"Mr. Spock, ya canna be serious!"

"In fact, I am entirely in earnest."

"But … yer breakin' about eight different safety and security regulations!"

"Only eight?" One dark eyebrow climbed minutely.

"It's nae funny! This is—"

"I assure you, Mr. Scott, I am not laughing."

Vulcans, of course, never laughed, but that was beside the point.

Spock reviewed the transporter input against his tricorder, keeping one eye on the pacing chief engineer. Scott had every reason—every duty—to protest, given that the actions Spock had just detailed to him were indeed fraught with protocol violations. Spock for his part had a duty to listen, and he did so. The Enterprise's third-in-command, the man who would lead the ship if neither he nor the captain eventually returned, was quite correct in both his assertions and his protest. That did not mean Spock would, or even could, change his mind. They were running out of time, and with very few options available. As problematic as this plan might be, he had chosen what he believed to be the alternative with the highest likelihood of any positive outcome. The risks were real, but both he and Lieutenant Uhura knew and accepted them.

They would make no headway at all in finding the either the captain or Lieutenant Jersa by 'playing it safe'.

"Does Chief Giotto know what yer plannin'?"

"The security chief is currently occupied with other matters." The search for their missing crewmen was of primary concern, and must continue regardless of his own endeavors. Also, he did not wish to spare the time or effort to counter Giotto's arguments, which were sure to be … most vociferous. The Enterprise's Security Chief could be nearly as vocal as Dr. McCoy when he so chose.

"Yer sneakin' out behind his back, then?"

"If you wish."

The coordinates would not take them directly to the site of the original incident. Even within a strategy of questionable safety, that seemed unnecessarily foolhardy. Instead, Spock intended to beam to a site approximately 3.5 kilometers distant. A short hike offered the advantages of a slow approach toward the cliff face and time for multiple scans. It would also—perhaps—permit them an opportunity to see any manner of response before it reached them.

The last was, of course, something of an assumption. He had no reason to believe that, should the telepathic minds on the planet choose to react negatively to either their presence or actions, he and Lieutenant Uhura would necessarily have any warning. However, the incidents that the crew had previously faced upon Dorcanis V—the energy surges and even the episode with the captain's party—had all offered some manner of alert, however brief. It was not illogically optimistic, therefore, to allow for the opportunity to take advantage of such notice.

"Will ya nae take even a skeleton security team, Mr. Spock?" Scott rounded the console, mouth tight and dark eyes heavy with worry. "Ya have no idea what you'll be up against, and Uhura ta think about as well. Think o' what happened ta Captain Kirk and the others."

Data input complete, Spock turned his full attention to the engineer. "Indeed, that is why I cannot allow a security team, Mr. Scott, or even one extra landing party member." Scott tilted his head, confused. Spock folded his arms, calm in the face of the other's agitation. "I have seen what was done to Dr. McCoy's memories, but I have no idea how it was accomplished or what more these beings may be capable of. I was able to counteract the barrier constructed in McCoy's mind with minimal effort, but that is no guarantee these minds are not capable of greater sophistication when faced with a telepathically aware species. In fact, I would be remiss if I did not anticipate a far higher level of ability from them than they have previously demonstrated. For that reason I would prefer to return to the planet alone. Lieutenant Uhura, however, is far more knowledgeable regarding the writings of Dorcanis V's ancient civilization than I, and I believe such knowledge may be imperative in the final solution. I may be able to protect one other mind—as well as I am able to protect my own, in any event—but not more." The transporter room doors opened and Uhura entered, tucking a datapad into the pack fastened across her shoulders. "Our numbers must remain quite limited in case I am forced to attempt any manner of telepathic defense."

Scott scowled, but stepped to the operator's position behind the transporter as Spock moved across to the pad. "And what if they do overpower ya?"

Altogether possible. The thought was … not pleasant. "The Lieutenant and I are aware of the risks, Mr. Scott." Beside him, Lieutenant Uhura offered the engineer a reassuring smile. Scott seemed either unaware of her gesture, or unconvinced. "We have no better hope for locating the caption and Lieutenant Jersa before tragedy strikes, if it has not done so already."

Montgomery Scott sighed—a strangled, exasperated sound—and ran a quick check of the transporter coordinates. "I'll have a security team standin' ready in the transporter room, Mr. Spock. If ya do need reinforcements, they'll be just a call away."

"It is … wise." Spock acknowledged his gratitude with a quick nod—it was a precaution he himself should have ordered. "My thanks." His last period of rest and meditation seemed little more than a vague memory.

They were all, he supposed, stretched to their limits.

Scott nodded, and activated the transporter.

A/N: It's a short update, I know. Sorry bout that. I'm trying to 1) prod my muse into wakefulness (it's currently in hibernation, given the continuing cold weather this spring), and 2) remember where I was with this. Hopefully you'll see another update sooner rather than later ...