Raepan2010 here with another story. I know that I promised a few people a sequel to my story Nunya Bizniz, I promise that I haven't give up on that idea. At the end of this prologue there will be a teaser for a scene somewhere in that story. For now I thought that I would tide some of my fans over with another story idea I had. As for Nunya I'm still waiting for my friend. Refer back a few chapters in the story. I have made mention of her olympic class procrastination: nothing's changed. She's still a world class procrastinator and (unfortunately) she's proud of it. I keep pushing her to get the leg out, but it's like beating a dead horse. Anyway, this story is a self-insert once again. It's the kind of story I'm best at after all. I loose interest any other way. While some could make the arguement that this is a Naruto crossover I'm not putting it there. The reason is because that it makes references to the Naruto world, but none of the characters from Naruto will be appearing in this story. There might be mention of great heroes and such, but that's the closest you're going to get to the original characters being in this story. Now that I have that out of the way, on with the obligatory disclaimers!

I make no money off of this work of fiction. One Piece is the work of Oda Eiichiro and Naruto is the work of Masashi Kishimoto. BOTH BRILLIANT!

Ninja Pirates

Prologue: The Five Islands

Years ago the world was vastly different from what it is today. This information has been lost to history with no hopes of it's discovery. The world was separated into large land masses known as continents. The continents were further divided into countries, separted by land borders that were only seen on maps. There was one continent that was of particular note. On this continent existed the Five Great Nations of Ninja.

For many generations these nations had been at odds with one another, war occasionally breaking out. One war was different from the rest. A single enemy had targeted all of the nations and made them his enemies. As a result the nations banned together and formed an alliance for the first time in history. It was a hard and long fought battle, nearly causing the world to be placed into an eternal slumber. However, two young men fought and overcame their enemy to save the world. Those men were the heroes of the Five Nations, Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiiha. Their story had been written in the history books and immortalized in all of the major cities of the Five Nations.

Two generations later a calamity struck that none were prepared for. A worldwide earthquake the likes no one had ever seen. It changed the shape of the world and it's oceans. Massive floods destroyed most of the land, sinking even the mountains. The largest continent was torn apart with more then half of it flooding. A thin strip from the center of the continent had miraculously been spared. As the earthquake subsided masses of land connected to the strip that was left of the great continent. When the world stopped shaking the land had come to form a single ring around the entire planet.

Islands great and small littered the world. Among these islands were the once Five Ninja Nations, now split apart from each other. The islands were much smaller than the original borders. Some loosing only a small part of their land while others had lost over half. The main cities of the nations had survived destruction. The survivors of the 'Great Quake' had to rebuild, but they were alive. The five islands kept in contact with each other and maintained their alliance throughout the years. They did what they could to protect the people and to keep outsiders from interferring with their ways of life.

The ninja watched as the new world lost the technology and history it once had. Returning from ships that utilized engines and propellers to sails. The ways of doing things had begun to change as well. People were now using snails to communicate instead of phones or radios. Through it all the islands kept to themselves. There were the occasional explorers that would land. On the island of sand, most gave up due to heat and lack of life along the outer edges. None ventured towards the center of the island where the people lived peacefully. The rain island was too bothersome for most explorers to stay longer then a few days and never did they risk going out into the rain. The island of mountains proved to be unapproachable for those that didn't know where it was safe to land, the island being mostly sheer cliff. A hidden cave at water level was the only entrance. The island of clouds had a bit more trouble with intruders. The ninja lay natural looking traps for the explorers or use their nin-kin to look like threatening beasts that lived in the wild. The same was true for the island of forests.

The forest island had to be the most vigilant. It's mild temperatures and idle climate made it the choice landing zone for would-be-explorers. The ninja had learned to work along the coasts in different shifts that lasted a month. Twenty or so ninja would be sent to stay along the coast for a month, some patrolling days and others at night, to keep a look-out for explorers. Most of the time the ships wouldn't stay longer than a few hours. There were a few times when outsiders were allowed to learn of their secrets, but they were far and few between.

One such man was Monkey D. Dragon. He made landfall and was instantly aware of the presence of others. He immediately made it known that he had no intention of taking over the island, enforcing the inhabitants to join the government or raiding them. His only interest was in restocking his ship with water and vegetation. He made the same stop several times over the years. His continued persistance of only stocking supplies caused the ninja to lower their guard around him slightly. An action he noticed, but did not take advantage of. He saw it as a good sign of gaining allies against the current government that was oppressing the people. It took some time, but he and his most trusted men were finally allowed to enter the city in the center of the island.

He could not gain an alliance even to this day. He did gain the trust of the leader of the village and that was enough for him. He had the patience to wait for them to take a stance in the world whether it be neutral, with him or with the government was up to them. He wasn't going to push the leader into making a decision. That was a good way of making things work against him.

The villagers came to know and respect Dragon. His top agents were also respected. Ivankov became popular with the children in the academy. They were amazed that someone could actually change their gender for real instead of using a cloaking jutsu. Kuma was another that the people came to trust. His appearance grew more sparse as the years went on though. Finally, the youngest member of Dragon's agents was Sabo. He joined Dragon as a young child and grew up knowing the secrets of the five islands. He was quite interested in their history and their fighting techniques. He never had a chance to learn of either. Until now, that is.

So that's the prologue. It was a little on the serious side for my writing. Sorry about the lack of laughter. But the jokes will be coming soon, promise. You can't have One Piece without comedy, it just isn't right. Now for the teaser scene from Nunya Bizniz 2.

Missy found her way to the lodge. Her hopes were fulfilled, the open bar had been left untouched. With a sly smirk she made her way to the bottles of liquor. "Triple Seq," she started to read off. "Grenadine, Light and Dark Rum, Creme de Menthe, Creme de Cocoa, Apple Pucker, Absolute, Kalua and so many others. You could have one helluva party with this stuff."

"There you are," Rachel's voice sounded from the other side of the lounge. "I've been looking for you. I thought you would have been raiding the bridge."

Without looking at her, Missy answered. "That's my next stop after I load a cart with the good stuff."

"So all of it."

"You're damn right," Missy started pulling out bottles. "What are you waiting for? Get over here and help me."

"I will in a minute," Rachel answered. "First, you have to tell me what you think."

"What I think about wha..." Missy turned around to see what Rachel was talking about only to freeze at the sight. She blinked a few times, blinked some more and then shook her head. "Wh..Why are you dressed like a U.S. Naval Officer? In a short skirt no less?"

"It's a present," Rachel answered. She put a hand on her hip and gave Missy the 'duh' look.

"I know I'm going to regret this," Missy muttered. "It's a present for 'what' exactly?"

"It's a present for Zoro."

Missy blinked at Rachel and then smirked again. "I don't think it's his size. Not to mention I wasn't aware that he swung that way."

"Not like that you dork," Rachel rolled her eyes. "I'll be the one wearing it."

"Then how is it a present for him?"

On the second floor ledge of the lounge, just out of sight, the rest of the Strawhat Crew and Heart Pirates finally caught up to the two. They were following the sound of voices and could hear the two women's conversation.

"You've never heard of role playing?" Rachel asked. "What could be better than playing 'Pirate swordsman corrupts innocent marine recruit'?"

Sanji's nose started to bleed from what he just heard. He slapped a hand to his nose and snapped to face Zoro. He and Brooke shouted to the swordsman at the same time. "YOU LUCKY BASTARD!"