Chapter 1

The day seemed normal on the planet Fosliuria. People of all different races carried on with their lives without much of a thought in the world. The docks were busy with incoming and outgoing ships, the sky was blue, and the sun shined brightly on the upper district that was made of stone that looked like glass. Although it seemed perfect, it wasn't all as it was made out to be. This planet was home to one of the largest group of thieves in anywhere in the galaxy, which was run by a man the thieves called Crazy Sherman, and it didn't help that there was a masked murderer on the loose.

One thief was a young girl who's name was Jasmine Sparrow, who could not comprehend what the day will have in store for her. She was perched on the roof of a small house that was nearby her target, a man who looked like he could loose a few coins. Her chocolate brown hair flowed in the breeze and her eyes never left her target. Despite her usual calm nature, her patience was wearing thin as few other children were being impatient as they waited for their moment to distract the man. Another thing that was weighing on her patience was that she got stuck with Luke Hendrickson, who was most likely going to be a great thief one day, was with her to most likely show off his skills.

"Are you ready, or are you going to keep staring at our target all day?" Luke asked, wiping his sandy blonde hair out of his eyes, that Jasmine couldn't tell if it was grey or a very light blue.

"Yes." Jasmine answered, rolling her eyes as she got up from where she was sitting.

"Good. Alright everyone let's get to work." Luke replies, making Jasmine roll her eyes again as he tells everyone 'his' plan.

They all got into positions and Jasmine hid behind a barrel as she waited for the signal. Three boys that were with her, walked up to their target and started begging for food.

"Sir can you spare a few coins please?" One of the boys named Jeffrey asked, putting on his look that usually win people over.

"I'm sorry, I can't." The man said, trying to get away from them, but they continued to stand in his way as Jasmine started sneaking up behind him.

"Please sir, we don't need much, just a few coins." Zenathar, intervenes using his little adorable face to help persuade him.

"I said no, now please leave me alone." The man replies, starting to walk away until he felt a slight tug from his pocket.

"Uh oh." Jasmine says as the man saw what she had done.

"Run!" All three boys shout as they all scattered in different directions.

"Hey stop thief! Someone call the police!" The man shouts, and begins chasing the one who stole his wallet.

Jasmine ran through the streets of the lower district as fast as her scrawny legs could take her. With her knowledge of half of the lower district, she made her way to the hideout of her fellow thieves. However, it seemed as if the police have been monitoring the usual route the thieves take, because she heard sirens in full pursuit right behind her. She wondered where Luke was with his slingshot he said he would use against the cops if they get in her way. Deciding to take a different path, she wove through the unfamiliar streets to try to lose the cops. Just as she seemed to think she was safe, she crashes into someone. Looking up, she saw a man with a metal arm, eye, and leg. At first glance she knew he was a cyborg. If it weren't for the police sirens that had finally arrived, she would have stood and gawked at him.

"Excuse me sir what's the meaning of this?" The cyborg asked, as they began taking Jasmine away.

"This young lady is a thief and we have come to take her away." One of the officer's answered.

"Oh my niece must have felt sorry for some poor kids, the lass has a tendency to do that." The cyborg states, lying to them as Jasmine decided to go along with it.

"I'm sorry sir, but she has violated the law." The officer replied, preparing to take her away.

"How about this, she'll hand over the wallet and I'll pay for the charges." The cyborg says, looking at the officer with his metal eye.

The police looked at each other, trying to decide if they should do what the man says. He definitely has the capacity to take them down with his metal body parts, along with his strength. They looked at Jasmine, seeing that she was probably no older than ten and being "related" to the cyborg, they didn't want to take the chance of taking her with them.

"All right, but if we catch her again, we won't be as kind." The officer states, letting Jasmine go as she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank ye sir, don't worry this won't happen again." The cyborg says happy with the results.

Jasmine gave the police the wallet and the cyborg paid the costs of the damage that has been done. Once the police were out of sigh, the two both released a heavy sigh.

"Now what were ye thinking lass?" The cyborg asked.

"I needed the money." Jasmine answered, not sure what to think of the person who saved her life.

"Is the money for you, or for that old geezer Crazy Sherman?" The cyborg questioned, making Jasmine look up at him when he asked this.

"How do you know Hector?" Jasmine asked in return, not afraid to say the master of the thieves name.

"I've met him before, and I know a young thief of his when I see one." He answered, almost laughing at the girl's bewildered expression.

"The money was for me to prove to Hector, that I can steal things just as good as the others can. I guess I'm not cut out for it though." Jasmine uttered sadly, not sure why she was telling him this.

The cyborg was a little heartbroken to see such a face on someone so young. If it wasn't for his good heart, the life he has would have extinguished any compassion a long time ago. He knew that anyone at this age who joined the thieves was most likely an orphan, and he also knew that the young girl couldn't face the humiliation of when she would go back empty handed. So, he put aside his thoughts, went down on his knee and went on to change the Jasmine's life forever.

"Now ye listen to me lass, having a life like this is hard, but ye can't let it get ye down because ye got the makings of greatness in ya. However, by the looks of it, ye don't like this life anyway. Which is why I would like to make you an offer." The old cyborg states, giving as much hope as he can to the young girl.

"What kind of offer?" Jasmine asked, seeing him in a new light.

"Ye see I've been looking for someone who has the mind to do any task I through at them. Also this life is a little lonely at times, and what I mean to say is, would ye like to join me in my little crew and become a great pirate one day?" He asks.

Jasmine was dumbfounded, never in a million years would she thought she would get this kind of offer. What he said about her not liking being a thief was true. She never wanted to be a thief, but after all the rough things life put her through, it certainly brought her down this path. She knew she couldn't go back to being a thief, not after her failure today, but if taking the cyborg''s offer and doing things and seeing things no young girl normally would be a part of, then she was most definitely not turning away this offer.

"Yes, thank you. I'm Jasmine Sparrow by the way." Jasmine answered his question, holding out her hand for him to shake.

"John Silver, but ye can just call me Silver." Silver replied, shaking the young girl's hand, and they both walked off to start their new life that will have many adventures they will face together.

Author's Note: I've been wanting to do this story for a while now. I'm not going to post any more chapters until I get an idea of how many of you fanfiction readers are interested in. This is like a test and as soon as I see an estimate of how many of you will be reading this, then I will start working on another chapter. Until then, enjoy this my little lovelies.