Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter in any size, shape, or form. *cries hysterically*

Warnings: Do not read if you do not like homosexuality. I have forewarned you, so please don't fill up my inbox with silly, inane things. Thank you.

Author's Notes: It has been an absurd amount of time since I've written anything, any well written thing at any rate, and it is also my first M/M so please…be very gentle with me. :x

Summary: Draco is a sub veela that is just now coming of age. His allure will continue to attract any and all attention until his mate is found. So why does Harry want to rip everyone's throats out.

The war between Lord Voldemort and Harry has already ended. With the collaborative help of all of those who survived, they begin the rebuild of Hogwarts and Hogsmeade. After several months of construction, everything is back to its former glory, although with a couple of minor additions. One of it being a special room for a veela boy who is about to have the rest of his life changed by someone he would have never pegged to be his mate.

Beginning of term:

Eyeing the Hogwarts Express warily, Draco made his way onto the train in hopes of finding a compartment he can claim for himself. Glad that he decided to leave early to get first pick, Draco makes his way through half of the train before finding the perfect one. Giving the train a quick glance up and down the hallway, he casts a Notice-Me-Not charm on the door and as an extra precaution; he also casts a containment field in hopes of not having his allure seep through the gaps of the door.

After dragging his trunk and other belongings inside then stowing it away above the seat, Draco relaxes for the first time since he awoke that morning. 'Why did this have to happen to me, me of all people...'

Shaking his head, Draco props himself against the window and waits for the rest of the students to crowd onto the train.


"Yes, Father?" At the serious tone of his voice, Draco glances up, only to find his father frowning, something fierce, at the table.

"There is something I must tell you. Forgive me for not informing you earlier but with the impending war, I deemed it not prudent until I knew that we would come out of this somewhat intact."

Dropping his Hogwarts letter, Draco listens to his father in first shock, anger, and then fear. He was a veela? A sub-veela for that matter? Shaking his head in anger, Draco takes off out of the house and onto an expanse of land that makes up the Malfoy's backyard.

He had a mate. A male mate. He wasn't even gay! He wasn't straight either but that wasn't the point! No one was interested in him any way since he began school. On another note, he couldn't understand why, but his father's explanation eased something in his chest. He had been feeling anxious and homesick which didn't make sense as he was already home, but apparently, he had been waiting all this time for his mate to claim him. His father explained that he will know when his mate is near when the birthmark on his thigh begins to warm. At their first touch, his own eyes will turn completely silver with flecks of gold on the outer edge, and when they finally have sex, a similar birthmark will appear on his mate's chest, right above his heart.

Blushing furiously, Draco could already feel the effects of just thinking about sex with his mate.

'This is bloody fucking ridiculous, I don't even know who he is and I'm already getting hard. We chose to switch to the light side in the last few months of the war to save our asses and pray for a normal life but this shit happens. How am I supposed to have a normal life now?!'

Not realizing he had nodded off, Draco gets a rude awakening not too long after.

Taking a deep breath, Harry pushes his way through the barrier of Platform 9¾ and is happy yet sad to see the Hogwarts Express. With Voldemort gone, he can finally enjoy a school year in peace instead of worrying how and when someone was going to murder him next. Yet, this year will be his last year at Hogwarts and then he will have to find his way through the adult life he was forced to experience early.

After the war ended, Harry had enough time to be angry at the injustice of his life, angry with Dumbledore for leading him blind through the war, and angry at the lives that he couldn't save. Anger was all he felt through the last year, nearly ruining the friendships he's had so far, but after standing there next to his surrogate family and friends as they buried Fred, Remus, Tonks, and the many others that gave their life for the war, he just felt tired.

So for several months, as he aided in the rebuild of Hogwarts and Hogsmeade, he worked through his anger and finally came to terms that he did what he could and there was nothing he could do about it, no matter how strongly he wanted to disagree.

As Harry steps onto the train with his two best friends, he feels a weird tug somewhere inside of himself that has him stumbling down the hallway towards the middle of the train. With a quick 'I'll find you guys in a bit,' Harry stops in front a door, immediately noticing the charm cast to draw away the viewer's eyes and continue as though nothing is there. 'Weird.' Before he can even slide the door open, he hears a thump from inside then a horrified shriek that makes him see red as he rushes inside and his eyes land on the sight before him.

An angry growl rises from his throat as he grabs and throws the assailant against the wall. The attacker immediately crumbles and he resists the urge to send a hex his way as he recognizes Zacharias Smith's face. 'The bastard! How dare he take advantage of what's mine….'

Bewildered at his thoughts as he didn't even know who the person was, Harry leans down to draw the hood off the person's head. Wide grey eyes meets astonished green eyes. Harry roughly shakes his head, but extends his hand at the same time.

"Malfoy….are you alright?"

Snapped out of his daze, Draco swats his hand away as he scrambles to his feet and glares at Smith then turns his glare towards Harry. 'What the fuck was that! I couldn't even defend myself!'

Angry more at himself than he was at The-Boy-Who-Couldn't-Mind-His-Own-Fucking-Business, he screams, "Get the fuck out of here and take this filth with you!"

Draco kicks Smith once in the stomach for good measure then parks himself back near the window again as he proceeds to ignore Harry.

Later, when Harry finally drops Smith off somewhere near the Hufflepuff's area of the train, he replays the flash in Malfoy's eyes as he screamed at him to get out. He'd never admit it out loud, but his breath caught when he saw the flash of Malfoy's eyes. They were the most captivating things he'd seen in a while, like molten silver flashing in the sunlight.

As Harry lets his head fall against the wall of the cabin, with a thump that makes Hermione wince as she looks up from her books in disapproval, he can't shake the feeling that this year isn't going to be as normal as he thought it would be.

With a heavy sigh, Harry drops Malfoy from his thoughts as he thinks about the delicious dinner that awaits them at the end of the ride.

Three months into term, Draco has a bout of anxiety as he quickly walks through the corridors towards the dungeons. Every so often he would take a quick glance back only to see no one following, but he can't shake the feeling of danger so he picks up his pace. One more staircase and he will be safe, but he exhales in relief too soon as someone grabs him about the waist and pushes him up against the wall in a nearby classroom.

Silenced before he can even scream for help, Draco realizes with dawning horror that he has been disarmed and bound against the wall without even realizing it. Beginning to panic, he starts thrashing his body about but it does him no good as his captor grabs him by his hips and shoves his ugly face into the crook of Draco's neck. His captor takes a strong whiff as he growls into Draco's ear.


Whimpering as his panic reaches new levels, Draco begins to sob, although no sound comes out, as he feels disgusting hands begin to roam his body.

"Oh don't cry my sweet, you'll love what I have in store for you…I've been waiting to get my hands on you again since we got on the train but leave it to our savior to always fuck things up. He won't be here to stop me this time however."

More tears stream down his face as he realizes who his captor is. 'This is so fucked up, I'm going to get raped before I can even find my mate.' Draco chokes on his silent sobs as he begins to tire from struggling.

Soooooooooooooooo...what did you think? Please review! OR NO UPDATE! Let me know your thoughts =D
