hey, 'slave' has a different meaning from 'servant', you know." Natsu remarked. Then, he noticed the symbol on the back of his hand had started to fade a bit. "Uh, this looks like it's about to disappear." he said, pointing at the back of his hand.
"Oh no!" Mira gasped. "Lucy, hurry up and kiss it! Kiss it now!"
"B-But..." Lucy stammered, her face turning slightly red from the thought of kissing her best friend's hand.
"The spell can be released on the next full moon!" the take-over mage explained.
"The next? B-But..."
"It disappeared." Natsu said when the symbol on his hand vanished.
"T-This is not good." Mira said.
Suddenly, Lucy gasped. Then, a mark appeared on her neck. On her throat, was a purple choker-like tattoo that looked like a love heart with two prongs extending around either side of her neck. The tattoo was glowing a soft purple.
"Wh-What is this?" the celestial mage asked as she felt her whole body shake. Then, she fell to her knees. "N-No way..."
"Hey, Luce, are you alright?" Natsu asked as he walked over to the blonde. He placed his hand on her shoulder.
"Hyaaah!" Lucy cried out when she felt his hand on her shoulder.
"Wh-What is it?" the dragon slayer asked as he jumped back when the he heard the mage cry out.
"Ahh, the curse is in effect already!" Mira exclaimed.
"Curse?" everyone, except Lucy, repeated.
"Ah..." the take-over mage gasped as she covered her mouth with both of her hands.
"Mirajane..." Erza said a very scary voice as she grabbed the other mage's shoulders and looked her straight in the eyes, a menacing aura surrounding her. "Could you explain it to us?"
Mira chuckled nervously as she took a few steps back. "The main purpose of a Master-Servant pact is to maintain the subordinate's loyalty." she explained as she knelt down beside the celestial mage, who was now laying on the floor, panting. "So when the subordinate takes rebellious or traitorous actions, the curse actives. Most likely, since Lucy refused the kiss of loyalty..."
"So this is her curse?" Gray asked.
"Yes. However, Lucy is suffering from a succubus's curse."
"Succubus?" Natsu repeated.
"You mean those lustful devils that do things to people in their dreams?" Happy spoke up.
"Yes. In other words, powerful aphrodisiac effects... how regrettable."
"What the hell were you thinking?!" Natsu, Erza, and Gray yelled in unison.
"I... I've never... heard of that." Lucy, whose face was entirely red, panted as she lifted herself to sit on her knees. "J-Just, hurry... Hurry up and help me."
'E-Erotic...' everyone thought when they saw the erotic look on the blonde mage's red face.
"How do we lift this joke of a curse?" Natsu asked.
"Rest assured." Mira told him. "The curse is alleviated when the master makes the servant submit."
"S-Submit?" Erza stammered. "How?"
"It's simple." the take-over mage looked at the pink haired dragon slayer. "Natsu, please touch Lucy."
"Eh?!" everyone exclaimed in shock.
"Right now the aphrodisiac effects of the curse are making Lucy's senses hypersensitive. She's never experienced pleasure like this before, so if you touch her for awhile, she should obediently swear her loyalty to you by choice." Mira explained as she stood up to get behind the celestial mage.
"H-Hey, Mira, what are you say-"
"Please bear with it a little while longer, Lucy." the white haired beauty cut off the blonde. "I'll have Natsu relieve you soon." she gave a half-grin. "It's definitely not the case that I want to watch your face as you fall from pleasure, Lucy."
"Then what's with that half-grin, Mira?" Happy asked.
"Now, Natsu!" Mira, ignoring the feline's question, said to the dragon slayer. "Please touch Lucy's embarrassing places and relieve her.
"I-I can touch her anywhere?" Natsu asked.
"You can, however, the longer you take, the more her mind and body will suffer..." the take-over mage explained. "Lucy will ascend to heaven in both senses of the phrase!"
"Seriously?! What the hell were thinking, trying out a spell like this?!" the pink haired teen exclaimed.
"Well, if you personally prefer to tease her bit-by-bit, then that works, too." Mira grinned. "I prefer that, myself."
Natsu groaned as he clutched his head. "Fine, already!"
"Natsu! I will kill you if you touch Lucy!" Erza threatened.
"But, this is the only way to help her." Gray remarked.
"I know." the armored mage admitted. "But... I wish there was another way besides this."
"Unfortunately, there isn't." Mira said. "Now, Natsu, get to it."
"No!" Lucy yelled when she saw pink haired teen kneel down in front of her. "S-Stay back! Perverted jerk! If you do anything strange, I'll kill you a hundred time-"
"It's unfortunate, but give up." Natsu said. "I'll finish this as quick as possible."
(Okay, this is where the ecchi stuff happens. Just so you know, this is not a lemon, it's lime! Just wanted to be clear. Now, on with the chapter.)
The dragon slayer raised his hand and, as if it was in slow motion, placed it on the blonde's arm.
"Fuaaaah!" Lucy cried out when she felt his hand touch her arm. Then, he slid his hand down her arm, making her moan. Erza'a face was as red as her hair as she watched the scene in front of her, while Gray and Happy watched with wide eyes, their mouths were hanging wide open. As for Mira, she was watching with a excited look on her face.
'I'll make her submit with everything I've got!' Natsu thought as he placed his other hand on his partner's cheek, causing her to moan more. 'This is the same as being in a battle. To make her acknowledge I'm above her, I need to look for the effective areas like Mira said.'
Then, he placed both of his hands on her slim waist and ran them up and down. Lucy moaned even more and, if possible, her face turned to a darker red. The next thing that the dragon slayer did was place two fingers on one the celestial mage's breasts.
The blonde's sudden screamed caused everyone to jump back.
"It would seem that's it." Mira remarked, giving a too sweet smile. "That's Lucy's weak spot. Remember, Natsu, this is for Lucy's benefit."
"Yeah... I get it."
"D-Don't..." Lucy stuttered when she saw her best friend's hands move towards her chest. "Such a thing..." 'If he does such a thing to me... I will...'
Then, Natsu grabbed both of her breasts in his hands.
"Ahhhhhhh!" the blonde mage moaned loudly, making everyone's faces, even Mira's, go dark red. "Ah. Ah. Stop..." she begged, panting heavily. "Ah! Not there! Stop!"
"Mi-Mira, has the curse been lifted yet?" Natsu asked the take-over mage as he continued to rub his partner's very large breasts.
"Not until Lucy submits from the bottom of her heart." Mira replied. She leaned in close to the blonde's face. "Listen, Lucy, the person in front of you right now is your master. Please look carefully. If you will please be a good girl and submit, you'll be caressed in this way, you know?"
"Hey, hey." the pink haired teen said.
"Haa. Haa. M-Master?" Lucy stammered. Then, she shrieked. "S-Stop... If you do that, I'll... Ah!"
"Lucy sure is stubborn, isn't she?" Happy remarked.
"Natsu, please fondle Lucy's breasts directly." Mira said suddenly.
"Eh?!" everyone exclaimed.
"If you hold back, the curse won't be lifted no matter how long you do it."
"I got it. Sorry, Luce, just a little more. Please put up with the embarrassment." the pink haired teen said to the buxom blonde.
"Don't- ahh!" Lucy moaned loudly when she felt the dragon slayer's hands slip under her shirt and squeeze her breasts.
The celestial mage kept moaned as her chest was being fondled.
"Ah! Stop! Please, stop, Natsu! Ah! Master! Master, don't! Master! Master! Master! Ah! Ahhhh! Ahh..."
(And that ends the lime. Hope you liked it.)
After all of that happened, Lucy was currently laying on one of the tables of the guild with a blanket over her and a pillow under her head. Her face was still red and she was panting heavily. The tattoo that was on her neck was gone.
"To take nine times for her to submit." Mira remarked as she cleaned a glass cup from behind the bar. "That's our Lucy. She held out longer than expected."
"Aye." Happy agreed, munching on a fish. "Natsu was also trembling when Lucy gave in and called him 'Master', right?"
"So, how did it feel, flame-brain?" a smirking Gray asked the dragon slayer, whose face was buried in his arms. "Did you enjoy it?"
"Shut up, stripper." Natsu mumbled. Raising his head, he looked at the take-over mage. "By the way, Mira."
"Why didn't you mention the curse from the start?"
"As insurance in order to make sure neither of you would change your minds. I'm sorry, I didn't expect things to turn out like that. You're not mad, are you?"
"I'm not the one you need to worry about."
"Mira, we need to have a nice, long talk." Erza said as she grabbed the bartender's head and dragged her off somewhere.
"Ow! That hurts! Erza, that hurts!" Mira cried out in pain as the armored mage dragged her off.
'Kami-sama, help her.' the two mages and cat thought in unison.
To be continued...
There you go, I hope you enjoyed it. Again, this story will have limes, not lemons! Anyway, please tell me what you think about the story in your reviews. Until next chapter, bye!