Hi everyone. Sorry this took a while. I went back to school recently and I've been having a few personal issues. But the show must go on. Enjoy.

Soon enough, the first day of rehearsal had come and it was also the first time The Stormflies were to meet Blizzard so they could dance together. Since Elsa was working at the office and wouldn't be around until later, Anna decided to facilitate today's activities, starting at the studios.

"Okay, guys. These lovely people are the Stormflies," Anna introduced the dance crew, "They auditioned for us last week and they'll be your backup dancers in the concert itself…."

While Anna was still talking, Hiccup was suddenly fixated on a certain slender, blonde young woman. He had definitely seen her before.

"Hello, Hiccup," Astrid recognized him as he looked at her.

"Astrid," the shorter brown-haired guy nodded back, with a little bit of perspiration on his forehead.

"You know each other?" Anna was surprised her friend knew who Hiccup was.

"Yeah, we used to go to school together until he skipped three grades ahead and moved away," Astrid recalled.

"So that's why you're younger than the others," realized Anna. The other boys already knew about that, but not about Astrid.

"You never told us you had a girlfriend, Hick," Jack put his arm around his friend's shoulder, making the latter's face red.

"Uh, she's not my girlfriend," Hiccup denied, slightly biting his lip.

"And he's not my boyfriend," clarified the blonde girl, "Or my friend," she made Hiccup gulp. This made the other band members suspicious about Hiccup's relationship with this girl.

"Brutal, bro," Jack patted Hiccup's shoulder.

"Anyway…" Anna looked at the ground, "Let's get started, shall we?" she clapped her hands together, "The choreographer is gonna be here any minute now, so you should all start warming up," she informed Astrid and the other Stormflies, "Guys, your vocal coach is in the other room," she turned her attention to Blizzard, "Let's go."

As they traveled to the next door, everyone was itching to ask Hiccup about Astrid. Hiccup was looking at them one-by-one and couldn't take it anymore.

"All right, all right, I'll tell you!" he suddenly exclaimed, "As you've heard, Astrid and I went to the same school. But then because of my academic work, I was given the option of skipping three grades ahead, but in another school."

"Is that why she's pissed at you?" Eugene turned to him.

"Maybe. I don't know," Hiccup shrugged, "This is the first time we've seen each in ten years. I have no idea why she seems to hate me now."

"Whatever it may be, I'm sure there's a good explanation for it," Anna reassured him, "After all, nobody decides to be a backup dancer for her childhood friend without wanting something."

Hiccup held his head, "Now you're just making me more apprehensive," he admitted, causing Anna to tense up and bite her lower lip

"Yikes! Shouldn't have said that," she thought to herself, worried she panicked one of her sister's artists.

Kristoff glanced at her and patted her on the shoulder, "Don't worry about that. Hiccup's naturally neurotic," the blonde man relieved her. Anna stopped biting her lip and relaxed her shoulders. The other four men raised their eyebrows, suspicious with the two's interaction.

Later on in the day, Elsa was about to leave her office when Hans stepped inside and brought some reports for her.

"Good news, Ms. Elsa. Ticket and EP sales are off the roof. We made more than expected," he handed her the paper.

"Well, Mr. Westerguard, it seems that your prediction was correct," Elsa complimented him, "You really do know your way around money."

"Thank you," Hans grinned, "By the way, I'm wondering. Who's going to take charge of the office if you're going to leave early or if you're taking care of Blizzard?" he asked while he was fiddling around with his folders.

"That's not a problem. I've talked to Ms. Ferry and Mr. Bunnymund and they'll be taking care of the offices when I'm not around. If you have any concerns, you can ask them."

"Noted. But could I ask you one more thing, Ms. Elsa?"

"Okay, but I'm kind of in a hurry, so what do you wish to ask me?"

"I've checked the database and I can't seem to find a lot of information about what happened in Arendelle Records between 2003 and 2005. I remember that DJ Boogey was pretty big back during that time and was represented by this company. How come he's not there?"

Elsa thought she would never hear that name again and she thought she had forgotten all about it. Boy, was she wrong.

"DJ Boogey?" she pretended not to know as she gulped.

"You know, DJ Boogey. He had that smash hit, 'The Umbra Shuffle'. It was especially popular in teen parties everywhere in the early 2000's."

"I was a kid back then. I wouldn't know that."

"Makes sense, but that still doesn't explain why he's not there," Hans was starting to press some more, "Your father managed him."

"Well, I haven't been here long enough to know about DJ Boogey. Now if you don't mind, I need to meet with Blizzard in an hour."

"Understood," the red-haired man stopped asking, "I'm sorry about that. I was just curious."

"It's fine, but I really do have to go," she was rushing her speech and ran out the door. Hans looked around him to see if the coast was clear. He took out his cellphone and called up a contact.

"Yes?" the contact questioned.

"You were right. Arendelle Records erased you from their history," Hans confirmed, "I even asked Elsa about it and she fibbed."

"As expected. They ruin my career and then pretend I've never worked for them. Arendelle Records will be the ones who will be sorry they've crossed Pitch Black," the man stared out his office window.

"I'm sure they will, Sir," Hans smirked, "And I'm going to help you every step of the way."

"Good to hear, Hans. I see a lot of good things coming for you," Pitch assured him.

"I'm sure there are," said the young man before hanging up.

Elsa arrived at the studio just in time to watch Blizzard practice their dance moves while singing. She wasn't sure why, but she was feeling relaxed after all of those meetings and filings.

"Hey, you finally made it!" Anna ran up to her older sister, "The guys are about to sing 'Sure', a new song on the setlist. They've been practicing and I think they've gotten…the hang…of it," the younger sister panted.

"Easy there, Anna," Elsa patted her sister's shoulders, "I'm excited, too. But don't tire yourself out, okay?"

"All right," Anna turned her back to the guys, who were replenishing their thirst after dancing, "Hey guys, Elsa's here! Ready to show her what we got so far?"

"Hell yeah we are," Jack put down his bottle once he heard Elsa was here, "C'mon, guys! Let's get our butts going," he told them just before taking another glance at Elsa, wanting to impress her with the new number. The sisters sat down and waited for them to begin.

Despite the fact they were exhausted, the other four guys stood up and started to stretch just before they were about to perform for their manager. They took their places in the dance area and genuflected with their heads down. Each of the members pounded down the floor with their fists to the beat of the drum.

After the beat, all of the boys stood up with their heads down. The keyboards started off slow and Jack began to sing.


Oooh hoo… Yeah…

Once the tempo went up, they began to dance, stepping from left to right and turning around.



So sure


(Oooh hoo...)


Sure, so sure


Feel it, move it

Feel it, move it


Need you so much


Yeah, yeah



So sure


That it's sweet love I found

At the beginning of the song, Elsa was smiling at the synchronized dancing of the boys. But just a few seconds later, she began to fixate on one particular guy.


Sittin' here

Writin' to my lover




Last time we met

I wasn't so sure


(Not so sure)


Now I'm


Hoping, maybe dreaming

For a life as one

(Life as one)


When she reads this

I'm hoping she'll call


(Call me, baby)


I need more

Much more than before


I need positive reactions


Whenever I'm down

The guys spread their arms in and out and puff out their chests.

But I'm sure

So sure


It's heaven knockin' at my door



So sure


So baby

Come on inside

The white-haired man sings with a wink. Elsa's eyes grew big, implying Jack was fixated on her as well.


Need you so much


More and more

Each time we touch



So sure


That it's sweet love I found


It's not a game

So don't play hard to get


(Tired of running after you)


There's no connections

Holding us down

They point their fingers to the ground in a flowing motion.




Isn't it a shame

That we never happened?


(Isn't a shame?)


Though still here we are

The second time 'round

It's gotta be


Social, compatible

Sexual, irresistible

The blonde girl was a little taken aback with those lyrics, but not a single complaint was up in her head.

It's gotta be right for life

But I'm sure

So sure


It's heaven knockin' at my door


Sure, so sure


So baby

Come on inside


Need you so much


More and more

Each time we touch


Sure, so sure


That it's sweet love I found

His gaze fixed on Elsa again. She began to increase in temperature and not because of the heat of the studio.


Holdin', squeezin'

Touchin', teasin'

"My God, how did we get to this?" Elsa asked herself as her fingers gripped her lap tightly and trying to stop herself from looking at Jack.


Wantin', waitin'

Wishin', thinkin'


Of your love

Yeah, yeah


Blindin', groovin'

Feel it, move it

Findin', breathin'

Bracin', breedin'

With you girl

Jack steps forward while the four other boys prepare stretch and contract their arms to the beat.


It's gotta be

Social, compatible

Sexual, irresistible

It's gotta be right


For life

The boys once again pump their arms in and out as Jack moves his body back.


So sure


Oh yeah



So sure


So baby

Come on inside


Need you so much


More and more

Each time we touch



So sure


I'm glad it's sweet love

I found, yeah yeah



So sure


(Oooh hoo…)



So sure


Really feel

So sure


Need you so much


Yeah, yeah

Oh baby



So sure


That it's sweet love I found

The number ended with a bow and a pose that had all of them compress. The guys were breathing in and out quickly, consider this was the tenth time to practice the number. Elsa and Anna stood up and began applauding rapidly, even if the latter had been watching since much earlier. They were just that impressed with their performance; similar to how fans would react.

"That was awesome!" Anna tried to keep her pitch from going higher from excitement, "Elsa, what do you think?" she asked her big sister while all the guys relaxed.

"It's amazing what you've prepared even when I'm not around to observe it," Elsa was very proud of them, "Although it probably took you all a while to practice."

"It sure did," Jack wiped his forehead, "You should've been here earlier, though. When Tadashi and Eugene did the flip near the end of the first practice, Eugene accidentally hit Kristoff in the back of the head," he pointed to Kristoff behind him.

"Oh my God, that sounds really painful!" Elsa showed concern for Kristoff.

"It was," Kristoff rubbed his head and then squinted his eyes at Eugene, who shrugged.

"Hey, I said I was sorry, bro," Eugene apologized.

"I know, but unless you have some aspirin, that's not gonna work," Kristoff sardonically replied.

"Kristoff," Anna was crossing her arms, tapping her foot, and glared at the tall blonde man.

Kristoff sighed, "All right. I forgive you, Eugene," he patted the bearded man's shoulder.

"Phew," Eugene wiped the sweat off his forehead, "I'm off the hook."

"And I see that Anna's doing a good job looking out for you. But sooner or later, she has to focus on school."

"Aw, really?" Anna slumped her shoulder, "But I like helping you with the family business!"

"I know you do, but you're gonna miss out on college experiences. I'll be fine. In fact, I'm going to spend all of the next week with the guys."

"Are you sure? Who's going to run the company while you're out?"

"I talked about it with Ms. Tooth and Mr. Bunnymund. They said it would be fine with making deals and attending meetings on my behalf. Even if I'm the company head, Blizzard is still my priority."

Hearing Elsa's words made all of the boys smile, thrilled that she would be spending more time with them and hoping they would get as close to her as they were with Agdar.

As the day finished, everyone was walking to the parking lot. Jack and Elsa were ahead of the rest, the former recapping to the latter about the day.

"…So turns out that your sister's classmate knew Hiccup," Jack explained, "She's actually one of our backup dancers. I think she's doing this just to see him again, if you know what I mean," he gently nudged Elsa.

"Really now?" Elsa raised an eyebrow, "Wouldn't that be awkward between them? Working together like that."

"Maybe, but hey, you never know. Perhaps it could work."

Later on, Elsa was lying in her bed, but she somehow couldn't sleep. All she could think about was her conversation with Jack.

"…Perhaps it could work…" she repeated his words, "Was he talking about them or…?" she stopped when she imagined a smiling Jack reaching out his hand to her.

"Do I…like Jack? And does he like me?" she suddenly arose from under the covers, "Sure, he cracks a lot of jokes, but he's passionate about his music. Wait, I'm thinking about him as a client, not…whatever he is to me. What do I think about him? I'm his boss, but we're also…sort-of friends. We've only known each other these past few months. And yet…"

Elsa's face was getting red, possibly from exhausting herself with these heavy thoughts. She then pulled her covers back and hugged a pillow tightly.

"…What am I feeling?"

Author's note:

- Song(s) used: Sure by Take That.

- I've been wanting to use a Take That song since this story and I'm sure (no pun intended) I will use more.

- I'm also trying to find inspiration for original songs.

- I could've been a little more descriptive in the song number, but I don't have much experience with writing down singing and dancing.

- Lastly, the next two chapters will have important progress. So, stick around.