Little Birds

By elsiie

Genre: Romance, Friendship

Rating: K+

Summary: He would give her a thousand sunflowers just to see her smile. Inojin/Himawari. Oneshot.

Characters: Yamanaka Inojin, Uzumaki Himawari

She smiles so happily he feels like he's looking at the embodiment of bliss.

"Thank you, Inojin!" In her hands, she holds the flowers he gave her, between delicate fair fingers. The sunflowers are so bright, they contrast with her dark hair but at the same time look as if they were made precisely for her.

He wants to reach out, feel her soft looking cheek, slightly tinged that perfect pink –

She looks up at him, eyes large, pale blue the colour of the sky that lay above them, sparkling with delight. There's such a difference in height between them that he feels like a tall tree while she resembles a petite daisy.

"It was nothing," he thinks he smiles. "I'm glad you like it."

And he doesn't think her smile could grow any larger, but he was wrong. Was she the sun? She was so bright, she might as well be. He didn't recall her ever being so…cute. Was she always like this? The blond had known her and her brother since they were toddlers, trotting around clumsily, crying, shouting, yet this Himawari…

Who tucks her dark blue hair behind her ear and stares lovingly down at the golden bouquet, he doesn't remember the last time he had felt so nervous. It was strange, he had always been so poised – a little like his father – but now, in front of the girl who he had always seen as 'Bolt's little sister', he was starting to understand what it mean to be a crushing adolescent girl.

"I love them." Her voice sounds like the softest bells, tinkly with a melodic quality to them.

Then she looks straight into his eyes, with such boldness that it startles him.

"And I love Inojin too," Himawari says, giggling.

His blue eyes widen, and he freezes. She takes this opportunity to lean up towards him and place a chaste kiss on his cheek before running away, dark hair flowing out behind her like a dark river. Her sweet giggles drift towards him, over the grassy hills that she has disappeared over.

The Yamanaka boy blushes furiously and presses a pale hand to his face.


A/N I really, really, really love this ship oh my gosh. Like, holy crap? They have the potential to be so cute?