Chapter 6
Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece.
"The East Blue is so peaceful," Nami sighed in happiness as she lounged on the deck, "No sudden freak weather, no dangerous and mysterious islands that we have to worry about, no shaky needle point that I have to hide from Luffy, this is the life."
"Yeah," Usopp agreed. There was silence for a couple minutes. Luffy was fishing, or at least trying to fish. Sanji was inside, cooking lunch and Zoro was sleeping. It was a typical day on the Going Merry and Usopp and Nami were enjoying the peace and quiet while they could.
The silence continued, interrupted only by the sound of Zoro's snores and Luffy's muffled laughter. The sniper and navigator smiled and sighed contentedly again.
Even more silence in the peaceful and small boat.
"AAAAAAAARGH!" Nami suddenly screamed.
"What? What happened? Nami-swaaan, my beauty, what kind of beast had interrupted your rest?!" Sanji stormed out, searching for any threats or nuisances. His gaze rested on Zoro suspiciously, but dismissed him because the swordsman was still sleeping obliviously.
"Why'd you scream so suddenly Nami?" Usopp asked in bewilderment. He looked around in fear, wary of any possible monsters that might have scared the navigator.
"It's so BORING!" Nami screamed in frustration. The others sweat dropped at the exclamation. "It's been weeks since we left Cocoyashi, but nothing has happened. Absolutely nothing! No storms, no monsters, no pirates, no marines, not even a strong wind! It wasn't like this the first time, right?" she looked frazzled at the fact that she was the one pointing this out, that she was the one bothered by it, because, come on, the monster trio didn't seem at all restless.
"It pretty much was just like this," Usopp said with a sweat drop.
Nami lets out a dramatic sigh. Silence reins for a little while.
"I know I'll probably regret this, but I do hope something happens because I'm bored as hell. It's probably because of these numbskulls but apparently I get bored if nothing life threatening happens on a daily basis now," Nami honest god sounded depressed about that. Usopp silently agreed. The others continued what they were doing.
"Captain Buggy! We have the ship in our site!" yelled a pirate with a binocular.
"Good, good. Then we can flashily destroy them and teach them that they can't mess with the Great Captain Buggy!" Buggy could picture the moment of sweet revenge. How they would scream in pain as they died. Buggy's notoriety would increase as well because the brat and his crew got an unbelievably high bounty after they defeated him. He didn't know how they managed it, but it didn't matter because here, he was going to destroy them!
"Aye!" his crew yelled excitedly.
"We need a new ship," growled a man sitting in a corner of a restaurant. He was a big man with short grey hair. Just looking at him anyone could deduce that he was a very bad man.
"What kind of ship?" asked his first mate. It was Gin.
"Something inconspicuous, something that can blend in and not capture the attention of the marines… Did you say something about a restaurant before?" asked Don Krieg with a gleam of cunning in his eyes.
"Uh… well, the ship was falling apart and it really couldn't stand the harsh weathers of the Grand Line. I don't believe it will even go past the Reverse Mountain," Gin was nervous because he had promised Sanji he wouldn't bring them. In fact, he is actually glad he made that promise because his gut feeling is telling him that Krieg has something wicked in mind… but he hated lying to his captain.
"… I hope you're not lying to me," Krieg was always a suspicious person.
"… of course not, Captain," Gin felt horrible.
A lone man walks the streets. The people who recognize him jump back in fear and wariness. He pays them no mind. They begin to whisper and talk amongst themselves.
"I…Is that Hawkeye Mihawk?"
"What is a Shichibukai doing in these waters?"
"I heard that the Buggy Pirates and the Krieg Pirates were both seen here. Maybe he's after them?"
"I doubt it. They're small fry compared to him."
"Besides, Smoker's going to take care of them."
"I heard an important Marine Captain landed here recently."
"Really? Who?"
"Is that why the marines have been in a frenzy?"
"Maybe that has something to do with Mihawk?"
"It feels like something big is gonna happen here."
"Yeah, did you hear about Arlong?"
"The Fishman? Is he here as well?"
"I heard he was stronger than even Krieg."
"Well, he is from the Grand Line isn't he?"
"I heard he got defeated by a no named pirate."
"Really? When!"
"Recently. A friend from Cocoyashi informed me that it was a kid in a straw hat. He said the kid was unbelievably powerful."
"How reliable is that intel?"
"Very. My friend is the mayor."
"By no named pirates, do you mean the Straw-Hats?"
"I think so?"
"Their combined bounty became 100'000'000 beli recently. The highest bounty in the East Blue."
"Tashigi! Why haven't you readied the soldiers to capture Krieg and Buggy?!" growled Marine Captain Smoker angrily. They were the biggest pirates in the East Blue and there was no way Smoker was letting them out of his grasp.
"Sorry Captain! There's a new arrival from the Marine HQ and we need to be presentable!" cried Tashigi nervously. There was so much to do that she was in frenzy.
"What! Who?" if it was some bureaucratic bullshit, Smoker was going to be furious.
"The Vice Admiral, Marine Hero Garp!" she couldn't believe someone like him arrived here with absolutely no warning. Not to mention the other rumor circulating around. Mihawk couldn't be here, why on earth would he come here? Not to mention the ludicrous rumours that the Revolutionary army was seen here. Tashigi was so over worked that she couldn't even dispel those rumours.
"Wh-what! Why the hell is he here!" that was different. Garp was a whole different ball game. Smoker knew what kind of man he was and what kind of disasters followed him. He had no idea what him being here would even mean.
"I don't know! He didn't give any previous warning and I just got the intel!" she was frantic.
"Dammit! Well then where is he?" Smoker asked. He needed to take assess the situation and minimize the damage as much as he could.
"Apparently, he's already in Logue town. I'm trying to locate him," Tashigi was pissed off as hell because either their marines were so very incompetent or Garp was hiding or some other reason she couldn't fathom. She found the marines under him but no sign of the man himself.
"Never mind, I'll find him. You organize the soldiers and capture the pirates!" Dammit, the Straw-Hats were supposed to be heading this way! He was looking forward to capturing them, not to mention the other pirates. And the rumours… Smoker had a very bad feeling that everything was going to spiral out of his control and he was stuck dealing with Garp!
"Yes, sir!"
"Bwahahahaha! Today's going to be interesting!" laughed an old man. Anyone who recognized him usually was terrified out of their minds.
"Why, sir?" asked a familiar pink haired marine in training.
"I feel plenty of familiar auras around here," replied Garp, the Marine Hero. He could recognize a lot of them. It was going to be one heck of a reunion.
"Some people I gotta teach a lesson to! That brat dared to become a no good pirate when he was supposed to be a marine! Not to mention that other person and if that brat with him is who I think it is… there's going to be a lot of bloodshed," if it really is who he thinks it is… Garp didn't know if he should cry in happiness or rage.
"What?" ever since Coby met Garp, nothing made sense anymore. No, it's probably since he met Luffy.
"Why are we here?" a blond man asked curiously. He knew that the person he was talking to preferred to remain silent most of the time, but he was getting fed up of waiting.
After a length of silence, the man finally deigned to answer, "I wanted to check on someone's progress."
"Whose?" now that was curious.
"You'll see soon enough," the man had a peculiar expression, as if he was willing the boy next him to figure it out.
"Soon? Do you mean the pirates that just landed?" the curiosity was eating him.
"Who are they?"
"I believe they have a lot of potential," his answers were the definition of a non-answer.
"… Why did you bring me here?" this situation was very peculiar.
"I thought it might be an useful experience for you," was the enigmatic answer. The man could almost feel amusement, none of it showed though.
"How?" but this time, he knew he wasn't getting a straight answer.
"You'll see," almost a smile.
"Boss! A lot of pirates showed up and they're battling each other!" yelled a man to his superior.
"Tchhh, I don't care what they do," replied the boss.
"They might cause trouble."
"As long as they don't mess with my business, I don't care."
"Where are we going, boss?"
"The Execution Stand. We're supposed to meet someone there."
"Yes, boss!"
"Is that a cannon ball!" Usopp shouted incredulously. Why was this happening? He thought the main point of them travelling back was so they could predict the events that were going to happen! Why were things changing so much that that point almost became obsolete!
Sanji lazily jumped up and kicked the cannonball back towards where it came from. An explosion sounded from that direction. Life continued on the Going Merry as if nothing had just happened.
"It's just a cannonball. Why are you freaking out?" Zoro asked nonchalantly. This really was small fry for them, barely worth a flick of their finger.
"I know, but it's the principle of the thing. The only disaster that we averted was Don Krieg, but we appear to be garnering even more enemies and attacks, not to mention the increased bounties!" it was good to rant once in a while.
"It'll be boring if everything's the same! This will be a lot more fun!" this was obviously Luffy, the almighty Captain. He was sitting on his special spot on top of Going Merry's head, buzzing with excitement because he knew exactly who were at the island. He didn't expect things to become this interesting this quickly, but he'd take it. Luffy couldn't wait to fight the strong enemies and he couldn't wait for his long awaited reunion.
Zoro was also thirsting for blood. He could feel Mihawk and other familiar auras that he would love to fight against. This was going to be big.
Sanji could also feel the exhilaration and the anticipation. He wasn't as eager as their Captain and the marimo, but he was itching for a decent fight. They might not be as strong as they were before the time travel, but they had been training their bodies ever since they came back and they were more than ready.
Usopp on the other hand was the absolute opposite. He had an inkling of what was about to go down, and the cannon ball proved it. From what he could feel, it was Buggy and his crew that attacked them. Usopp wasn't worried about them; he was worried about the looks on the Monster Trios faces and what that actually entailed. His Haki wasn't as developed as them, so he could fool himself into thinking that he couldn't recognize exactly who were on the island that they were sailing towards. He was scared for the first time since he came back to the East Blue. It wasn't a feeling that he missed. He wasn't shaking, what are you talking about? There were absolutely no shivers down his spine, but he was suddenly sick. He suddenly had an allergy to Logue Island and he knew that if they landed there, he would be in a lot of pain. Of course there were no tears on his face…
Nami knew nothing about what was going to happen. She had goose bumps on her skin for inexplicable reasons but she was going to ignore it and pretend that she couldn't see the looks of glee on the Monsters faces, and the look of fear on her fellow mate Usopp's and live in denial land. Absolutely nothing horrible was going to happen on this island. If only she could believe herself…
"So, what's the plan, Captain?" asked Zoro with a bloodthirsty grin.
"I'm going to the Execution Stand!" replied Luffy with a bright grin.
"I thought you'd already been there?"
"I haven't been here yet!" was the cheeky answer.
"Be careful, alright!" Zoro said a bit worriedly. He knew what happened last time after all.
"Shishishi, everything will be fine!"
"…I somehow doubt that," Zoro said with a sweatdrop.
"Since when were you careful?" Nami asked incredulously.
"Since there are plenty of people we should be wary of," replied Zoro seriously.
"Don't worry Nami-swaaaan! I'll protect you!" Sanji broke the brief moment of seriousness.
"A-are you kidding? P-p-please d-don't tell me that the p-p-p-p-people who I-I-I th-think are h-h-h-here…" pleaded Usopp. He didn't know who was here, he didn't know who was here, he didn't know who was here, he didn't know who was here, was the mantra that was going through his head.
"Yep," Sanji and Zoro simultaneously replied.
"Let's go! Let's leave right now!" Usopp yelled desperately.
"Too late, idiot Captain already slingshotted," Sanji nonchalantly replied.
"What? Who is here! Please just say Smoker and Buggy. We can handle them, right?" Nami was getting desperate as well.
"There are a lot more people here…" Usopp didn't even want to answer.
They landed in Logue Town.
"Let's not separate. Let's find Luffy and get the hell out of here as soon as we can!" Nami said resolutely.
"Sorry Nami-san, Zoro already left. I'll find him for you!" Sanji answered apologetically and before she even had the time to reply, he immediately jumped off from the ship as well.
Usopp readied himself for his funeral.
"How dare those flashy bastards throw a cannonball at me!" Buggy ranted furiously. He had barely made it out of there alive, but most of his crew got hurt.
"From what I could see, a blond man jumped in the air and kicked your cannonball towards you," Lady Alvida replied nonchalantly. She had obviously eaten a devil fruit for there were no other reasons for her drastic change in appearance.
"Shut up! Prepare to attack as soon as they land!" Buggy ordered his flunkies.
"Yes Captain Buggy!" the idiots saluted and readied themselves.
"Finally, I shall have my revenge! No one disrespects the great Captain Buggy and gets away with it!" he exclaimed dramatically.
"Aye!" were the answering shouts.
"What was that?" Don Krieg asked as they were walking through the streets. One member jumped up onto the roof of a building and pulled out a telescope.
"It appears that a pirate crew attacked the Buggy Pirates," he answered.
"Buggy? Hn, they're a bunch of weaklings," Krieg said scornfully. After their humiliating defeat on the Grand Line, it was satisfying to see another East Blue pirate suffer defeat as well.
"Yeah!" his subordinates were mindless idiots who only agreed with their captain, but that's how he liked them.
"Who attacked Buggy?"
"I don't know. I've never seen that flag before. It's a Jolly Roger wearing a straw-hat," the Krieg Pirate said in confusion. Gin couldn't help but gasp as he knew exactly who they were. No other crew was that bold and had a straw-hat as their flag. Don Krieg had noticed his moment of shock.
"Why Gin… do you know them?" his voice was suspicious. Nobody keeps a secret from him, especially nobody from his own crew.
"No, not really," Gin tried to deflect. He didn't want to lie to his Captain, but he owed Sanji and his crew a lot. He didn't want to betray them, but just talking about them didn't really count as betrayal, right? It couldn't make much of a difference, right?
"Don't lie to me! You know what I do to people who lie to me!" Krieg growled in anger.
"Th-they're the Straw-Hat pirates," he finally admitted reluctantly.
"The crew whose combined bounty recently became 100'000'000 beli?" a crewmember yelled in shock.
"Really?" Krieg was getting interested. A plan was forming inside his head. "How exactly do you know them Gin?"
"They helped me after I was caught by the marines. I owe them my life," he admitted truthfully, hoping that it would appease his captains' bloodlust.
"Hmm, we can work with that. They trust you, right?" Krieg asked pointedly. He wouldn't stand for a negative reply.
"I-I guess…" Gin was now very reluctant.
"Well then, here's the plan," Don Krieg now had an evil smirk on his face and Gin gulped in trepidation.
Mihawk was glad that he decided to follow these weak and pathetic pirates to the East Blue. It was getting to be boring in the Grand Line and this was the perfect opportunity to witness something epic. He had no way of knowing that such important people would actually be here, in the weakest sea, although these events may lead to the rumours that was circulating around. Whatever happens it would be worth seeing.
"Are they actually fighting against each other!" Tashigi screeched incredulously. It might be to their advantage, but it was the whole principle of the thing. They were supposed to fight pirates!
"Yes, but the Buggy Pirates are the ones that got hit. The Straw-Hats are absolutely damage free," a marine soldier replied.
"Intercept them before they go inland!" Tashigi ordered and set towards there herself. Unfortunately, she had forgotten her glasses, so she went in a completely different direction. The other marines didn't notice her leave.
"The brat is here," Garp grinned. Finally, he hasn't seen his grandson in a while. He hasn't seen his son even longer and his whole family hasn't been together since Luffy was born, so he was excited.
"Who's here?" Smoker asked in irritation in being ignored. Garp didn't care about the marine at the moment. He didn't want to arrest his family; he just wanted a reunion.
"Whatever you're planning, I hope as hell that you wouldn't destroy anything in my base," Smoker growls. Garp ignores him and leaves. "Where are you going!" Smoker demands.
"For a long overdue reunion," Garp grins and disappears.
"It's time."
"OK, where are we going?"
"The Execution Stand."
Two men covered in cloaks disappear.
Luffy catapults straight towards the Execution stand with no stops in between. He knew exactly who was waiting for him there. The mischievous grin on his face got even brighter. He just had to time it perfectly.
"I want two swords," Zoro told the man in the sword shop. He knew exactly what he wanted and he needed to get it before the action starts. He was never going to miss this.
"Alright, what kind of sword do you want?" the shop owner asked politely.
"This," said Zoro looking into the barrel and feeling for a familiar aura. He will never forget this bloodlust. It had practically called for him ever since he landed on this island for the second time.
"Wh-what! No! You can't! That sword is-" the shop owner tried to dissuade the crazy swordsman.
"Cursed," Zoro answered for him.
"How did you know?"
"I can feel it," he answered immersing himself in the familiar feeling. It was good to hold his sword again. It almost felt like he had a part of his soul back.
"Then you know that it has killed every wielder that owned it," the shop owner warned him almost desperately.
Zoro understood Luffy in this moment. Luffy knew that the last time he lived was probably because of divine intervention. He knew that another situation like that happening was miraculous, especially knowing exactly what kind of people were waiting for him at the Execution Stand. Zoro knew that exactly that reason made Luffy so very excited, the uncertainty, just going head first without looking. Zoro felt the exact same feeling.
"Let's see if it kills me," he then threw the sword up in the air like last time and gambled on his luck.
"NOOO!" the shop owner yelled in shock. He didn't think there was anyone this crazy alive.
The sword spun and fell around and around, missing Zoro's arm by a hairsbreadth and stuck to the ground. Zoro smiled a bloodthirsty grin. The shop owner almost fainted from relief.
"Heh, I'll take it," Zoro said nonchalantly.
"Where the hell did that Straw-Hat bastard go!" Buggy screamed in frustration. Luffy had disappeared in the blink of an eye.
"I don't know Captain!" Mohji screamed nervously.
"I see the sniper of the Straw Hats over there!" a crewmate yelled excitedly. Buggy looked in that direction and saw the long nose boy from the wanted poster. He grinned evilly.
"If Straw-Hat is going to run away, we'll take care of his crewmates first."
"Start with the weakest ones. The girl without the bounty should be first," ordered Krieg to his crewmates.
"Yes, sir!" they all nodded in understanding, readying their weapons towards the girl walking alone, looking pissed.
"Please Captain! I owe these people my life! Could you target someone else? Anyone else!" Gin pleaded desperately.
"How dare you defy me! I am Don Krieg! One more word and I'll gut you myself!" he roared in fury.
"Forgive me my Captain…" Gin didn't know what he should do at all. He wanted to help his saviors but how could he defy his Captain!
"What are you waiting for you good for nothing scumbags! Get to work!"
"Yes, sir!"
Sanji knew that he should be finding Zoro but an unbelievably beautiful woman that he can almost recognize asked for his help. What else was he supposed to do but follow his heart and do its' bidding. Her skin was so flawless that he was mesmerized.
"Sanji dear, could you help me with this?" she asked coyly.
"Of course my dear, anything for you," Sanji giggled perversely. He floated next to her in ecstasy as she had him in the palm of her hands.
"Who is the most beautiful woman in all of the seas?" she asks him with a quirk of her lips. She enjoyed doing this.
"Of course you are the most beautiful woman in the world!" Sanji answered exuberantly. In this moment he had forgotten everything else, or more correctly, he had pushed every thought about the other women in his life. When he was like this, he can pretend that the girl paying attention to him is the only girl there was.
"That's right. Will you do everything I say?" she asked, all of her attention on him.
"Of course I will!" he promised grandly. His head was in a completely different dimension, alongside his rationality. Sanji could picture everything he could do for her, everything he could do with her, everything he could do to her…
Sanji exploded in a nosebleed and passed out in bliss.
"Stop where you are!" yelled a female voice. "You're under arrest you pirate scum!" she shouted, pointing her sword at a pole. Most passersby' sweat dropped and ignored her. It appeared that things like this happened all the time.
"Oh, it's you again," Zoro groaned in annoyance.
"Do you know me?" she asked curiously, pointing her sword in the right direction.
"Whatever, get out of my way," he growled trying to side step her. It would be extremely unfair to fight her at the moment considering their vast difference in skill.
"What! No! I'm arresting you!" she yelled indignantly. How dare he disregard her so completely.
There came a crash from the middle of the town. Zoro knew exactly who was responsible for it.
"I'm needed elsewhere, so would you please get out of my way!" he growled and push her aside and ran towards the execution stand. She almost fell over but found her stand at the last second.
"What! Get back! What the hell was that!" Tashigi yelled and followed after Zoro.
"Would you leave me alone, woman!"
"No! You're a pirate! I'm supposed to arrest you!"
"Go arrest someone else! There are plenty of other pirates around!"
"Not before I get you in cuffs!" their screams echoes throughout the street.
"Why the hell are you attacking me!?" Usopp shouted in fear as he ran through the street. He couldn't believe the Buggys would pick him as their target! They hadn't even met yet!
"Get that bastard!"
"I will flashily destroy you!" were the screams that followed him as Usopp dodged and weaved around the projectiles headed his way. In the background, he could hear Zoro having a shouting match and running away from the marine sword chick, but he didn't have time to find their wandering swordsman. Usopp wasn't just running for his life. He knew that the Buggys weren't all that strong and that he could take them on all by himself, but he didn't want any close range fight. He was sniping them one by one, using his entire arsenal.
"Hi Tori no Boshi!" he called out and attacked with his Firebird star pellet. It was effective enough as in it defeated about four of the Buggy Pirates. It was not advantageous in that it also destroyed some buildings. Usopp would feel guilty about that later.
"How dare you attack us! Come here so I can flashily beat you!" Buggy cried out in anger. Usopp sweat dropped. Why the hell would he go to them just to be beaten? His motto was run away as fast as he can and he would stick to it.
Usopp could feel Buggy trying to attack him again. His Haki could see Buggy's sword hand separating from his body and flying towards him.
"Bara Bara Ho!" Buggy yells and his hand flies towards him.
"Torimochi Boshi!" Usopp cried out and shot his Sticky Star towards Buggy's hand.
Buggy's hand along with his sword gets stuck on the ground. He screams in fury. "You idiots! Get this stuff off of me! And catch that bastard!" he screams, trying to pull his hand free.
"Hah! Take that! No one can beat the almighty Captain Usopp!" he boasted, looking backwards. He knew he was good, but it felt great to see it first hand. Unfortunately it was at that moment that there was a loud crash from the center of the town. He knew exactly what made the noise and he looked towards it, but because of his lack of attention, he tripped.
"Aaaaargh!" he screams falling down on his nose. Just as always, his nose was the thing that got injured first.
"Catch him!" Mohji cries and Richie jumps towards Usopp. The long nosed sniper panics and tries to attack.
"Tokusei Tabasco Boshi!" he yells and shoots pellets of Tabasco sauce into Richie's mouth.
The lion roars in pain. It blows out fire from his mouth and tears run down his eyes like a waterfall.
"RICHIE!" Mohji yells and kneels beside the lion. He strokes his fur and tries to help him. The lion just whimpers in pain.
"How dare you!" Cabaji yells and attacks Usopp. Usopp yells and scoots backward getting up.
"Kyokugi! Kaji Oyaji!" Cabaji yells and breahes fire towards Usopp.
"Aaaaargh!" Usopp yells and avoid the hit barely. "Are you kidding me! Stop attacking me! What did I ever do to you! We haven't even met in this timeline!" he yells and avoids even more hits from the other Buggy Pirates.
"What! That doesn't even make sense!" Buggy yells, "But whatever, I want my revenge against your Captain! He dared humiliate me. No one humiliates Buggy and lives to tell the tale!" Buggy yells, having finally gotten his hand free.
"Bara Bara Senbei!" Buggy attacks with his lower half.
"Why is this happening to me!" Usopp yells and avoids the attack. It turns around and attacks him again from the back. He barely manages to dodge it again but Cabaji attacks him as well.
"Kyoguki! Yukemuri Satsujin Jiken!" the acrobat yells and sneak attacks Usopp. In the middle of both attack, Usopp lies on the ground and make them hit each other.
"Cho Kemuri Boshi!" he yells out and throws a smoke pellet towards the Buggy Pirates. In the commotion and confusion, Usopp runs away towards the Execution Stand where he absolutely knew the main action was going to happen. He didn't actually even want to go there, but he knew that he had to be there.
With tears in his eyes, Usopp runs toward the major catastrophe that was going to happen with a bloodthirsty Pirate crew at his heels.
"This was supposed to be EASY! Why is this happening to me! I want to get out of here! LUFFY!"
"What! Let go of me!" Nami cried out at Gin. "What are you doing? By the way, why are you even here?" her anger turns into confusion at the end.
The Krieg Pirates were surrounding her. The streets were emptying by the second because of the commotions caused by Zoro and Usopp, and the people who noticed the Krieg Pirates were running away as well. Unfortunately, most were running towards the Execution Stand.
"Capture her. We'll lure the others with her as bait and threaten them until they surrender," Krieg said softly, " but first, to make them believe that we mean business, let's rough her up a bit before hand, now shall we," he smirked evilly. The others shrieked in agreement. Gin looked horrified.
"Let me go! You'll regret this!" Nami yelled I vain. Krieg stepped closer towards her, his intention clear.
"Screw this," the navigator muttered to herself and kicks Gin in the crotch. He doubles over in pain and most men looking on winces in sympathy.
She gets out her Clima-Tact before anyone else could react and attacks.
"Cyclone Tempo!" she yells throws her x shaped Clima-tact towards the pirates. It hits everyone and flies back towards her.
"She can fight!"
"Where did she go?" were the mutters the Krieg Pirates asked themselves. Nami herself was long gone by the time they thought to look for her.
"There she is!" the Krieg sniper yelled, pointing towards where she was disappearing. Nami turned her head around, pulled down one of her eye and stuck her tongue out. Then she disappeared around a corner.
"Capture her! I don't care if you maim her or hurt her, just catch her!" Krieg ordered and ran after her. Gin paused for a moment. He didn't know what he should do. It felt like he was caught between a rock and a hard place. He couldn't refuse a direct order from his captain but he couldn't hurt his saviors either.
A loud crash came from the direction of the Execution Stand. Everyone looked on in confusion and Nami sighed in exasperation. She knew exactly what had made the noise.
"Stop!" the flunkies yelled as they chased after her. They pushed and shoved everyone that got in their way, regardless of age and gender. A little old lady cried out as they pushed her aside and she fell on the sidewalk.
Nami paused and looked back. She saw the old lady and her fury rose. She produces Heat Balls and Cool Balls with her Clima-Tact, making a cloud above her. The Krieg Pirates gets closer and closer to her, but she makes more and more balls until there are a lot of clouds above her. Just as they were nearing her she yells out,
"Thunderbolt Tempo!" and attacks all of them with lightning. It isn't as strong as the ones she had in the New World, not even as strong as the ones after Skypiea, but it does its duty and they all go down.
"Hah! Eat that! You really think you can beat me that easily? I can take care of myself," Nami boasted. She helped the old lady up, "Are you alright?" she asks her.
"Oh, thank you my dear," she replies with a smile but her smile drops in a moment, "Oh dear, I think you better run," she warns her. Nami looks back and she could see that Krieg was getting up.
"Better run!" she says quickly and starts to run towards the center of the town. She knew that the Kriegs were running after her.
"I regret everything I said this morning! I want to go back to being bored!" she cries as she disappears from view.
Just as he was floating in bliss, all of his hackles rose, the fog of perversion lifted from his head because he noticed that Nami swan was in danger.
"What's the matter Sanji?" Lady Alvida asks dangerously. She wouldn't allow his attention to stray anywhere away from her.
"I-I have to go away," he stuttered, not knowing how to say goodbye, but having a need to save Nami.
"Go away?" she asks with an arch of her eyebrow, "You're not leaving anywhere," she said finally. Sanji was torn. He didn't know what he was supposed to do.
"I'm sorry. Please accept my apologies, but I have to go," he stammered and stepped backwards. This was one of the hardest thing he did.
"I won't let you!" she snarled and pulled at his tie. Sanji had difficult time breathing.
"Please… I need to go" he gasped as he struggled to breath.
"You won't leave me, now will you?" she asks with a pout.
"Hohohohoho!" Sanji laughs and noodle spins with huge hearts in his eyes. "Alvida-chaaaaan! Of course I won't le-" he stopped because he felt Nami-sans distress. She didn't seem to be hurt, but from what he could feel, multiple people were chasing her.
"Forgive me my beautiful Alvida-chaaaaan!" he begs and runs away as fast as he could.
"Sanji-kun!" she calls to him sweetly.
"Yes, Alvida-chan?" he asks idiotically. She throws her mace as hard as she could at him and he falls down in a spray of blood. She walks towards his fallen body.
"You're never leaving my side," she concludes decisively. Sanji whimpers pathetically in joy and pain.
"Where are you even running to!" Tashigi yells in exasperation. They had passed by that street twice already.
"Quit following me! And it doesn't matter to you now does it!" he growls in annoyance. He could swear he was running towards the Execution Stand. He had to be getting closer.
He could hear a commotion in the direction he was running in. He was almost there. Zoro smiled in relief. Finally!
"ZORO!" Usopp yells in relief. "HELP ME!" he yells and runs past him in the opposite direction. The Buggy Pirates were running after Usopp with fury in their veins.
"Catch that long nose bastard!"
"Don't let him get away!"
"I'll kill you!" were the screams that he heard. They didn't even notice Zoro or the marines that were following him, who had also stopped in shock that the pirates were daring to rampage in their town this carefree.
"Where are you going!" Zoro asked in shock.
"What do you mean where? I'm running towards the Execution Stand! Are you seriously lost again! We can even see it from here!" Usopp yelled in exasperation. He disappeared around a corner the Buggy Pirates following after him.
There was a bit of silence after that.
"Are you really lost?" Tashigi asked in confusion. She couldn't believe anyone was that hopeless.
"Shut up!" Zoro screamed in embarrassment, "I was just trying to lose you," he lied poorly and ran after the direction he thought Usopp had run in.
"You do know that that is still the wrong direction right?" Tashigi had humour in her voice now.
"This is the right direction!" Zoro yelled indignantly. He heard another commotion from the direction he was running towards. "See!" he boasted victoriously.
"ZOROOOOO!" Nami yelled in relief. The Krieg Pirates were following right at her heels.
"Nami!" Zoro looked surprised; maybe she was running in this direction because she saw him?
"Zoro, where are you running towards? I thought we were supposed to go to the Execution Stand?" Nami asked surprised. Zoro stopped in shock. He could swear he was following after Usopp. Maybe Usopp also got lost?
"AAAAARGH! Zoro! Take care of them!" Nami cried as the Krieg Pirates fired on her. Zoro glared at them.
"Ul-Tora Gari!" Zoro says and attacks them. He mutes his power a bit because he didn't want to destroy the town, but regardless, a lot of the Krieg Pirates falls down in a spray of blood.
"Thanks Zoro!" Nami yells and disappears around a corner.
"So, you were lost again, huh?" Tashigi laughs and attacks him.
"Shut up! I'm going the right way now!" he dodges her attack and runs after where he thinks the remaining Kriegs disappeared following Nami.
"That's still the wrong direction," Tashigi singsongs after him, readying another attack. Zoro grits his teeth and runs in another direction.
"Still wrong," Tashigi felt frustration that none of her attacks seem to be doing anything towards the green haired swordsman, but her frustration was slightly abetted by the fact that he was so very incompetent directionally. Her wounded pride was slightly more healed.
"Dammit!" Zoro growls and changes direction again. This one has to be the right one, right?
"Hahaha, you really are hopeless, aren't you?" Tashigi wonders aloud. She attacks again but Zoro dodges without even paying attention.
"Hah! That curly haired cook is there, so I have to be going the right direction!" he crows victoriously. "Oi! Sanji!" he yells.
"Hmmm, marimo?" Sanji wonders in a daze, finding himself faint with the lack of air. Alvida was choking him with his own tie and there was nothing he could do about it. If he was going to do die, at least it was by a beautiful lady.
"What are you doing?!" Zoro asks in shock. That curly eyebrow was actually dying because of his own stupidity. "Cut it out! We need to go to the Execution Stand!" he yells hoping to get him to wake up.
"Alvida-saaaaan," Sanji sighs in ecstasy as his eyes grew dark and his head loll to the side.
"YOU IDIOT!" Zoro yells and tries to attack Alvida. Unfortunately, because of her Devil Fruit powers, the strike rolls right off of her, but fortunately, she lets go of Sanji.
"You… how dare you attack this beautiful lady!" Sanji screams in fury and kicks at Zoro, but because of his air deprivation, the kick turns out to be very weak.
"Are you retarded?! She was killing you!" Zoro really could not believe anyone could be this stupid.
"That doesn't matter! You never hit a lady!" Sanji chides and catches his breath.
"Sanji dear, could you get rid of this annoying piece of trash?" Alvida asks sweetly.
"With pleasure, my love," Sanji noodle dances and goes to attack Zoro.
"Are you kidding me!" Zoro yells and avoids his kick. He knew that Sanji probably should be at the Execution Stand with the rest of his crew and he definitely wasn't going to be there if he was stuck with this woman. He knew with absolute certainty that Sanji was never going to beat her, so it was up to him. What did Luffy say? We were all good at something and bad at others; it was up to our crewmates to help in our deficiencies? He said something like that (but more Luffyesquely).
"Gyuki Yuzume!" Zoro tries to attack Alvida again. The attack also slides off.
"Haha, you've noticed haven't you? The name of my Devil Fruit is the Sube Sube no mi! There is no attack that can leave a wound on my beautiful skin anymore!" she boasted arrogantly. The bystanders watching notice her skin.
"Her skin is sooo flawless!"
"She's sooo beautiful!"
"Heh, so it's a Devil Fruit, huh?" Zoro smirks evilly, "As long as I use Haki, there's nothing to worry about."
"What? Haki?" she asks confused.
Zoro's sword turns black and his grin turns bloody. Sanji looks in horror as Zoro readies himself for his next move. Tashigi and the marines try to intercept him.
"Oni Giri!" he growls out and strikes. Alvida looks shocked as a mighty wind blows past her. Her legs buckle beneath her and she falls to her knees. Her clothes rip in precise patterns.
"Wha-what did you do?" she asks in a faint voice.
"I didn't kill you," Zoro answers monotonously, "I didn't even hurt you."
Shaken only by the overwhelming fear she felt in the moment the swordsman looked her right in the eyes as he was rushing towards her, she passes out.
The onlookers looked both confused and freaked out at the same time.
"Wh-what just happened?" the marines ask Tashigi.
"Why didn't you strike her?" Tashigi asks Zoro crossly. If he did it because she was a woman, Tashigi would be pissed.
"That doesn't matter to you," Zoro answers disinterestedly.
"If it's bec-" Tashigi begins to yell but gets cut off by Sanji.
"How dare you scare a beautiful woman like that!" he screams in fury and before Zoro could scream back at him, Sanji kicks Zoro hard towards the sky. Zoro disappears from view.
The marines look on in shock.
"W-why did you do that?" a marine asks in confusion. Sanji lights up a cigarette and smirks.
"Unless I did that, it would have taken an eternity until the directionally challenged marimo made his way to the Execution stand," he replies and jump-flies up into the sky after his crewmate.
The marines and Tashigi looked on in confused awe as they disappear.
AN: Hope you liked this chapter. I was stuck on this for almost a year. The next chapter would be the last part of the East Blue Saga and I'm sorry that it might also take a while.